Exemple #1
 function handler_upload($page)
     $page->assign('exception', false);
     $page->assign('image', false);
     if (FrankizUpload::has('file')) {
         $g = Group::from('temp')->select(GroupSelect::castes());
         $temp = $g->caste(Rights::everybody());
         try {
             $upload = FrankizUpload::v('file');
             $secret = uniqid();
             $i = new FrankizImage();
             $page->assign('image', $i);
             $page->assign('secret', $secret);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             try {
                 if ($i) {
             } catch (Exception $eb) {
                 $page->assign('exception', $eb);
             $page->assign('exception', $e);
             if ($e instanceof ImageSizeException) {
                 $page->assign('pixels', true);
             } else {
                 if ($e instanceof UploadSizeException) {
                     $page->assign('bytes', true);
                 } else {
                     if ($e instanceof ImageFormatException) {
                         $page->assign('format', true);
     if (Env::has('delete')) {
         $image = new FrankizImage(Env::i('iid'));
         if ($image->label() == Env::s('secret')) {
     $page->changeTpl('images/upload.tpl', SIMPLE);
Exemple #2
 public function handle_editor()
     $this->title = Env::t('title', '');
     $this->content = Env::t('news_content', '');
     $this->begin = new FrankizDateTime(Env::t('begin'));
     $this->end = new FrankizDateTime(Env::t('end'));
     if (Env::has('image')) {
         $image = new ImageFilter(new PFC_And(new IFC_Id(Env::i('image')), new IFC_Temp()));
         $image = $image->get(true);
         if (!$image) {
             throw new Exception("This image doesn't exist anymore");
     return true;
Exemple #3
 function handler_links_admin($page)
     if (!S::user()->perms()->hasFlag('admin')) {
         return PL_FORBIDDEN;
     $collec = Link::all();
     $results = $collec->split('ns');
     if (Env::has('modify')) {
         $id = Env::i('id');
         $link = $collec->get($id);
         if ($link !== false) {
             if (Env::has('image')) {
                 try {
                     $group = Group::from('partnership');
                     $image = new FrankizImage();
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $page->assign('err', $e->getMessage());
         } else {
             $err = 'Le lien modifié n\'existe plus.';
             $page->assign('err', $err);
     $page->assign('links', $results);
     $page->assign('title', 'Administrer les liens');
Exemple #4
 protected function handle_editor()
     $this->titre = Env::v('titre');
     $this->texte = Env::v('texte');
     $this->pmin = Env::i('promo_min');
     $this->pmax = Env::i('promo_max');
     $this->expiration = Env::v('expiration');
     if (@$_FILES['image']['tmp_name']) {
         $upload = PlUpload::get($_FILES['image'], S::user()->login(), 'event');
         if (!$upload) {
             $this->trigError("Impossible de télécharger le fichier");
         } elseif (!$upload->isType('image')) {
             $page->trigError('Le fichier n\'est pas une image valide au format JPEG, GIF ou PNG');
         } elseif (!$upload->resizeImage(200, 300, 100, 100, 32284)) {
             $page->trigError('Impossible de retraiter l\'image');
         } else {
     return true;
Exemple #5
 function handler_admin($page, $nid = false)
     $news = News::fromId($nid);
     if ($news !== false) {
         if (S::user()->hasRights($news->target()->group(), Rights::admin()) || S::user()->isWeb()) {
             if (Env::has('modify') || Env::has('delete')) {
             if (Env::has('modify')) {
                 $news->begin(new FrankizDateTime(Env::t('begin')));
                 $news->end(new FrankizDateTime(Env::t('end')));
                 if (Env::has('reappear')) {
                 if (Env::has('image')) {
                     $image = new ImageFilter(new PFC_And(new IFC_Id(Env::i('image')), new IFC_Temp()));
                     $image = $image->get(true);
                     if (!$image) {
                         throw new Exception("This image doesn't exist anymore");
                 $page->assign('msg', "L'annonce a été modifiée.");
             if (Env::has('delete')) {
                 $page->assign('delete', true);
     $page->assign('news', $news);
     $page->assign('isEdition', true);
     $page->assign('title', "Modifier l'annonce");
Exemple #6
 function handler_group_admin($page, $group = null)
     $group = Group::fromId($group);
     if ($group && (S::user()->hasRights($group, Rights::admin()) || S::user()->isWeb())) {
         $page->assign('group', $group);
         if (Env::has('name') && Env::t('name') != '' && S::user()->isAdmin()) {
             S::logger()->log("groups/admin", array("gid" => $group->id(), "old_name" => $group->name(), "new_name" => Env::t('name')));
         if (Env::has('update') && S::user()->isAdmin()) {
         if (Env::has('label')) {
         if (Env::has('update')) {
         if (Env::has('image')) {
             $image = new ImageFilter(new PFC_And(new IFC_Id(Env::i('image')), new IFC_Temp()));
             $image = $image->get(true);
             if (!$image) {
                 throw new Exception("This image doesn't exist anymore");
         if (S::user()->isWeb()) {
             $nss = XDB::fetchColumn('SELECT ns FROM groups GROUP BY ns');
             $page->assign('nss', $nss);
             if (Env::has('ns')) {
                 S::logger()->log("groups/admin", array("gid" => $group->id(), "old_ns" => $group->ns(), "new_ns" => Env::t('ns')));
         $promos = S::user()->castes()->groups()->filter('ns', Group::NS_PROMO);
         $page->assign('promos', $promos);
         $page->assign('title', 'Administration de "' . $group->label() . '"');
     } else {
         $page->assign('title', "Ce groupe n'existe pas ou vous n'en êtes pas administrateur");
Exemple #7
  * The authentication schema is based on three query parameters:
  *   ?user=<hruid>&timestamp=<timestamp>&sig=<sig>
  * where:
  *   - hruid is the hruid of the querying user
  *   - timestamp is the current UNIX timestamp, which has to be within a
  *     given distance of the server-side UNIX timestamp
  *   - sig is the HMAC of "<method>#<resource>#<payload>#<timestamp>" using
  *     a known secret of the user as the key.
  * At the moment, the shared secret of the user is the sha1 hash of its
  * password. This is temporary, though, until better support for tokens is
  * implemented in plat/al.
  * TODO(vzanotti): Switch to dedicated secrets for authentication.
 public function apiAuth($method, $resource, $payload)
     // Verify that the timestamp is within acceptable bounds.
     $timestamp = Env::i('timestamp', 0);
     if (abs($timestamp - time()) > Platal::globals()->api->timestamp_tolerance) {
         return null;
     // Retrieve the user corresponding to the forlife. Note that at the
     // moment, other aliases are also accepted.
     $user = User::getSilent(Env::s('user', ''));
     if (is_null($user) || !$user->isActive()) {
         return null;
     // Determine the list of tokens associated with the user. At the moment,
     // this is just the sha1 of the password.
     $tokens = array($user->password());
     // For each token, try to validate the signature.
     $message = implode('#', array($method, $resource, $payload, $timestamp));
     $signature = Env::s('sig');
     foreach ($tokens as $token) {
         $expected_signature = hash_hmac(Platal::globals()->api->hmac_algo, $message, $token);
         if ($signature == $expected_signature) {
             return $user;
     return null;
Exemple #8
 function handler_skin($page)
     global $globals;
     if (Env::has('newskin')) {
         // formulaire soumis, traitons les données envoyées
         XDB::execute('UPDATE  accounts
                          SET  skin = {?}
                        WHERE  uid = {?}', Env::i('newskin'), S::i('uid'));
     $res = XDB::query('SELECT  id
                          FROM  skins
                         WHERE  skin_tpl = {?}', S::v('skin'));
     $page->assign('skin_id', $res->fetchOneCell());
     $sql = 'SELECT  s.*, auteur, COUNT(*) AS nb
               FROM  skins AS s
          LEFT JOIN  accounts AS a ON (a.skin = s.id)
              WHERE  skin_tpl != \'\' AND ext != \'\'
           GROUP BY  id ORDER BY s.date DESC';
     $page->assign('skins', XDB::iterator($sql));
Exemple #9
 public function handler_admin_account($page, $hruid = null, $added = false)
     $err = array();
     $msg = array();
     $add = false;
     if ($added) {
         $msg[] = "L'utilisateur a été ajouté avec succès";
     if ($hruid === null) {
         $user = new User();
         $add = true;
     } else {
         $user = new UserFilter(new UFC_Hruid($hruid));
         $user = $user->get(true);
         if ($user !== false) {
         } else {
             throw new Exception("Impossible de charger les données de l'utilisateur " . $hruid);
     if (Env::has('add_room') && !$add) {
         $r = Room::batchFrom(array(Env::t('rid')));
         if ($r->count() == 0) {
             $err[] = "La chambre entrée n'existe pas.";
         } else {
     if (Env::has('del_room') && !$add) {
         $r = Room::batchFrom(array(Env::t('rid')));
         if ($r->count() == 0) {
             $err[] = "La chambre entrée n'existe pas.";
         } else {
     if (Env::has('add_perm') && !$add && S::user()->isAdmin()) {
     if (Env::has('del_perm') && !$add && S::user()->isAdmin()) {
     if (Env::has('upd_study') && !$add) {
         $user->updateStudy(Env::t('formation_id'), Env::t('forlife'), Env::t('year_in'), Env::t('year_out'), Env::t('promo'));
     if (Env::has('add_study') && !$add) {
         $user->addStudy(Env::t('formation_id'), Env::t('year_in'), Env::t('year_out'), Env::t('promo'), Env::t('forlife'));
     if (Env::has('del_study') && !$add) {
         $user->removeStudy(Env::t('formation_id'), Env::t('forlife'));
     if (Env::has('add_group') && !$add) {
         $g = Group::from(Env::t('name'))->select(GroupSelect::castes());
     if (Env::has('del_group') && !$add) {
         $g = Group::from(Env::t('name'))->select(GroupSelect::castes());
     if (Env::has('change_profile')) {
         if ($add) {
             if (Env::blank('hruid')) {
                 $hruid = Env::t('firstname') . '.' . Env::t('lastname');
                 $hruid = strtolower($hruid);
                 $already = new UserFilter(new UFC_Hruid($hruid));
                 $nbr = 1;
                 while ($already->getTotalCount() > 0) {
                     $hruid = Env::t('firstname') . '.' . Env::t('lastname') . '.' . $nbr;
                     $hruid = strtolower($hruid);
                     $already = new UserFilter(new UFC_Hruid($hruid));
             } else {
                 $hruid = Env::t('hruid');
                 $already = new UserFilter(new UFC_Hruid($hruid));
                 if ($already->getTotalCount() > 0) {
                     throw new Exception("Le hruid spécifié est déjà pris.");
             if (Env::blank('hruid')) {
             $msg[] = "L'utilisateur a été ajouté.";
         if (Env::has('image')) {
             $group = Group::from('tol')->select(GroupSelect::castes());
             $image = new ImageFilter(new PFC_And(new IFC_Id(Env::i('image')), new IFC_Temp()));
             $image = $image->get(true);
             if (!$image) {
                 throw new Exception("This image doesn't exist anymore");
             $tv = new TolValidate($image, $user);
             $v = new Validate(array('writer' => $user, 'group' => $group, 'item' => $tv, 'type' => 'tol'));
             $msg[] = 'La demande de changement de photo tol a été prise en compte.
                 Les tolmestres essaieront de te la valider au plus tôt.';
         if (Env::has('password')) {
         if (!Env::blank('hruid')) {
         $user->birthdate(new FrankizDateTime(Env::t('birthdate')));
         $user->gender(Env::t('gender') == 'man' ? User::GENDER_MALE : User::GENDER_FEMALE);
         $user->cellphone(new Phone(Env::t('cellphone')));
         $user->email_format(Env::t('format') == 'text' ? User::FORMAT_TEXT : User::FORMAT_HTML);
         if ($add) {
             //Let's add common minimodules if requested (we copy them from anonymous.internal (uid 0) one's)
             if (Env::has('addCommonMinimodules')) {
             pl_redirect('profile/admin/account/' . $user->hruid() . '/added');
     if (!empty($err)) {
         $page->assign('err', $err);
     if (!empty($msg)) {
         $page->assign('msg', $msg);
     $page->assign('formations', XDB::query("SELECT formation_id, label FROM formations")->fetchAllAssoc());
     $gfun = new GroupFilter(new PFC_And(new GFC_Namespace('nationality'), new GFC_User($user)));
     $page->assign('user_nationalities', $gfun->get()->select(GroupSelect::base())->toArray());
     $gfn = new GroupFilter(new GFC_Namespace('nationality'));
     $page->assign('nationalities', $gfn->get()->select(GroupSelect::base())->toArray());
     $gfus = new GroupFilter(new PFC_And(new GFC_Namespace('sport'), new GFC_User($user)));
     $page->assign('user_sports', $gfus->get()->select(GroupSelect::base())->toArray());
     $gfs = new GroupFilter(new GFC_Namespace('sport'));
     $page->assign('sports', $gfs->get()->select(GroupSelect::base())->toArray());
     $page->assign('userEdit', $user);
     $page->assign('add', $add);
     $page->assign('title', "Changement du profil : " . $user->fullName());
     if ($add) {
         $page->assign('title', "Création d'un utilisateur");
     $page->assign('perms', array('admin'));
Exemple #10
 function handler_mail($page)
     $subject = Env::t('subject', '');
     $body = Env::t('mail_body', '');
     $no_wiki = Env::has('no_wiki');
     // Retrieve the years on_platal of each formation
     $formations = Formation::selectAll(FormationSelect::on_platal());
     if (Env::has('send')) {
         try {
             $required_fields = array('subject' => 'Il faut donner un sujet à ton mail', 'mail_body' => 'Tu ne veux pas envoyer de mail vide à tous. Si ?');
             foreach ($required_fields as $field => $msg) {
                 if (Env::v($field, '') == '') {
                     throw new Exception($msg);
             if (Env::t('origin_mail_proposal') == 'false') {
                 $origin = false;
             } else {
                 $origin = new Group(Env::i('origin_mail_proposal'));
             if ($origin !== false && !S::user()->hasRights($origin, Rights::admin())) {
                 throw new Exception("Invalid credentials for origin Group");
             if (Env::t('type_mail_proposal') == 'group') {
                 // Mail to a group
                 list($temp, $target_group) = self::target_picker_to_caste_group('mail');
                 $target = new Collection('Caste');
                 $nv = new MailValidate(array('writer' => S::user(), 'type_mail' => Env::t('type_mail_proposal'), 'origin' => $origin, 'targets' => $target, 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body, 'nowiki' => $no_wiki, 'formation' => $target_group));
                 $el = new Validate(array('item' => $nv, 'group' => $target_group, 'writer' => S::user(), 'type' => 'mail'));
             } elseif (Env::t('type_mail_proposal') == 'promo') {
                 // Target group is a Collection of formation groups, which validate requests
                 $target_group = new Collection('Group');
                 // Group promos by formation
                 $promos = unflatten(Env::v('promos'));
                 $promosByFormation = array();
                 foreach ($promos as $formation_promo) {
                     $formation_promo = trim($formation_promo);
                     if (!$formation_promo) {
                     if (!preg_match('/^([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)$/', $formation_promo, $matches)) {
                         throw new Exception("Oops, mauvais format de destinataire.");
                     $formid = (int) $matches[1];
                     $promo = (int) $matches[2];
                     if (isset($promosByFormation[$formid])) {
                         $promosByFormation[$formid][] = $promo;
                     } else {
                         $promosByFormation[$formid] = array($promo);
                 if (empty($promosByFormation)) {
                     throw new Exception("Il faut indiquer au moins un destinataire.");
                 foreach ($promosByFormation as $formid => $promos) {
                     // Now, $promos are the list of promos of formation $formid
                     $form = $formations->get($formid);
                     // Study group are the people the mail is sent to, array of CasteFilterCondition
                     $cfc_study_groups = array();
                     foreach ($promos as $promo) {
                         if (!$form->hasPlatalYear($promo)) {
                             throw new Exception("Mauvaise promo " . $promo . " pour " . $form->label() . ".");
                         $cfc_study_groups[] = new CFC_Group($form->getGroupForPromo($promo), Rights::restricted());
                     $target = new CasteFilter(new PFC_Or($cfc_study_groups));
                     $target = $target->get();
                     // $target_group is the group which validates this email
                     $target_group = $form->getGroup();
                     $nv = new MailValidate(array('writer' => S::user(), 'type_mail' => Env::t('type_mail_proposal'), 'origin' => $origin, 'targets' => $target, 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body, 'nowiki' => $no_wiki, 'formation' => $target_group));
                     $el = new Validate(array('item' => $nv, 'group' => $target_group, 'writer' => S::user(), 'type' => 'mail'));
             $page->assign('envoye', true);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     $page->assign('subject', $subject);
     $page->assign('body', $body);
     $page->assign('nowiki', $no_wiki);
     $page->assign('formations', $formations);
     $page->assign('title', 'Envoi des mails');
Exemple #11
 function handler_cyber2_return($page, $uid = null)
     global $globals, $platal;
     /* on vérifie la signature */
     $vads_params = array();
     foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
         if (substr($key, 0, 5) == 'vads_') {
             $vads_params[$key] = $value;
     $signature = sha1(join('+', $vads_params) . '+' . $globals->money->cyperplus_key);
     //if($signature != Env::v('signature')) {
     //    cb_erreur("signature invalide");
     /* on extrait les informations sur l'utilisateur */
     $user = User::get(Env::i('vads_cust_id'));
     if (!$user) {
         cb_erreur("uid invalide");
     /* on extrait la reference de la commande */
     if (!preg_match('/-([0-9]+)$/', Env::v('vads_order_id'), $matches)) {
         cb_erreur("référence de commande invalide");
     $ref = $matches[1];
     $res = XDB::query('SELECT  mail, text, confirmation
                          FROM  payments
                         WHERE  id={?}', $ref);
     if ($res->numRows() != 1) {
         cb_erreur("référence de commande inconnue");
     list($conf_mail, $conf_title, $conf_text) = $res->fetchOneRow();
     /* on extrait le montant */
     if (Env::v('vads_currency') != '978') {
         cb_erreur("monnaie autre que l'euro");
     $montant = (double) Env::i('vads_amount') / 100;
     /* on extrait le code de retour */
     if (Env::v('vads_result') != '00') {
         cb_erreur('erreur lors du paiement : ?? (' . Env::v('vads_result') . ')', $conf_title);
     /* on fait l'insertion en base de donnees */
     XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  payment_transactions (id, method_id, uid, ref, fullref, ts_confirmed, amount, pkey, comment, status, display)
                        VALUES  ({?}, 2, {?}, {?}, {?}, NOW(), {?}, {?}, {?}, "confirmed", {?})', Env::v('vads_trans_date'), $user->id(), $ref, Env::v('vads_order_id'), $montant, '', Env::v('vads_order_info'), Env::i('vads_order_info2'));
     echo "Payment stored.\n";
     // We check if it is an Xnet payment and then update the related ML.
     $res = XDB::query('SELECT  eid, asso_id
                          FROM  group_events
                         WHERE  paiement_id = {?}', $ref);
     if ($res->numRows() == 1) {
         list($eid, $asso_id) = $res->fetchOneRow();
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/xnetevents/xnetevents.inc.php';
         $evt = get_event_detail($eid, false, $asso_id);
         subscribe_lists_event($user->id(), $evt['short_name'], 1, $montant, true);
     /* on genere le mail de confirmation */
     $conf_text = str_replace(array('<prenom>', '<nom>', '<promo>', '<montant>', '<salutation>', '<cher>', '<comment>'), array($user->firstName(), $user->lastName(), $user->promo(), $montant, $user->isFemale() ? 'Chère' : 'Cher', $user->isFemale() ? 'Chère' : 'Cher', Env::v('vads_order_info')), $conf_text);
     global $globals;
     $mymail = new PlMailer();
     /* on envoie les details de la transaction à telepaiement@ */
     $mymail = new PlMailer();
     $mymail->setFrom("webmaster@" . $globals->mail->domain);
     $msg = 'utilisateur : ' . $user->login() . ' (' . $user->id() . ')' . "\n" . 'mail : ' . $user->forlifeEmail() . "\n\n" . "paiement : {$conf_title} ({$conf_mail})\n" . "reference : " . Env::v('vads_order_id') . "\n" . "montant : {$montant}\n\n" . "dump de REQUEST:\n" . var_export($_REQUEST, true);
     echo "Notifications sent.\n";
Exemple #12
 protected function handle_editor()
     $this->titre = Env::v('pay_titre');
     $this->site = Env::v('pay_site');
     $this->montant = Env::t('pay_montant');
     $this->montant_min = Env::i('pay_montant_min');
     $this->montant_max = Env::i('pay_montant_max');
     $this->msg_reponse = Env::v('pay_msg_reponse');
     $this->public = Env::v('pay_public') == 'yes';
     $this->rib_id = Env::v('pay_rib_id');
     if ($this->rib_id) {
         $res = XDB::query("SELECT owner FROM payment_bankaccounts WHERE id = {?}", $this->rib_id);
         $this->rib_nom = $res->fetchOneCell();
     } else {
         $this->rib_nom = null;
     return true;
Exemple #13
 function handler_admin($page, $eid = null, $item_id = null)
     global $globals;
     $evt = get_event_detail($eid, $item_id);
     if (!$evt) {
         return PL_NOT_FOUND;
     if (!$evt['show_participants'] && !may_update()) {
         return PL_FORBIDDEN;
     if (may_update() && Post::v('adm')) {
         $member = User::getSilent(Post::v('mail'));
         if (!$member) {
             $page->trigError("Membre introuvable");
         // change the price paid by a participant
         if (Env::v('adm') == 'prix' && $member) {
             $amount = strtr(Env::v('montant'), ',', '.');
             XDB::execute("UPDATE group_event_participants\n                                 SET paid = paid + {?}\n                               WHERE uid = {?} AND eid = {?} AND nb > 0\n                            ORDER BY item_id ASC\n                               LIMIT 1", $amount, $member->uid, $evt['eid']);
             subscribe_lists_event($member->uid, $evt['short_name'], 1, $amount);
         // change the number of personns coming with a participant
         if (Env::v('adm') == 'nbs' && $member) {
             $res = XDB::query("SELECT SUM(paid)\n                                     FROM group_event_participants\n                                    WHERE uid = {?} AND eid = {?}", $member->uid, $evt['eid']);
             $paid = $res->fetchOneCell();
             // Ensure we have an integer
             if ($paid == null) {
                 $paid = 0;
             $nbs = Post::v('nb', array());
             $paid_inserted = false;
             foreach ($nbs as $id => $nb) {
                 $nb = max(intval($nb), 0);
                 if (!$paid_inserted && $nb > 0) {
                     $item_paid = $paid;
                     $paid_inserted = true;
                 } else {
                     $item_paid = 0;
                 XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  group_event_participants (eid, uid, item_id, nb, flags, paid)
                                    VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})
                   ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  nb = VALUES(nb), flags = VALUES(flags), paid = VALUES(paid)', $evt['eid'], $member->uid, $id, $nb, '', $item_paid);
             $res = XDB::query('SELECT  COUNT(uid) AS cnt, SUM(nb) AS nb
                                  FROM  group_event_participants
                                 WHERE  uid = {?} AND eid = {?}
                              GROUP BY  uid', $member->uid, $evt['eid']);
             $u = $res->fetchOneAssoc();
             if ($paid == 0 && Post::v('cancel')) {
                 XDB::execute("DELETE FROM group_event_participants\n                                        WHERE uid = {?} AND eid = {?}", $member->uid, $evt['eid']);
                 $u = 0;
                 subscribe_lists_event($member->uid, $evt['short_name'], -1, $paid);
             } else {
                 $u = $u['cnt'] ? $u['nb'] : null;
                 subscribe_lists_event($member->uid, $evt['short_name'], $u > 0 ? 1 : 0, $paid);
         $evt = get_event_detail($eid, $item_id);
     $page->assign_by_ref('evt', $evt);
     $page->assign('tout', is_null($item_id));
     if (count($evt['moments'])) {
         $page->assign('moments', $evt['moments']);
     if ($evt['paiement_id']) {
         $infos = User::getBulkUsersWithUIDs(XDB::fetchAllAssoc('SELECT  t.uid, t.amount
                                               FROM  payment_transactions AS t
                                          LEFT JOIN  group_event_participants AS ep ON(ep.uid = t.uid AND ep.eid = {?})
                                              WHERE  t.status = "confirmed" AND t.ref = {?} AND ep.uid IS NULL', $evt['eid'], $evt['paiement_id']), 'uid', 'user');
         $page->assign('oublis', count($infos));
         $page->assign('oubliinscription', $infos);
     $absents = User::getBulkUsersFromDB('SELECT  p.uid
                                            FROM  group_event_participants AS p
                                       LEFT JOIN  group_event_participants AS p2 ON (p2.uid = p.uid
                                                                                            AND p2.eid = p.eid
                                                                                            AND p2.nb != 0)
                                           WHERE  p.eid = {?} AND p2.eid IS NULL
                                        GROUP BY  p.uid', $evt['eid']);
     $ofs = Env::i('offset');
     $part = get_event_participants($evt, $item_id, UserFilter::sortByName(), NB_PER_PAGE, $ofs * NB_PER_PAGE);
     $nbp = ceil($evt['user_count'] / NB_PER_PAGE);
     if ($nbp > 1) {
         $links = array();
         if ($ofs) {
             $links['précédent'] = $ofs - 1;
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbp; $i++) {
             $links[(string) $i] = $i - 1;
         if ($ofs < $nbp - 1) {
             $links['suivant'] = $ofs + 1;
         $page->assign('links', $links);
     $page->assign('absents', $absents);
     $page->assign('participants', $part);
Exemple #14
 public function i($key, $def = 0)
     if ($this->fake_env) {
         return $this->fake_env->i($key, $def);
     } else {
         return Env::i($this->envprefix . $key, $def);
Exemple #15
 function handler_modify_regular($page, $aid = false)
     $activities = new ActivityFilter(new PFC_And(new AFC_TargetGroup(S::user()->castes(Rights::admin())->groups()), new AFC_Regular(true)));
     $c = $activities->get();
     $aid = Env::i('aid', $aid);
     if ($aid) {
         $a = $c->get($aid);
         if ($a === false) {
             throw new Exception("Invalid credentials");
         if (Env::has('modify')) {
             if (preg_match('`^\\d{2}:\\d{2}$`', Env::t('begin')) && strtotime(Env::t('begin')) !== false && preg_match('`^\\d{2}:\\d{2}$`', Env::t('end')) && strtotime(Env::t('end')) !== false) {
                 $a->title(Env::t('title', $a->title()));
                 $a->description(Env::t('activity_description', $a->description()));
                 $a->days(implode(',', Env::v('days', $a->days())));
                 $a->default_begin(Env::t('begin') . ':00');
                 $a->default_end(Env::t('end') . ':00');
                 $page->assign('msg', 'L\'activité a été modifiée.');
             } else {
                 $page->assign('msg', 'Les dates données sont incorrectes.');
         $page->assign('aid', $aid);
         $page->assign('activity', $a);
     $page->assign('activities', $c);
     $page->assign('title', 'Modifier une activité régulière');
Exemple #16
 function handler_jobs($page, $id = -1)
     if (Env::has('search')) {
         $res = XDB::query("SELECT  id, name, acronym\n                                 FROM  profile_job_enum\n                                WHERE  name LIKE CONCAT('%', {?}, '%') OR acronym LIKE CONCAT('%', {?}, '%')", Env::t('job'), Env::t('job'));
         if ($res->numRows() <= 20) {
             $page->assign('jobs', $res->fetchAllAssoc());
         } else {
             $page->trigError("Il y a trop d'entreprises correspondant à ton choix. Affine-le !");
         $page->assign('askedJob', Env::v('job'));
     if (Env::has('edit')) {
         $selectedJob = Env::has('selectedJob');
         Phone::deletePhones(0, Phone::LINK_COMPANY, $id);
         Address::deleteAddresses(null, Address::LINK_COMPANY, $id);
         if (Env::has('change')) {
             if (Env::has('newJobId') && Env::i('newJobId') > 0) {
                 XDB::execute('UPDATE  profile_job
                                  SET  jobid = {?}
                                WHERE  jobid = {?}', Env::i('newJobId'), $id);
                 XDB::execute('DELETE FROM  profile_job_enum
                                     WHERE  id = {?}', $id);
                 $page->trigSuccess("L'entreprise a bien été remplacée.");
             } else {
                 $page->trigError("L'entreprise n'a pas été remplacée car l'identifiant fourni n'est pas valide.");
         } else {
             XDB::execute('UPDATE  profile_job_enum
                              SET  name = {?}, acronym = {?}, url = {?}, email = {?},
                                   SIREN_code = {?}, NAF_code = {?}, AX_code = {?}, holdingid = {?}
                            WHERE  id = {?}', Env::t('name'), Env::t('acronym'), Env::t('url'), Env::t('email'), Env::t('SIREN') == 0 ? null : Env::t('SIREN'), Env::t('NAF_code') == 0 ? null : Env::t('NAF_code'), Env::i('AX_code') == 0 ? null : Env::t('AX_code'), Env::i('holdingId') == 0 ? null : Env::t('holdingId'), $id);
             $phone = new Phone(array('display' => Env::v('tel'), 'link_id' => $id, 'id' => 0, 'type' => 'fixed', 'link_type' => Phone::LINK_COMPANY, 'pub' => 'public'));
             $fax = new Phone(array('display' => Env::v('fax'), 'link_id' => $id, 'id' => 1, 'type' => 'fax', 'link_type' => Phone::LINK_COMPANY, 'pub' => 'public'));
             $address = new Address(array('jobid' => $id, 'type' => Address::LINK_COMPANY, 'text' => Env::t('address')));
             $page->trigSuccess("L'entreprise a bien été mise à jour.");
     if (!Env::has('change') && $id != -1) {
         $res = XDB::query("SELECT  e.id, e.name, e.acronym, e.url, e.email, e.SIREN_code AS SIREN, e.NAF_code, e.AX_code,\n                                       h.id AS holdingId, h.name AS holdingName, h.acronym AS holdingAcronym,\n                                       t.display_tel AS tel, f.display_tel AS fax, a.text AS address\n                                 FROM  profile_job_enum  AS e\n                            LEFT JOIN  profile_job_enum  AS h ON (e.holdingid = h.id)\n                            LEFT JOIN  profile_phones    AS t ON (t.pid = e.id AND t.link_type = 'hq' AND t.tel_id = 0)\n                            LEFT JOIN  profile_phones    AS f ON (f.pid = e.id AND f.link_type = 'hq' AND f.tel_id = 1)\n                            LEFT JOIN  profile_addresses AS a ON (a.jobid = e.id AND a.type = 'hq')\n                                WHERE  e.id = {?}", $id);
         if ($res->numRows() == 0) {
             $page->trigError('Auncune entreprise ne correspond à cet identifiant.');
         } else {
             $page->assign('selectedJob', $res->fetchOneAssoc());
Exemple #17
 protected function handle_editor()
     foreach (array('name', 'acronym', 'url', 'email', 'SIREN', 'NAF_code', 'tel', 'fax', 'address') as $field) {
         $this->{$field} = Env::t($field) == '' ? null : Env::t($field);
     foreach (array('AX_code', 'holdingid') as $field) {
         $this->{$field} = Env::i($field) == 0 ? null : Env::i($field);
     return true;
Exemple #18
 function handler_moderate($page, $liste = null)
     if (is_null($liste)) {
         return PL_NOT_FOUND;
     $mlist = $this->prepare_list($liste);
     if (!$this->is_group_admin($page)) {
         $this->verify_list_owner($page, $mlist);
     $page->register_modifier('hdc', 'list_header_decode');
     if (Env::has('sadd') || Env::has('sdel')) {
         if (Env::has('sadd')) {
             // Ensure the moderated request is still active
             $sub = $mlist->getPendingSubscription(Env::v('sadd'));
             $mlist->handleRequest(MailingList::REQ_SUBSCRIBE, Env::v('sadd'));
             $info = "validée";
         if (Post::has('sdel')) {
             // Ensure the moderated request is still active
             $sub = $mlist->getPendingSubscription(Env::v('sdel'));
             $mlist->handleRequest(MailingList::REQ_REJECT, Post::v('sdel'), Post::v('reason'));
             $info = "refusée";
         if ($sub) {
             $mailer = new PlMailer();
             $mailer->addHeader('Reply-To', $mlist->getAddress(MailingList::KIND_OWNER));
             $mailer->setSubject("L'inscription de {$sub['name']} a été {$info}");
             $text = "L'inscription de {$sub['name']} à la liste " . $mlist->address . " a été {$info} par " . S::user()->fullName(true) . ".\n";
             if (trim(Post::v('reason'))) {
                 $text .= "\nLa raison invoquée est :\n" . Post::v('reason');
             $mailer->setTxtBody(wordwrap($text, 72));
         if (Env::has('sadd')) {
             pl_redirect('lists/moderate/' . $liste);
     if (Post::has('moderate_mails') && Post::has('select_mails')) {
         $mails = array_keys(Post::v('select_mails'));
         foreach ($mails as $mail) {
             $this->moderate_mail($mlist, $mail);
     } elseif (Env::has('mid')) {
         if (Get::has('mid') && !Env::has('mok') && !Env::has('mdel')) {
             require_once 'banana/moderate.inc.php';
             $params = array('listname' => $mlist->mbox, 'domain' => $mlist->domain, 'artid' => Get::i('mid'), 'part' => Get::v('part'), 'action' => Get::v('action'));
             $params['client'] = $this->prepare_client();
             run_banana($page, 'ModerationBanana', $params);
             $msg = file_get_contents('/etc/mailman/fr/refuse.txt');
             $msg = str_replace("%(adminaddr)s", $mlist->getAddress(MailingList::KIND_OWNER), $msg);
             $msg = str_replace("%(request)s", "<< SUJET DU MAIL >>", $msg);
             $msg = str_replace("%(reason)s", "<< TON EXPLICATION >>", $msg);
             $msg = str_replace("%(listname)s", $liste, $msg);
             $page->assign('msg', $msg);
         $this->moderate_mail($mlist, Env::i('mid'));
     } elseif (Env::has('sid')) {
         if (list($subs, $mails) = $this->get_pending_ops($mlist)) {
             foreach ($subs as $user) {
                 if ($user['id'] == Env::v('sid')) {
                     $page->assign('del_user', $user);
     if (list($subs, $mails) = $this->get_pending_ops($mlist)) {
         foreach ($mails as $key => $mail) {
             $mails[$key]['stamp'] = strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", $mail['stamp']);
             if ($mail['fromx']) {
                 $page->assign('with_fromx', true);
             } else {
                 $page->assign('with_nonfromx', true);
         $page->assign_by_ref('subs', $subs);
         $page->assign_by_ref('mails', $mails);
     } else {
         $page->kill("La liste n'existe pas ou tu n'as pas le droit de la modérer.");
Exemple #19
 function handler_admin_announce($page)
     global $globals;
     if (Env::has('del')) {
         XDB::execute('DELETE FROM  group_announces
                             WHERE  id = {?} AND asso_id = {?}', Env::i('del'), $globals->asso('id'));
     $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT  id, titre, expiration, expiration < CURRENT_DATE() AS perime
                             FROM  group_announces
                            WHERE  asso_id = {?}
                         ORDER BY  expiration DESC', $globals->asso('id'));
     $page->assign('articles', $res);
Exemple #20
 /** Handles form validation.
 public function handle_formu()
     if ($this->requireAdmin && !S::admin()) {
         $this->trigError('Vous n\'avez pas les permissions nécessaires pour valider cette demande.');
         return false;
     if (Env::has('delete')) {
         $this->trigSuccess('Requête supprimée.');
         return true;
     // Data updates.
     if (Env::has('edit')) {
         if ($this->handle_editor()) {
             $this->trigSuccess('Requête mise à jour.');
             return true;
         return false;
     // Comment addition.
     if (Env::has('hold') && Env::has('comm')) {
         $formid = Env::i('formid');
         foreach ($this->comments as $comment) {
             if ($comment[2] === $formid) {
                 return true;
         if (!strlen(trim(Env::v('comm')))) {
             return true;
         $this->comments[] = array(S::user()->login(), Env::v('comm'), $formid);
         // Sends email to our hotline.
         global $globals;
         $mailer = new PlMailer();
         $mailer->setSubject("Commentaires de validation {$this->type}");
         $body = "Validation {$this->type} pour {$this->user->login()}\n\n" . S::user()->login() . " a ajouté le commentaire :\n\n" . Env::v('comm') . "\n\n" . "cf la discussion sur : " . $globals->baseurl . "/admin/validate";
         $this->trigSuccess('Commentaire ajouté.');
         return true;
     if (Env::has('accept')) {
         if ($this->commit()) {
             $this->trigSuccess('Email de validation envoyé');
             return true;
         } else {
             $this->trigError('Erreur lors de la validation');
             return false;
     if (Env::has('refuse')) {
         if (Env::v('comm')) {
             $this->trigSuccess('Email de refus envoyé.');
             return true;
         } else {
             $this->trigError('Pas de motivation pour le refus&nbsp;!!!');
     return false;
Exemple #21
 function handler_list($page, $type = null, $idVal = null)
     $page->assign('name', $type);
     $page->assign('with_text_value', true);
     $page->assign('onchange', "document.forms.recherche.{$type}Txt.value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].text");
     // Give the list of all values possible of type and builds a select input for it
     $ids = null;
     switch ($type) {
         case 'binet':
             $ids = DirEnum::getOptionsIter(DirEnum::BINETS);
         case 'networking_type':
             $ids = DirEnum::getOptionsIter(DirEnum::NETWORKS);
         case 'country':
             $ids = DirEnum::getOptionsIter(DirEnum::COUNTRIES);
             $page->assign('onchange', 'changeAddressComponents(\'' . $type . '\', this.value)');
         case 'administrative_area_level_1':
         case 'administrative_area_level_2':
         case 'locality':
             $page->assign('onchange', 'changeAddressComponents(\'' . $type . '\', this.value)');
         case 'postal_code':
             $ids = XDB::iterator("SELECT  pace1.id, pace1.long_name AS field\n                                    FROM  profile_addresses_components_enum AS pace1\n                              INNER JOIN  profile_addresses_components      AS pac1  ON (pac1.component_id = pace1.id)\n                              INNER JOIN  profile_addresses_components      AS pac2  ON (pac1.pid = pac2.pid AND pac1.jobid = pac2.jobid AND pac1.id = pac2.id\n                                                                                         AND pac1.groupid = pac2.groupid AND pac1.type = pac2.type)\n                              INNER JOIN  profile_addresses_components_enum AS pace2 ON (pac2.component_id = pace2.id AND FIND_IN_SET({?}, pace2.types))\n                                   WHERE  pace2.id = {?} AND FIND_IN_SET({?}, pace1.types) AND pac1.type = 'home'\n                                GROUP BY  pace1.long_name", Env::v('previous'), Env::v('value'), $type);
         case 'diploma':
             if (Env::has('school') && Env::i('school') != 0) {
                 $ids = DirEnum::getOptionsIter(DirEnum::EDUDEGREES, Env::i('school'));
             } else {
                 $ids = DirEnum::getOptionsIter(DirEnum::EDUDEGREES);
         case 'groupex':
             $ids = DirEnum::getOptionsIter(DirEnum::GROUPESX);
         case 'nationalite':
             $ids = DirEnum::getOptionsIter(DirEnum::NATIONALITIES);
         case 'school':
             $ids = DirEnum::getOptionsIter(DirEnum::EDUSCHOOLS);
             $page->assign('onchange', 'changeSchool(this.value)');
         case 'section':
             $ids = DirEnum::getOptionsIter(DirEnum::SECTIONS);
         case 'jobterm':
             if (Env::has('jtid')) {
                 JobTerms::ajaxGetBranch($page, JobTerms::ONLY_JOBS);
             } else {
                 echo '<div>';
                 // global container so that response is valid xml
                 echo '<input name="jobtermTxt" type="text" style="display:none" size="32" />';
                 echo '<input name="jobterm" type="hidden"/>';
                 echo '<div class="term_tree"></div>';
                 // container where to create the tree
                 echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/jquery.jstree.js"></script>';
                 echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/jobtermstree.js"></script>';
                 echo '<script type="text/javascript">createJobTermsTree(".term_tree", "search/list/jobterm", "search", "searchForJobTerm");</script>';
                 echo '</div>';
     if (isset($idVal)) {
         echo $ids[$idVal];
     $page->changeTpl('include/field.select.tpl', NO_SKIN);
     $page->assign('list', $ids);