function vw_envato_toolkit_check()
    if (!class_exists('Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader')) {
    // Use credentials used in toolkit plugin so that we don't have to show our own forms anymore
    $credentials = get_option('envato-wordpress-toolkit');
    if (empty($credentials['user_name']) || empty($credentials['api_key'])) {
        add_action('admin_notices', 'vw_envato_toolkit_credentials_admin_notices');
    // Check updates only after a while
    $lastCheck = get_option('vw-last-toolkit-check');
    if (false === $lastCheck) {
        update_option('vw-last-toolkit-check', time());
    // Check for an update every ...
    if (VW_CONST_THEME_UPDATE_CHECKING_PERIOD < time() - $lastCheck) {
    // Update the time we last checked
    update_option('vw-last-toolkit-check', time());
    // Check for updates
    $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($credentials['user_name'], $credentials['api_key']);
    $updates = $upgrader->check_for_theme_update();
    // If $updates->updated_themes_count == true then we have an update!
    // Add update alert, to update the theme
    if ($updates->updated_themes_count) {
        add_action('admin_notices', 'vw_envato_toolkit_admin_notices');
Exemple #2
 static function check_for_updates($credentials)
     # include the library
     include_once BW_FRAME_LIB . 'envato-wtl/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php';
     # Check for updates
     $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($credentials['user_name'], $credentials['api_key']);
     $updates = $upgrader->check_for_theme_update();
     if ($updates->updated_themes_count) {
         add_action('admin_notices', array('Bw_updater', 'admin_notices_download_update'));
 * Envato Upgrader Theme Update
function grve_envato_toolkit_update()
    if (isset($_GET['grve-theme-update']) && 'update' == $_GET['grve-theme-update']) {
        if (is_super_admin() && 1 == grve_option('update_enabled')) {
            $envato_username = grve_option('update_user_name');
            $envato_api_key = grve_option('update_api_key');
            if (empty($envato_username) || empty($envato_api_key)) {
            } else {
                $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($envato_username, $envato_api_key);
                $update_response = $upgrader->upgrade_theme(GRVE_THEME_NAME);
 function update_theme()
     if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) {
         // Sanitize page being requested.
         $_page = esc_attr($_REQUEST['page']);
         if ('spyropress-update' == $_page) {
             //Setup Filesystem
             $method = get_filesystem_method();
             if (isset($_POST['spyropress_ftp_cred'])) {
                 $cred = spyropress_decode($_POST['spyropress_ftp_cred']);
                 $filesystem = WP_Filesystem($cred);
             } else {
                 $filesystem = WP_Filesystem();
             if (false == $filesystem && 'Proceed' != $_POST['upgrade']) {
                 add_error_message(sprintf(__('Failed: Filesystem preventing downloads. (%s)', 'spyropress'), $method));
             if (isset($_REQUEST['spyropress_updater'])) {
                 // Sanitize action being requested.
                 $_action = esc_attr($_REQUEST['spyropress_updater']);
                 if ('framework' == $_action) {
                     locate_template('framework/utilities/envato/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php', true);
                     $envato_api_key = get_option('_spyropress_envato_api_key_' . get_internal_name());
                     $envato_username = get_option('_spyropress_envato_username_' . get_internal_name());
                     $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($envato_username, $envato_api_key);
                     $result = $upgrader->upgrade_theme();
                     // Successfully Updated
                     if ($result->success) {
                         $message = __('New version successfully downloaded, extracted and updated.', 'spyropress');
                         $message .= '<script type="text/javascript">
                                 window.location.replace("' . admin_url('admin.php?page=spyropress-update') . '");
                     } else {
         // END UPDATE HERE
Exemple #5
 * Load the Envato WordPress Toolkit Library check for updates
 * and direct the user to the Toolkit Plugin if there is one
function envato_toolkit_admin_init()
    // Include the Toolkit Library
    include_once IRON_PARENT_DIR . '/includes/envato-wordpress-toolkit-library/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php';
    // Use credentials used in toolkit plugin so that we don't have to show our own forms anymore
    $credentials = get_option('envato-wordpress-toolkit');
    if (empty($credentials['user_name']) || empty($credentials['api_key'])) {
        add_action('admin_notices', 'envato_toolkit_credentials_admin_notices');
    // Check updates only after a while
    $lastCheck = get_option('toolkit-last-toolkit-check');
    if (false === $lastCheck) {
        update_option('toolkit-last-toolkit-check', time());
    if (!(time() - $lastCheck > 10800)) {
        // 3 HOURS = 10800 SECONDS
    // Update the time we last checked
    update_option('toolkit-last-toolkit-check', time());
    // Check for updates
    $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($credentials['user_name'], $credentials['api_key']);
    $updates = $upgrader->check_for_theme_update();
    // If $updates->updated_themes_count == true then we have an update!
    // Add update alert, to update the theme
    if ($updates->updated_themes_count) {
        add_action('admin_notices', 'envato_toolkit_admin_notices');
function ct_check_for_update($theme)
    $envato_username = ot_get_option('envato_username', '');
    $envato_api = ot_get_option('envato_api', '');
    // if user has entered username and api
    if ($envato_username != '' && $envato_api != '') {
        // include the library
        require_once locate_template('/inc/plugins/envato-wordpress-toolkit/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php');
        $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($envato_username, $envato_api);
        $update = $upgrader->check_for_theme_update($theme);
        // we enter theme name here to make sure if users are using child theme
        // found an update
        return $update->updated_themes_count;
Exemple #7
function sf_envato_toolkit_admin_init()
    // Include the Toolkit Library
    include_once SF_INCLUDES_PATH . '/envato-wordpress-toolkit-library/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php';
    // Display a notice in the admin to remind the user to enter their credentials
    function sf_envato_toolkit_credentials_admin_notices()
        $message = sprintf(__("To enable Dante update notifications, please enter your Envato Marketplace credentials in the %s", "swift-framework-admin"), "<a href='" . admin_url() . "admin.php?page=envato-wordpress-toolkit'>Envato WordPress Toolkit Plugin</a>");
        echo "<div id='message' class='updated below-h2'><p>{$message}</p></div>";
    // Use credentials used in toolkit plugin so that we don't have to show our own forms anymore
    $credentials = get_option('envato-wordpress-toolkit');
    if (empty($credentials['user_name']) || empty($credentials['api_key'])) {
        add_action('admin_notices', 'sf_envato_toolkit_credentials_admin_notices');
    // Check updates only after a while
    $lastCheck = get_option('toolkit-last-toolkit-check');
    if (false === $lastCheck) {
        update_option('toolkit-last-toolkit-check', time());
    // Check for an update every 3 hours
    if (time() - $lastCheck < 10800) {
    // Update the time we last checked
    update_option('toolkit-last-toolkit-check', time());
    // Check for updates
    $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($credentials['user_name'], $credentials['api_key']);
    $updates = $upgrader->check_for_theme_update();
    // Add update alert, to update the theme
    if ($updates->updated_themes_count) {
        add_action('admin_notices', 'sf_envato_toolkit_admin_notices');
    // Display a notice in the admin that an update is available
    function sf_envato_toolkit_admin_notices()
        $message = sprintf(__("An update to Dante is available! Head over to %s to update it now.", "swift-framework-admin"), "<a href='" . admin_url() . "admin.php?page=envato-wordpress-toolkit'>Envato WordPress Toolkit Plugin</a>");
        echo "<div id='message' class='updated below-h2'><p>{$message}</p></div>";
Exemple #8
function themeva_theme_update()
    // Check AJAX Referer
    check_ajax_referer('_theme_options', '_ajax_nonce');
    include_once NV_FILES . '/adm/inc/theme-updates/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php';
    $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader(of_get_option('tf_username'), of_get_option('tf_apikey'));
    _e('<strong>Update Complete.</strong> You\'re now using the latest version of the theme. Please wait whilst the page reloads.', 'themeva-admin');
 * Update theme.
function presscore_theme_update()
    if (isset($_GET['theme-updater']) && 'update' == $_GET['theme-updater']) {
        // global timestamp
        global $dt_lang_backup_dir_timestamp;
        $user = of_get_option('theme_update-user_name', '');
        $api_key = of_get_option('theme_update-api_key', '');
        $dt_lang_backup_dir_timestamp = time();
        // backup lang files
        add_filter('upgrader_pre_install', 'presscore_before_theme_update', 10, 2);
        // restore lang files
        add_filter('upgrader_post_install', 'presscore_after_theme_update', 10, 3);
        $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($user, $api_key);
        $responce = $upgrader->upgrade_theme();
        remove_filter('upgrader_pre_install', 'presscore_before_theme_update', 10, 2);
        remove_filter('upgrader_post_install', 'presscore_after_theme_update', 10, 3);
        set_transient('presscore_update_result', $responce, 10);
        if ($responce) {
            wp_safe_redirect(add_query_arg('theme-updater', 'updated', remove_query_arg('theme-updater')));
        } else {
        // regenrate stylesheets after succesful update
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['theme-updater']) && 'updated' == $_GET['theme-updater'] && get_transient('presscore_update_result')) {
            add_settings_error('options-framework', 'theme_updated', _x('Stylesheets regenerated.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'updated fade');
Exemple #10
function rockthemes_to_them_update_start_update($data)
    // include the library
    include_once OPTIONS_DIR . '/envato-wordpress-toolkit-library/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php';
    $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($data['username'], $data['user_api_key']);
     *  Uncomment to check if the current theme has been updated
    //return $upgrader->check_for_theme_update();
     *  Uncomment to update the current theme
    $is_updated = $upgrader->upgrade_theme();
    //echo $is_updated;
    return $is_updated;
function wpGrade_set_update_functionality()
    global $wpGrade_Options, $wpGrade_data;
    if ($wpGrade_Options->get('themeforest_upgrade') && isset($_GET['wpGrade_update']) && $_GET['wpGrade_update'] == 'true') {
        $theme_data = wp_get_theme();
        $theme_name = $theme_data->Name;
        $allow_cache = true;
        // include the library
        include_once 'vendor/envato-wtl/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php';
        $marketplace_username = $wpGrade_Options->get('marketplace_username');
        $marketplace_api_key = $wpGrade_Options->get('marketplace_api_key');
        if (!empty($marketplace_username) && !empty($marketplace_api_key)) {
            if (in_array('curl', get_loaded_extensions())) {
                //cURL is enabled, the Envato Toolkit uses cURL, so the update can be performed
                $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($marketplace_username, $marketplace_api_key);
                $upgrader->check_for_theme_update($theme_name, $allow_cache);
                $res = $upgrader->upgrade_theme($theme_name, $allow_cache);
                $success = $res->success;
                $wpGrade_data->theme_updated = $success;
            } else {
                $wpGrade_data->curl_disabled = true;
Exemple #12
function pp_update_theme()
    if (is_admin()) {
        include_once get_template_directory() . '/modules/envato-wordpress-toolkit-library/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php';
        $pp_envato_username = get_option('pp_envato_username');
        $pp_envato_api_key = get_option('pp_envato_api_key');
        if (!empty($pp_envato_username) && !empty($pp_envato_api_key)) {
            $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($pp_envato_username, $pp_envato_api_key);
            $upgrader_obj = $upgrader->check_for_theme_update();
            if ($upgrader_obj->updated_themes_count > 0) {
                $result = $upgrader->upgrade_theme();
                echo $result->installation_feedback;
            } else {
                echo 'There is no theme update available';
        } else {
            echo 'Please enter Envato username and API Key';
        echo "<div id='message' class='updated below-h2'><p>{$message}</p></div>";
    // Check updates only after a while
    $lastCheck = get_option('toolkit-last-toolkit-check');
    if (false === $lastCheck) {
        update_option('toolkit-last-toolkit-check', time());
    // Check for an update every 3 hours
    if (10800 < time() - $lastCheck) {
    // Update the time we last checked
    update_option('toolkit-last-toolkit-check', time());
    // Check for updates
    $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($credentials['user_name'], $credentials['api_key']);
    $updates = $upgrader->check_for_theme_update();
    // If $updates->updated_themes_count == true then we have an update!
    // Add update alert, to update the theme
    if ($updates->updated_themes_count) {
        add_action('admin_notices', 'envato_toolkit_admin_notices');
     * Display a notice in the admin that an update is available
    function envato_toolkit_admin_notices()
        $message = sprintf(__("An update to the theme is available! Head over to %s to update it now.", "default"), "<a href='" . admin_url() . "admin.php?page=envato-wordpress-toolkit'>Envato WordPress Toolkit Plugin</a>");
        echo "<div id='message' class='updated below-h2'><p>{$message}</p></div>";
Exemple #14
 * Description here.
function presscore_theme_update()
    if (isset($_GET['theme-updater']) && 'update' == $_GET['theme-updater']) {
        $user = of_get_option('theme_update-user_name', '');
        $api_key = of_get_option('theme_update-api_key', '');
        $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($user, $api_key);
        $responce = $upgrader->upgrade_theme();
        set_transient('presscore_update_result', $responce, 10);
Exemple #15
	    <li data-demo="3">
	    	<img src="' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/cache/demos/vega_demo3.jpg" alt=""/>	   
	    <li data-demo="4">
	    	<img src="' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/cache/demos/vega_demo4.jpg" alt=""/>	   
	<input id="pp_import_default_button" name="pp_import_default_button" type="submit" value="Import Selected Settings" class="upload_btn button-primary"/>
	<input type="hidden" id="pp_import_demo" name="pp_import_demo" value="1"/>
	<input type="hidden" id="pp_import_default" name="pp_import_default" value=""/>
	'), array("type" => "close"), array("name" => "Backup", "type" => "section", "icon" => "drive_disk.png"), array("type" => "open"), array("name" => "<h2>Import Settings</h2>", "desc" => "Choose theme export file (.json) from your computer and click \"Import\" button", "id" => SHORTNAME . "_import_current", "type" => "html", "html" => '<input type="file" id="' . SHORTNAME . '_import_current" name="' . SHORTNAME . '_import_current"/><input type="submit" id="' . SHORTNAME . '_import_current_button" class="button" value="Import"/>'), array("name" => "<h2>Export Settings</h2>", "desc" => "You can click below button to save current backup into .json file so you can import it back any time using restore form below.", "id" => SHORTNAME . "_export_current", "type" => "html", "html" => '<input type="submit" id="' . SHORTNAME . '_export_current_button" class="button" value="Export Current Theme Settings"/><input type="hidden" id="' . SHORTNAME . '_export_current" name="' . SHORTNAME . '_export_current" value="0"/>'), array("type" => "close"), array("name" => "Auto-update", "type" => "section", "icon" => "arrow_refresh.png"), array("type" => "open"), array("name" => "<h2>Envato API Settings</h2>Envato Username", "desc" => "Enter you Envato username", "id" => SHORTNAME . "_envato_username", "type" => "text", "std" => ""), array("name" => "Envato API Key", "desc" => "Enter account API key. You can get it from Your account > Settings > API Keys", "id" => SHORTNAME . "_envato_api_key", "type" => "text", "std" => ""));
//Check if has new update
include_once get_template_directory() . '/modules/envato-wordpress-toolkit-library/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php';
$pp_envato_username = get_option('pp_envato_username');
$pp_envato_api_key = get_option('pp_envato_api_key');
$upgrader = array();
if (!empty($pp_envato_username) && !empty($pp_envato_api_key)) {
    $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($pp_envato_username, $pp_envato_api_key);
    $upgrader_obj = $upgrader->check_for_theme_update();
    if ($upgrader_obj->updated_themes_count > 0) {
        $options[] = array("name" => "Update Theme<br/>", "desc" => "", "id" => SHORTNAME . "_theme_go_update", "type" => "html", "html" => '
			Click to update ' . THEMENAME . ' theme to the latest version. If you made changes on any them code, please backup your changes first otherwise they will be overwritten by the update.<br/><br/>
			<a id="' . SHORTNAME . '_theme_go_update_bth" href="' . $api_url . '" class="button button-primary">Click here to update theme</a>
			<div class="update_message"><img src="' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/images/ajax-loader.gif" alt="" style="vertical-align: middle;"/><br/><br/>*Theme is being updated please be patient, don\'t navigate away from this page</div>');
$options[] = array("type" => "close");
/*print '<pre>';
print '</pre>';*/
 function on_admin_init()
     // include the library
     include_once 'library/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php';
     $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader(ot_get_option('tf_user'), ot_get_option('tf_api'));