function saveChanges() { global $CONFIG; $_REQUEST->setType('uncompress', 'any'); if (isset($_FILES['uFiles']) && $this->may($USER, EDIT)) { $u = false; $ue = false; $extensions = $CONFIG->Files->filter; foreach ($_FILES['uFiles']['error'] as $i => $e) { $parts = explode('.', $_FILES['uFiles']['name'][$i]); $extension = array_pop($parts); if ($e == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { continue; } $newPath = $this->that->path . '/' . $_FILES['uFiles']['name'][$i]; if ($e == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { if ($_REQUEST['uncompress'] && in_array(strtolower(strrchr($_FILES['uFiles']['name'][$i], '.')), array('.tar', '.gz', '.tgz', '.bz2', '.tbz', '.zip', '.ar', '.deb'))) { $tmpfile = $_FILES['uFiles']['tmp_name'][$i] . $_FILES['uFiles']['name'][$i]; rename($_FILES['uFiles']['tmp_name'][$i], $tmpfile); $u = true; require_once "File/Archive.php"; error_reporting(E_ALL); $curdir = getcwd(); chdir($this->path); //FIXME: FIXME! if (@File_Archive::extract(File_Archive::filter(File_Archive::predExtension($extensions), File_Archive::read($tmpfile . '/*')), File_Archive::toFiles()) == null) { $ue = true; } else { Flash::queue(__('Extraction failed')); } chdir($curdir); } elseif (!in_array(strtolower($extension), $extensions)) { Flash::queue(__('Invalid format:') . ' ' . $_FILES['uFiles']['name'][$i], 'warning'); continue; } else { $u = (bool) @move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uFiles']['tmp_name'][$i], $newPath); } } if (!$u) { Flash::queue(__('Upload of file') . ' "' . $_FILES['uFiles']['name'][$i] . '" ' . __('failed') . ' (' . ($e ? $e : __('Check permissions')) . ')', 'warning'); } } if ($u) { $this->loadStructure(true); Flash::queue(__('Your file(s) were uploaded')); return true; } if ($ue) { $this->loadStructure(true); Flash::queue(__('Your file(s) were uploaded and extracted')); return true; } return false; } }
function testExtension() { $source = File_Archive::read('test.php'); $source->next(); $predicate = File_Archive::predExtension(array('php', 'txt')); $this->assertTrue($predicate->isTrue($source)); $predicate = File_Archive::predExtension('txt'); $this->assertFalse($predicate->isTrue($source)); }