Exemple #1
  * Verifies offers
  * @return int[]
 public static function VerifyOffers()
     $list = array();
     $xml = new XMLReader();
     $domdoc = new DOMDocument();
     Errors::LogSynchroStep('Offers - VerifyOffers() - step 1');
     while ($xml->name) {
         if ($xml->name == 'Oferta') {
             $node = simplexml_import_dom($domdoc->importNode($xml->expand(), true));
             $list[] = (int) $node["ID"];
     Errors::LogSynchroStep('Offers - VerifyOffers() - step 2');
     $db = DataBase::GetDbInstance();
     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM #S#offers o";
     $result = $db->ExecuteQuery($query);
     $ofrs = new Offers();
     //delete wrong offers
     $localOffs = array();
     $flippedList = array_flip($list);
     while ($row = $db->FetchArray($result)) {
         if (!isset($flippedList[$row[0]])) {
         } else {
             $localOffs[] = $row[0];
     //detect missing offers
     $braki = array();
     $flippedLocalOffs = array_flip($localOffs);
     foreach ($list as $id) {
         if (!isset($flippedLocalOffs[$id])) {
             $braki[] = $id;
     Errors::LogSynchroStep('Offers - VerifyOffers() - step 3');
     return $braki;
  * Get a list of offers to be added or remove. Write the offers to the database.
  * @param boolean $archive
  * @param string &$log
  * @param array &$count_arr
  * @return null|int|array
  * @throws Exception 
 private function GetOffersPartial($archive, &$log, &$count_arr)
     Errors::LogSynchroStep('WebServiceVirgo - GetOffersPartial() start...');
     if (!$this->WS()) {
         Errors::LogSynchroStep('WebServiceVirgo - NO WEBSERVICE');
         return null;
     try {
         $log .= "archive=" . (int) $archive . "\n";
         $time_start = microtime_float();
         if ($this->_sid == "") {
         $params = array('sid' => $this->_sid);
         if ($archive) {
             $result = $this->WS()->getSC()->__soapCall("GetOffersArchive", array($params));
             $buf = $result->GetOffersArchiveResult->OffersZip;
             $status = $result->GetOffersArchiveResult->Status;
             $msg = $result->GetOffersArchiveResult->Message;
         } else {
             $result = $this->WS()->getSC()->__soapCall("GetOffers", array($params));
             $buf = $result->GetOffersResult->OffersZip;
             $status = $result->GetOffersResult->Status;
             $msg = $result->GetOffersResult->Message;
         $time_end = microtime_float();
         $time = $time_end - $time_start;
         if ($this->_DEBUG) {
             echo "SOAP Call execution time: {$time} seconds<br>";
         if ($status != 0) {
             throw new Exception($msg);
         $zip_file = $archive ? self::TMP_ZIP_ARCH_FILE : self::TMP_ZIP_FILE;
         $f = fopen($zip_file, "w");
         fwrite($f, $buf);
         $time_end2 = microtime_float();
         $time = $time_end2 - $time_end;
         if ($this->_DEBUG) {
             echo "Save ZIP execution time: {$time} seconds<br>";
         //unzip XML file with offers
         $contents = "";
         $zip = new ZipArchive();
         if ($zip->open($zip_file)) {
             $fp = $zip->getStream('xml.xml');
             if (!$fp) {
                 exit("failed reading xml file (" . getcwd() . "), probably invalid permissions to folder\n");
             $contents = '';
             while (!feof($fp)) {
                 $contents .= fread($fp, 1024);
             $xml_file = $archive ? self::TMP_XML_OFE_ARCH_FILE : self::TMP_XML_OFE_FILE;
             file_put_contents($xml_file, $contents);
             if (file_exists($zip_file)) {
         $time_end3 = microtime_float();
         $time = $time_end3 - $time_end2;
         if ($this->_DEBUG) {
             echo "Save XML execution time: {$time} seconds<br>";
         $times = array("read_props" => 0, "save" => 0, "del_props" => 0, "rooms" => 0, "del_offers" => 0, "rooms_del" => 0, "photos" => 0);
         $prevOfferId = "0";
         $content = file_get_contents($xml_file);
         //$content = preg_replace("/<UwagiOpis>([^\<\>]*)\<\/UwagiOpis>/m", "<UwagiOpis><![CDATA[$1]]></UwagiOpis>", $content);
         //$content = preg_replace("/<UwagiNieruchomosc>([^\<\>]*)\<\/UwagiNieruchomosc>/m", "<UwagiNieruchomosc><![CDATA[$1]]></UwagiNieruchomosc>", $content);
         $fp = fopen($xml_file, 'w');
         fwrite($fp, $content);
         //open and read XML file
         $xml2 = new XMLReader();
         $domdoc = new DOMDocument();
         $ids_do_usuniecia_dodania = array();
         $all_agents_ids = array();
         $all_dept_ids = array();
         $blokuj_agentow = true;
         $blokuj_oddzialy = true;
         $time_end4 = microtime_float();
         $time = $time_end4 - $time_end3;
         if ($this->_DEBUG) {
             echo "Load XML execution time: {$time} seconds<br>";
         while ($xml2->name) {
             if ($xml2->name == "Oddzial") {
                 if ($blokuj_oddzialy) {
                     $blokuj_oddzialy = false;
                 $node = simplexml_import_dom($domdoc->importNode($xml2->expand(), true));
                 if (count($node) > 0) {
                     $log .= "oddzial=" . $node["ID"] . " - " . $node->Nazwa . "\n";
                     $dep = new Department($node["ID"], $node->Nazwa, $node->Nazwa2, $node->Adres, $node->Miasto, $node->Kod, $node->Nip, $node->Wojewodztwo, $node->Www, $node->Telefon, $node->Email, $node->Fax, $node->Uwagi, $node->Naglowek, $node->Stopka, $node->PlikLogo, $node->ZdjecieWWW, $node->Subdomena, $node->Firma);
                     array_push($all_dept_ids, (int) $node["ID"]);
                     echo DataBase::GetDbInstance()->LastError();
             if ($xml2->name == "Agent") {
                 if ($blokuj_agentow) {
                     $blokuj_agentow = false;
                 $node = simplexml_import_dom($domdoc->importNode($xml2->expand(), true));
                 if (count($node) > 0) {
                     $log .= "agent=" . $node["ID"] . " - " . $node->Nazwa . "\n";
                     $kod_pracownika = 0;
                     if (is_numeric($node->KodPracownika)) {
                         $kod_pracownika = (int) $node->KodPracownika;
                     $agent = new Agent($node["ID"], $node->Nazwa, $node->Telefon, $node->Komorka, $node->Email, $node->Oddzial, $node->JabberLogin, $node->NrLicencji, $node->OdpowiedzialnyNazwa, $node->OdpowiedzialnyNrLicencji, $node->Komunikator, $node->PlikFoto, $kod_pracownika, $node->DzialFunkcja);
                     array_push($all_agents_ids, (int) $node["ID"]);
                     echo DataBase::GetDbInstance()->LastError();
             if ($xml2->name == "Oferty") {
                 $node = simplexml_import_dom($domdoc->importNode($xml2->expand(), true));
                 if (count($node) > 0) {
                     foreach ($node->children() as $nodeOferta) {
                         $log .= "oferta=" . $nodeOferta["ID"] . " - " . $nodeOferta["Symbol"] . "\n";
                         //read major properties
                         $rent = strtolower($nodeOferta["Wynajem"]) == "true" ? 1 : 0;
                         $orig = strtolower($nodeOferta["Pierwotny"]) == "true" ? 1 : 0;
                         $przedmiot = $nodeOferta["Przedmiot"];
                         if ($przedmiot == "Biurowiec") {
                             $przedmiot = "Obiekt";
                         $first_page = strtolower($nodeOferta->PierwszaStrona) == "true" ? 1 : 0;
                         $zamiana = $nodeOferta->Zamiana ? 1 : 0;
                         $loc_as_commune = strtolower($nodeOferta["LokalizacjaJakoGmina"]) == "true" ? 1 : 0;
                         $has_swfs = 0;
                         $has_movs = 0;
                         $has_maps = 0;
                         $has_projs = 0;
                         $has_pans = 0;
                         $has_photos = 0;
                         if (isset($nodeOferta->Zdjecia)) {
                             foreach ($nodeOferta->Zdjecia->children() as $zd) {
                                 switch ($zd->typ) {
                                     case "Zdjecie":
                                         $has_photos = 1;
                                     case "Rzut":
                                         $has_projs = 1;
                                     case "Mapa":
                                         $has_maps = 1;
                                     case "SWF":
                                         $has_swfs = 1;
                                     case "Filmy":
                                         $has_movs = 1;
                                     case "Panorama":
                                         $has_pans = 1;
                         $attr_arr = array("Link" => null, "ZeroProwizji" => 0);
                         if (isset($nodeOferta->Atrybuty)) {
                             foreach ($nodeOferta->Atrybuty->children() as $at) {
                                 if ($at["opis"] == "Link") {
                                     $attr_arr["Link"] = (string) $at;
                                 if ($at["opis"] == "ZeroProwizji") {
                                     $attr_arr["ZeroProwizji"] = (string) $at;
                         $offer = new Offer($nodeOferta["Jezyk"], CheckNumeric($nodeOferta["ID"]), $nodeOferta["Status"], $przedmiot, $rent, $nodeOferta["Symbol"], $orig, $nodeOferta["Wojewodztwo"], $nodeOferta["Powiat"], $nodeOferta["Lokalizacja"], $nodeOferta["Dzielnica"], $nodeOferta["Rejon"], $nodeOferta["Ulica"], $nodeOferta["Pietro"], CheckNumeric($nodeOferta["Cena"]), CheckNumeric($nodeOferta["CenaM2"]), $nodeOferta["IloscPokoi"], CheckNumeric($nodeOferta["PowierzchniaCalkowita"]), CheckNumeric($nodeOferta["MapSzerokoscGeogr"]), CheckNumeric($nodeOferta["MapDlugoscGeogr"]), $nodeOferta["TechnologiaBudowlana"], $nodeOferta["MaterialKonstrukcyjny"], $nodeOferta["StanWybudowania"], $nodeOferta["RodzajBudynku"], $nodeOferta["Agent"], $nodeOferta["DataWprowadzenia"], $nodeOferta["DataWprowadzenia"], 0, empty_to_null($nodeOferta->Kraj), $nodeOferta->IloscPieter, $nodeOferta->RokBudowy, empty_to_null($nodeOferta->RodzajDomu), $first_page, empty_to_null($nodeOferta->RodzajObiektu), empty_to_null($nodeOferta->SposobPrzyjecia), $nodeOferta->IloscOdslonWWW, null, empty_to_null($nodeOferta->StatusWlasnosci), empty_to_null($nodeOferta->UmeblowanieLista), $nodeOferta->PowierzchniaDzialki, $zamiana, empty_to_null(html_entity_decode($nodeOferta->UwagiOpis)), empty_to_null(html_entity_decode($nodeOferta->UwagiNieruchomosc)), empty_to_null($attr_arr["Link"]), $attr_arr["ZeroProwizji"], $nodeOferta["DataWaznosci"], $has_swfs, $has_movs, $has_photos, $has_pans, $has_maps, $has_projs, $loc_as_commune);
                         $photosNode = null;
                         $roomsNode = null;
                         $modDate = null;
                         $attributesNode = null;
                         $ts = microtime_float();
                         //properties that are in offers directly
                         $pomin = OffersHelper::$props_arr;
                         //atributes that are in offers directly
                         $pomin_attr = array("Link", "ZeroProwizji");
                         //read other properties
                         foreach ($nodeOferta->children() as $propNode) {
                             $pname = $propNode->getName();
                             if ($pname == "StanPrawnyDom" || $pname == "StanPrawnyGruntu" || $pname == "StanPrawnyLokal" || $pname == "StanPrawnyLokalLista") {
                             if (in_array($pname, $pomin) === false) {
                                 if ($pname == "Zdjecia") {
                                     $photosNode = $propNode;
                                 } else {
                                     if ($pname == "DataAktualizacji") {
                                         $modDate = $propNode;
                                     } else {
                                         if ($pname == "Pomieszczenia") {
                                             $roomsNode = $propNode;
                                         } else {
                                             if ($pname == "Atrybuty") {
                                                 $attributesNode = $propNode;
                                                 $set = array();
                                                 foreach ($propNode->children() as $listNode) {
                                                     if (array_search($listNode['opis'], $pomin_attr) === false) {
                                                         $set[count($set)] = $listNode['opis'] . "#|#" . $listNode;
                                                 $offer->__set($pname, $set);
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($propNode['iset'] == true) {
                                                     $set = array();
                                                     foreach ($propNode->children() as $listNode) {
                                                         $set[count($set)] = $listNode;
                                                     $offer->__set($pname, $set);
                                                 } else {
                                                     $offer->__set($pname, $propNode);
                         if ($nodeOferta['NrLokalu']) {
                             $offer->__set('NrLokalu', $nodeOferta['NrLokalu']);
                         $times["read_props"] += microtime_float() - $ts;
                         $ts = microtime_float();
                         //save offer object to database
                         if ($modDate != null) {
                         $ret = Offers::AddEditOffer($offer);
                         if ($ret == "A") {
                         } else {
                             if ($ret == "E") {
                         echo DataBase::GetDbInstance()->LastError();
                         $times["save"] += microtime_float() - $ts;
                         $ts = microtime_float();
                         //delete unuse properties from offer
                         $addedProperties = array();
                         foreach ($nodeOferta->children() as $propNode) {
                             $pname = $propNode->getName();
                             if ($pname == "StanPrawnyDom" || $pname == "StanPrawnyGruntu" || $pname == "StanPrawnyLokal" || $pname == "StanPrawnyLokalLista") {
                                 $pname = "StanPrawny";
                             if (in_array($pname, $pomin) === false) {
                                 if ($pname != "Zdjecia" && $pname != "Pomieszczenia" && $pname != "Atrybuty" && $pname != "DataAktualizacji" || $propNode['iset'] == true) {
                                     $prop = Properties::GetPropertyName($pname);
                                     if ($prop != null) {
                                         $addedProperties[count($addedProperties)] = $prop->GetID();
                         if ($nodeOferta['NrLokalu']) {
                             $addedProperties[] = Properties::GetPropertyName('NrLokalu')->GetID();
                         if ($attributesNode != null) {
                             $addedProperties[] = Properties::GetPropertyName($attributesNode->getName())->GetID();
                         Offers::DeleteUnUseProperties($offer->GetId(), $offer->GetIdLng(), $addedProperties);
                         $times["del_props"] += microtime_float() - $ts;
                         $ts = microtime_float();
                         $addedPhotos = array();
                         if ($photosNode != null) {
                             foreach ($photosNode->children() as $photoNode) {
                                 $intro = strtolower($photoNode->intro) == "true" ? 1 : 0;
                                 $photo = new OfferPhoto($photoNode['ID'], $offer->GetId(), null, $photoNode->plik, $photoNode->opis, $photoNode->lp, $photoNode->typ, $intro, $photoNode['fotoID'], (string) $photoNode->LinkFilmYouTube, (string) $photoNode->LinkMiniaturkaYouTube);
                                 echo DataBase::GetDbInstance()->LastError();
                                 $addedPhotos[count($addedPhotos)] = $photo->GetId();
                         OfferPhotos::DeleteUnUsePhotos($offer->GetId(), $addedPhotos, 0);
                         $times["photos"] += microtime_float() - $ts;
                         $ts = microtime_float();
                         if ($roomsNode != null) {
                             if ($prevOfferId != $offer->GetId() . "") {
                                 OfferRooms::DeleteRooms($offer->GetId(), null);
                             $times["rooms_del"] += microtime_float() - $ts;
                             foreach ($roomsNode->children() as $roomNode) {
                                 $room = new OfferRoom(0, $offer->GetId(), $offer->GetIdLng(), $roomNode['Rodzaj'], $roomNode->Lp, $roomNode->Powierzchnia, $roomNode->Poziom, $roomNode->Typ, CheckNumeric($roomNode->Wysokosc), $roomNode->RodzajKuchni, CheckNumeric($roomNode->Ilosc), $roomNode->Glazura, $roomNode->WidokZOkna, $roomNode->Opis, $roomNode->StanPodlogi, $roomNode->RodzajPomieszczenia);
                                 //sets of properties
                                 $_floors = array();
                                 if ($roomNode->Podlogi) {
                                     foreach ($roomNode->Podlogi->children() as $listNode) {
                                         $_floors[count($_floors)] = $listNode;
                                 $_windowsExhibition = array();
                                 if ($roomNode->WystawaOkien) {
                                     foreach ($roomNode->WystawaOkien->children() as $listNode) {
                                         $_windowsExhibition[count($_windowsExhibition)] = $listNode;
                                 $_walls = array();
                                 if ($roomNode->Sciany) {
                                     foreach ($roomNode->Sciany->children() as $listNode) {
                                         $_walls[count($_walls)] = $listNode;
                                 $_equipment = array();
                                 if ($roomNode->Wyposazenie) {
                                     foreach ($roomNode->Wyposazenie->children() as $listNode) {
                                         $_equipment[count($_equipment)] = $listNode;
                                 echo DataBase::GetDbInstance()->LastError();
                         $times["rooms"] += microtime_float() - $ts;
                         $prevOfferId = $offer->GetId() . "";
             //Deleted offers
             if ($xml2->name == "Usuniete") {
                 $node = simplexml_import_dom($domdoc->importNode($xml2->expand(), true));
                 foreach ($node->children() as $doUsuniecia) {
                     array_push($ids_do_usuniecia_dodania, (int) $doUsuniecia["ID"]);
         //Delete redundant departments
         if (!$blokuj_oddzialy) {
         //Delete redundant agents
         if (!$blokuj_agentow) {
         $ts = microtime_float();
         $time_end5 = microtime_float();
         $time = $time_end5 - $time_end4;
         $times["del_offers"] += microtime_float() - $ts;
         if ($this->_DEBUG) {
             echo "Saving data to db execution time: {$time} seconds<br>";
         Errors::LogSynchroStep('WebServiceVirgo - GetOffersPartial() done');
         return $ids_do_usuniecia_dodania;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         Errors::LogError("WebServiceVirgo:GetOffers", $ex->getMessage() . "; " . $ex->getTraceAsString());
         return 0;
Exemple #3
  * Get list of actual offer on web site.
  * @param bool $skipLogin Skips WS login procedure.
  * @return string
 public function GetOffersList($skipLogin = false)
     try {
         if (!$skipLogin) {
         $ret = WebServiceVirgo::WS()->GetOffersList();
         if (!$skipLogin) {
         Errors::LogSynchroStep('VirgoApi - GetOffersList() - done');
         return $ret;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         Errors::LogError("VirgoAPI:GetOfferList", $ex->getMessage());
         return "ERROR";