  * Describe (as a text string) the modifications corresponding to this change
 public function GetDescription()
     $sResult = '';
     $oTargetObjectClass = $this->Get('objclass');
     $oTargetObjectKey = $this->Get('objkey');
     $oTargetSearch = new DBObjectSearch($oTargetObjectClass);
     $oTargetSearch->AddCondition('id', $oTargetObjectKey, '=');
     $oMonoObjectSet = new DBObjectSet($oTargetSearch);
     if (UserRights::IsActionAllowedOnAttribute($this->Get('objclass'), $this->Get('attcode'), UR_ACTION_READ, $oMonoObjectSet) == UR_ALLOWED_YES) {
         if (!MetaModel::IsValidAttCode($this->Get('objclass'), $this->Get('attcode'))) {
             return '';
         // Protects against renamed attributes...
         $oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($this->Get('objclass'), $this->Get('attcode'));
         $sAttName = $oAttDef->GetLabel();
         $sLinkClass = $oAttDef->GetLinkedClass();
         $aLinkClasses = MetaModel::EnumChildClasses($sLinkClass, ENUM_CHILD_CLASSES_ALL);
         // Search for changes on the corresponding link
         $oSearch = new DBObjectSearch('CMDBChangeOpSetAttribute');
         $oSearch->AddCondition('change', $this->Get('change'), '=');
         $oSearch->AddCondition('objkey', $this->Get('link_id'), '=');
         if (count($aLinkClasses) == 1) {
             // Faster than the whole building of the expression below for just one value ??
             $oSearch->AddCondition('objclass', $sLinkClass, '=');
         } else {
             $oField = new FieldExpression('objclass', $oSearch->GetClassAlias());
             $sListExpr = '(' . implode(', ', CMDBSource::Quote($aLinkClasses)) . ')';
             $sOQLCondition = $oField->Render() . " IN {$sListExpr}";
             $oNewCondition = Expression::FromOQL($sOQLCondition);
         $oSet = new DBObjectSet($oSearch);
         $aChanges = array();
         while ($oChangeOp = $oSet->Fetch()) {
             $aChanges[] = $oChangeOp->GetDescription();
         if (count($aChanges) == 0) {
             return '';
         $sItemDesc = MetaModel::GetHyperLink($this->Get('item_class'), $this->Get('item_id'));
         $sResult = $sAttName . ' - ';
         $sResult .= Dict::Format('Change:LinkSet:Modified', $sItemDesc);
         $sResult .= ' : ' . implode(', ', $aChanges);
     return $sResult;
 protected static function GetConditionIN($oFilter, $sFilterCode, $condition)
     $oField = new FieldExpression($sFilterCode, $oFilter->GetClassAlias());
     $sListExpr = '(' . implode(', ', CMDBSource::Quote($condition)) . ')';
     $sOQLCondition = $oField->Render() . " IN {$sListExpr}";
     $oNewCondition = Expression::FromOQL($sOQLCondition);
     return $oNewCondition;
Exemple #3
 public function walkField(FieldExpression $expression)
     return $expression->update($this->walk($expression->getValue()), $this->walk($expression->getName()));
  * Parses a string to find some smart search patterns and build the corresponding search/OQL condition
  * Each derived class is reponsible for defining and processing their own smart patterns, the base class
  * does nothing special, and just calls the default (loose) operator
  * @param string $sSearchText The search string to analyze for smart patterns
  * @param FieldExpression The FieldExpression representing the atttribute code in this OQL query
  * @param Hash $aParams Values of the query parameters
  * @return Expression The search condition to be added (AND) to the current search
 public function GetSmartConditionExpression($sSearchText, FieldExpression $oField, &$aParams)
     // Possible smart patterns
     $aPatterns = array('between' => array('pattern' => '/^\\[(.*),(.*)\\]$/', 'operator' => 'n/a'), 'greater than or equal' => array('pattern' => '/^>=(.*)$/', 'operator' => '>='), 'greater than' => array('pattern' => '/^>(.*)$/', 'operator' => '>'), 'less than or equal' => array('pattern' => '/^<=(.*)$/', 'operator' => '<='), 'less than' => array('pattern' => '/^<(.*)$/', 'operator' => '<'));
     $sPatternFound = '';
     $aMatches = array();
     foreach ($aPatterns as $sPatName => $sPattern) {
         if (preg_match($sPattern['pattern'], $sSearchText, $aMatches)) {
             $sPatternFound = $sPatName;
     switch ($sPatternFound) {
         case 'between':
             $sParamName1 = $oField->GetParent() . '_' . $oField->GetName() . '_1';
             $oRightExpr = new VariableExpression($sParamName1);
             $aParams[$sParamName1] = $aMatches[1];
             $oCondition1 = new BinaryExpression($oField, '>=', $oRightExpr);
             $sParamName2 = $oField->GetParent() . '_' . $oField->GetName() . '_2';
             $oRightExpr = new VariableExpression($sParamName2);
             $sOperator = $this->GetBasicFilterLooseOperator();
             $aParams[$sParamName2] = $aMatches[2];
             $oCondition2 = new BinaryExpression($oField, '<=', $oRightExpr);
             $oNewCondition = new BinaryExpression($oCondition1, 'AND', $oCondition2);
         case 'greater than':
         case 'greater than or equal':
         case 'less than':
         case 'less than or equal':
             $sSQLOperator = $aPatterns[$sPatternFound]['operator'];
             $sParamName = $oField->GetParent() . '_' . $oField->GetName();
             $oRightExpr = new VariableExpression($sParamName);
             $aParams[$sParamName] = $aMatches[1];
             $oNewCondition = new BinaryExpression($oField, $sSQLOperator, $oRightExpr);
             $oNewCondition = parent::GetSmartConditionExpression($sSearchText, $oField, $aParams);
     return $oNewCondition;
 public function __construct($oName, $oParent = null)
     if (is_null($oParent)) {
         $oParent = new OqlName('', 0);
     $this->m_oParent = $oParent;
     $this->m_oName = $oName;
     parent::__construct($oName->GetValue(), $oParent->GetValue());