--verbose Turn on verbose output. -w <seconds> --wait <seconds> Wait the specified number of seconds between the retrievals. EOF; $opts = getopt('dhHl:o:qrT:u:vw:', array('connect-timeout:', 'debug', 'help', 'level:', 'ignore-nofollow', 'output-directory:', 'max-redirect:', 'recursive', 'quiet', 'span-hosts', 'timeout:', 'url:', 'verbose', 'wait:')); $url = isset($opts['url']) ? $opts['url'] : (isset($opts['u']) ? $opts['u'] : ''); if (isset($opts['help']) || isset($opts['h']) || !$url) { fwrite(STDERR, $help . "\n"); exit(1); } Fetcher::$ignoreNoFollow = isset($opts['ignore-nofollow']); Fetcher::$debug = isset($opts['debug']) || isset($opts['d']); Fetcher::$spanHosts = isset($opts['span-hosts']) || isset($opts['H']); Fetcher::$quiet = isset($opts['quiet']) || isset($opts['q']); Fetcher::$recursive = isset($opts['recursive']) || isset($opts['r']); Fetcher::$verbose = isset($opts['verbose']) || isset($opts['v']); if (isset($opts['connect-timeout'])) { Fetcher::$connectTimeout = $opts['connect-timeout']; } if (isset($opts['max-redirect'])) { Fetcher::$maxRedirect = $opts['max-redirect']; } if (isset($opts['level']) || isset($opts['l'])) { Fetcher::$maxDepth = isset($opts['level']) ? $opts['level'] : $opts['l']; } if (isset($opts['output-directory']) || isset($opts['o'])) { Fetcher::$outputDirectory = isset($opts['output-directory']) ? $opts['output-directory'] : $opts['o']; }