public function getFeed($url, $primaryElement, $returnAttr = false)
     if (false === ($raw_content = craft()->feedMe_feed->getRawData($url))) {
         craft()->userSession->setError(Craft::t('Unable to parse Feed URL.'));
         FeedMePlugin::log('Unable to parse Feed URL.', LogLevel::Error, true);
         return false;
     // Perform cleanup on raw data first
     //$raw_content = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", " ", $raw_content);
     //$xml = stripslashes($raw_content);
     //$xml = utf8_encode($xml);
     //$xml = StringHelper::convertToUTF8($xml);
     // Parse the XML string
     $xml_array = $this->parseXML($raw_content);
     // Convert it to an array
     $xml_array = $this->elementArray($xml_array, true, $returnAttr);
     // Look for and return only the items for primary element
     $xml_array = craft()->feedMe_feed->findPrimaryElement($primaryElement, $xml_array);
     if (!is_array($xml_array)) {
         craft()->userSession->setError(Craft::t('Invalid XML.'));
         FeedMePlugin::log('Invalid XML.', LogLevel::Error, true);
         return false;
     return $xml_array;
Exemple #2
 public function getTotalSteps()
     // Get settings
     $settings = $this->getSettings();
     // Get the Feed
     $this->_feed = $settings->feed;
     // There are also a few once-off things we can do for this feed to assist with processing.
     $this->_feedSettings = craft()->feedMe->setupForImport($this->_feed);
     // Get the data for the mapping screen, based on the URL provided
     $this->_feedData = craft()->feedMe_feed->getFeed($this->_feed->feedType, $this->_feed->feedUrl, $this->_feed->primaryElement);
     if (!$this->_feedData) {
         FeedMePlugin::log($this->_feed->name . ': FeedMeError', LogLevel::Error, true);
         return false;
     // Chunk the feed data into chunks of 100 - optimises mapping process by not calling service each step
     $this->_chunkedFeedData = array_chunk($this->_feedData, 100);
     // Delete all the entry caches
     // Create a backup before we do anything to the DB
     if ($this->_feed->backup) {
         $backup = craft()->db->backup();
     // Take a step for every row
     return count($this->_chunkedFeedData);
Exemple #3
 public function log($settings, $errors, $level)
     // Firstly, store in plugin log file (use $level to control log level)
     FeedMePlugin::log(print_r($errors, true), $level, true);
     // Save this log to the DB as well
     if (isset($settings->attributes['logsId'])) {
         $logsId = $settings->logsId;
         if (FeedMe_LogsRecord::model()->findById($logsId)) {
             $log = new FeedMe_LogRecord();
             $log->logsId = $logsId;
             $log->errors = print_r($errors, true);
 public function getFeed($url, $primaryElement)
     if (false === ($raw_content = craft()->feedMe_feed->getRawData($url))) {
         craft()->userSession->setError(Craft::t('Unable to parse Feed URL.'));
         FeedMePlugin::log('Unable to parse Feed URL.', LogLevel::Error, true);
         return false;
     // Parse the JSON string - using Yii's built-in cleanup
     $json_array = JsonHelper::decode($raw_content, true);
     // Look for and return only the items for primary element
     $json_array = craft()->feedMe_feed->findPrimaryElement($primaryElement, $json_array);
     if (!is_array($json_array)) {
         $error = 'Invalid JSON - ' . $this->getJsonError();
         FeedMePlugin::log($error, LogLevel::Error, true);
         return false;
     return $json_array;
 public function getRawData($url)
     $curl = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     $response = curl_exec($curl);
     if (!$response) {
         FeedMePlugin::log(curl_error($curl), LogLevel::Error, true);
         return false;
     return $response;
Exemple #6
 public function deleteLeftoverEntries($settings, $feed, $processedEntries, $result)
     if ($feed['duplicateHandle'] == FeedMe_Duplicate::Delete && $result['result']) {
         $deleteIds = array_diff($settings['existingEntries'], $processedEntries);
         $criteria = craft()->feedMe_entry->setCriteria($feed);
         $criteria->id = $deleteIds;
         $entriesToDelete = $criteria->find();
         try {
             if ($entriesToDelete) {
                 if (!craft()->entries->deleteEntry($entriesToDelete)) {
                     FeedMePlugin::log('FeedMeError - Something went wrong while deleting entries.', LogLevel::Error, true);
                 } else {
                     FeedMePlugin::log($feed->name . ': The following entries have been deleted: ' . print_r($deleteIds, true) . '.', LogLevel::Error, true);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             FeedMePlugin::log($feed->name . ': FeedMeError: ' . $e->getMessage() . '.', LogLevel::Error, true);
Exemple #7
 public function importSingleNode($node, $feed, $settings)
     $canSaveEntry = true;
     $existingEntry = false;
     $fieldData = array();
     $entry = array();
     $fields = $settings['fields'];
     // Lets get started!
     $criteria = craft()->feedMe_entry->setCriteria($feed);
     // Start looping through all the mapped fields - grab their data from the feed node
     foreach ($fields as $itemNode => $handle) {
         // Fetch the value for the field from the feed node. Deep-search.
         $data = craft()->feedMe_feed->getValueForNode($itemNode, $node);
         // While we're in the loop, lets check for unique data to match existing entries on.
         if (isset($feed['fieldUnique'][$itemNode]) && intval($feed['fieldUnique'][$itemNode]) == 1 && !empty($data)) {
             $criteria->{$handle} = DbHelper::escapeParam($data);
         // Each field needs special processing, sort that out here
         try {
             // Grab the field's content - formatted specifically for it
             $content = craft()->feedMe_fields->prepForFieldType($data, $handle);
             // The first key of $content will always be the field handle - grab that to create our field data.
             $fieldHandle = array_keys($content)[0];
             // Then, we check if we've already got any partial content for the field. Most commongly, this is
             // the case for Matrix and Table fields, but also likely other Third-Party fields. So its important to
             // combine values, rather than overwriting or omitting as each feed node contains just part of the data.
             if (array_key_exists($fieldHandle, $fieldData) && is_array($fieldData[$fieldHandle])) {
                 $fieldData[$fieldHandle] = array_replace_recursive($fieldData[$fieldHandle], $content[$fieldHandle]);
             } else {
                 $fieldData[$fieldHandle] = $content[$fieldHandle];
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             FeedMePlugin::log($feed->name . ': FeedMeError: ' . $e->getMessage() . '.', LogLevel::Error, true);
             return false;
     // Any post-processing on our nice collection of entry-ready data.
     $existingEntry = $criteria->first();
     // Check for Add/Update/Delete for existing entries
     // If there's an existing matching entry
     if ($existingEntry && $feed['duplicateHandle'] != FeedMe_Duplicate::Delete) {
         // If we're updating
         if ($feed['duplicateHandle'] == FeedMe_Duplicate::Update) {
             // Fill new EntryModel with match
             $entry = $existingEntry;
             // If we're adding, make sure not to overwrite existing entry
         } else {
             if ($feed['duplicateHandle'] == FeedMe_Duplicate::Add) {
                 $canSaveEntry = false;
     } else {
         // Prepare a new EntryModel (for this section and entrytype)
         $entry = craft()->feedMe_entry->setModel($feed);
     if ($canSaveEntry && $entry) {
         // Prepare Element model (the default stuff)
         $entry = craft()->feedMe_entry->prepForElementModel($fieldData, $entry);
         // Set our data for this EntryModel (our mapped data)
         //echo '<pre>';
         //echo '</pre>';
         try {
             // Save the entry!
             if (!craft()->entries->saveEntry($entry)) {
                 FeedMePlugin::log($feed->name . ': ' . json_encode($entry->getErrors()), LogLevel::Error, true);
                 return false;
             } else {
                 // Successfully saved/added entry
                 if ($feed['duplicateHandle'] == FeedMe_Duplicate::Update) {
                     FeedMePlugin::log($feed->name . ': Entry successfully updated: ' . $entry->id, LogLevel::Info, true);
                 } else {
                     FeedMePlugin::log($feed->name . ': Entry successfully added: ' . $entry->id, LogLevel::Info, true);
                 return true;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             FeedMePlugin::log($feed->name . ': Entry FeedMeError: ' . $e->getMessage() . '.', LogLevel::Error, true);
             return false;
 public function actionSendSupportRequest()
     $success = false;
     $errors = array();
     $zipFile = null;
     $tempFolder = null;
     $getHelpModel = new FeedMe_GetHelpModel();
     $getHelpModel->fromEmail = craft()->request->getPost('fromEmail');
     $getHelpModel->feedIssue = craft()->request->getPost('feedIssue');
     $getHelpModel->message = trim(craft()->request->getPost('message'));
     $getHelpModel->attachLogs = (bool) craft()->request->getPost('attachLogs');
     $getHelpModel->attachSettings = (bool) craft()->request->getPost('attachSettings');
     $getHelpModel->attachFeed = (bool) craft()->request->getPost('attachFeed');
     $getHelpModel->attachFields = (bool) craft()->request->getPost('attachFields');
     $getHelpModel->attachment = UploadedFile::getInstanceByName('attachAdditionalFile');
     if ($getHelpModel->validate()) {
         $plugin = craft()->plugins->getPlugin('feedMe');
         $feed = craft()->feedMe_feeds->getFeedById($getHelpModel->feedIssue);
         // Add some extra info about this install
         $message = $getHelpModel->message . "\n\n" . "------------------------------\n\n" . 'Craft ' . craft()->getEditionName() . ' ' . craft()->getVersion() . '.' . craft()->getBuild() . "\n\n" . 'Feed Me ' . $plugin->getVersion();
         try {
             $zipFile = $this->_createZip();
             $tempFolder = craft()->path->getTempPath() . StringHelper::UUID() . '/';
             if (!IOHelper::folderExists($tempFolder)) {
             // Attached just the Feed Me log
             if ($getHelpModel->attachLogs) {
                 if (IOHelper::folderExists(craft()->path->getLogPath())) {
                     $logFolderContents = IOHelper::getFolderContents(craft()->path->getLogPath());
                     foreach ($logFolderContents as $file) {
                         // Just grab the Feed Me log
                         if (IOHelper::fileExists($file) && basename($file) == 'feedme.log') {
                             Zip::add($zipFile, $file, craft()->path->getStoragePath());
             // Backup our feed settings
             if ($getHelpModel->attachSettings) {
                 if (IOHelper::folderExists(craft()->path->getDbBackupPath())) {
                     $backup = craft()->path->getDbBackupPath() . StringHelper::toLowerCase('feedme_' . gmdate('ymd_His') . '.sql');
                     $feedInfo = $this->_prepareSqlFeedSettings($getHelpModel->feedIssue);
                     IOHelper::writeToFile($backup, $feedInfo . PHP_EOL, true, true);
                     Zip::add($zipFile, $backup, craft()->path->getStoragePath());
             // Save the contents of the feed
             if ($getHelpModel->attachFeed) {
                 $feedData = craft()->feedMe_feed->getRawData($feed->feedUrl);
                 $tempFile = $tempFolder . 'feed.' . StringHelper::toLowerCase($feed->feedType);
                 IOHelper::writeToFile($tempFile, $feedData . PHP_EOL, true, true);
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($tempFile)) {
                     Zip::add($zipFile, $tempFile, $tempFolder);
             // Get some information about the fields we're mapping to - handy to know
             if ($getHelpModel->attachFields) {
                 $fieldInfo = array();
                 foreach ($feed->fieldMapping as $feedHandle => $fieldHandle) {
                     $field = craft()->fields->getFieldByHandle($fieldHandle);
                     if ($field) {
                         $fieldInfo[] = $this->_prepareExportField($field);
                 // Support PHP <5.4, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT = 128, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK = 32
                 $json = json_encode($fieldInfo, 128 | 32);
                 $tempFile = $tempFolder . 'fields.json';
                 IOHelper::writeToFile($tempFile, $json . PHP_EOL, true, true);
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($tempFile)) {
                     Zip::add($zipFile, $tempFile, $tempFolder);
             // Add in any additional attachments
             if ($getHelpModel->attachment) {
                 $tempFile = $tempFolder . $getHelpModel->attachment->getName();
                 // Make sure it actually saved.
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($tempFile)) {
                     Zip::add($zipFile, $tempFile, $tempFolder);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             FeedMePlugin::log('Tried to attach debug logs to a support request and something went horribly wrong: ' . $e->getMessage(), LogLevel::Warning, true);
         $email = new EmailModel();
         $email->fromEmail = $getHelpModel->fromEmail;
         $email->toEmail = "*****@*****.**";
         $email->subject = "Feed Me Support";
         $email->body = $message;
         if ($zipFile) {
             $email->addAttachment($zipFile, '', 'base64', 'application/zip');
         $result = craft()->email->sendEmail($email);
         if ($result) {
             if ($zipFile) {
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($zipFile)) {
             if ($tempFolder) {
             $success = true;
         } else {
             $errors = array('Support' => array('Unable to contact support. Please try again soon.'));
     } else {
         $errors = $getHelpModel->getErrors();
     $this->returnJson(array('success' => $success, 'errors' => $errors));
Exemple #9
 public function importSingleNode($node, $feed, $settings)
     $canSaveEntry = true;
     $existingEntry = false;
     $fieldData = array();
     $entry = array();
     $fields = $settings['fields'];
     // Lets get started!
     $criteria = craft()->feedMe_entry->setCriteria($feed);
     // Start looping through all the mapped fields - grab their data from the feed node
     foreach ($fields as $itemNode => &$destination) {
         // Fetch the value for the field from the feed node. Deep-search.
         $data = craft()->feedMe_feed->getValueForNode($itemNode, $node);
         // While we're in the loop, lets check for unique data to match existing entries on.
         if (isset($feed['fieldUnique'][$itemNode]) && intval($feed['fieldUnique'][$itemNode]) == 1 && !empty($data)) {
             $criteria->{$destination} = DbHelper::escapeParam($data);
         // Each field needs special processing, sort that out here
         try {
             // The field handle needs to be modified in some cases (Matrix and Table). Here, we don't override
             // the original handle for future iterations. We use the original handle to identify Matrix/Table fields.
             $handle = $destination;
             // Grab the field's content - formatted specifically for it
             $content = craft()->feedMe_fields->prepForFieldType($data, $handle);
             // Check to see if this is a Matrix field - need to merge any other fields mapped elsewhere in the feed
             // along with fields we've processed already. Involved due to multiple blocks can be defined at once.
             if (substr($destination, 0, 10) == '__matrix__') {
                 $content = craft()->feedMe_fields->handleMatrixData($fieldData, $handle, $content);
             // And another special case for Table data
             if (substr($destination, 0, 9) == '__table__') {
                 $content = craft()->feedMe_fields->handleTableData($fieldData, $handle, $content);
             // And another special case for SuperTable data
             if (substr($destination, 0, 14) == '__supertable__') {
                 $content = craft()->feedMe_fields->handleSuperTableData($fieldData, $handle, $content);
             // Finally - we have our mapped data, formatted for the particular field as required
             $fieldData[$handle] = $content;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             FeedMePlugin::log($feed->name . ': FeedMeError: ' . $e->getMessage() . '.', LogLevel::Error, true);
             return false;
     $existingEntry = $criteria->first();
     // Check for Add/Update/Delete for existing entries
     // If there's an existing matching entry
     if ($existingEntry && $feed['duplicateHandle'] != FeedMe_Duplicate::Delete) {
         // If we're updating
         if ($feed['duplicateHandle'] == FeedMe_Duplicate::Update) {
             // Fill new EntryModel with match
             $entry = $existingEntry;
             // If we're adding, make sure not to overwrite existing entry
         } else {
             if ($feed['duplicateHandle'] == FeedMe_Duplicate::Add) {
                 $canSaveEntry = false;
     } else {
         // Prepare a new EntryModel (for this section and entrytype)
         $entry = craft()->feedMe_entry->setModel($feed);
     if ($canSaveEntry && $entry) {
         // Prepare Element model (the default stuff)
         $entry = craft()->feedMe_entry->prepForElementModel($fieldData, $entry);
         // Set our data for this EntryModel (our mapped data)
         //echo '<pre>';
         //echo '</pre>';
         try {
             // Save the entry!
             if (!craft()->entries->saveEntry($entry)) {
                 FeedMePlugin::log($feed->name . ': ' . json_encode($entry->getErrors()), LogLevel::Error, true);
                 return false;
             } else {
                 // Successfully saved/added entry
                 if ($feed['duplicateHandle'] == FeedMe_Duplicate::Update) {
                     FeedMePlugin::log($feed->name . ': Entry successfully updated: ' . $entry->id, LogLevel::Info, true);
                 } else {
                     FeedMePlugin::log($feed->name . ': Entry successfully added: ' . $entry->id, LogLevel::Info, true);
                 return true;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             FeedMePlugin::log($feed->name . ': Entry FeedMeError: ' . $e->getMessage() . '.', LogLevel::Error, true);
             return false;