Exemple #1
  * Override this method to take certain actions before the data is saved
  * @uses  System::mkdir
  * @uses  Upload::save
  * @uses  Debug::path
  * @uses  File::getUnique
 protected function before_save()
     if (isset($_FILES['image']['name']) and !empty($_FILES['image']['name'])) {
         // create directory if not
         // delete previous image if exists, to cleanup stale images
         // generate a unique filename to avoid conflicts
         $filename = File::getUnique($_FILES['image']['name']);
         if ($file = Upload::save($_FILES['image'], $filename, $this->_image_path)) {
             $this->image = $filename;
Exemple #2
  * Picture validation for image upload
  * @param   array   $file        $_FILES item
  * @param   string  $upload_dir  Relative upload dir [Optional]
  * Example:
  * ~~~
  * $filepath = Upload::uploadImage($_FILES);
  * ~~~
  * @since   1.2.0
  * @return  NULL|string          NULL when filed, otherwise file path
  * @uses    System::mkdir
  * @uses    Message::error
  * @uses    Log::error
  * @uses    Upload::valid
  * @uses    Upload::save
  * @uses    Config::get
  * @uses    File::getUnique
 public static function uploadImage($file, $upload_dir = NULL)
     if (is_null($upload_dir)) {
         $upload_dir = Config::get('media.upload_dir', 'media/pictures');
     $picture_path = APPPATH . $upload_dir;
     $valid_formats = Config::get('media.supported_image_formats', array('jpg', 'gif', 'png'));
     $save = TRUE;
     if (!is_dir($picture_path)) {
         if (!System::mkdir($picture_path)) {
             Message::error(__('Failed to create directory %dir for uploading picture.'));
             Log::error('Failed to create directory :dir for uploading picture.', array(':dir' => $picture_path));
             $save = FALSE;
     // Check if there is an uploaded file and valid type
     if ($save and self::valid($file) and self::type($file, $valid_formats) and self::size($file, self::getUploadMaxFilesize())) {
         $filename = File::getUnique($file['name']) . '.' . pathinfo($file['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
         $path = self::save($file, $filename, $picture_path);
         if ($path) {
             return $upload_dir . DS . $filename;
     return NULL;