function passwordExists($dbConn, $username, $password) { $isValid = false; $dbQuery = "SELECT Password FROM USERS WHERE Username = '******' LIMIT 1"; FB::info('passwordExists() query: ' . $dbQuery); $dbRows = mysqli_query($dbConn, $dbQuery); $dbValues = mysqli_fetch_assoc($dbRows); $dbPassword = $dbValues['Password']; if (password_verify($password, $dbPassword)) { $isValid = true; FB::log('Password is valid!'); // Check if the password needs a rehash. if (password_needs_rehash($dbPassword, PASSWORD_DEFAULT)) { FB::log('Rehashing password!'); $dbPassword = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $dbQuery = "UPDATE USERS SET Password = '******' WHERE Username = '******'"; FB::info('Password rehash query: ' . $dbQuery); $dbRows = mysqli_query($dbConn, $dbQuery); if ($dbRows) { FB::log('Password rehash successful!'); } else { FB::error('Password rehash failed: ' . mysqli_error($dbConn)); } } } return $isValid; }
function index() { $all = $this->equipment->getAll(); FB::error($all); $this->set('equipment', $all); FB::error($this->equipment); }
function addUser($dbConn, $username, $password, $email) { // Add user to USERS table. $dbQuery = "INSERT INTO USERS(Username, First_name, Last_name, Email, Status, About, Date_joined, Password) " . "VALUES('" . $username . "', '', '', '" . $email . "', 'active', '', CURDATE(), '" . $password . "')"; FB::info('addUser() query:' . $dbQuery); if ($dbResults = mysqli_query($dbConn, $dbQuery)) { FB::log('USERS insert success! (I think)'); } else { FB::error('USERS insert failed!'); } $userId = mysqli_insert_id($dbConn); // ID of the latest created user. FB::info('New User ID: ' . $userId); // Add user role for newly created user into USER_ROLES table. $dbQuery = "INSERT INTO USER_ROLES(User_Id, Role_Id)" . "VALUES(" . $userId . ", 1)"; if ($dbResults = mysqli_query($dbConn, $dbQuery)) { FB::log('USER_ROLES insert success! (I think)'); } else { FB::error('USER_ROLES insert failed!'); } // Add default avatar for newly created user into IMAGES table. $avatar = file('images/default_avatar.png'); // Default avatar for new users. $dbQuery = "INSERT INTO IMAGES(Description, Image, User_Id) " . "VALUES('test', '" . $avatar . "', " . $userId . ")"; if ($dbResults = mysqli_query($dbConn, $dbQuery)) { FB::log('IMAGES insert success! (I think)'); } else { FB::error('IMAGES insert failed!'); } }
public static function fire($value) { $dbgs = array_shift(debug_backtrace()); $msg = date('[ Y-m-d H:i:s ]' . "\n"); $msg .= 'file: ' . $dbgs['file'] . "\n"; $msg .= 'line: ' . $dbgs['line'] . "\n\n"; FB::warn($msg); FB::error($value); }
public static function logError($m) { $s = self::toStr($m); error_log("KLOUDSPEAKER ERROR: " . $s); if (self::$firebug) { FB::error($m); } if (self::isDebug()) { self::$trace[] = $s; } }
function save() { $this->dbh->TransactionBegin(); $query = "INSERT INTO room (name, capacity, note, room_type)\n\t\t\t VALUES (\$1, \$2, \$3, \$4)"; $this->dbh->query($query, array($this->nazov, $this->kapacita, $this->poznamka, $this->id_miestnost_typ)); $id = $this->dbh->GetLastInsertID(); FB::error($id); foreach ($this->vybavenie as $eq) { $query = "INSERT INTO room_equipment (id_room,id_equipment)\n \t VALUES (\$1, \$2)"; $this->dbh->query($query, array($id, $eq)); } $this->dbh->TransactionEnd(); }
private function _invalid_data(&$checked) { // nastavi vsetky veci co zadal korektne $this->set('room', $checked); // nasledne dve nie su previazane na hodnoty v $this->rooms => // ich pouzitie je korektne $room_types = $this->room_type->getAll(); $this->set('room_types', $room_types); $equips = $this->rooms->getEquipment(); FB::error($equips); $this->set('equips', $equips); $this->set('equip', $_POST['vybavenie']); }
public function findByLogin($login) { FB::error("robim"); $query = "SELECT, p.login,, p.notification_on, p.ais_id, " . Users::vyskladajMeno("p", "name", false) . "FROM person p\n \t WHERE login = \$1"; $this->dbh->query($query, array($login)); $user = $this->dbh->fetch_assoc(); //fb($user); if (!empty($user['id'])) { $user['groups'] = $this->loadGroups($user['id']); } //$user['posielat_moje_zmeny'] = ($user['posielat_moje_zmeny'] = 't') ? TRUE : FALSE; $user['notification_on'] = $this->convertBoolean($user['notification_on']); return $user; }
function close() { global $phpAnvil; //---- Check if Site is Set if (isset($phpAnvil->site)) { //---- Initialize the Site $phpAnvil->site->close(); $return = true; } else { FB::error('Site not set in phpAnvil.'); } $phpAnvil->triggerEvent('application.close'); return $return; }
public function offsetGet($offset) { global $phpAnvil; global $firePHP; $return = false; if (!$this->exists($offset)) { $msg = 'Controller (' . $offset . ') not found.'; $this->_addTraceInfo(__FILE__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $msg, self::TRACE_TYPE_ERROR); FB::error($msg); } else { $return = parent::offsetGet($offset); } return $return; }
function process() { global $phpAnvil; $return = false; $phpAnvil->triggerEvent(''); //---- Check if Site is Set if (isset($phpAnvil->site)) { //---- Initialize the Site $phpAnvil->site->open(); $return = true; } else { FB::error('Site not set in phpAnvil.'); } return $return; }
function dbConnect() { // Database connection info, which is gained from a file outside the web root directory. // Contains, in order: host, username, password, schema. $dbInfo = file('/home/jayme/files/dbinfo'); FB::log('Grabbed DB information'); $dbConn = mysqli_connect(trim($dbInfo[0]), trim($dbInfo[1]), trim($dbInfo[2]), trim($dbInfo[3])); // Schema FB::log('Connecting to database'); if (mysqli_connect_errno($dbConn)) { printf("Database connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error()); FB::error('Database connection failed: "' . mysqli_connect_error()); } FB::log('DB connection success!'); return $dbConn; }
/** * Logs an exception * * @param object $exception_object The Exception object * @param bool $is_fatal Whether or not to stop execution * @return void */ public static function log_exception($exception_object, $is_fatal = TRUE) { if (class_exists('FB')) { FB::error($exception_object); } // Generates an error message $trace = array_pop($exception_object->getTrace()); $arg_str = implode(',', $trace['args']); $method = isset($trace['class']) ? "{$trace['class']}::{$trace['function']}" : $trace['function']; $err = "[" . date("Y-m-d h:i:s") . "] " . $exception_object->getFile() . ":" . $exception_object->getLine() . " - Error with message \"" . $exception_object->getMessage() . "\" was thrown from " . "{$method} ({$trace['file']}:{$trace['line']})" . " with arguments: ('" . implode("', '", $trace['args']) . "')\n"; // Logs the error message self::_write_log($err); // Stop script execution if the error was fatal if ($is_fatal === TRUE) { die($exception_object->getMessage()); } }
/** * Vlozi informacie o userovi do session * @param <array> $user informacie o userovi, vo formate: * id - id usera * meno - meno usera * login - username * groups - pole skupin, ktorych je user clenom */ public function writeUser($user) { // vlozi data noveho usera FB::error($user); $this->write('uid', $user['id']); $this->write('name', $user['name']); // to je uz vyskladane z DB $this->write('mail', $user["email"]); $this->write('username', $user['login']); $this->write('groups', $user['groups']); $this->write('semester', $user['semester']); if ($user['notification_on'] == 't') { $this->write('notifyMyActions', TRUE); } else { $this->write('notifyMyActions', FALSE); } }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see debugObject::msg() */ public function msg($msg, $level = DEBUG_LOG) { if (!empty($msg) && $this->_level & $level) { if (DEBUG_INFO & $level) { if (is_array($msg)) { FB::group(current($msg), array('Collapsed' => true)); FB::info($msg); FB::groupEnd(); } else { FB::info($msg); } } elseif (DEBUG_ERROR & $level || DEBUG_STRICT & $level) { if (is_array($msg)) { FB::group(current($msg), array('Collapsed' => true, 'Color' => '#FF0000')); FB::error($msg); FB::groupEnd(); } else { FB::error($msg); } } elseif (DEBUG_WARNING & $level) { if (is_array($msg)) { FB::group(current($msg), array('Collapsed' => true, 'Color' => '#FF0000')); FB::warn($msg); FB::groupEnd(); } else { FB::warn($msg); } } else { if (is_array($msg)) { FB::group(current($msg), array('Collapsed' => true)); FB::log($msg); FB::groupEnd(); } else { FB::log($msg); } } } }
/** * Main function of Messaging System. It outputs a message based on the mode defined. * * @param String $originalMessage * @param String $type * @return String * @return Boolean */ public static function output($originalMessage, $type = self::NOTICE, $priority = self::NORMAL) { if (self::$mode == null) { self::setMode(self::CONSOLE); } if ($type == null) { $type = self::NOTICE; } //Searching if Views is loaded if (array_search('PhpBURN_Views', get_declared_classes()) == true) { $messageClass = 'PhpBURN_Views'; } else { $messageClass = __CLASS__; } //Now time $time = mktime(date('H'), date('i'), date('s'), date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')); $time = strftime(SYS_USE_DATEFORMAT, $time); //Usage $usage = number_format(memory_get_usage() / 1048576, 2, ',', ' '); // $timing = getrusage(); //Setup the message $message = sprintf("%s: [%s (%s MB)] ", $type, $time, $usage); $message .= var_export($originalMessage, true); $message .= "\r\n\r\n"; //The breaklines //Sending the message switch (self::$mode) { case self::BROWSER: case self::CONSOLE: print $message = call_user_func(array($messageClass, 'lazyTranslate'), $message); break; case self::FIREBUG: $message = call_user_func(array($messageClass, 'lazyTranslate'), $message); switch ($type) { case self::LOG: FB::log($message); break; case self::WARNING: FB::warn($message); break; case self::NOTICE: FB::info($message); break; case self::ERROR: FB::error($message); break; default: FB::info($message); break; } break; case self::FILE: $fileName = self::$fileName == null || !isset(self::$fileName) ? 'phpburn.log' : $this->fileName; $fileName = SYS_BASE_PATH . $fileName; $fp = fopen($fileName, 'a+'); fwrite($fp, call_user_func(array($messageClass, 'lazyTranslate'), $message)); fclose($fp); //@chmod($fileName, 0755); break; default: break; } if ($type == self::EXCEPTION) { throw new Exception($message); } unset($time, $usage, $message, $translatedType); }
/** * use of FirePHP::error() if allowed * * @param mixed $obj * @param string $label * @return void */ public static function error($obj, $label = '') { if (PS_USE_FIREPHP) { FB::error($obj, $label); } }
/** * Handles Exceptions * * @param integer|object exception object or error code * @param string error message * @param string filename * @param integer line number * @return void */ public static function exception_handler($exception, $message = NULL, $file = NULL, $line = NULL) { try { # PHP errors have 5 args, always $PHP_ERROR = func_num_args() === 5; # Test to see if errors should be displayed if ($PHP_ERROR and error_reporting() === 0) { die; } # Error handling will use exactly 5 args, every time if ($PHP_ERROR) { $code = $exception; $type = 'PHP Error'; } else { $code = $exception->getCode(); $type = get_class($exception); $message = $exception->getMessage(); $file = $exception->getFile(); $line = $exception->getLine(); } if (is_numeric($code)) { //$codes = self::lang('errors'); if (!empty($codes[$code])) { list($level, $error, $description) = $codes[$code]; } else { $level = 1; $error = $PHP_ERROR ? 'Unknown Error' : get_class($exception); $description = ''; } } else { // Custom error message, this will never be logged $level = 5; $error = $code; $description = ''; } // Remove the self::config('core.path.docroot') from the path, as a security precaution $file = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($file)); $file = preg_replace('|^' . preg_quote(self::config('core.path.docroot')) . '|', '', $file); if ($PHP_ERROR) { $description = 'An error has occurred which has stopped Scaffold'; if (!headers_sent()) { # Send the 500 header header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); } } else { if (method_exists($exception, 'sendHeaders') and !headers_sent()) { # Send the headers if they have not already been sent $exception->sendHeaders(); } } if ($line != FALSE) { // Remove the first entry of debug_backtrace(), it is the exception_handler call $trace = $PHP_ERROR ? array_slice(debug_backtrace(), 1) : $exception->getTrace(); // Beautify backtrace $trace = self::backtrace($trace); } # Log to FirePHP FB::error($message); require SYSPATH . 'views/Scaffold_Exception.php'; # Turn off error reporting error_reporting(0); exit; } catch (Exception $e) { die('Fatal Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' File: ' . $e->getFile() . ' Line: ' . $e->getLine()); } }
public function verify_user() { // Store and clean the POST data $this->_store_post_data(); // Make sure the username is valid if (!SIV::validate($_POST['username'], SIV::USERNAME)) { // Set error message $this->_sdata->error = '0001'; } else { if (!SIV::validate($_POST['display'], SIV::STRING)) { // Set error message $this->_sdata->error = '0002'; } else { if (strlen($_POST['password']) < 8) { // Set error message $this->_sdata->error = '0003'; } else { if ($_POST['password'] !== $_POST['verify-password']) { // Set error message $this->_sdata->error = '0004'; } else { // Reset the error code $this->_sdata->error = '0000'; // Grab cleaned data out of the temporary session data $username = $this->_sdata->temp->username; $display = $this->_sdata->temp->display; $vcode = $this->_sdata->temp->vcode; // Create a salted hash of the password $password = AdminUtilities::createSaltedHash($_POST['password']); } } } } // Check for errors if ($this->_sdata->error !== '0000') { // Bounce back to the verification form header('Location: /admin/verify/' . $vcode); exit; } // Define the update query $sql = "UPDATE `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . DB_PREFIX . "users`\n SET\n `username`=:username,\n `display`=:display,\n `password`=:password,\n `active`=1\n WHERE `vcode`=:vcode\n AND `active`=0\n LIMIT 1"; try { $stmt = $this->db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':username', $username, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(':display', $display, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(':password', $password, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(':vcode', $vcode, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->execute(); if ($stmt->errorCode() !== '00000') { FB::error($e); $err = $stmt->errorInfo(); ECMS_Error::log_exception(new Exception($err[2])); } $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->_sdata = NULL; return TRUE; } catch (Exception $e) { ECMS_Error::log_exception($e); } }
// Credits echo '<div class="fb_credits"> ' . CKunenaLink::GetTeamCreditsLink($catid, _KUNENA_POWEREDBY) . ' ' . CKunenaLink::GetCreditsLink(); if ($fbConfig->enablerss) { $document->addCustomTag('<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="' . _LISTCAT_RSS . '" href="' . JRoute::_(KUNENA_LIVEURLREL . '&func=fb_rss&no_html=1') . '" />'); echo CKunenaLink::GetRSSLink('<img class="rsslink" src="' . KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'rss.gif" border="0" alt="' . _LISTCAT_RSS . '" title="' . _LISTCAT_RSS . '" />'); } echo '</div>'; // display footer $KunenaTemplate->displayParsedTemplate('kunena-footer'); } } //else if (is_object($kunenaProfile)) { $kunenaProfile->close(); } if (JDEBUG == 1) { $__profiler->mark('Done'); $__queries = $__profiler->getQueryCount(); if (defined('JFIREPHP')) { FB::log($__profiler->getBuffer(), 'Kunena Profiler'); if ($__queries > 50) { FB::error($__queries, 'Kunena Queries'); } else { if ($__queries > 35) { FB::warn($__queries, 'Kunena Queries'); } else { FB::log($__queries, 'Kunena Queries'); } } } }
/** * Fatal Error Handler * * @param string $buffer PHP output buffer * * @return string * @ignore * * <code> * ob_start(array('Panda_Errpr', 'fatalErrorHandler'); // set handler * </code> */ public static function onFatalError($buffer) { $error = error_get_last(); // return "FATAL" . $buffer . "FATAL" . var_export($error, true); if ($error['type'] !== 1) { return $buffer; } // Web header("HTTP/1.x 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable."); $id = substr(md5(serialize($error)), 0, 6); // FB if (self::$_config[self::CONFIG_DEBUG] === true && self::$_config[self::CONFIG_ENABLE_FIREPHP]) { FB::error("Fatal Error - {$error['message']} - ref# {$id}"); } // write fatal error in file if (self::$_config[self::CONFIG_LOG_PATH]) { $path = self::$_config[self::CONFIG_LOG_PATH]; $msg = "{$error['message']} in {$error['line']} on {$error['line']}"; error_log("[PHP Fatal][{$id}]:{$msg}"); if (!is_writable($path)) { trigger_error('File write error' . $path, E_USER_ERROR); } $file = $path . 'fatal-' . $id . '.log'; if (!file_exists($file)) { file_put_contents($file, $buffer); } else { } } // show Fatal error page $fatalHtml = (include self::$_config[self::CONFIG_FATAL_HTML]); if (is_string($fatalHtml)) { return $fatalHtml; } return $buffer; }
/** * Intefacet to FirePHP error, just to make things easier * * @param $data * @param $label */ public static function error($data, $label) { FB::error($data, $label); }
define('FIREPHP_INFO', false); define('FIREPHP_WARN', false); define('FIREPHP_ERROR', false); define('FIREPHP_TRACE', true); require_once '../../Grace/FirePHPCore/fb.php'; FB::log('Hello World !'); // 常规记录 \FB::group('Test Group A', ['Collapsed' => true]); // 记录分组 // 以下为按照不同类别或者类型进行信息记录 FB::log('Plain Message'); FB::info('Info Message'); FB::warn('Warn Message'); FB::error('Error Message'); FB::log('Message', 'Optional Label'); FB::info([1, 2, 3, 5, 56], "All Turtles"); FB::groupEnd(); FB::group('Test Group B'); FB::log('Hello World B'); FB::log('Plain Message'); FB::info('Info Message'); FB::warn('Warn Message'); FB::error('Error Message'); FB::log('Message', 'Optional Label'); FB::groupEnd(); $table[] = array('Col 1 Heading', 'Col 2 Heading', 'Col 2 Heading'); $table[] = array('Row 1 Col 1', 'Row 1 Col 2', 'Row 1 Col 2'); $table[] = array('Row 2 Col 1', 'Row 2 Col 2'); $table[] = array('Row 3 Col 1', 'Row 3 Col 2'); FB::table('Table Label', $table); FB::trace('123', [1, 23, 4]);
<?php header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); require_once 'fb.php'; FB::log('Log message'); FB::info('info message'); FB::warn('warn message'); FB::error('error message'); $var = array('abc'); fb($var, FirePHP::TRACE); //End_php
static function displayPosts($num = 8, $page = 'blog', $filter = "recent", $id = "latest-blogs") { // Determine which posts to retreive if ($filter == "recent") { $filter_sql = "WHERE page='{$page}'"; } elseif ($filter == "featured") { $filter_sql = "WHERE page='{$page}' AND data5='1'"; } //TODO: Convert to PDO $db = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME); $sql = "SELECT title,data6\n FROM `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . DB_PREFIX . "entryMgr`\n {$filter_sql}\n ORDER BY created DESC\n LIMIT {$num}"; try { $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $list = NULL; $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($title, $data6); while ($stmt->fetch()) { $url = isset($data6) ? $data6 : urlencode($title); $link = SITE_URL . $page . "/" . $url; $title = stripslashes($title); $list .= "\n <li><a href=\"{$link}\">{$title}</a></li>"; } $stmt->close(); } catch (Exception $e) { FB::error($e); throw new Exception("Could not load entries."); } return "\n <ul id=\"{$id}\">{$list}\n </ul>"; }
public function OnError($msg,$label=null) { \FB::error($msg, $label); }
public static function display_posts($num = 8, $page = 'blog', $filter = "recent", $id = "latest-blogs") { // Load the page ID $page = Menu::get_page_data_by_slug($page); // Determine which posts to retreive if ($filter == "recent") { $sql = "SELECT `title`, `slug`\n FROM `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . DB_PREFIX . "entries`\n WHERE `page_id`='{$page->page_id}'\n ORDER BY `created` DESC\n LIMIT 0, {$num}"; } elseif ($filter == "featured") { $sql = "SELECT `entry_id`, `title`, `slug`\n FROM `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . DB_PREFIX . "featured`\n LEFT JOIN `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . DB_PREFIX . "entries`\n USING( `entry_id` )\n LIMIT 0, {$num}"; } //TODO: Convert to PDO $dbo = new DB_Connect(); try { $stmt = $dbo->db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $list = NULL; $lb = "\n" . str_repeat(' ', 24); while ($entry = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { $url = isset($entry->slug) ? $entry->slug : urlencode($entry->title); $link = SITE_URL . $page->page_slug . "/" . $url; $title = stripslashes($entry->title); $list .= "{$lb}<li><a href=\"{$link}\">{$title}</a></li>"; } $stmt->closeCursor(); } catch (Exception $e) { FB::error($e); throw new Exception("Could not load entries."); } $lb = "\n" . str_repeat(' ', 20); return "{$lb}<ul id=\"{$id}\">{$list}{$lb}</ul><!-- end #{$id} -->"; }
public function attestato() { //JRequest::setVar('view', 'attestato'); $japp =& JFactory::getApplication(); $model =& $this->getModel('attestato'); FB::error("ATTENZIONE!!!! indici statici sull'attestato"); $model->certificate(678, 155); $japp->close(); parent::display(); }
/** * Debug output * * <code> * Panda_Debug::p * 出力モードを指定して変数を出力します * </code> * * @param mixed $values any values * @param string $ouputMode 'var' | 'export' | 'syslog' | 'fire' dafult is 'print_a' * @param array $options options * * @return void */ public static function p($values = '', $ouputMode = null, array $options = array()) { if (!self::$enable) { return; } if (isset($options['return']) && $options['return'] === true) { ob_start(); } // Roならarrayに if (class_exists('BEAR_Ro', false) && $values instanceof BEAR_Ro) { $values = array('code' => $values->getCode(), 'headers' => $values->header, 'body' => $values->body, 'links' => $values->links); } if ($ouputMode === null && is_scalar($values)) { $ouputMode = 'dump'; } $trace = isset($options['trace']) ? $options['trace'] : debug_backtrace(); $file = $trace[0]['file']; $line = $trace[0]['line']; $includePath = explode(":", get_include_path()); $method = isset($trace[1]['class']) ? " ({$trace[1]['class']}" . '::' . "{$trace[1]['function']})" : ''; $fileArray = file($file, FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH); $p = trim($fileArray[$line - 1]); unset($fileArray); preg_match("/p\\((.+)[\\s,\\)]/is", $p, $matches); $varName = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : ''; $label = isset($options['label']) ? $options['label'] : "{$varName} in {$file} on line {$line}{$method}"; if (strlen(serialize($values)) > 1000000) { $ouputMode = 'dump'; } $label = is_object($values) ? ucwords(get_class($values)) . " {$label}" : $label; // if CLI if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') { $colorOpenReverse = "[7;32m"; $colorOpenBold = "[1;32m"; $colorOpenPlain = "[0;32m"; $colorClose = "[0m"; echo $colorOpenReverse . "{$varName}" . $colorClose . " = "; var_dump($values); echo $colorOpenPlain . "in {$colorOpenBold}{$file}{$colorClose}{$colorOpenPlain} on line {$line}{$method}" . $colorClose . "\n"; return; } if (Panda::isCliOutput()) { if (class_exists('FB', false)) { $ouputMode = 'fire'; } else { $ouputMode = 'syslog'; } } $labelField = '<fieldset style="color:#4F5155; border:1px solid black;padding:2px;width:10px;">'; $labelField .= '<legend style="color:black;font-size:9pt;font-weight:bold;font-family:Verdana,'; $labelField .= 'Arial,,SunSans-Regular,sans-serif;">' . $label . '</legend>'; switch ($ouputMode) { case 'v': case 'var': if (class_exists('Var_Dump', false)) { Var_Dump::displayInit(array('display_mode' => 'HTML4_Text')); print $labelField; Var_Dump::display($values); } else { ob_start(); var_export($values); $var = ob_get_clean(); print $labelField; echo "<pre>" . $var . '</pre>'; } print "</fieldset>"; break; case 'd': case 'dump': $file = "<a style=\"color:gray; text-decoration:none;\" target=\"_blank\" href=/__panda/edit/?file={$file}&line={$line}>{$file}</a>"; $dumpLabel = isset($options['label']) ? $options['label'] : "in <span style=\"color:gray\">{$file}</span> on line {$line}{$method}"; echo self::dump($values, null, array('label' => $dumpLabel, 'var_name' => $varName)); break; case 'e': case 'export': echo "{$labelField}<pre>" . var_export($values, true); echo '</fieldset></pre>'; break; case 'h': case 'header': header("x-panda-{$label}", print_r($values, true)); break; case 's': case 'syslog': syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "label:{$label}" . print_r($values, true)); break; case 'f': case 'fire': if (class_exists('FB', false)) { $label = isset($options['label']) ? $options['label'] : 'p() in ' . $trace[0]['file'] . ' on line ' . $trace[0]['line']; FB::group($label); FB::error($values); FB::groupEnd(); } break; case null: case 'printa': case 'print_a': default: $options = "max_y:100;pickle:1;label:{$label}"; print_a($values, $options); } if (isset($options['return']) && $options['return'] === true) { return ob_get_clean(); } }
/** * Ritorna le informazioni per l'unita richiesto. * L'id dell'unita viene letto da URL e deve essere un intero valido. * * @return array */ public function getUnita($where = null, $limit = null) { try { if (!empty($this->_content)) { return $this->_content; } $query = 'SELECT * FROM #__gg_unit as u '; if(!$where) $query .= 'WHERE id = '. $this->_id ; else $query .= $where; FB::log($query, "getUnita -- Principale"); $this->_db->setQuery($query); if (false === ($unita = $this->_db->loadAssoc())) throw new RuntimeException($this->_db->getErrorMsg(), E_USER_ERROR); if (empty($unita)) throw new DomainException('Nessun contenuto trovato', E_USER_NOTICE); // $unita['unitaFiglio'] = array(); // > $query = 'SELECT * FROM #__gg_unit WHERE categoriapadre = '.$this->_id .' order by ordinamento '; // FB::log($query, "getUnita - unitaFiglio"); // $this->_db->setQuery($query); // if (false === ($results = $this->_db->loadAssocList())) // throw new RuntimeException($this->_db->getErrorMsg(), E_USER_ERROR); // $unita['unitaFiglio'] = $results; // $unita['unitaPadre'] = array(); // $query = 'SELECT * FROM #__gg_unit WHERE id = '.$unita['categoriapadre'] .' order by ordinamento '; // echo $query; // FB::log($query, "getUnita - unitaPadre"); // $this->_db->setQuery($query); // if (false === ($results = $this->_db->loadAssocList())) // throw new RuntimeException($this->_db->getErrorMsg(), E_USER_ERROR); // $unita['unitaPadre'] = $results; // if($unita['tipologia']==2){ // $unita['contenutiUnita'] = array(); // $unita['contenutiUnita'] = $this->getContenuti($this->_id); // } // foreach ($unita['unitaFiglio'] as &$item) { // // FB::log($item, "item - unita figlio"); // $item['contenutiUnita'] = array(); // $item['contenutiUnita'] = $this->getContenuti($item['id']); // } FB::info($unita, "Unita"); } catch (Exception $e) { FB::error($e); } return $unita; }