  * Constructor
  * @access   public
 function EvaluationAnswerDB()
     /* Set default values ------------------------------------------------ */
     $this->instanceof = INSTANCEOF_EVALANSWERDB;
     /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Exemple #2
  * Constructor
  * @access   public
 function EvaluationDB()
     /* Set default values -------------------------------------------------- */
     $this->instanceof = INSTANCEOF_EVALDBOBJECT;
     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  * Constructor
  * @access   public
 function EvaluationGroupDB()
     /* Set default values -------------------------------------------------- */
     $this->instanceof = INSTANCEOF_EVALGROUPDB;
     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  * Gets the evaluation id for a object id
  * @access  public
  * @param   string   $objectID   The object id
  * @return  string   The evaluation id or nothing
 function getEvalID($objectID)
     if (empty($objectID)) {
         die("FATAL ERROR in getEvalID ;)");
     $type = EvaluationObjectDB::getType($objectID);
     #    echo "Bekomme: $objectID - $type<br>\n";
     switch ($type) {
             $parentID = EvaluationAnswerDB::getParentID($objectID);
             $parentID = EvaluationQuestionDB::getParentID($objectID);
             $parentID = EvaluationGroupDB::getParentID($objectID);
             return $objectID;
     $type = EvaluationObjectDB::getType($parentID);
     #    echo "Leite weiter: $parentID - $type<br>\n";
     return EvaluationObjectDB::getEvalID($parentID);
# ===================================================== END: check the itemID #
# check the rangeID ========================================================  #
if (Request::option("rangeID")) {
    $_SESSION['rangeID'] = Request::option("rangeID");
# ==================================================== END: check the rangeID #
# EVTAU: employees of the vote-team against urlhacking ====================== #
$eval = new Evaluation($evalID, NULL, EVAL_LOAD_NO_CHILDREN);
// someone has voted
if ($eval->hasVoted()) {
    $error = EvalCommon::createReportMessage(_("An dieser Evaluation hat bereits jemand teilgenommen. Sie darf nicht mehr verändert werden."), EVAL_PIC_ERROR, EVAL_CSS_ERROR);
    $error_msgs[] = $error->createContent();
// only the author or user with tutor perm in all evalRangeIDs should edit an eval
$authorID = $eval->getAuthorID();
$db = new EvaluationObjectDB();
if ($authorID != $user->id) {
    $no_permisson = 0;
    if (is_array($eval->getRangeIDs())) {
        foreach ($eval->getRangeIDs() as $rangeID) {
            $user_perm = $db->getRangePerm($rangeID, $user->id, YES);
            // every range with a lower perm than Tutor
            if ($user_perm < 7) {
        if ($no_permisson > 0) {
            if ($no_permisson == 1) {
                $no_permisson_msg = _("Sie haben in einem Bereich, in welchem diese Evaluation hängt, nicht aussreichene Rechte, um diese Eval zu bearbeiten.");
            } else {
                $no_permisson_msg = sprintf(_("Sie haben in %s Bereichen, in denen diese Evaluation hängt, nicht aussreichene Rechte, um diese Eval zu bearbeiten."), $no_permisson);
require_once EVAL_FILE_QUESTION;
require_once EVAL_FILE_OBJECTDB;
# ====================================================== end: including files #
/* Create objects ---------------------------------------------------------- */
$db = new EvaluationQuestionDB();
$lib = new EvalTemplateGUI();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ end: objects */
#error_reporting( E_ALL );
/* Set variables ----------------------------------------------------------- */
$rangeID = $rangeID ? $rangeID : $SessSemName[1];
if (empty($rangeID)) {
    $rangeID = $user->id;
$command = $lib->getPageCommand();
$odb = new EvaluationObjectDB();
if ($odb->getGlobalPerm() == "root") {
    $myuserid = 0;
} else {
    $myuserid = $user->id;
if (!$parentID) {
    $parentID = Request::option('parentID');
$template_name = Request::get('template_name', $template_name);
$template_type = Request::get('template_type') ? Request::get('template_type') : $template_type;
$template_multiple = Request::get('template_multiple', $template_multiple);
$template_answers = Request::getArray('template_answers');
$template_add_num_answers = Request::get('template_add_num_answers') ? Request::get('template_add_num_answers') : $template_add_num_answers;
if (empty($template_answers)) {
    if (strstr($command, "edit")) {
  * creates the infobox
 function createInfoBox($command)
     global $evalID, $rangeID;
     $id = Request::option("itemID");
     $level = EvaluationObjectDB::getType($id);
     #      echo $level;
     switch ($level) {
         case "0":
         case "Evaluation":
             $infoMain = array("icon" => Icon::create('test', 'info')->asImagePath(16), "text" => _("Links können Sie die Grundattribute der Evaluation definieren und neue Gruppierungsblöcke anlegen."));
         case "EvaluationGroup":
             $group = new EvaluationGroup($id);
             switch ($group->getChildType()) {
                 case "":
                 case "EvaluationGroup":
                     $infoMain = array("icon" => EVAL_PIC_TREE_GROUP, "text" => _("Links können Sie den ausgewählten Gruppierungsblock bearbeiten und darin Fragenblöcke oder weitere Gruppierungsblöcke anlegen."));
                 case "EvaluationQuestion":
                     $infoMain = array("icon" => EVAL_PIC_TREE_QUESTIONGROUP, "text" => _("Links können Sie den ausgewählten Fragenblock bearbeiten und darin Fragen des zugeordneten Vorlagentyps anlegen.<br>Sie können auch den Vorlagentyp ändern. Dies wirkt sich auf alle Fragen aus."));
     $previewLink = EvalCommon::createEvalShowLink($evalID, _("Vorschau"), YES, NO);
     $previewLink .= " " . _("der Evaluation");
     $infoTemplates = array("icon" => Icon::create('info', 'info')->asImagePath(16), "text" => _("Der rechte Bereich dient der Bearbeitung von Antwortenvorlagen."));
     $infoPreview = array("icon" => Icon::create('question-circle', 'info')->asImagePath(16), "text" => $previewLink);
     if (get_Username($rangeID)) {
         $rangeID = get_Username($rangeID);
     if (empty($rangeID)) {
         $rangeID = get_Username($user->id);
     $infoOverviewText = sprintf(_("Zurück zur %s Evaluations-Verwaltung %s"), "<a href=\"" . URLHelper::getLink('admin_evaluation.php?page=overview' . "&check_abort_creation_button=1&evalID={$evalID}&rangeID={$rangeID}") . "\">", "</a>");
     $infoOverview = array("icon" => Icon::create('link-intern', 'info')->asImagePath(16), "text" => $infoOverviewText);
     if ($command) {
         $infobox = array(array("kategorie" => _("Aktionen:"), "eintrag" => array($infoPreview, $infoOverview)));
     } else {
         $infobox = array(array("kategorie" => _("Information:"), "eintrag" => array($infoMain, $infoTemplates, $infoPreview, $infoOverview)));
     #      ob_start();
     return print_infobox($infobox, false, YES);
     #      $html = ob_get_contents();
     #      ob_end_clean();
     #      return $html;
  * Returns the ids of the Answertemplates of a user
  * @access public
  * @param  string  $userID  The user id
  * @return array  The ids of the answertemplates
 function getTemplateID($userID)
     $db = DBManager::get();
     if (EvaluationObjectDB::getGlobalPerm() == "root") {
         $sql = "SELECT" . " evalquestion_id " . "FROM" . " evalquestion " . "WHERE" . " parent_id = '0' ORDER BY text";
         return $db->fetchFirst($sql);
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT" . " evalquestion_id " . "FROM" . " evalquestion " . "WHERE" . " parent_id = '" . $userID . "' " . "OR " . " parent_id = '0' ORDER BY text";
         $sql .= " ";
         return $db->fetchFirst($sql, array($userID));
 function createDomainLinks($search)
     global $user;
     $db = new EvaluationObjectDB();
     $evalDB = new EvaluationDB();
     $globalperm = $db->getGlobalPerm();
     // search results
     $results = $evalDB->search_range($search);
     if ($globalperm == "root") {
         $results["studip"] = array("type" => "system", "name" => _("Systemweite Evaluationen"));
     } else {
         $results[$user->id] = array("type" => "user", "name" => _("Profil"));
     if ($globalperm == "dozent" || $globalperm == "autor" || $search) {
         $showsearchresults = 1;
     if ($globalperm == "admin") {
         $range_types = array("user" => _("Benutzer"), "sem" => _("Veranstaltung"), "inst" => _("Einrichtung"), "fak" => _("Fakultät"));
     } elseif ($globalperm == "root") {
         $range_types = array("user" => _("Benutzer"), "sem" => _("Veranstaltung"), "inst" => _("Einrichtung"), "fak" => _("Fakultät"), "system" => _("System"));
     // display search_results
     if ($results) {
         foreach ($results as $k => $v) {
             while (list($type_key, $type_value) = each($range_types)) {
                 if ($v["type"] == $type_key) {
                     $ranges["{$type_key}"][] = array("id" => $k, "name" => $v["name"]);
         $table = new HTML("table");
         $table->addAttr("class", "default");
         $table->addAttr("border", "0");
         $table->addAttr("align", "center");
         $table->addAttr("cellspacing", "0");
         $table->addAttr("cellpadding", "0");
         $table->addAttr("width", "100%");
         while (list($type_key, $type_value) = each($range_types)) {
             // Überschriften
             $tr = new HTML("tr");
             // Typ
             $td = new HTML("td");
             $td->addAttr("colspan", "1");
             $td->addAttr("class", "table_header");
             $td->addAttr("height", "22");
             $td->addAttr("width", "50%");
             $td->addAttr("style", "vertical-align:bottom;");
             $b = new HTML("b");
             $b->addContent($type_value . ":");
             // Typ
             $td = new HTML("td");
             $td->addAttr("class", "table_header");
             $td->addAttr("height", "22");
             $td->addAttr("align", "center");
             $td->addAttr("style", "vertical-align:bottom;");
             $b = new HTML("b");
             $b->addContent(" ");
             // Typ
             $td = new HTML("td");
             $td->addAttr("class", "table_header");
             $td->addAttr("height", "22");
             $td->addAttr("align", "center");
             $td->addAttr("style", "vertical-align:bottom;");
             $b = new HTML("b");
             $b->addContent(" ");
             $counter = 0;
             if ($ranges["{$type_key}"]) {
                 foreach ($ranges["{$type_key}"] as $range) {
                     if ($counter == 0) {
                         $displayclass = "content_body";
                     } elseif ($counter % 2 == 0) {
                         $displayclass = "table_row_even";
                     } else {
                         $displayclass = "table_row_odd";
                     $tr = new HTML("tr");
                     // name
                     $td = new HTML("td");
                     // if the rangeID is a username, convert it to the userID
                     $new_rangeID = get_userid($range['id']) ? get_userid($range['id']) : $range['id'];
                     // link
                     $td = new HTML("td");
                     $td->addAttr("align", "center");
                     $link = new HTML("a");
                     $link->addAttr("href", URLHelper::getLink(EVAL_FILE_ADMIN . "?rangeID=" . $range['id']));
                     $link->addContent(_("Diesen Bereich anzeigen."));
                     // copy
                     $td = new HTML("td");
                     $td->addAttr("align", "center");
                     $td->addContent(" ");
             } elseif ($globalperm == "root" || $globalperm == "admin") {
                 $tr = new HTML("tr");
                 $td = new HTML("td");
                 $td->addAttr("class", "content_body");
                 $td->addAttr("colspan", "4");
                 $td->addContent(_("Es wurden keine Ergebnisse aus diesem Bereich gefunden."));
     return $table->createContent();
Exemple #10
// initialise Stud.IP-Session
// -- here you have to put initialisations for the current page
require_once 'lib/evaluation/evaluation.config.php';
require_once EVAL_FILE_EVAL;
require_once EVAL_FILE_OBJECTDB;
// Start of Output
// Extract variables from request
$eval_id = Request::option('eval_id');
$template_id = Request::option('template_id');
// Überprüfen, ob die Evaluation existiert oder der Benutzer genügend Rechte hat
$eval = new Evaluation($eval_id);
if (EvaluationObjectDB::getEvalUserRangesWithNoPermission($eval) == YES || count($eval->errorArray) > 0) {
    throw new Exception(_("Diese Evaluation ist nicht vorhanden oder Sie haben nicht ausreichend Rechte!"));
// Store settings
if (Request::submitted('store')) {
    if (!$template_id) {
        $template_id = DbView::get_uniqid();
        $query = "INSERT INTO eval_templates_eval (eval_id, template_id)\n                      VALUES (?, ?)";
        $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
        $statement->execute(array($eval_id, $template_id));
    $show_questions = Request::int('show_questions');
    $show_total_stats = Request::int('show_total_stats');
    $show_graphics = Request::int('show_graphics');
    $show_questionblock_headline = Request::int('show_questionblock_headline');
    $show_group_headline = Request::int('show_group_headline');