Exemple #1
 * addChildOppositeSexParents 
 * Verifies that both parents are of opposite sex.
 * @param array $data 
 * @return boolean
function addChildOppositeSexParents($data)
    $fcmsError = FCMS_Error::getInstance();
    $fcmsDatabase = Database::getInstance($fcmsError);
    if (empty($data['parentId2'])) {
        return true;
    // Get parents sex if not provided
    if (empty($data['parentSex1']) || empty($data['parentSex2'])) {
        $sql = "SELECT `id`, `sex`\n                FROM `fcms_users`\n                WHERE `id` = ?\n                UNION\n                SELECT `id`, `sex`\n                FROM `fcms_users`\n                WHERE `id` = ?";
        $params = array($data['parentId1'], $data['parentId2']);
        $parentsInfo = $fcmsDatabase->getRows($sql, $params);
        if ($parentsInfo === false) {
            return false;
        $data['parentSex1'] = $parentsInfo[0]['sex'];
        $data['parentSex2'] = $parentsInfo[1]['sex'];
    if ($data['parentSex1'] === $data['parentSex2']) {
        return false;
    return true;
Exemple #2
 * upgradeNewPassword 
 * Saves the password in the new format, deletes old pw.
 * @param int    $userId
 * @param string $password 
 * @return boolean
function upgradeNewPassword($userId, $password)
    $fcmsError = FCMS_Error::getInstance();
    $fcmsDatabase = Database::getInstance($fcmsError);
    // Hash the pw
    $hasher = new PasswordHash(8, FALSE);
    $hashedPassword = $hasher->HashPassword($password);
    $sql = "UPDATE `fcms_users`\n            SET `password` = '0',\n                `phpass` = ?\n            WHERE `id` = ?";
    $params = array($hashedPassword, $userId);
    if (!$fcmsDatabase->update($sql, $params)) {
        return false;
    return true;
Exemple #3
 * getUserPicasaSessionToken
 * @param int $user 
 * @return void
function getUserPicasaSessionToken($user)
    $fcmsError = FCMS_Error::getInstance();
    $fcmsDatabase = Database::getInstance($fcmsError);
    $sql = "SELECT `picasa_session_token`\n            FROM `fcms_user_settings`\n            WHERE `user` = ?\n            LIMIT 1";
    $r = $fcmsDatabase->getRow($sql, $user);
    if ($r === false) {
        return null;
    if (empty($r)) {
        return null;
    return $r['picasa_session_token'];
Exemple #4
 * getVideoComments 
 * Valid params:
 *  currentUserId - The current user's id.
 *  id            - The id of the video.
 * @param string $url
 * @param string $params 
 * @return void
function getVideoComments($url, $params)
    $fcmsError = FCMS_Error::getInstance();
    $fcmsDatabase = Database::getInstance($fcmsError);
    $fcmsUser = new User($fcmsError, $fcmsDatabase);
    $comments = '';
    if (!isset($params['id'])) {
        die("Missing Video ID or User ID for getVideoComments");
    $id = $params['id'];
    $sql = "SELECT c.`id`, c.`comment`, c.`created`, c.`updated`, u.`fname`, u.`lname`, c.`created_id`, u.`avatar`, u.`gravatar`, s.`timezone`\n            FROM `fcms_video_comment` AS c\n            LEFT JOIN `fcms_users` AS u ON c.`created_id` = u.`id`\n            LEFT JOIN `fcms_user_settings` AS s ON u.`id` = s.`user`\n            WHERE `video_id` = '{$id}' \n            ORDER BY `updated`";
    $rows = $fcmsDatabase->getRows($sql, $id);
    if ($rows === false) {
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $del_comment = '';
        $date = fixDate(T_('F j, Y g:i a'), $row['timezone'], $row['updated']);
        $displayname = $row['fname'] . ' ' . $row['lname'];
        $comment = $row['comment'];
        $avatarPath = getAvatarPath($row['avatar'], $row['gravatar']);
        if ($fcmsUser->id == $row['created'] || $fcmsUser->access < 2) {
            $del_comment .= '<input type="submit" name="delcom" id="delcom" ' . 'value="' . T_('Delete') . '" class="gal_delcombtn" title="' . T_('Delete this Comment') . '"/>';
        $comments .= '
                <div class="comment">
                    <form class="delcom" action="' . $url . '" method="post">
                        ' . $del_comment . '
                        <img class="avatar" alt="avatar" src="' . $avatarPath . '"/>
                        <b>' . $displayname . '</b>
                        <span>' . $date . '</span>
                            ' . parse($comment) . '
                        <input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $row['id'] . '">
    return $comments;
Exemple #5
 * updateLastRun 
 * @param date   $now 
 * @param string $type 
 * @return void
function updateLastRun($now, $type)
    $fcmsError = FCMS_Error::getInstance();
    $fcmsDatabase = Database::getInstance($fcmsError);
    // Update date we last ran this job
    $sql = "UPDATE `fcms_schedule`\n            SET `lastrun` = '{$now}'\n            WHERE `type` = '{$type}'";
    if (!$fcmsDatabase->update($sql, array($now, $type))) {
        logError(__FILE__ . ' [' . __LINE__ . '] - Could not update last run date for ' . $type . ' job.');
Exemple #6
 * displayUpgradeDatabase
 * @return void
function displayUpgradeDatabase()
    $fcmsError = FCMS_Error::getInstance();
    $fcmsDatabase = Database::getInstance($fcmsError);
    $fcmsUpgrade = new Upgrade($fcmsError, $fcmsDatabase);
    $latestVersion = $_SESSION['latestVersion'];
    if (!$fcmsUpgrade->upgrade()) {
        // Jacked html, but should work
    if (!$fcmsUpgrade->updateCurrentVersion($latestVersion)) {
        // Jacked html, but should work
    header('Location: upgrade.php?manual=1');
Exemple #7
 * isLoggedIn
 * Checks whether user is logged in or not.  If user is logged in 
 * it just returns, if not, it redirects to login screen.
 * returns  boolean
function isLoggedIn()
    global $fcmsUser;
    $fcmsError = FCMS_Error::getInstance();
    $fcmsDatabase = Database::getInstance($fcmsError);
    // User has a session
    if (isset($_SESSION['fcms_id'])) {
        $id = (int) $_SESSION['fcms_id'];
        $token = $_SESSION['fcms_token'];
    } elseif (isset($_COOKIE['fcms_cookie_id'])) {
        $_SESSION['fcms_id'] = (int) $_COOKIE['fcms_cookie_id'];
        $_SESSION['fcms_token'] = $_COOKIE['fcms_cookie_token'];
        $id = $_SESSION['fcms_id'];
        $token = $_SESSION['fcms_token'];
    } else {
        $url = basename($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
        header('Location: ' . URL_PREFIX . 'index.php?err=login&url=' . URL_PREFIX . $url);
    // Make sure id is a number
    if (!is_numeric($id)) {
        $url = basename($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
        header('Location: ' . URL_PREFIX . 'index.php?err=login&url=' . URL_PREFIX . $url);
    // Verify the token is good
    if (isValidLoginToken($id, $token)) {
        $sql = "SELECT `access` AS 'val'\n                FROM `fcms_users`\n                WHERE `id` = ?\n                UNION ALL\n                SELECT `value` AS 'val'\n                FROM `fcms_config`\n                WHERE `name` = ?";
        $rows = $fcmsDatabase->getRows($sql, array($id, 'site_off'));
        if ($rows === false) {
        $site_off = $rows[0]['val'];
        $access = $rows[1]['val'];
        // Site is off and your not an admin
        if ($site_off == 1 && $access > 1) {
            header('Location: ' . URL_PREFIX . 'index.php?err=off');
        } else {
            // Load logged in user
            $fcmsUser = new User($fcmsError, $fcmsDatabase);
    } else {
        if (isset($_COOKIE['fcms_cookie_id'])) {
            setcookie('fcms_cookie_id', '', time() - 3600, '/');
            setcookie('fcms_cookie_token', '', time() - 3600, '/');
        header('Location: ' . URL_PREFIX . 'index.php?err=login');
Exemple #8
 * fixDate
 * Used to output all date/time info.  Fixes timezone, dst and translation.
 * @param string $dateFormat a string of the format of the date/time, PHP date
 * @param string $tzOffset   the timezone offset from the current user
 * @param date   $date       the date to fix
 * @param int    $userid     optional, user id to get dst/tz from
 * @return string the formatted and translated date
function fixDate($dateFormat, $tzOffset = '', $date = '', $userid = '')
    $fcmsError = FCMS_Error::getInstance();
    $fcmsDatabase = Database::getInstance($fcmsError);
    $fixedDate = $date;
    $dst = '';
    if ($userid == '') {
        $userid = (int) $_SESSION['fcms_id'];
    // Get DST
    $sql = "SELECT `dst` \n            FROM `fcms_user_settings` \n            WHERE `user` = ?";
    $row = $fcmsDatabase->getRow($sql, $userid);
    if ($row === false) {
        return $fixedDate;
    if ($row['dst'] > 0) {
        $dst = " +1 hours";
    // Fix Timezone / DST
    $fixedDate = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("{$fixedDate} {$tzOffset}{$dst}"));
    // Formate date
    $fixedDate = formatDate($dateFormat, $fixedDate);
    return $fixedDate;
Exemple #9
 * getFamilyTreeClassName 
 * Returns the name of the appropriate family tree
 * avatar upload class name.
 * @return string
function getFamilyTreeClassName()
    $fcmsError = FCMS_Error::getInstance();
    $fcmsDatabase = Database::getInstance($fcmsError);
    $fcmsUser = User::getInstance($fcmsError, $fcmsDatabase);
    $type = getUploaderType($fcmsUser->id);
    if ($type == 'plupload') {
        $className = 'PluploadUploadFamilyTree';
    } else {
        if ($type == 'java') {
            $className = 'JavaUploadFamilyTree';
        } else {
            $className = 'UploadFamilyTree';
    return $className;
Exemple #10
 * displayFeedPhotoGallery 
 * @return void
function displayFeedPhotoGallery()
    $fcmsError = FCMS_Error::getInstance();
    $fcmsDatabase = Database::getInstance($fcmsError);
    $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    $urlroot = $url;
    $pos = strrpos($url, "/");
    if ($pos === false) {
        $pos = strrpos($url, "\\");
    if (!($pos === false)) {
        $urlroot = substr($url, 0, $pos);
    $lastday = time() - 84 * 60 * 60 * 24;
    // 12 weeks
    $sql = "SELECT `caption`, p.`user`, `filename`, p.`date`, `name` \n            FROM `fcms_gallery_photos` AS p, `fcms_category` As c\n            WHERE p.`category` = c.`id` \n            AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.`date`) >= ?\n            ORDER BY p.`date`";
    $rows = $fcmsDatabase->getRows($sql, $lastday);
    if ($rows === false) {
        print "Error getting data.";
    $output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?" . "> \n<rss version=\"2.0\"> \n<channel> \n<title>" . getSiteName() . " - " . T_('Photo Gallery') . "</title> \n<link>" . $url . "</link> \n<description>" . getSiteName() . " - " . T_('Photo Gallery') . " " . T_('RSS Feed') . "</description> \n<language>" . T_pgettext('Language Code for this translation', 'lang') . "</language> \n<managingEditor>" . getContactEmail() . "</managingEditor> \n";
    if (count($rows) > 0) {
        foreach ($rows as $line) {
            $title = htmlentities($line['caption']);
            if ($title == "") {
                $title = htmlentities($line['name']);
            $output .= "<item><title><![CDATA[{$title}]]></title> \n<pubDate>" . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', strtotime($line['date'])) . " GMT</pubDate> \n<link>" . htmlentities($urlroot . "/gallery/photos/member" . $line['user'] . "/" . $line['filename']) . "</link>              \n<description><![CDATA[<img src=\"{$urlroot}/gallery/photos/member" . $line['user'] . "/" . $line['filename'] . "\" border=\"0\" />]]></description> \n<enclosure url=\"" . $urlroot . "/gallery/photos/member" . $line['user'] . "/" . $line['filename'] . "\" type=\"" . returnMIMEType("./gallery/photos/member" . $line['user'] . "/" . $line['filename']) . "\" length=\"" . filesize("./gallery/photos/member" . $line['user'] . "/" . $line['filename']) . "\" /> \n<guid isPermaLink=\"true\"><![CDATA[" . $urlroot . "/gallery/photos/member" . $line['user'] . "/" . $line['filename'] . "]]></guid> \n</item> \n";
    $output .= "</channel></rss>";
    echo $output;