public function generatePathsKeyName($id) { $db = Zend_Registry::get('dbAdapter'); $className = $this->_ormClass; $ormClass = new $className(); $ormKey = $ormClass->_primaryKeys[0]; $whrSelect = $db->select()->from(array('ccc' => $this->_table), 'ccc.ancestor')->where('ccc.depth != 0')->where('ccc.ancestor = ?', (int) $id); $sqlSelect = $db->select()->from(array('c' => $this->_table), "c.descendant AS node, GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY n.enumerationId SEPARATOR ' -> ') AS path")->join(array('cc' => $this->_table), 'cc.descendant = c.descendant', array())->join(array('n' => $ormClass->_table), 'n.' . $ormKey . ' = cc.ancestor', array())->where('c.ancestor = ?', (int) $id)->where('c.descendant != c.ancestor')->group('c.descendant'); $ret = array(); $rows = $db->fetchAll($sqlSelect); if ($rows) { $statisticsStoreKeyAsValue = (string) Zend_Registry::get('config')->statisticsStoreKeyAsValue == 'true' ? true : false; foreach ($rows as $row) { $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->enumerationId = (int) $row['node']; $enumeration->populate(); if ($statisticsStoreKeyAsValue) { $ret[$enumeration->key] = $row['path']; } else { $ret[$enumeration->name] = $row['path']; } } } return $ret; }
/** * Default action to dispatch */ public function indexAction() { $enumerationId = (int) $this->_getParam("enumerationId"); $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->enumerationId = $enumerationId; $enumeration->populate(); $ormClass = $enumeration->ormClass; $ormId = $enumeration->ormId; $ormEditMethod = $enumeration->ormEditMethod; if (!class_exists($ormClass)) { throw new Exception("ORM Class {$ormClass} does not exists"); } $ormObject = new $ormClass(); if (!$ormObject instanceof ORM) { throw new Exception("ORM Class {$ormClass} is not an instance of an ORM"); } if (strlen($ormEditMethod) > 0 && method_exists($ormObject, $ormEditMethod)) { $form = $ormObject->{$ormEditMethod}($ormId); } else { foreach ($ormObject->_primaryKeys as $key) { $ormObject->{$key} = $ormId; } $ormObject->populate(); $form = new WebVista_Form(array('name' => 'edit-object')); $form->setAction(Zend_Registry::get('baseUrl') . "generic-edit.raw/process-edit?enumerationId={$enumerationId}"); $form->loadORM($ormObject, "ormObject"); $form->setWindow('windowEditORMObjectId'); } $this->_ormObject = $ormObject; $this->view->ormObject = $this->_ormObject; $this->view->form = $form; $this->render('index'); }
public function getDisplayedValue() { $ret = null; if ($this->type != self::TYPE_ENUM) { return $ret; } $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->enumerationId = (int) $this->value; $enumeration->populate(); return $enumeration->name; }
public function processEditAction() { $enumerationId = (int) $this->_getParam('enumerationId'); $params = $this->_getParam('diagnosis'); $diagnosis = new DiagnosisCodesICD(); $diagnosis->populateWithArray($params); $diagnosis->persist(); if ($enumerationId > 0) { $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->enumerationId = $enumerationId; $enumeration->populate(); $enumeration->ormId = $diagnosis->code; $enumeration->persist(); } $data = true; $json = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('json'); $json->suppressExit = true; $json->direct($data); }
public function getDisplayGender() { $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->enumerationId = $this->gender; $enumeration->populate(); return $enumeration->name; $gender = ""; switch ($this->gender) { case "1": $gender = "M"; break; case "2": $gender = "F"; break; case "3": $gender = "O"; break; } return $gender; }
public function editAction() { $ormId = (int) $this->_getParam('ormId'); $enumerationId = (int) $this->_getParam('enumerationId'); $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->enumerationId = $enumerationId; $enumeration->populate(); $inventory = new ImmunizationInventory(); $inventory->immunization = $enumeration->name; $inventory->expiration = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 year')); $form = new WebVista_Form(array('name' => 'edit')); $form->setAction(Zend_Registry::get('baseUrl') . 'immunization-inventory.raw/process-edit'); $form->loadORM($inventory, 'inventory'); $form->setWindow('windowEditORMObjectId'); $this->view->form = $form; $this->view->enumerationId = $enumerationId; $this->view->totalInStock = 0; //$inventory->totalInStock; $this->view->totalExpired = 0; //$inventory->totalExpired; $this->render('edit'); }
public function processEditAction() { $this->editAction(); $enumerationId = (int) $this->_getParam('enumerationId'); $params = $this->_getParam('appointmentTemplate'); $appointmentTemplateId = (int) $params['appointmentTemplateId']; $this->_appointmentTemplate->populateWithArray($params); $breakdownNames = $this->_getParam('breakdownName'); $breakdownLength = $this->_getParam('breakdownLength'); $breakdownType = $this->_getParam('breakdownType'); $breakdowns = array(); if (is_array($breakdownNames) && is_array($breakdownLength) && is_array($breakdownType)) { foreach ($breakdownNames as $key => $value) { if (!isset($breakdownLength[$key]) || !isset($breakdownType[$key])) { continue; } $data = array(); $data['n'] = $value; $data['l'] = (int) $breakdownLength[$key]; $data['t'] = $breakdownType[$key]; $breakdowns[] = $data; } if (count($breakdowns) > 0) { $this->_appointmentTemplate->breakdown = serialize($breakdowns); } } $this->_appointmentTemplate->persist(); if ($appointmentTemplateId === 0 && $enumerationId !== 0) { $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->enumerationId = $enumerationId; $enumeration->populate(); $enumeration->ormId = $this->_appointmentTemplate->appointmentTemplateId; $enumeration->persist(); } $this->view->message = __("Record saved successfully"); $this->render('edit'); }
public function processEditAction() { $enumerationId = (int) $this->_getParam("enumerationId"); $params = $this->_getParam("team"); $teamMemberId = (int) $params['teamMemberId']; $teamMember = new TeamMember(); if ($teamMemberId !== 0) { $teamMember->teamMemberId = $teamMemberId; $teamMember->populate(); } $teamMember->populateWithArray($params); $teamMember->persist(); if ($teamMemberId === 0 && $enumerationId !== 0) { $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->enumerationId = $enumerationId; $enumeration->populate(); $enumeration->ormId = $teamMember->teamMemberId; $enumeration->persist(); } $data = array(); $data['msg'] = __("Record saved successfully"); $json = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('json'); $json->suppressExit = true; $json->direct($data); }
public function getTeamByPersonId($personId = null) { $db = Zend_Registry::get('dbAdapter'); $ret = ''; if ($personId === null) { $personId = $this->personId; } $dbSelect = $db->select()->from(array('t' => $this->_table))->joinLeft(array('e' => 'enumerations'), 't.teamMemberId = e.ormId')->where('t.personId = ?', (int) $personId); $row = $db->fetchRow($dbSelect); if (isset($row['enumerationId'])) { $enumerationId = $row['enumerationId']; $enumerationsClosure = new EnumerationsClosure(); $parentId = $enumerationsClosure->getParentById($enumerationId); $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->enumerationId = $parentId; $enumeration->populate(); $ret = $enumeration->key; } return $ret; }
public static function handlerSSSourceData(Audit $audit) { $data = array(); if ($audit->objectClass != 'ESignature') { return $data; } $eSignature = new ESignature(); $eSignature->eSignatureId = $audit->objectId; $eSignature->populate(); if ($eSignature->objectClass != 'Medication') { return $data; } $data['_audit'] = $audit; $medication = new Medication(); $medication->medicationId = (int) $eSignature->objectId; $medication->populate(); $data['PrescriberOrderNumber'] = $medication->medicationId; $medData = array(); $medData['DrugDescription'] = $medication->description; $medData['Strength'] = $medication->strength; $medData['StrengthUnits'] = $medication->unit; $medData['Quantity'] = $medication->quantity; $medData['Directions'] = $medication->directions; $medData['Refills'] = $medication->refills; $medData['Substitutions'] = $medication->substitution; $medData['WrittenDate'] = date('Ymd', strtotime($medication->datePrescribed)); $data['medication'] = $medData; $pharmacy = new Pharmacy(); $pharmacy->pharmacyId = $medication->pharmacyId; $pharmacy->populate(); $pharmacyData = array(); $pharmacyData['NCPDPID'] = $pharmacy->NCPDPID; $pharmacyData['StoreName'] = $pharmacy->StoreName; $pharmacyData['AddressLine1'] = $pharmacy->AddressLine1 . ' ' . $pharmacy->AddressLine2; $pharmacyData['City'] = $pharmacy->City; $pharmacyData['State'] = $pharmacy->State; $pharmacyData['ZipCode'] = $pharmacy->Zip; $pharmacyData['PhoneNumber'] = $pharmacy->PhonePrimary; $data['pharmacy'] = $pharmacyData; $provider = new Provider(); $provider->personId = $medication->prescriberPersonId; $provider->populate(); $prescriberData = array(); $prescriberData['DEANumber'] = $provider->deaNumber; $prescriberData['SPI'] = $provider->sureScriptsSPI; $prescriberData['ClinicName'] = ''; $prescriberData['LastName'] = $provider->person->lastName; $prescriberData['FirstName'] = $provider->person->firstName; $prescriberData['Suffix'] = ''; $address = new Address(); $address->personId = $provider->personId; $address->populateWithPersonId(); $prescriberData['AddressLine1'] = $address->line1 . ' ' . $address->line2; $prescriberData['City'] = $address->city; $prescriberData['State'] = 'AZ'; //$address->state; $prescriberData['ZipCode'] = $address->postalCode; $phoneNumber = new PhoneNumber(); $phoneNumber->personId = $provider->personId; $phoneNumber->populateWithPersonId(); $prescriberData['PhoneNumber'] = $phoneNumber->number; $data['prescriber'] = $prescriberData; $patient = new Patient(); $patient->personId = $medication->personId; $patient->populate(); $patientData = array(); $patientData['LastName'] = $patient->person->lastName; $patientData['FirstName'] = $patient->person->firstName; $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->enumerationId = $patient->person->gender; $enumeration->populate(); $gender = $enumeration->key; $patientData['Gender'] = $gender; $patientData['DateOfBirth'] = date('Ymd', strtotime($patient->person->dateOfBirth)); $address = new Address(); $address->personId = $patient->personId; $address->populateWithPersonId(); $patientData['AddressLine1'] = $address->line1 . ' ' . $address->line2; $patientData['City'] = $address->city; $patientData['State'] = 'AZ'; //$address->state; $patientData['ZipCode'] = $address->postalCode; $phoneNumber = new PhoneNumber(); $phoneNumber->personId = $patient->personId; $phoneNumber->populateWithPersonId(); $patientData['PhoneNumber'] = $phoneNumber->number; $data['patient'] = $patientData; return $data; $ret = array(); foreach ($data as $type => $row) { if (is_array($row)) { foreach ($row as $field => $value) { $key = $type . '[' . $field . ']'; $ret[$key] = $value; } } else { $ret[$type] = $row; } } return $ret; }
function editProcessAction() { $enumerationId = (int) $this->_getParam('enumerationId'); $menuParams = $this->_getParam('menuItem'); $menuId = (int) $menuParams['menuId']; $origMenuId = $menuId; $menuParams['menuId'] = $menuId; $objMenu = new MenuItem(); if ($menuId !== 0) { $objMenu->menuId = $menuId; $objMenu->populate(); } $menuParams['action'] = ''; if (isset($menuParams['type'])) { switch ($menuParams['type']) { case 'freeform': if ($this->_getParam('typefreeform') !== NULL) { $menuParams['action'] = $this->_getParam('typefreeform'); } break; case 'report': if ($this->_getParam('typereport') !== NULL) { $x = explode('-', $this->_getParam('typereport')); $x[0] = (int) $x[0]; $x[1] = (int) $x[1]; $menuParams['action'] = "Report/report?reportId={$x[0]}&templateId={$x[1]}"; } break; case 'form': if ($this->_getParam('typeform') !== NULL) { $typeForm = (int) $this->_getParam('typeform'); $menuParams['action'] = "Form/fillout?formId={$typeForm}"; } break; } } $menuParams['active'] = (int) $this->_getParam('active'); if ($this->_getParam('chSiteSection') !== NULL) { $menuParams['siteSection'] = $this->_getParam('chSiteSection'); } $menuParams['parentId'] = (int) $menuParams['parentId']; $objMenu->populateWithArray($menuParams); if ($enumerationId !== 0) { // update its parent $enumerationsClosure = new EnumerationsClosure(); $objMenu->parentId = $enumerationsClosure->getParentById($enumerationId); } $objMenu->persist(); if ($menuId === 0 && $enumerationId !== 0) { $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->enumerationId = $enumerationId; $enumeration->populate(); $enumeration->ormId = $objMenu->menuId; $enumeration->persist(); } $msg = __("Record Saved for Menu: " . ucfirst($objMenu->title)); $data = array(); $data['msg'] = $msg; $json = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('json'); $json->suppressExit = true; $json->direct($data); }
public function listItemsAction() { $enumerationId = (int) $this->_getParam("enumerationId"); $baseStr = "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><rows></rows>"; $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($baseStr); $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->enumerationId = $enumerationId; $enumeration->populate(); $icon = ''; if (strlen($enumeration->ormClass) > 0 && class_exists($enumeration->ormClass)) { $icon = "<a onclick=\"enumEditObject({$enumeration->enumerationId})\" title=\"Edit Object\"><img src=\"" . Zend_Registry::get('baseUrl') . "img/sm-editproblem.png\" alt=\"Edit Object\" /></a>"; } $item = $xml->addChild("row"); $item->addAttribute('id', $enumeration->enumerationId); $item->addChild('cell', $enumeration->name); $item->addChild('cell', $enumeration->category); $item->addChild('cell', $enumeration->active); $item->addChild('cell', $icon); $this->_generateEnumerationTree($item, $enumerationId); header('content-type: text/xml'); $this->view->content = $xml->asXml(); $this->render(); }
public static function getColorList() { $name = self::ENUM_COLORS_NAME; $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->populateByEnumerationName($name); $enumeration->populate(); $enumerationsClosure = new EnumerationsClosure(); $descendants = $enumerationsClosure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1); $colors = array(); foreach ($descendants as $descendant) { $colors[$descendant->key] = $descendant->name; } return $colors; }
public function hsaSectionJsonAction() { $hsa = $this->_getParam('hsa'); $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->enumerationId = (int) $hsa; $enumeration->populate(); $enumerationsClosure = new EnumerationsClosure(); $enumerationIterator = $enumerationsClosure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1); $rows = array(); foreach ($enumerationIterator as $enum) { $tmp = array(); $tmp['id'] = $enum->enumerationId; $tmp['data'][] = ''; $tmp['data'][] = $enum->name; $tmp['data'][] = $enum->key; $rows[] = $tmp; } // temporarily set rows to all defined HSA handlers $rows = array(); $handler = new Handler(Handler::HANDLER_TYPE_HSA); $handlerIterator = $handler->getIterator(); foreach ($handlerIterator as $row) { $tmp = array(); $tmp['id'] = $row->handlerId; $tmp['data'][] = ''; $tmp['data'][] = $row->name; $tmp['data'][] = $row->timeframe; $rows[] = $tmp; } $json = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('json'); $json->suppressExit = true; $json->direct(array('rows' => $rows), true); }
public function insertEnumeration($data, $parentId = 0) { $db = Zend_Registry::get("dbAdapter"); $enumParent = new Enumeration(); $enumParent->enumerationId = $parentId; $enumParent->populate(); $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $fields = $enumeration->ormFields(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, $fields)) { continue; } $enumeration->{$key} = $value; } if (!strlen($enumeration->ormClass) > 0) { // check if parent item has an ormClass and id defined and use that to its child if (strlen($enumParent->ormClass) > 0) { $enumeration->ormClass = $enumParent->ormClass; // we only need to use the parent ormId if child's ormId less than or equal to 0 if ($enumeration->ormId <= 0) { // temporarily comment out //$enumeration->ormId = $enumParent->ormId; } } } // we only need to use the parent ormEditMethod if child's ormEditMethod not defined if (!strlen($enumeration->ormEditMethod) > 0) { $enumeration->ormEditMethod = $enumParent->ormEditMethod; } $enumeration->persist(); $enumerationId = $enumeration->enumerationId; $sql = "INSERT INTO enumerationsClosure (ancestor,descendant,depth)\n\t\t\t SELECT ancestor,{$enumerationId},depth+1 FROM enumerationsClosure\n\t\t\t WHERE descendant = {$parentId}\n\t\t\t UNION ALL\n\t\t\t SELECT {$enumerationId},{$enumerationId},0"; $db->query($sql); return $enumerationId; }
protected static function _getEnumerationIterator($name) { $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->populateByEnumerationName($name); $enumeration->populate(); $enumerationsClosure = new EnumerationsClosure(); return $enumerationsClosure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1); }
private function _populateAndPersist($class, $id, $data, $enumerationId) { // this method assumes that is being called in this controller only and that $class is valid and exists $orm = new $class(); if ($id > 0) { $orm->id = $id; $orm->populate(); } $orm->populateWithArray($data); $orm->persist(); if (!$id > 0 && $enumerationId > 0) { $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->enumerationId = $enumerationId; $enumeration->populate(); $enumeration->ormId = $orm->id; $enumeration->persist(); } return $orm; }
protected function _applyTransforms(array $transforms, $data) { $ret = $data; if (!$transforms) { return $ret; } foreach ($transforms as $id => $transform) { // id, displayName, systemName, options $options = array(); if (isset($transform->options)) { $options = $transform->options; } switch ($transform->systemName) { case 'ucase': $ret = strtoupper($ret); break; case 'lcase': $ret = strtolower($ret); break; case 'ucwords': $ret = ucwords($ret); break; case 'squote': $ret = "'" . $ret . "'"; break; case 'dquote': $ret = '"' . $ret . '"'; break; case 'pad': $ret = str_pad($ret, $options['len'], $options['char'], $options['type']); break; case 'truncate': $ret = substr($ret, 0, $options['len']); break; case 'customLink': $href = str_replace('{{value}}', $ret, $options['href']); $ret = '<a href="' . $href . '" onclick="' . $options['onclick'] . '" target="_blank">' . $ret . '</a>'; break; case 'regex': $ret = preg_replace('/' . $options['pattern'] . '/', $options['replacement'], $ret); break; case 'enumLookup': $enumKey = $options['enumKey']; $enumValue = $options['enumValue']; $direction = $options['direction']; $enumeration = new Enumeration(); $enumeration->enumerationId = (int) $enumKey; $enumeration->populate(); $enumerationClosure = new EnumerationClosure(); $descendants = $enumerationClosure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1); // get the first level descendants foreach ($descendants as $descendant) { if ($direction == 'displayName' && ($descendant->enumerationId == $ret || $descendant->key == $ret)) { $ret = $descendant->name; break; } else { if ($direction == 'key' && $descendant->name == $ret) { $ret = $descendant->key; break; } } } break; case 'dateFormat': $ret = date($options['format'], strtotime($ret)); break; case 'total': break; } } return $ret; }