$this->title = __('Settings'); // set breadcrumbs as key->value array (url > text) $this->breadcrumbs = [Url::to('main/index') => __('Main'), Url::to('application/index') => __('Applications'), Url::to('demoapp/index') => __('Demo app'), __('Settings')]; echo $this->render('_tabs', null, $tplPath); ?> <h1><?php echo __('Demoapp settings'); ?> </h1> <hr /> <p><?php echo __('This page is example to use application configurations'); ?> </p> <?php $form = new \Ffcms\Core\Helper\HTML\Form($model, ['class' => 'form-horizontal', 'method' => 'post']); ?> <?php echo $form->field('textCfg', 'text', ['class' => 'form-control'], __('Test helper for %s%', ['s' => 'textCfg'])); echo $form->field('intCfg', 'text', ['class' => 'form-control'], __('Test helper for %s%', ['s' => 'intCfg'])); echo $form->field('boolCfg', 'checkbox', null, __('Test helper for %s%', ['s' => 'boolCfg'])); ?> <?php echo $form->submitButton(__('Save'), ['class' => 'btn btn-default']); ?> <?php echo $form->finish(); ?>
<?php /** @var $model \Apps\Model\Install\Main\FormInstall */ $form = new \Ffcms\Core\Helper\HTML\Form($model, ['class' => 'form-horizontal', 'method' => 'post']); ?> <h1><?php echo __('FFCMS installation'); ?> </h1> <hr /> <?php echo $form->start(); ?> <h2><?php echo __('Database configurations'); ?> </h2> <?php echo $form->field('db.driver', 'select', ['class' => 'form-control', 'options' => ['mysql', 'pgsql']], __('Select database server driver (type). Recommended - mysql')); echo $form->field('db.host', 'text', ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeHolder' => 'localhost'], __('Hostname or ip:port address of your database server')); echo $form->field('db.username', 'text', ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeHolder' => 'root'], __('User name for database connection')); echo $form->field('db.password', 'text', ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeHolder' => 'rootpwd'], __('User password for database connection')); echo $form->field('db.database', 'text', ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeHolder' => 'ffdb'], __('Database name in database server')); echo $form->field('db.prefix', 'text', ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeHolder' => 'ffcms_'], __('Table prefix for multiple usage of single database (example: ffcms_)')); ?> <h2><?php echo __('General configurations');
$this->title = __('Demo form'); // set breadcrumbs as key->value array (url > text) $this->breadcrumbs = [Url::to('main/index') => __('Main'), Url::to('application/index') => __('Applications'), Url::to('demoapp/index') => __('Demo app'), __('Demo form')]; // in object initiation views you shall not able to use $this->render or you get deadlock of memory cache echo (new View('_tabs', null, $tplPath))->render(); ?> <h1><?php echo __('Demo form'); ?> </h1> <hr /> <p><?php echo __('This is example of form usage'); ?> .</p> <?php $form = new \Ffcms\Core\Helper\HTML\Form($model, ['class' => 'form-horizontal', 'method' => 'post']); ?> <?php echo $form->field('textProp', 'text', ['class' => 'form-control'], __('Example helper for form text')); echo $form->field('selectProp', 'select', ['class' => 'form-control', 'options' => ['Test 1', 'Test 2']], __('Example helper for form select options')); echo $form->field('checkboxProp', 'checkbox', null, __('Example helper for form checkbox')); ?> <?php echo $form->submitButton(__('Send'), ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']); ?> <?php echo $form->finish();