Exemple #1
 protected function onBrowse($tpl = null)
     // Add toolbar buttons
     JToolBarHelper::back('JTOOLBAR_BACK', 'index.php?option=com_admintools');
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $urlredirection = $model->getRedirectionState();
     $this->urlredirection = $urlredirection;
     // Run the parent method
Exemple #2
 protected function onDisplay($tpl = null)
     $subIDs = array();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     if ($user->id) {
         $mysubs = F0FModel::getTmpInstance('Subscriptions', 'AkeebasubsModel')->user_id($user->id)->paystate('C')->getItemList();
         if (!empty($mysubs)) {
             foreach ($mysubs as $sub) {
                 $subIDs[] = $sub->akeebasubs_level_id;
         $subIDs = array_unique($subIDs);
     $this->subIDs = $subIDs;
 protected function onDisplay($tpl = null)
     // Makes sure SiteGround's SuperCache doesn't cache the subscription page
     JResponse::setHeader('X-Cache-Control', 'False', true);
 public function onDisplay($tpl = null)
     $ret = parent::onDisplay($tpl);
     if ($ret) {
         // Get all levels and all active levels
         $rawActiveLevels = F0FModel::getTmpInstance('Levels', 'AkeebasubsModel')->enabled(1)->getList();
         $activeLevels = array();
         $allLevels = array();
         $ppList = array();
         // Let's get all the enabled plugins
         $tempList = JFactory::getApplication()->triggerEvent('onAKPaymentGetIdentity');
         // Remove a level for better handling
         foreach ($tempList as $tempPlugin) {
             $keys = array_keys($tempPlugin);
             $name = array_pop($keys);
             $ppList[$name] = array_pop($tempPlugin);
         if (!empty($rawActiveLevels)) {
             foreach ($rawActiveLevels as $l) {
                 $activeLevels[] = $l->akeebasubs_level_id;
                 $allLevels[$l->akeebasubs_level_id] = $l;
         // Get subscription and subscription level IDs, sort subscriptions
         // based on status
         $subIDs = array();
         $subscription_ids = array();
         $sortTable = array('active' => array(), 'waiting' => array(), 'pending' => array(), 'expired' => array());
         if (count($this->items)) {
             foreach ($this->items as $sub) {
                 $id = $sub->akeebasubs_subscription_id;
                 $subIDs[] = $id;
                 $subscription_ids[] = $id;
                 // Propagate the info the the sub can be cancelled
                 if (isset($ppList[$sub->processor])) {
                     $sub->allow_renew = $ppList[$sub->processor]->recurringCancellation;
                 } else {
                     $sub->allow_renew = true;
                 if (!$sub->enabled) {
                     $jd = new JDate($sub->publish_up);
                 if ($sub->enabled) {
                     $sortTable['active'][] = $id;
                 } elseif ($sub->state == 'C' && $jd->toUnix() >= time()) {
                     $sortTable['waiting'][] = $id;
                 } elseif ($sub->state == 'P') {
                     $sortTable['pending'][] = $id;
                 } else {
                     $sortTable['expired'][] = $id;
         $subIDs = array_unique($subIDs);
         // Get invoices data
         $invoices = array();
         if (!empty($subscription_ids)) {
             $rawInvoices = F0FModel::getTmpInstance('Invoices', 'AkeebasubsModel')->subids($subscription_ids)->getList();
             if (!empty($rawInvoices)) {
                 foreach ($rawInvoices as $rawInvoice) {
                     $invoices[$rawInvoice->akeebasubs_subscription_id] = $rawInvoice;
         // Get incoiving extensions
         $extensions = F0FModel::getTmpInstance('Invoices', 'AkeebasubsModel')->getExtensions();
         // Assign variables
         $this->activeLevels = $activeLevels;
         $this->allLevels = $allLevels;
         $this->subIDs = $subIDs;
         $this->invoices = $invoices;
         $this->extensions = $extensions;
         $this->sortTable = $sortTable;
     return $ret;