Exemple #1
 public function run()
     foreach (FileHandler::get_data('Recipe') as $r) {
         $r->reagents = array();
         $this->recipes[$r->id] = $r;
         $this->item_to_recipe[$r->item_id][] = $r->id;
         foreach ($r->extra->reagents as $item_id => $amount) {
             $this->recipes[$r->id]->reagents[] = (object) array('item_id' => $item_id, 'amount' => $amount);
     foreach ($this->recipes as $r) {
         $this->recursive($r, $r->level, $r->classjob, $r->yields);
     list($careers, $career_job) = $this->compile();
     FileHandler::save('careers', $careers);
     FileHandler::save('career_classjob', $career_job);
Exemple #2
 public function run()
     // Relevant XIVDB files
     $locations = json_decode(file_get_contents(FileHandler::path() . 'locations.json'));
     $gn = json_decode(file_get_contents(FileHandler::path() . 'gathering_nodes.json'));
     $gni = json_decode(file_get_contents(FileHandler::path() . 'gathering_node_item.json'));
     // Relevant Libra files
     $maps = json_decode(file_get_contents(FileHandler::path() . 'maps.json'));
     $placenames = FileHandler::get_data('PlaceName');
     // We want Placenames to be the "system of record", so we're making everything else conform
     // Let's link up our PlaceName and locations.json
     $location_to_placename = [];
     foreach ($locations as $l) {
         foreach ($placenames as $p) {
             if (strtolower($l->name) == strtolower($p->name->en)) {
                 $location_to_placename[$l->id] = $p->id;
                 continue 2;
     // And we need to link up PlaceName to Map ID
     $map_to_placename = [];
     // Some weren't found, but they were inconsequential
     foreach ($maps as $id => $regions) {
         foreach ($regions as $region) {
             foreach ($placenames as $p) {
                 if (strtolower($region->REGION) == strtolower($p->name->en)) {
                     $map_to_placename[$id] = $p->id;
                     continue 3;
     // Regions have Clusters
     // Clusters have Nodes
     // Clusters have Items
     // - Nodes semantically have Items, but they're all the same in a Cluster
     $clusters = $icons = [];
     $action_list = array('Logging' => 'mature tree', 'Harvesting' => 'lush vegetation', 'Quarrying' => 'rocky outcrop', 'Mining' => 'mineral deposit');
     // $gn defines out clusters
     foreach ($gn as $cluster) {
         $cluster->placename_id = $location_to_placename[$cluster->location_id];
         // Figure out the cluster nodes
         $cluster->icon = '';
         $cluster->nodes = [];
         foreach ($maps->{$cluster->placename_id} as $map_id => $section) {
             if (!is_array($section->{substr($cluster->class, 0, 1) . 'POINT'})) {
             foreach ($section->{substr($cluster->class, 0, 1) . 'POINT'} as $node) {
                 if ($node->description == '') {
                 if (preg_match('/bugged/', $node->description)) {
                 // Get the type and level
                 preg_match('/^lv(\\.?\\s?)?(\\d+)\\b(.*)$/', strtolower($node->description), $matches);
                 if (count($matches) != 4) {
                     // handle special cases
                     // Description may be junk, but it'll be kicked out later
                     $type = $node->description;
                     $level = 50;
                 } else {
                     list($ignore, $ignore, $level, $type) = $matches;
                 // Compare Levels
                 if ($level != $cluster->level) {
                 $type = trim(ltrim($type, ' -'));
                 // Tie Action to Type
                 // Rule out bad apples, nonmatching types
                 $continue = true;
                 foreach ($action_list as $a => $t) {
                     if ($cluster->action == $a && preg_match('/' . $t . '/', $type)) {
                         $continue = false;
                 if ($continue) {
                 // We've passed all tests, this node point belongs to this cluster
                 // $icons[] = $node->iconUrl;
                 $cluster->icon = preg_replace('/^.*\\/(\\d+\\.png)$/', '$1', $node->iconUrl);
                 $cluster->nodes[] = array('id' => $node->id, 'description' => ucwords($type), 'x' => number_format($node->locX, 4, '.', ','), 'y' => number_format($node->locY, 4, '.', ','));
         // Find out the "center" of the nodes, and the radius
         $xs = $ys = [];
         $radius = $center_x = $center_y = 0;
         foreach ($cluster->nodes as $n) {
             $xs[] = $n['x'];
             $ys[] = $n['y'];
         // sort($xs);
         // sort($ys);
         $cluster->center_x = count($xs) ? number_format(array_sum($xs) / count($xs), 4, '.', ',') : 0;
         $cluster->center_y = count($ys) ? number_format(array_sum($ys) / count($ys), 4, '.', ',') : 0;
         // var_dump(
         // 	abs(max($xs)) - abs($center_x),
         // 	$center_x,
         // 	abs(min($xs)) - abs($center_x),
         // 	abs(max($ys)) - abs($center_y),
         // 	$center_y,
         // 	abs(min($ys)) - abs($center_y)
         // );
         // $radius = max(
         // 		// Max between x and y
         // 		max(abs(max($xs)) - abs($center_x), abs(min($xs)) - abs($center_x)),
         // 		max(abs(max($ys)) - abs($center_y), abs(min($ys)) - abs($center_y))
         // 	);
         // var_dump($xs, $ys, $center_x, $center_y, $radius);
         // exit;
         // Figure out the cluster items
         $cluster->items = [];
         foreach ($gni as $ni) {
             if ($ni->gathering_node_id == $cluster->id) {
                 $cluster->items[] = $ni->item_id;
         $cluster->items = array_unique($cluster->items);
         unset($cluster->area_id, $cluster->location_id);
         $clusters[] = $cluster;
     // Test code to make sure I have available icons
     // $icons = array_unique($icons);
     // foreach ($icons as $icon)
     // 	echo '<img src="http://xivdbimg.zamimg.com/' . $icon . '">';
     // Now put all these in flat TSV's, easy for importing
     // Manual Class to classjob_id translations (as it relates to app_data.sqlite)
     $MIN = 16;
     $BTN = 17;
     $cluster_items_id = 1;
     $flat_clusters = $flat_cluster_nodes = $flat_cluster_items = [];
     foreach ($clusters as $cluster) {
         // Decided "action" was pointless
         // id, placename_id, classjob_id, level, icon, x, y
         $flat_clusters[] = implode("\t", array($cluster->id, $cluster->placename_id, ${$cluster->class}, $cluster->level, $cluster->icon, $cluster->center_x, $cluster->center_y));
         foreach ($cluster->nodes as $node) {
             // id, cluster_id, description, x, y
             $flat_cluster_nodes[] = implode("\t", array($node['id'], $cluster->id, $node['description'], $node['x'], $node['y']));
         foreach ($cluster->items as $item_id) {
             // id, cluster_id, item_id
             $flat_cluster_items[] = implode("\t", array($cluster_items_id++, $cluster->id, $item_id));
     // NOTICE
     // Manual Overriding!
     // Patch 2.1
     // Miner
     // Marble / Fine Sand / Potter's Clay / Limestone / Granite
     // Marble
     $flat_clusters[] = "7010\t1\t{$MIN}\t\t\t\t";
     $flat_cluster_items[] = $cluster_items_id++ . "\t7010\t7010";
     // Fine Sand
     $flat_clusters[] = "5267\t1\t{$MIN}\t\t\t\t";
     $flat_cluster_items[] = $cluster_items_id++ . "\t5267\t5267";
     // Potter's Clay
     $flat_clusters[] = "5513\t1\t{$MIN}\t\t\t\t";
     $flat_cluster_items[] = $cluster_items_id++ . "\t5513\t5513";
     // Limestone
     $flat_clusters[] = "5230\t1\t{$MIN}\t\t\t\t";
     $flat_cluster_items[] = $cluster_items_id++ . "\t5230\t5230";
     // Granite
     $flat_clusters[] = "7008\t1\t{$MIN}\t\t\t\t";
     $flat_cluster_items[] = $cluster_items_id++ . "\t7008\t7008";
     // Botanist
     // Humus / Bloodgrass / Maiden Grass / Island Seedling / Shroud Seedling / Desert Seedling
     // Humus
     $flat_clusters[] = "5514\t1\t{$BTN}\t\t\t\t";
     $flat_cluster_items[] = $cluster_items_id++ . "\t5514\t5514";
     // Bloodgrass
     $flat_clusters[] = "7011\t1\t{$BTN}\t\t\t\t";
     $flat_cluster_items[] = $cluster_items_id++ . "\t7011\t7011";
     // Maiden Grass
     $flat_clusters[] = "7012\t1\t{$BTN}\t\t\t\t";
     $flat_cluster_items[] = $cluster_items_id++ . "\t7012\t7012";
     // Island Seedling
     $flat_clusters[] = "7029\t1\t{$BTN}\t\t\t\t";
     $flat_cluster_items[] = $cluster_items_id++ . "\t7029\t7029";
     // Shroud Seedling
     $flat_clusters[] = "7030\t1\t{$BTN}\t\t\t\t";
     $flat_cluster_items[] = $cluster_items_id++ . "\t7030\t7030";
     // Desert Seedling
     $flat_clusters[] = "7031\t1\t{$BTN}\t\t\t\t";
     $flat_cluster_items[] = $cluster_items_id++ . "\t7031\t7031";
     file_put_contents(FileHandler::path() . 'clusters.tsv', implode("\n", $flat_clusters));
     file_put_contents(FileHandler::path() . 'cluster_nodes.tsv', implode("\n", $flat_cluster_nodes));
     file_put_contents(FileHandler::path() . 'cluster_items.tsv', implode("\n", $flat_cluster_items));