public function __construct()
     // Objects
     $this->oBase64 = new FetchTweets_Base64();
     // For transient (cache) renewal events
     add_action('fetch_tweets_action_transient_renewal', array($this, '_replyToRenewTransients'));
     // For transient (cache) formatting events - adds oEmbed elements.
     add_action('fetch_tweets_action_transient_add_oembed_elements', array($this, '_replyToAddOEmbedElements'));
     // For SimplePie cache renewal events
     add_action('fetch_tweets_action_simplepie_renew_cache', array($this, '_replyToRenewSimplePieCaches'));
     // This must be called after the above action hooks are added.
     if ('intense' == $GLOBALS['oFetchTweets_Option']->aOptions['cache_settings']['caching_mode']) {
         new FetchTweets_Cron(apply_filters('fetch_tweets_filter_plugin_cron_actions', array('fetch_tweets_action_transient_renewal', 'fetch_tweets_action_transient_add_oembed_elements', 'fetch_tweets_action_simplepie_renew_cache')));
     } else {
         if (FetchTweets_Cron::isBackground()) {
     // Redirects
     if (isset($_GET['fetch_tweets_link']) && $_GET['fetch_tweets_link']) {
         $_oRedirect = new FetchTweets_Redirects();
         // will exit there.
     // Draw the cached image.
     if (isset($_GET['fetch_tweets_image']) && $_GET['fetch_tweets_image'] && is_user_logged_in()) {
         $_oImageLoader = new FetchTweets_ImageHandler('FTWS');
     // For the activation hook
     add_action('fetch_tweets_action_setup_transients', array($this, '_replyToSetUpTransients'));
 public function _replyToUpdateCacheItems()
     if (null !== self::$_bUpdateCacheCalled) {
     self::$_bUpdateCacheCalled = true;
     if (empty($this->arrExpiredTransientsRequestURIs)) {
     // Perform multi-dimensional array_unique()
     // @deprecated As of v2.3.5 the request URI is set to the key, so it is already unique by default.
     // $this->arrExpiredTransientsRequestURIs = array_map( "unserialize", array_unique( array_map( "serialize", $this->arrExpiredTransientsRequestURIs ) ) );
     $_iScheduled = 0;
     foreach ($this->arrExpiredTransientsRequestURIs as $_aExpiredCacheRequest) {
         /* the structure of $_aExpiredCacheRequest = array(
                'URI'                    => the API request URI
                'key'                    => the array key that holds the result. e.g. for search results, the 'statuses' key holds the fetched tweets.
                'rate_limit_status_key' => the array holding the representation of the rate limit status dimensional key.
         // Check if the URI key holds a valid url.
         if (!filter_var($_aExpiredCacheRequest['URI'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
         // Schedules the action to run in the background with WP Cron.
         // If already scheduled, skip.
         $_aArgs = array($_aExpiredCacheRequest);
         if (wp_next_scheduled('fetch_tweets_action_transient_renewal', $_aArgs)) {
         wp_schedule_single_event(time(), 'fetch_tweets_action_transient_renewal', $_aArgs);
     if (!$_iScheduled) {
     // Call the background process.
     if ('intense' == $this->oOption->aOptions['cache_settings']['caching_mode']) {
     wp_remote_get(site_url("/wp-cron.php"), array('timeout' => 0.01, 'sslverify' => false));
  * Accesses the site in the background at the end of the script execution.
  * This is used to trigger cron events in the background and sets a static flag so that it ensures it is done only once per page load.
  * @since            1.0.0
 public static function see($aGet = array(), $fIgnoreLock = false)
     if (isset($_GET['doing_wp_cron'])) {
     // WP Cron
     if (isset($GLOBALS['pagenow']) && $GLOBALS['pagenow'] == 'admin-ajax.php') {
     // WP Heart-beat API
     // Ensures the task is done only once in a page load.
     static $_bIsCalled;
     if ($_bIsCalled) {
     $_bIsCalled = true;
     // Store the static properties.
     self::$_fIgnoreLock = $fIgnoreLock ? $fIgnoreLock : self::$_fIgnoreLock;
     self::$_aGet = (array) $aGet + self::$_aGet;
     $_sSelfClassName = get_class();
     if (did_action('shutdown')) {
         // important as what the action has performed does not mean the action never will be fired again.
     add_action('shutdown', "{$_sSelfClassName}::_replyToAccessSite", 999);
     // do not pass self::_replyToAccessSite.