Exemple #1
  * Init database.
  * @param DI            $di            Dependency Injection.
  * @param Config        $config        Config object.
  * @param EventsManager $eventsManager Event manager.
  * @return Pdo
 protected function _initDb($di, $config, $eventsManager)
     $adapter = '\\Phalcon\\Db\\Adapter\\Pdo\\' . $config->db->mysql->adapter;
     /** @var Pdo $connection */
     $connection = new $adapter(['host' => $config->db->mysql->host, 'port' => $config->db->mysql->port, 'username' => $config->db->mysql->username, 'password' => $config->db->mysql->password, 'dbname' => $config->db->mysql->dbname]);
     $isProfiler = $config->global->profiler;
     if ($isProfiler) {
         // Attach logger & profiler.
         $profiler = null;
         if ($isProfiler) {
             $profiler = new PhDbProfiler();
         $eventsManager->attach('db', function ($event, $connection) use($profiler) {
             if ($event->getType() == 'beforeQuery') {
                 $statement = $connection->getSQLStatement();
                 if ($profiler) {
             if ($event->getType() == 'afterQuery') {
                 // Stop the active profile.
                 if ($profiler) {
         if ($profiler && $di->has('profiler')) {
     $di->set('db', $connection);
      * Add db service connect to five.vn database
     $di->set('dbfive', function () use($config) {
         $fiveAdapter = '\\Phalcon\\Db\\Adapter\\Pdo\\' . $config->db->dbfive->adapter;
         return new $fiveAdapter(['host' => $config->db->dbfive->host, 'port' => $config->db->dbfive->port, 'username' => $config->db->dbfive->username, 'password' => $config->db->dbfive->password, 'dbname' => $config->db->dbfive->dbname]);
     $di->set('modelsManager', function () use($config, $eventsManager) {
         $modelsManager = new PhModelsManager();
         // Attach a listener to models-manager
         $eventsManager->attach('modelsManager', new ModelAnnotationsInitializer());
         return $modelsManager;
     }, true);
      * If the configuration specify the use of metadata adapter use it or use memory otherwise.
     $di->set('modelsMetadata', function () use($config) {
         if (ENV == ENV_PRODUCTION && isset($config->global->metadata)) {
             $metaDataConfig = $config->global->metadata;
             $metadataAdapter = '\\Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Metadata\\' . $metaDataConfig->adapter;
             $metaData = new $metadataAdapter($config->global->metadata->toArray());
         } else {
             $metaData = new \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory();
         $metaData->setStrategy(new PhStrategyAnnotations());
         return $metaData;
     }, true);
     return $connection;

use Phalcon\Logger, Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql as Connection, Phalcon\Events\Manager, Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\File;
$di->set('db', function () {
    $eventsManager = new EventsManager();
    $logger = new Logger("app/logs/debug.log");
    //Listen all the database events
    $eventsManager->attach('db', function ($event, $connection) use($logger) {
        if ($event->getType() == 'beforeQuery') {
            $logger->log($connection->getSQLStatement(), Logger::INFO);
    $connection = new Connection(array("host" => "localhost", "username" => "root", "password" => "secret", "dbname" => "invo"));
    //Assign the eventsManager to the db adapter instance
    return $connection;
Exemple #3
  * Attach required events.
  * @param EventsManager $eventsManager Events manager object.
  * @param Config        $config        Application configuration.
  * @return void
 protected function _attachEngineEvents($eventsManager, $config)
     // Attach modules plugins events.
     $events = $config->events->toArray();
     $cache = [];
     foreach ($events as $item) {
         list($class, $event) = explode('=', $item);
         if (isset($cache[$class])) {
             $object = $cache[$class];
         } else {
             $object = new $class();
             $cache[$class] = $object;
         $eventsManager->attach($event, $object);