Exemple #1
  * Will return the <html><head><base href=''> container. This method is used by core developers to add the specific container and
  * <base href=''> tags to the start of the header section of our generated DOM;
  * @return S Will return the header container for the current page
  * @author Catalin Z. Alexandru <*****@*****.**>
  * @copyright Under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3
  * @version $Id: 10_TPL.php 315 2009-10-11 07:11:31Z catalin.zamfir $
  * @since Version 1.0
  * @access private
  * @static
  * @final
 private static final function getHTMLHeadContainer()
     // Return the <HTML><head> container;
     $containerHTMLHead = new FileContent(FORM_TP_DIR . _S . 'frm_web_html_head_container.tp');
     return $containerHTMLHead->doToken('[%BASE_HREF_URL%]', DOCUMENT_HOST);
Exemple #2
  * Will return the string made by parsing a .tp file, and replacing tokens. This method wil actually replace the tokens in the 
  * framework error-screen template file. This will help us output debugged code to the developer so we can help him quickly find
  * the error he was looking for;
  * @param A (native) $debugArray The debug array to be parsed
  * @return S (native) The array, parsed as an error screen string
  * @author Catalin Z. Alexandru <*****@*****.**>
  * @copyright Under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3
  * @version $Id: 08_ERR.php 313 2009-10-09 13:27:52Z catalin.zamfir $
  * @since Version 1.0
  * @access private
  * @static
 private static function getDebugBacktrace($debugArray)
     # Set the errorString, to be returned;
     $errorString = _NONE;
     foreach ($debugArray as $k => $v) {
         # Declare some __CODE__ variables;
         $codeFile = _NONE;
         $codeLine = 0;
         $debugContent = new FileContent(FORM_TP_DIR . _S . 'frm_error_debug.tp');
         if (isset($debugArray[$k]['file'])) {
             # Replace [%FILE%] with the one given in the backtrace;
             $debugContent->doToken('[%FILE%]', $codeFile = str_replace(DOCUMENT_ROOT, _NONE, $debugArray[$k]['file']));
         } else {
             # Else, determine the current __FILE__, and output something;
             $debugContent->doToken('[%FILE%]', $codeFile = str_replace(DOCUMENT_ROOT, _NONE, __FILE__));
         if (isset($debugArray[$k]['line'])) {
             # Replace [%LINE%] with the one given in the backtrace;
             $debugContent->doToken('[%LINE%]', $codeLine = $debugArray[$k]['line']);
         } else {
             # Set it to LINE: 20, almost near the declaration of our classes;
             $debugContent->doToken('[%LINE%]', $codeLine = 20);
         if (isset($debugArray[$k]['class'])) {
             # Replace [%CLASS%] with the one in the backtrace;
             $debugContent->doToken('[%CLASS%]', $debugArray[$k]['class']);
         } else {
             # Set it to [no __CLASS__] ...
             $debugContent->doToken('[%CLASS%]', '[no __CLASS__]');
         if (isset($debugArray[$k]['function'])) {
             $debugContent->doToken('[%METHOD%]', $debugArray[$k]['function']);
         } else {
             $debugContent->doToken('[%METHOD%]', '[no __METHOD__]');
         # Replace [%CODE%] from error file;
         $debugContent->doToken('[%CODE%]', self::getDebugCode(new S($codeFile), new I($codeLine)));
         $debugContent->doToken('[%ID%]', $k);
         $errorString .= $debugContent;
     # After the foreach, return the concatenated error screen;
     return $errorString;
Exemple #3
  * Will execute necessary SQL operations on the current form ...
  * This method, setSQLOperationsOnForm, you don't need to know the internal workings of it. This is because, as you can see
  * it is a private method, and thus, it's used internally by the class, to achieve it's goals of execution. Just pass on
  * and read any other 'public' or 'protected' method out there ...
  * @param array $inputAttributes The core attributes (found in every HTML element) that can be set;
  * @param string $tp The path to the .tp file where to set those variables;
 private static function setCoreInputAttributes(A $inputAttributes, &$tp)
     $coreSetAttributes = new A();
     foreach ($inputAttributes as $k => $v) {
         switch ($k) {
             case 'reg_javascript_replace':
                 // On Key Pressed ...
                 $jssTpPath = new FileContent(FORM_TP_DIR . _S . JAVASCRIPT_DIR . _S . 'checkKeyEvent.js');
                 $coreSetAttributes['onkeypress'] = $jssTpPath->doToken('[%REPLACE_VALUE_EVENT%]', $v);
                 // On Lost Focus  ...
                 $jssTpPath = new FileContent(FORM_TP_DIR . _S . JAVASCRIPT_DIR . _S . 'checkKeyEventRegExp.js');
                 $coreSetAttributes['onblur'] = $jssTpPath->doToken('[%REGEXP_REPLACE_JS%]', $v);
                 self::manageJSS(new FilePath(FORM_TP_DIR . _WS . JAVASCRIPT_DIR . _WS . 'checkKey.js'), new S('RA_checkKey'));
                 $coreSetAttributes[$k] = $v;
     self::tpSet($coreSetAttributes, new S('coreSetAttributes'), $tp, new S('explode'));