  *  Add a property value to an existing property if it exists
  *  @access protected
  *  @param  string  $name           The name of the property to which to add the value
  *  @param  string  $value          The value to add to the property
  *  @param  bool    $match_param    If multiple properties with the name are present, we don't know for sure to which to add the new value
  *                                  If set to true, the function will check for matching parameters when selecting the property to which to add
 protected function addPropertyValue($name, $value, $match_param = null)
     require_once 'File/iCal/Property.php';
     if (in_array($name, $this->_properties_possible)) {
         $pn = File_iCal_Property::getClassName($name);
         if (in_array($name, $this->_properties_single)) {
             foreach ($this->_properties as $p) {
                 if (is_a($p, $pn)) {
                     return $p->addValue($value);
         } else {
             if (in_array($name, $this->_properties_multiple)) {
                 foreach ($this->_properties as $p) {
                     if (is_a($p, $pn)) {
                         //match the $match_param here
                         //ignore for now
                         return $p->addValue($value);
     } else {
         trigger_error("The property {$name} is not allowed for component " . $this->_name, E_USER_WARNING);