Exemple #1
  * type : 'profile' == profile status,
  * content : shared content.
 public function add()
     $type = JRequest::getString('type');
     $content = JRequest::getVar('text');
     $my = FD::get('People');
     $streamId = '';
     switch ($type) {
         case 'profile':
             $data = array();
             $data['actor_node_id'] = $my->get('node_id');
             $data['node_id'] = '1';
             $data['content'] = $content;
             $storyTbl = FD::table('Story');
             $streamId = $storyTbl->streamId;
             if (!empty($streamId)) {
                 $story = FD::get('Stream')->get('people', '', '', false, $streamId);
Exemple #2
  * Retrieve the title of the stream
  * @since	1.2
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function getTitle()
     // Get the actors
     $actors = $this->item->actors;
     // Get the source id
     $sourceId = $this->share->uid;
     // Load the stream
     $stream = FD::table('Stream');
     // If stream cannot be loaded, skip this altogether
     if (!$stream->id) {
     // Build the permalink to the stream item
     $link = FRoute::stream(array('layout' => 'item', 'id' => $sourceId));
     // Get the target user.
     $target = FD::user($stream->actor_id);
     $actor = $actors[0];
     $theme = FD::get('Themes');
     $theme->set('actor', $actor);
     $theme->set('link', $link);
     $theme->set('target', $target);
     $title = $theme->output('apps/group/shares/streams/stream/title');
     return $title;
Exemple #3
 public function load($path)
     // Locate for the manifest file in the folder.
     $files = FD::get('Folders')->files($path, '.xml', self::RECURSIVE_SEARCH, self::RETRIEVE_FULL_PATH);
     $this->source = $path;
     if (!count($files)) {
         // Throw errors
         FD::get('Errors')->set('installer.xml', self::XML_NOT_FOUND);
         return false;
     // Load through the list of manifest files to perform the installation.
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $xml = JFactory::getXML($file);
         if (!$xml) {
             FD::get('Errors')->set('installer', self::XML_NOT_VALID);
         $this->type = (string) $xml->attributes()->type;
         if ($xml->getName() != 'social' || !in_array($this->type, $this->allowed)) {
             FD::get('Errors')->set('installer', self::XML_NOT_VALID);
         $this->parser = JFactory::getXMLParser('Simple');
         // Set the path of the current xml file.
         $this->path = $file;
         // Retrieves the element
         $this->element = $this->parser->document->getElementByPath('element')->data();
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #4
  * Does a remote call to the server to fetch contents of a given url.
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
 public function fetch()
     // Check for request forgeries!
     $urls = $this->input->get('urls', array(), 'array');
     // Result placeholder
     $result = array();
     if (!$urls) {
         return $this->view->call(__FUNCTION__);
     // Get the crawler
     $crawler = FD::get('crawler');
     foreach ($urls as $url) {
         // Generate a hash for the url
         $hash = md5($url);
         $link = FD::table('Link');
         $exists = $link->load(array('hash' => $hash));
         // If it doesn't exist, store it.
         if (!$exists) {
             // Get the data from our crawler library
             $data = $crawler->getData();
             // Now we need to cache the link so that the next time, we don't crawl it again.
             $link->hash = $hash;
             $link->data = json_encode($data);
         $result[$url] = json_decode($link->data);
     return $this->view->call(__FUNCTION__, $result);
 public function display($theme = null)
     if (is_null($theme)) {
         $theme = FD::get('Themes');
     return $this->theme->output($theme);
Exemple #6
  * Loads the installation file based on a given path.
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string	The installation path to lookup for.
  * @return	bool	True if loaded successfully, false otherwise.
  * @author	Mark Lee <*****@*****.**>
 public function load($path)
     // Locate for the manifest file in the folder.
     $files = JFolder::files($path, '.xml', self::RECURSIVE_SEARCH, self::RETRIEVE_FULL_PATH);
     // Set the source so the parent can manipulate it ?
     $this->source = $path;
     // If there's no .xml files, throw errors here.
     if (!$files || count($files) <= 0) {
         $this->setError(JText::_('Manifest file does not exist.'));
         return false;
     // Load through the list of manifest files to perform the installation.
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $parser = FD::get('Parser');
         // Render the xml file.
         // Set the app type.
         $this->type = (string) $parser->attributes()->type;
         // Set the app group.
         $this->group = (string) $parser->attributes()->group;
         if ($parser->getName() != self::XML_NAMESPACE || !in_array($this->type, $this->allowed)) {
             $this->setError(JText::_('Manifest file is not a valid EasySocial application'));
         // Set the path of the current xml file.
         $this->path = $file;
         // Retrieves the element
         $childs = $parser->children();
         $this->element = (string) $childs->element;
         // Assign the parser into the property.
         $this->parser = $parser;
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #7
 public function create_report()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $msg = $app->input->get('message', '', 'STRING');
     $title = $app->input->get('user_title', '', 'STRING');
     $item_id = $app->input->get('itemId', 0, 'INT');
     $log_user = $this->plugin->get('user')->id;
     $data = array();
     $data['message'] = $msg;
     $data['uid'] = $item_id;
     $data['type'] = 'stream';
     $data['title'] = $title;
     $data['extension'] = 'com_easysocial';
     //build share url use for share post through app
     $sharing = FD::get('Sharing', array('url' => FRoute::stream(array('layout' => 'item', 'id' => $item_id, 'external' => true, 'xhtml' => true)), 'display' => 'dialog', 'text' => JText::_('COM_EASYSOCIAL_STREAM_SOCIAL'), 'css' => 'fd-small'));
     $url = $sharing->url;
     $data['url'] = $url;
     // Get the reports model
     $model = FD::model('Reports');
     // Determine if this user has the permissions to submit reports.
     $access = FD::access();
     // Determine if this user has exceeded the number of reports that they can submit
     $total = $model->getCount(array('created_by' => $log_user));
     if ($access->exceeded('reports.limit', $total)) {
         $final_result['message'] = "Limit exceeds";
         $final_result['status'] = true;
         return $final_result;
     // Create the report
     $report = FD::table('Report');
     // Set the creator id.
     $report->created_by = $log_user;
     // Set the default state of the report to new
     $report->state = 0;
     // Try to store the report.
     $state = $report->store();
     // If there's an error, throw it
     if (!$state) {
         $final_result['message'] = "Can't save report";
         $final_result['status'] = true;
         return $final_result;
     // @badge: reports.create
     // Add badge for the author when a report is created.
     $badge = FD::badges();
     $badge->log('com_easysocial', 'reports.create', $log_user, JText::_('COM_EASYSOCIAL_REPORTS_BADGE_CREATED_REPORT'));
     // @points: reports.create
     // Add points for the author when a report is created.
     $points = FD::points();
     $points->assign('reports.create', 'com_easysocial', $log_user);
     // Determine if we should send an email
     $config = FD::config();
     if ($config->get('reports.notifications.moderators')) {
     $final_result['message'] = "Report logged successfully!";
     $final_result['status'] = true;
     return $final_result;
Exemple #8
 public function onPrepareStoryPanel($story)
     if ($story->clusterType != SOCIAL_TYPE_GROUP) {
     $params = $this->getParams();
     // Determine if we should attach ourselves here.
     if (!$params->get('story_event', true)) {
     if (!FD::config()->get('events.enabled')) {
     // Create plugin object
     $plugin = $story->createPlugin('event', 'panel');
     // Get the theme class
     $theme = FD::themes();
     // Get the available event category
     $categories = FD::model('EventCategories')->getCreatableCategories(FD::user()->getProfile()->id);
     $theme->set('categories', $categories);
     $plugin->button->html = $theme->output('apps/user/events/story/panel.button');
     $plugin->content->html = $theme->output('apps/user/events/story/panel.content');
     $script = FD::get('Script');
     $plugin->script = $script->output('apps:/user/events/story');
     return $plugin;
Exemple #9
  * Does a remote call to the server to fetch contents of a given url.
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
 public function fetch()
     // Check for request forgeries!
     $urls = JRequest::getVar('urls');
     // Ensure that the urls are in an array
     // Get the current view.
     $view = $this->getCurrentView();
     // Result placeholder
     $result = array();
     if (!$urls || empty($urls)) {
         return $view->call(__FUNCTION__);
     $crawler = FD::get('Crawler');
     foreach ($urls as $url) {
         $hash = md5($url);
         $link = FD::table('Link');
         $exists = $link->load(array('hash' => $hash));
         // If it doesn't exist, store it.
         if (!$exists) {
             $data = $crawler->getData();
             $link->hash = $hash;
             $link->data = FD::json()->encode($data);
             // Store the new link
         $result[$url] = FD::json()->decode($link->data);
     return $view->call(__FUNCTION__, $result);
Exemple #10
 public function getAjaxTemplate()
     $templateFiles = JRequest::getVar('names');
     // Ensure the integrity of each items submitted to be an array.
     if (!is_array($templateFiles)) {
         $templateFiles = array($templateFiles);
     $result = array();
     $theme = FD::get('Themes');
     foreach ($templateFiles as $file) {
         // Remove any trailing .ejs in file name if exist.
         $file = str_replace('.ejs', '', $file);
         $template = $theme->getTemplate($file);
         include $template->ejs;
         $output = ob_get_contents();
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->name = $file;
         $obj->content = $output;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!$result) {
         header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
     header('Content-type: text/x-json; UTF-8');
     $json = FD::json();
     echo $json->encode($result);
Exemple #11
  * Does a remote call to the server to fetch contents of a given url.
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
 public function proxy()
     $type = JRequest::getWord('type');
     $url = JRequest::getVar('url');
     // Currently we only support serving of images
     if ($type != 'image') {
     // dump($url);
     $connector = FD::get('Connector');
     $contents = $connector->getResult($url, true);
     list($headers, $output) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $contents);
     // Get the content type
     $pattern = '/Content-Type: (.*)/i';
     preg_match($pattern, $headers, $matches);
     if (!$matches || empty($matches) || !isset($matches[1])) {
     $contentType = strtolower(trim($matches[1]));
     $allowedTypes = array('image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/bmp');
     // Only allow image types
     if (!in_array($contentType, $allowedTypes)) {
     header('Content-Type: ' . $contentType);
     header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($output));
     echo $output;
Exemple #12
  * Some desc
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function createCover($file, $inputName)
     // Load our own image library
     $image = FD::image();
     // Generates a unique name for this image.
     $name = $file['name'];
     // Load up the file.
     $image->load($file['tmp_name'], $name);
     // Ensure that the image is valid.
     if (!$image->isValid()) {
         // @TODO: Add some logging here.
     // Get the storage path
     $storage = SocialFieldsUserCoverHelper::getStoragePath($inputName);
     // Create a new avatar object.
     $photos = FD::get('Photos', $image);
     // Create avatars
     $sizes = $photos->create($storage);
     // We want to format the output to get the full absolute url.
     $base = basename($storage);
     $result = array();
     foreach ($sizes as $size => $value) {
         $row = new stdClass();
         $row->title = $file['name'];
         $row->file = $value;
         $row->path = JPATH_ROOT . '/media/com_easysocial/tmp/' . $base . '/' . $value;
         $row->uri = rtrim(JURI::root(), '/') . '/media/com_easysocial/tmp/' . $base . '/' . $value;
         $result[$size] = $row;
     return $result;
 public function main()
     $db = FD::db();
     $sql = $db->sql();
     $sql->where('type', 'fields');
     $result = $db->loadObjectList();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $file = SOCIAL_FIELDS . '/' . $row->group . '/' . $row->element . '/' . $row->element . '.xml';
         if (!JFile::exists($file)) {
         $table = FD::table('App');
         $parser = FD::get('Parser');
         $val = $parser->xpath('unique');
         $unique = 0;
         if ($val) {
             $unique = (string) $val[0];
             $unique = $unique == 'true' ? 1 : 0;
         $table->unique = $unique;
     return true;
Exemple #14
  * Displays the settings form for the respective page.
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	null
  * @return	null
  * @author	Mark Lee <*****@*****.**>
 public function form()
     // Get the current page.
     $page = JRequest::getVar('page', '');
     // Get info object.
     $info = FD::info();
     if (empty($page)) {
         // @TODO: Log errors here.
         $info->set(JText::_('No page provided'), SOCIAL_MSG_ERROR);
     // Add Joomla toolbar buttons
     JToolbarHelper::custom('export', 'export', '', JText::_('COM_EASYSOCIAL_SETTINGS_EXPORT_SETTINGS'), false);
     JToolbarHelper::custom('import', 'import', '', JText::_('COM_EASYSOCIAL_SETTINGS_IMPORT_SETTINGS'), false);
     JToolbarHelper::custom('reset', 'default', '', JText::_('COM_EASYSOCIAL_RESET_TO_FACTORY'), false);
     // We need to include the theme file's header info.
     $theme = FD::get('Themes');
     $paths = $theme->getTemplate('admin/settings/headers/' . $page);
     if (JFile::exists($paths->file)) {
         include $paths->file;
     // Ensure that page is in proper string format.
     $page = strtolower($page);
     // Set the page to the class for other method to access
     $this->section = $page;
     // Set the page variable.
     $this->set('page', $page);
     // Set settings view variable
     $this->set('settings', $this);
     echo parent::display('admin/settings/form.container');
Exemple #15
  * Renders the form
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	null
 public function render($tabs = false, $sidebarTabs = false, $active = '', $prefix = '', $processActiveTab = true)
     // Load our custom theme.
     $theme = FD::get('Themes');
     $type = $tabs ? 'default.tabs' : 'default';
     foreach ($this->form as &$form) {
         foreach ($form->fields as &$field) {
             // Ensure that the default property exists
             if (!isset($field->default)) {
                 $field->default = '';
             // Ensure that the suffix exists
             if (!isset($field->suffix)) {
                 $field->suffix = '';
             $field->inputName = $prefix ? $prefix . '[' . $field->name . ']' : $field->name;
             // Translate suffix if neccessary
             $field->suffix = JText::_($field->suffix);
             // Custom renderer based on type
             // Need to support apps renderer as well
             // apps:/path/to/file or apps:/[group]/[element]/renderer/[nameInCamelCase]
             // class SocialFormRenderer[NameInCamelCase]
             $rendererType = $field->type;
             $file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/renderer/' . strtolower($rendererType) . '.php';
             // Check for :
             if (strpos($field->type, ':') !== false) {
                 list($protocol, $path) = explode(':', $field->type);
                 $segments = explode('/', $path);
                 $rendererType = array_pop($segments);
                 $base = defined('SOCIAL_' . strtoupper($protocol)) ? constant('SOCIAL_' . strtoupper($protocol)) : SOCIAL_ADMIN;
                 $file = $base . $path . '.php';
             if (JFile::exists($file)) {
                 require_once $file;
                 $className = 'SocialFormRenderer' . ucfirst($rendererType);
                 if (class_exists($className)) {
                     $renderer = new $className();
                     $renderer->render($field, $this->params);
     // Replacements for invalid keys
     $invalidKeys = array(' ', ',', '&', '.', '*');
     // Generate unique id so multiple tabs form on a single page would not conflict
     $uid = uniqid();
     $theme->set('invalidKeys', $invalidKeys);
     $theme->set('uid', $uid);
     $theme->set('processActiveTab', $processActiveTab);
     $theme->set('prefix', $prefix);
     $theme->set('active', $active);
     $theme->set('sidebarTabs', $sidebarTabs);
     $theme->set('tabs', $tabs);
     $theme->set('params', $this->params);
     $theme->set('forms', $this->form);
     $template = 'admin/forms/' . $type;
     $contents = $theme->output($template);
     return $contents;
Exemple #16
 public function unarchive()
     $errors = $this->getErrors();
     // @TODO: Process errors here.
     if ($errors) {
Exemple #17
  * Retrieves the recaptcha library
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function getRecaptcha()
     $app = $this->field->getApp();
     $params = $app->getParams();
     $options = array('public' => $params->get('public'), 'secret' => $params->get('private'), 'theme' => $params->get('theme'), 'language' => $params->get('language'));
     $captcha = FD::get('Captcha', 'Recaptcha', $options);
     return $captcha;
Exemple #18
  * Sends a new share to a user.
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
 public function send()
     $token = JRequest::getString('token', '');
     $recipients = JRequest::getVar('recipients', array());
     $content = JRequest::getVar('content', '');
     // Get the current view.
     $view = $this->getCurrentView();
     // Cleaning
     if (is_string($recipients)) {
         $recipients = explode(',', FD::string()->escape($recipients));
     if (is_array($recipients)) {
         foreach ($recipients as &$recipient) {
             $recipient = FD::string()->escape($recipient);
             if (!JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($recipient)) {
                 return $view->call(__FUNCTION__, false, JText::_('COM_EASYSOCIAL_SHARING_EMAIL_INVALID_RECIPIENT'));
     $content = FD::string()->escape($content);
     // Check for valid data
     if (empty($recipients)) {
         return $view->call(__FUNCTION__, false, JText::_('COM_EASYSOCIAL_SHARING_EMAIL_NO_RECIPIENTS'));
     if (empty($token)) {
         return $view->call(__FUNCTION__, false, JText::_('COM_EASYSOCIAL_SHARING_EMAIL_INVALID_TOKEN'));
     $session = JFactory::getSession();
     $config = FD::config();
     $limit = $config->get('sharing.email.limit', 0);
     $now = FD::date()->toUnix();
     $time = $session->get('easysocial.sharing.email.time');
     $count = $session->get('easysocial.sharing.email.count');
     if (is_null($time)) {
         $session->set('easysocial.sharing.email.time', $now);
         $time = $now;
     if (is_null($count)) {
         $session->set('easysocial.sharing.email.count', 0);
     $diff = $now - $time;
     if ($diff <= 3600) {
         if ($limit > 0 && $count >= $limit) {
             return $view->call(__FUNCTION__, false, JText::_('COM_EASYSOCIAL_SHARING_EMAIL_SHARING_LIMIT_MAXED'));
         $session->set('easysocial.sharing.email.count', $count);
     } else {
         $session->set('easysocial.sharing.email.time', $now);
         $session->set('easysocial.sharing.email.count', 1);
     $library = FD::get('Sharing');
     $library->sendLink($recipients, $token, $content);
     $view->call(__FUNCTION__, true);
Exemple #19
  * Displays the share dialog
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function shareDialog()
     $ajax = FD::ajax();
     $url = JRequest::getVar('url');
     $title = JRequest::getVar('title');
     $summary = JRequest::getVar('summary');
     $sharing = FD::get('Sharing', array('url' => $url, 'title' => $title, 'summary' => $summary));
     $contents = $sharing->getContents();
     return $ajax->resolve($contents);
Exemple #20
  * Returns an ajax chain.
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
  * @param
 public function showOthers($users)
     $ajax = FD::ajax();
     $html = '';
     // Get user list
     $theme = FD::get('Themes');
     $theme->set('users', $users);
     $html = $theme->output('site/users/simplelist');
     return $ajax->resolve($html);
Exemple #21
  * Renders publish / unpublish icon.
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	object	The object to check against.
  * @param	string	The controller to be called.
  * @param	string	The key for the object.
  * @author	Mark Lee <*****@*****.**>
 public static function popover($title = '', $content = '', $placement = '', $placeholder = '', $html = false)
     $theme = FD::get('Themes');
     $theme->set('title', $title);
     $theme->set('content', $content);
     $theme->set('placement', $placement);
     $theme->set('placeholder', $placeholder);
     $theme->set('html', $html);
     return $theme->output('admin/html/bootstrap.popover');
Exemple #22
 public function __construct($uid, $group, $element)
     $photo = FD::table('Photo');
     $this->title = $photo->get('title');
     $theme = FD::get('Themes');
     $theme->set('photo', $photo);
     $html = $theme->output('site/repost/preview.photo');
     $this->content = $html;
Exemple #23
 public function __construct($uid, $group, $element)
     $album = FD::table('Album');
     $this->title = $album->get('title');
     $theme = FD::get('Themes');
     $theme->set('album', $album);
     $html = $theme->output('site/repost/preview.album');
     $this->content = $html;
  * Processes the migration item
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function process()
     // Check for request forgeries
     // Retrieve the view.
     $view = $this->getCurrentView();
     $component = JRequest::getVar('component', '');
     $item = JRequest::getVar('item', '');
     $mapping = JRequest::getVar('mapping', '');
     $updateconfig = JRequest::getBool('updateconfig', 0);
     $migrator = FD::get('Migrators', $component);
     // Set the user mapping
     // we need to check if we need to update config or not.
     if (empty($item)) {
         $configTable = FD::table('Config');
         $config = FD::registry();
         if ($configTable->load('site')) {
             if ($config->get('points.enabled') == 1) {
                 $config->set('points.enabled', 0);
                 // Convert the config object to a json string.
                 $jsonString = $config->toString();
                 $configTable->set('value', $jsonString);
                 // Try to store the configuration.
                 if ($configTable->store()) {
                     $updateconfig = true;
                     // we need to reload the config
                     $esConfig = new SocialConfig();
     // Process the migration
     $obj = $migrator->process($item);
     if ($obj->continue == false && $updateconfig == true) {
         // now we need to re-enable back the points setting.
         $configTable = FD::table('Config');
         $config = FD::registry();
         if ($configTable->load('site')) {
             $config->set('points.enabled', 1);
             // Convert the config object to a json string.
             $jsonString = $config->toString();
             $configTable->set('value', $jsonString);
             // Try to store the configuration.
             $updateconfig = false;
     // Return the data back to the view.
     return $view->call(__FUNCTION__, $obj, $updateconfig);
Exemple #25
 public function follow()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $target_user = $app->input->get('target_user', 0, 'INT');
     $type = $app->input->get('type', 'user', 'STRING');
     $group = $app->input->get('group', 'user', 'STRING');
     $log_user = $this->plugin->get('user')->id;
     $follow = $app->input->get('follow', 1, 'INT');
     $target = FD::user($target_user);
     $res = new stdClass();
     if ($target_user == $log_user) {
         $res->success = 0;
         $res->message = "You can not follow yourself";
     // Load subscription table.
     $subscription = FD::table('Subscription');
     // Get subscription library
     $subscriptionLib = FD::get('Subscriptions');
     // Determine if the current user is already a follower
     $isFollowing = $subscriptionLib->isFollowing($target_user, $type, $group, $log_user);
     $subscription->uid = $target_user;
     $subscription->type = $type . '.' . $group;
     $subscription->user_id = $log_user;
     $points = FD::points();
     if (!$isFollowing) {
         //$state 	= $subscription->store();
         if ($subscription->store()) {
             $state = $this->addbadges($target, $log_user, $subscription->id);
             $res->success = 1;
             $res->message = "Following " . $target->username;
             return $res;
         } else {
             $res->success = 0;
             $res->message = "unable to follow " . $target->username;
             return $res;
     } else {
         if ($subscriptionLib->unfollow($target_user, $type, $group, $log_user)) {
             // @points: profile.unfollow
             // Assign points when user starts new conversation
             $points->assign('profile.unfollow', 'com_easysocial', $log_user);
             // @points: profile.unfollowed
             // Assign points when user starts new conversation
             $points->assign('profile.unfollowed', 'com_easysocial', $user->id);
             $res->success = 1;
             $res->message = "successfully unfollow " . $target->username;
             return $res;
         } else {
             $res->success = 0;
             $res->message = "unable to unfollow " . $target->username;
             return $res;
Exemple #26
  * Renders the sidebar items.
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string		The current view.
  * @return	string		The html codes.
  * @author	Mark Lee <*****@*****.**>
 public function render($view)
     // Retrieve menu items from the model.
     $model = FD::model('Sidebar');
     $menus = $model->getItems();
     $theme = FD::get('Themes');
     $theme->set('menus', $menus);
     $theme->set('view', $view);
     $output = $theme->output('admin/structure/sidebar');
     return $output;
Exemple #27
  * Checks if the cover photo is a valid image
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public static function isValid($filePath)
     // Load image library
     $image = FD::get('Image');
     // Generate a temporary name for this image
     $name = md5($filePath);
     // Load up the image
     $image->load($filePath, $name);
     // Test if it is valid.
     $valid = $image->isValid();
     return $valid;
Exemple #28
 public function getVersion()
     if (!$this->isComponentExist()) {
         return false;
     // check JomSocial version.
     $xml = JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_kunena/kunena.xml';
     $parser = FD::get('Parser');
     $version = $parser->xpath('version');
     $version = (double) $version[0];
     return $version;
  * Responsible to output the single stream layout.
  * @access	public
  * @return	null
 public function display()
     // Unauthorized users should not be allowed to access this page.
     // Check for user profile completeness
     // Get the current logged in user.
     $user = FD::user();
     // Get user's privacy
     $privacy = FD::get('Privacy')->getUserPrivacy($user->id);
     $this->set('user', $user);
     $this->set('privacy', $privacy);
     echo parent::display('site/privacy/default');
 public function getTarget()
     static $nodes = array();
     if (!isset($nodes[$this->target])) {
         // @rule: Allow multiple targets in a single action.
         $target = FD::json()->decode($this->target);
         $targets = array();
         foreach ($target as $targetId) {
             $targets[] = FD::get('People', $targetId, SOCIAL_PEOPLE_NODE_ID);
         $nodes[$this->target] = $targets;
     return $nodes[$this->target];