public function editAction() { $comment_id = (int) $this->getParam('id'); $form_config = $this->current_module_config->forms->upload_comment; $form = new \FA\Form($form_config); $form->populate($_POST); if ($_POST && $form->isValid($_POST) && $this->csrf->verify($form->getValue('csrf'), '_upload_comments')) { // TODO: Check comment edit rate limit here! $comment = UploadComment::find($comment_id); if (!$comment instanceof UploadComment) { throw new \FA\Exception('Comment not found!'); } if (!$comment->canEdit($this->user)) { throw new \FA\Exception('Unable to edit comment!'); } $upload = $comment->upload; // Prevent posting if comments are locked if ($upload->comments_locked) { throw new \FA\Exception('Comments are locked on this Upload!'); } // Verify the user can even progress further self::_userCheck($upload); // Update the comment's text $comment->message = $form->getValue('JSMessage'); $comment->save(); // Redirect to the Upload page to our comment! // TODO: Add a way to auto-lock on to the comment. Maybe a perma-link style approach? return $this->redirectToName('upload_view', array('id' => $upload->id)); } }
public function indexAction() { // TODO: Use variable for this setting. $per_page = 48; $form_config = $this->current_module_config->forms->browse->toArray(); if (!$this->fa->canSeeArt('mature')) { unset($form_config['elements']['rating'][1]['options'][Upload::RATING_MATURE]); unset($form_config['elements']['rating'][1]['options'][Upload::RATING_ADULT]); } elseif (!$this->fa->canSeeArt('adult')) { unset($form_config['elements']['rating'][1]['options'][Upload::RATING_ADULT]); } $form = new \FA\Form($form_config); if ($this->request->isPost() && $form->isValid($_POST)) { $filters = $form->getValues(); } else { $filters = $form->getDefaults(); } // Force form to default to page 1, so that if filters change, the page will reset. $form->populate(array('page' => 1)); $this->view->form = $form; // Create query builder. $qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder(); $qb->select('up')->from('Entity\\Upload up'); if (!empty($filters['category']) && $filters['category'] != 1) { $qb->andWhere('up.category = :category')->setParameter('category', $filters['category']); } if (!empty($filters['theme']) && $filters['theme'] != 1) { $qb->andWhere('up.theme = :theme')->setParameter('theme', $filters['theme']); } if (!empty($filters['species']) && $filters['species'] != 1) { $qb->andWhere('up.species = :species')->setParameter('species', $filters['species']); } if (!empty($filters['gender']) && $filters['gender'] != 0) { $qb->andWhere('up.gender = :gender')->setParameter('gender', $filters['gender']); } if (isset($filters['rating'])) { $qb->andWhere('up.rating IN (:ratings)')->setParameter('ratings', (array) $filters['rating']); if (in_array(Upload::RATING_MATURE, $filters['rating']) || in_array(Upload::RATING_ADULT, $filters['rating'])) { $this->fa->setPageHasMatureContent(true); } } $query = $qb->orderBy('up.created_at', 'DESC')->getQuery(); $pager = new \FA\Paginator\Doctrine($query, $filters['page'], $per_page); $this->view->page_current = $filters['page']; $this->view->page_count = $pager->getPageCount(); $this->view->pager = $pager; $this->view->thumbnail_size = $this->user->getVariable('thumbnail_size'); }
public function editAction() { $this->fa->readOnly(); $form_config = $this->current_module_config->forms->journal->toArray(); $form = new \FA\Form($form_config); $record = null; $edit_mode = false; $id = (int) $this->getParam('id'); if ($id != 0) { $record = Journal::getRepository()->findOneBy(array('id' => $id, 'user_id' => $this->user->id)); if (!$record instanceof Journal) { throw new \FA\Exception('Journal entry not found!'); } $record_info = $record->toArray(FALSE, TRUE); if ($this->user->getVariable('featured_journal_id') == $id) { $record_info['is_featured'] = 1; } $form->populate($record_info); $edit_mode = true; } if ($this->request->isPost() && $form->isValid($_POST)) { if (!$record instanceof Journal) { $record = new Journal(); $record->user = $this->user; } $data = $form->getValues(); if ($data['is_featured']) { $this->user->setVariable('featured_journal_id', $id); } elseif ($this->user->getVariable('featured_journal_id') == $id) { $this->user->deleteVariable('featured_journal_id'); } $record->fromArray($data); $record->save(); if ($edit_mode) { $this->alert('<b>Journal edited!</b>', 'green'); } else { $this->alerT('<b>New journal posted!</b>', 'green'); } return $this->redirectFromHere(array('action' => 'index', 'id' => NULL)); } $this->view->edit_mode = $edit_mode; $this->view->form = $form; }
public function indexAction() { $form_config = $this->current_module_config->forms->search->toArray(); $form_config['elements']['perpage']['default'] = $this->user->getVariable('perpage'); if (!$this->fa->canSeeArt('mature')) { unset($form_config['elements']['rating'][1]['options'][Upload::RATING_MATURE]); unset($form_config['elements']['rating'][1]['options'][Upload::RATING_ADULT]); } elseif (!$this->fa->canSeeArt('adult')) { unset($form_config['elements']['rating'][1]['options'][Upload::RATING_ADULT]); } $form = new \FA\Form($form_config); $data = $form->getDefaults(); if ($this->request->isPost() && $form->isValid($_POST)) { // Leave all values default if not specified by the user. $data = array_merge($data, array_filter($form->getValues())); } // Force form to default to page 1, so that if filters change, the page will reset. $form->populate(array('page' => 1)); $this->view->form = $form; $pager = NULL; // Run the search query if the terms were provided if (!empty($data['q'])) { // TODO: Add user search back into this. // Create the sphinx request hash $sphinx_request['q'] = preg_replace('/[\\x00-\\x1F]/', ' ', $data['q']); $sphinx_request['page'] = $data['page']; $sphinx_request['perpage'] = $data['perpage']; $sphinx_request['use_index'] = 'submissions_delta submissions'; $sphinx_request['match_mode'] = $this->_sphinx_match_mode($data['mode']); $sphinx_request['field_weights'] = array('title' => 3, 'keywords' => 4, 'message' => 2, 'filename' => 1, 'lower' => 1); $sphinx_request['order_by'] = $data['order_by']; $sphinx_request['order_direction'] = $data['order_direction']; // Filters $sphinx_request['filters'] = array(); if (isset($data['rating'])) { $sphinx_request['filters']['adultsubmission'] = (array) $data['rating']; if (in_array(Upload::RATING_MATURE, $data['rating']) || in_array(Upload::RATING_ADULT, $data['rating'])) { $this->fa->setPageHasMatureContent(true); } } if (!empty($data['type'])) { $sphinx_request['filters']['type'] = $data['type']; } if ($data['range'] != 0) { $sphinx_request['filters']['date'] = array(time() - $data['range'], time()); } // Make the request $sphinx_error = NULL; $sphinx_warning = NULL; $sphinx_result = $this->_sphinx_make_request($sphinx_request, $sphinx_error, $sphinx_warning); if (!$sphinx_result) { throw new \FA\Exception($sphinx_error); } if ($sphinx_result['total_found'] && isset($sphinx_result['matches']) && is_array($sphinx_result['matches'])) { $found_docs = array(); $doc_info = array(); foreach ($sphinx_result['matches'] as $match) { $found_docs[] = $match['id']; $doc_info[$match['id']] = $match; } $result = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT up, us, field(, :ids) AS HIDDEN field FROM Entity\\Upload up JOIN up.user us WHERE IN (:ids) ORDER BY field')->setParameter('ids', $found_docs)->execute(); $pager = new \FA\Paginator\Sphinx($result, $sphinx_result['total_found'], $data['page'], $data['perpage']); } } if (!$pager) { $pager = new \FA\Paginator\Sphinx(array(), 0, $data['page'], $data['perpage']); } $this->view->page_current = $data['page']; $this->view->page_count = $pager->getPageCount(); $this->view->pager = $pager; $this->view->thumbnail_size = $this->user->getVariable('thumbnail_size'); }
public function editgroupAction() { $this->fa->readOnly(); $form_config = $this->current_module_config->forms->foldergroup->toArray(); $form = new \FA\Form($form_config); $id = (int) $this->getParam('id'); if ($id) { $record = FolderGroup::getRepository()->findOneBy(array('id' => $id, 'user_id' => $this->user->id)); if (!$record instanceof FolderGroup) { throw new \FA\Exception('Folder ID not found!'); } $form->populate($record->toArray()); } if ($this->request->isPost() && $form->isValid($_POST)) { $data = $form->getValues(); if (!$record instanceof FolderGroup) { // TODO: Enforce folder count limit. $record = new FolderGroup(); $record->user = $this->user; $record->sort_order = 100; } $record->fromArray($data); $record->save(); $this->_reSort(); $this->alert('<b>Group updated!</b>', 'green'); return $this->redirectFromHere(array('action' => 'index', 'id' => NULL)); } $this->view->form = $form; }