private function getUserData()
     $users = array();
     // Open up the users folder and loop through all the .user files
     foreach (scandir('config/users') as $file) {
         if (File::fileExtension($file) == "user") {
             // Extract the user information from the file into a useful format
             $userInfo = User::getUserInfo(File::fileName($file));
             // Stuff the record into the result array
             $users[] = $userInfo;
     return $users;
Exemple #2
 private function _formatContent()
     global $C;
     $lf = $this->_lf;
     if ($this->_lastContent != $this->content && $this->_formattedContent != $this->content || $this->forceReformatContent) {
         $this->forceReformatContent = false;
         $this->_boundary = "_=======" . @date('YmdHms') . time() . "=======_";
         $this->_lastContent = $this->content;
         $c = $this->content;
         $cImgs = "";
         $formattedContent = "";
         //Get server from 'from' e-mail for imgs cids. eg:
         $arr = explode("@", $this->_from[0]);
         $server = $arr[1];
         if ($this->attachImages) {
             //Find: <img... src=""...> and <... url() ...>
             $c = $this->content;
             $i = 0;
             $imgs = array();
             while (preg_match('#<img(.+?)' . preg_quote("src", '/') . '(.+?)>|<(.+?)' . preg_quote("background=", '/') . '(.+?)>#i', $c, $m) && $i < 150) {
                 if (strpos($m[0], "background=") > 0) {
                     $imgs[] = array($m[0], str_replace(array("'", "\""), "", $m[4]));
                     $pos = strpos($c, $m[0]) + strlen($m[0]);
                 } else {
                     $p2 = (int) strpos($m[2], '"', 2);
                     $p1 = (int) strpos($m[2], "'", 2);
                     if ($p1 == 0) {
                         $p1 = $p2;
                     $imgs[] = array($m[0], substr($m[2], 2, $p1 - 2));
                     $pos = strpos($c, $m[0]) + strlen($m[0]);
                 $c = substr($c, $pos);
             //Replace imgs urls to imgs cids and generate contents.
             $c = $this->content;
             $imgTags = array();
             $imgFiles = array();
             $allowedExtensions = array("jpg", "gif", "png");
             foreach ($imgs as $v) {
                 $tag = $v[0];
                 $path = $v[1];
                 if (array_search(File::extension($path), $allowedExtensions) !== false && array_search($tag, $imgTags) === false) {
                     $fileName = File::fileName($path);
                     $id = "IMG_" . str_replace(array("." . $ext, " "), "", $fileName) . "@" . $server;
                     $img = str_replace($path, "cid:" . $id, $tag);
                     if (strpos($c, $tag) !== false) {
                         $imgTags[] = $tag;
                         if (strpos($img, "moz-do-not-send=\"false\"") == false && strpos($img, "<img") !== false) {
                             $img = substr($img, 0, strlen($img) - 1) . " moz-do-not-send=\"false\">";
                         } elseif (strpos($img, "url(") !== false) {
                         $c = str_replace($tag, $img, $c);
                         if (array_search($path, $imgFiles) === false) {
                             $imgFiles[] = $path;
                             $cImgs .= "--" . $this->_boundary . $lf;
                             $mime = File::mime($ext);
                             $cImgs .= "Content-type: " . $mime . "; name=\"" . $fileName . "\"" . $lf;
                             $cImgs .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . $lf;
                             $cImgs .= "Content-ID: <" . $id . ">" . $lf . $lf;
                             $cImgs .= chunk_split(base64_encode($file->readFile($v[1]))) . $lf . $lf;
         //Text plain content
         /*$formattedContent = "--" . $this->_boundary . "\n";
         		$formattedContent .= "Content-Type: text/plan; charset=iso-8859-1\n\n";
         		$formattedContent .= strip_tags(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n\r", "\n", "<br>"), array("", "", "", "\n"), str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br />"), "<br>", substr($c, (int)strpos($c, "<body"))))) . "\n";*/
         //echo $c;
         //Html content
         if ($cImgs != "") {
             $formattedContent .= "--" . $this->_boundary . $lf;
             $formattedContent .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8" . $lf . $lf;
             $formattedContent .= $c . $lf . $lf;
         } else {
             $formattedContent = $c;
         //Images contents
         if ($cImgs != "") {
             $formattedContent .= $cImgs;
             $formattedContent .= "--" . $this->_boundary . "--" . $lf;
         $this->_formattedContent = $formattedContent;
Exemple #3
        // Try to resolve the alias myself.
        if (!$file->read($file->meta['original'], 0)) {
if (@$_REQUEST['size'] > 0) {
    $max = $_REQUEST['size'];
} elseif ($GLOBALS['pie']['max_image_size']) {
    $max = intval($GLOBALS['pie']['max_image_size']);
} else {
    $max = 256;
// Determine image file type.
$type = $file->meta['type'];
$name = $file->fileName($file->name, 0);
if (!file_exists($name)) {
if ((list($ow, $oh) = getimagesize($name, $_REQUEST['stamp'])) === false) {
if ($ow <= $max && $oh <= $max) {
    dumpFile($name, $type);
// Check the cache for the thumbnail image.
if ($GLOBALS['pie']['image_caching']) {
    $cache = new Cache();
    $cid = $cache->key('image', array('file' => $_REQUEST['file']));
    $path = $cache->file($cid);
} else {
Exemple #4
 public function save($value)
     $flag = $this->module->flag;
     $path = File::formatDir($this->path);
     $destPath = static::storagePath() . File::formatDir($this->path);
     if (!is_writable($destPath)) {
         return Response::json(array("error" => true, "error_description" => "Directory '" . $destPath . "' is not writtable."));
     $files = json_decode(Session::get($this->sessionKey), true);
     if ($flag == "U" || $flag == "D") {
         $oldFiles = $this->module->orm->field($this->name);
         if (!is_array(@json_decode($oldFiles, true))) {
             $oldFiles = json_encode(array());
         $oldFiles = json_decode($oldFiles, true);
         if ($flag == "U") {
             //Delete files that are on our table but not on our session list
             foreach ($oldFiles as $oldFile) {
                 $found = false;
                 foreach ($files as $file) {
                     if (!array_key_exists("_tmpName", $file) && current($oldFile) == current($file)) {
                         $found = true;
                 if (!$found) {
                     foreach ($oldFile as $sample) {
                         File::delete(static::storagePath() . $sample);
         } else {
             if ($flag == "D") {
                 //Delete all files
                 foreach ($oldFiles as $oldFile) {
                     foreach ($oldFile as $sample) {
                         File::delete(static::storagePath() . $sample);
                 if (count(File::lsdir($destPath)) == 0) {
     if ($flag == "C" || $flag == "U") {
         //Copy tmp files to it's target place and save
         foreach ($files as $k => $file) {
             if (array_key_exists("_tmpName", $file)) {
                 $samples = array();
                 $im = new Image();
                 $i = 0;
                 $tmpPath = static::tmpPath() . $file["_tmpName"];
                 foreach ($this->samples as $k2 => $sample) {
                     //if ($k2 == 0)
                     if (!array_key_exists("width", $sample)) {
                         $sample["width"] = 0;
                     if (!array_key_exists("height", $sample)) {
                         $sample["height"] = 0;
                     if ($sample["width"] != 0 || $sample["height"] != 0) {
                         $im->resize($sample["width"], $sample["height"], $sample["resizeMethod"], $sample["background"]);
                     if ($this->customFilters) {
                         foreach ($this->customFilters as $filter) {
                             call_user_func($filter, $im);
                     $fileName = $file["_name"];
                     if ($sample["key"] != "original") {
                         $fileName = File::removeExtension($file["_name"]) . "-" . $sample["key"] . "." . File::extension($file["_name"]);
                     $unique = static::unique($destPath . $fileName);
                     $samples[$sample["key"]] = $path . File::fileName($unique);
                     $samples["caption"] = array_key_exists('caption', $file) ? $file['caption'] : "";
                 $files[$k] = $samples;
         $this->module->orm->setField($this->name, json_encode($files));
Exemple #5
 public function save($value)
     $flag = $this->module->flag;
     $path = File::formatDir($this->path);
     $destPath = static::storagePath() . File::formatDir($this->path);
     if (!is_writable($destPath)) {
         return Response::json(array("error" => true, "error_description" => "Directory '" . $destPath . "' is not writtable."));
     $files = json_decode(Session::get($this->sessionKey), true);
     if ($flag == "U" || $flag == "D") {
         $oldFiles = $this->module->orm->field($this->name);
         if (!is_array(@json_decode($oldFiles, true))) {
             $oldFiles = json_encode(array());
         $oldFiles = json_decode($oldFiles, true);
         if ($flag == "U") {
             //Delete files that are on our table but not on our session list
             foreach ($oldFiles as $oldFile) {
                 $found = false;
                 foreach ($files as $file) {
                     if (!array_key_exists("_tmpName", $file) && $oldFile["path"] == $file["path"]) {
                         $found = true;
                 if (!$found) {
                     File::delete(static::storagePath() . $oldFile["path"]);
         } else {
             if ($flag == "D") {
                 //Delete all files
                 foreach ($oldFiles as $oldFile) {
                     File::delete(static::storagePath() . $oldFile["path"]);
                 if (count(File::lsdir($destPath)) == 0) {
     if ($flag == "C" || $flag == "U") {
         //Copy tmp files to it's target place and save
         foreach ($files as $k => $file) {
             if (array_key_exists("_tmpName", $file)) {
                 $unique = static::unique($destPath . $file["_name"]);
                 File::move(static::tmpPath() . $file["_tmpName"], $unique);
                 $files[$k] = array("path" => $path . File::fileName($unique), "caption" => array_key_exists('caption', $file) ? $file['caption'] : "");
         $this->module->orm->setField($this->name, json_encode($files));
Exemple #6
 private function getUnpublished()
     $path = File::getUserSandboxPath();
     $unpublished = array();
     // Loop through all the .html files in the published folder
     foreach (scandir($path) as $file) {
         // We only want to show the files that the user can edit (html files)
         if (File::fileExtension($file) == "html") {
             $unpublished[] = array("name" => urlencode(File::fileName($file)), "path" => $path . $file);
     return $unpublished;
 public function get()
     // if editing existing page, load from file
     $fileData = '';
     $currentPageName = $this->pageState['page'];
     // Determine if this page is already published
     $isPublished = false;
     if ($this->pageState['publish'] == '1') {
         $isPublished = true;
     $this->view->isPublished = $isPublished;
     // Get the current page's contents
     if ($currentPageName != '') {
         if ($isPublished) {
             $fileData = file_get_contents(File::getUserSandboxPath() . $currentPageName . '.published');
         } else {
             $fileData = file_get_contents(File::getUserSandboxPath() . $currentPageName . '.html');
     $this->view->fileData = $fileData;
     // Load up page metadata (if it exists)
     // Load up existing page metadata information (if it exists)
     $pageTitle = '';
     $pageDescription = '';
     $pageKeywords = '';
     $handle = @fopen(File::getUserSandboxPath() . $currentPageName . '.config', "r");
     if ($handle) {
         // Read the title
         if (!feof($handle)) {
             $a = explode("|", fgets($handle));
             $pageTitle = trim($a[1]);
         // Read the description
         if (!feof($handle)) {
             $a = explode("|", fgets($handle));
             $pageDescription = trim($a[1]);
         // Read the keywords
         if (!feof($handle)) {
             $a = explode("|", fgets($handle));
             $pageKeywords = trim($a[1]);
     // Add to page state
     $this->view->pageState['pageTitle'] = $pageTitle;
     $this->view->pageState['pageDescription'] = $pageDescription;
     $this->view->pageState['pageKeywords'] = $pageKeywords;
     // Assemble a list of pages in the current folder (we hand this to editor control
     $pageList = array();
     $path = File::getUserSandboxPath();
     foreach (scandir($path) as $file) {
         // We only want to include the user files
         if (File::fileExtension($file) == "html" || File::fileExtension($file) == "published") {
             $pageList[] = File::fileName($file);
     $this->view->pageList = $pageList;
     // Render the view