public function getCellFreeArea($cell) { $cellInfo = $this->getOneItem($cell); $freeArea = $cellInfo['area']; $cellProducts = $this->getCellProducts($cell); if ($cellProducts['total'] > 0) { $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('MeasureRates'); foreach ($cellProducts['data'] as $product) { if ($product['remainder'] > 0) { // Получаем кол-во поддонов на основании остатков. Остаток всегда в кг $panNum = ceil($entity->getRatedValue(KG_MEASURE, P_MEASURE, $product['product_id'], $product['remainder'])); // Получаем текущую занимаемую площадь $usedArea = ceil($entity->getRatedValue(P_MEASURE, M2_MEASURE, 0, $panNum)); $freeArea -= $usedArea; } } } return $freeArea; }
public function getAllAvailable() { $select = $this->getTable() . '.*'; $select .= ', products.title AS product_title'; $select .= ', measures.title AS measure_title'; $select .= ', factories.title AS factory_title'; $select .= ', measures.short_title AS measure_short_title'; $select .= ', users.fullname AS user'; $select .= ', product_groups.title AS group_title'; $select .= ', products.title AS product_title'; $select .= ', factories_remainders.remainder AS remainder'; $sql = 'SELECT ' . $select . ' FROM ' . $this->getTable(); $sql .= ' INNER JOIN products ON (' . $this->getTable() . '.product_id ='; $sql .= ' INNER JOIN measures ON (' . $this->getTable() . '.measure_id ='; $sql .= ' INNER JOIN factories ON (' . $this->getTable() . '.factory_id ='; $sql .= ' INNER JOIN users ON (' . $this->getTable() . '.user_id ='; $sql .= ' INNER JOIN product_groups ON (products.group_id ='; $sql .= ' INNER JOIN factories_remainders ON (' . $this->getTable() . '.id = factories_remainders.product_factored_id)'; $sql .= ' WHERE factories_remainders.remainder > 0'; if ($filter = $this->getFilter()) { $sql .= ' AND ' . $filter; } $sql .= $this->getSort(); $all = $this->getDb()->getAllAssoc($sql); if (!empty($all)) { $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Remainders', 'factory'); foreach ($all as $key => $product) { $all[$key]['date_formated'] = str_replace(' 00:00', '', $this->formatDate($all[$key]['factored_date'])); $all[$key]['remainder'] = $entity->getCurrentRemainder($product['id'], $product['factory_id']); } } return array('data' => $all, 'total' => count($all)); }
public function moveToDcCells($request) { $data = array(); foreach ($request['products'] as $moveProduct) { $errors = 0; $moveProduct['user_id'] = Auth::isLoggedIn(); $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('ProductsFactored'); $moveProduct['product_factored_id'] = $entity->getFactoredProduct($moveProduct['product_id'], $moveProduct['products_part']); // Пересчитываем кол-во в килограммы. Все остатки хранятся в кг. $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('MeasureRates'); $quantityKg = $moveProduct['quantity']; if ($moveProduct['measure_id'] != KG_MEASURE) { if ($moveProduct['measure_id'] == GM_MEASURE || $moveProduct['measure_id'] == TN_MEASURE) { $product = 0; } else { $product = $moveProduct['product_id']; } $quantityKg = $entity->getRatedValue($moveProduct['measure_id'], KG_MEASURE, $product, $moveProduct['quantity']); } $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Remainders', 'dc'); $currentRemainder = $entity->getCurrentRemainder($moveProduct['product_factored_id'], $moveProduct['dc_id']); if ($currentRemainder < $quantityKg) { $errors++; $msg = 'Ошибка перемещения. Доступный остаток: ' . $currentRemainder . 'кг.'; } if ($errors == 0) { $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('DcCells'); $freeArea = $entity->getCellFreeArea($moveProduct['dc_cell_id']); // Получаем кол-во поддонов на основании остатков. Остаток всегда в кг $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('MeasureRates'); $m2 = ceil($entity->getRatedValue(KG_MEASURE, P_MEASURE, $moveProduct['product_id'], $quantityKg)); if ($freeArea < $m2) { $errors++; $msg = 'Ошибка перемещения. Недостаточно свободного места. (Свободно: ' . $freeArea . 'м²)'; } } if ($errors == 0) { $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Remainders', 'dc'); $result = $entity->decreaseReminder($moveProduct); if (!$result) { $errors++; $msg = 'Ошибка перемещения.'; } else { $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Remainders', 'dcCells'); $result = $entity->increaseReminder($moveProduct); if (!$result) { $errors++; $msg = 'Ошибка перемещения.'; } else { $msg = $moveProduct['quantity'] . ' '; $msg .= $moveProduct['measure_short_title'] . ' '; $msg .= $moveProduct['product_title'] . ' [' . $moveProduct['group_title'] . '] '; $msg .= 'успешно перемещено в '; $cellTitle = substr($moveProduct['dc_cell_title'], 0, strpos($moveProduct['dc_cell_title'], ' (')); $msg .= $cellTitle . ' [' . $moveProduct['dc_store_title'] . '] '; } } } if ($errors > 0) { $data['is_error'] = true; } else { $data['is_error'] = false; } $data['messages'][] = $msg; } return $data; }
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Products'); $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; if ($cmd == 'getGrouped' && !empty($_REQUEST['group_selected'])) { $data = $entity->getGroupedBy('group_id', intval($_REQUEST['group_selected'])); } else { $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); } echo json_encode($data);
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Cities'); $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); echo json_encode($data);
$entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Cells'); $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; if (($cmd == 'getAffStoreCells' || $cmd == 'getAvailableAffStoreCells') && !empty($_REQUEST['aff_store_id'])) { $data = $entity->getGroupedBy('aff_store_id', intval($_REQUEST['aff_store_id'])); } else { $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); } if ($cmd == 'getGrid' || $cmd == 'getAffStoreCells' || $cmd == 'getAvailableAffStoreCells') { if ($data['total'] > 0) { $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('MeasureRates'); foreach ($data['data'] as $key => $cell) { $data['data'][$key]['free_area'] = $cell['area']; $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Cells'); $cellProducts = $entity->getCellProducts($cell['id']); if ($cellProducts['total'] > 0) { $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('MeasureRates'); foreach ($cellProducts['data'] as $product) { if ($product['remainder'] > EntityFactory::getSetting('min_reminder')) { // Получаем кол-во поддонов на основании остатков. Остаток всегда в кг $panNum = ceil($entity->getRatedValue(KG_MEASURE, P_MEASURE, $product['product_id'], $product['remainder'])); // Получаем текущую занимаемую площадь $usedArea = ceil($entity->getRatedValue(P_MEASURE, M2_MEASURE, 0, $panNum)); $data['data'][$key]['free_area'] -= $usedArea; } } } } // Убираем полностью занятые камеры из выпадающего списка. if ($cmd == 'getAvailableAffStoreCells') { $info = $data['data']; $data = array();
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Carriers'); $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); echo json_encode($data);
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $cmd = 'getGrid'; $direction = !empty($_REQUEST['direction_selected']) ? $_REQUEST['direction_selected'] : 'ac'; $recipientType = substr($direction, 1); switch ($recipientType) { case 'f': // Список комбинатов EntityFactory::loadEntity('Factories'); break; case 'd': // Список РЦ EntityFactory::loadEntity('DC'); break; case 'c': // Список клиентов EntityFactory::loadEntity('Clients'); break; case 'a': // Список филиалов // Список филиалов default: EntityFactory::loadEntity('Affiliates'); break; } $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); echo json_encode($data);
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Factories'); $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); echo json_encode($data);
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('CarriersVehicles'); $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; if ($cmd == 'getGrouped' && !empty($_REQUEST['carrier_id'])) { $data = $entity->getGroupedBy('carrier_id', intval($_REQUEST['carrier_id'])); } else { $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); } echo json_encode($data);
case 'f': $recRemindersType = 'factory'; $productTrack['factory_id'] = $productTrack['to_id']; break; case 'd': $recRemindersType = 'dc'; $productTrack['dc_id'] = $productTrack['to_id']; break; case 'a': $recRemindersType = 'affiliate'; $productTrack['aff_id'] = $productTrack['to_id']; break; default: break; } $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Remainders', $recRemindersType); $entity->increaseReminder($productTrack); } } } } } else { $errors++; $data['messages'][] = 'Записи не выбраны.'; } if ($errors > 0) { $data['is_error'] = true; } else { $data['is_error'] = false; } } else {
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Users'); $errors = 0; $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; if ($cmd == 'resetpwd') { $defaultPass = '******'; die($defaultPass); } if ($cmd == 'block' || $cmd == 'unblock') { $ids = !empty($_REQUEST['ids']) ? json_decode($_REQUEST['ids']) : null; if (is_array($ids) && !empty($ids)) { foreach ($ids as $id) { if ($cmd == 'block') { $result = $entity->block($id); if (!$result) { $errors++; $msg = 'Ошибка блокировки.'; } else { $msg = 'Пользователи успешно заблокированы.'; } } elseif ($cmd == 'unblock') { $result = $entity->unblock($id); if (!$result) { $errors++; $msg = 'Ошибка разблокировки.'; } else {
protected function updateRemainders($request, $operation) { if (is_numeric($request['quantity'])) { $request['remainder'] = $request['quantity']; $request['datetime_modified'] = strtotime('now'); // Пересчитываем кол-во в килограммы. Все остатки хранятся в кг. if ($request['measure_id'] != KG_MEASURE) { if ($request['measure_id'] == GM_MEASURE || $request['measure_id'] == TN_MEASURE) { $product = 0; } else { $product = $request['product_id']; } $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('MeasureRates'); $request['remainder'] = $entity->getRatedValue($request['measure_id'], KG_MEASURE, $product, $request['quantity']); } // Проверяем наличие текущего остатка $current = $this->getCurrentRemainder($request['product_factored_id'], $request[$this->_recipientsField]); if ($current === null) { // Нет записи в БД. Добавляем новый остаток. if ($this->add($request)) { return true; } } else { // Обновляем текущий остаток. (Текущий остаток может быть >= 0) $action = $operation == 'add' ? '+' : '-'; $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->getTable() . ' SET remainder=remainder' . $action . $request['remainder']; $sql .= ', datetime_modified=' . $request['datetime_modified']; $sql .= ' WHERE product_factored_id=' . intval($request['product_factored_id']); $sql .= ' AND ' . $this->_recipientsField . '=' . intval($request[$this->_recipientsField]); if ($this->getDb()->query($sql)) { return true; } } } }
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('ProductGroups'); $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); echo json_encode($data);
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Directions'); $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; switch ($cmd) { case 'getDirections_F': $start = 'f'; break; case 'getDirections_D': $start = 'd'; break; case 'getDirections_C': $start = 'c'; break; case 'getDirections_A': default: $start = 'a'; break; } $data = $entity->getAllFiltered($start); echo json_encode($data);
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('UserGroups'); $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); echo json_encode($data);
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; $placeType = 'dc'; if (!empty($_REQUEST['from_cell_id'])) { $placeType = 'dcCells'; $place = $_REQUEST['from_cell_id']; } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['dc_id'])) { $place = $_REQUEST['dc_id']; } $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Remainders', $placeType); if ($cmd == 'getAvailableGroups' && $place) { $data = $entity->getAvailableGroups($place); } elseif ($cmd == 'getAvailableProducts' && $place) { $data = $entity->getAvailableProducts($place, $_REQUEST['group_id']); } elseif ($cmd == 'getAvailableParts' && $place) { $data = $entity->getAvailableParts($place, $_REQUEST['product_id']); } else { $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); } echo json_encode($data);
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Settings'); $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; // TODO: //if ($cmd == 'edit' && !empty($_REQUEST['f'])) { // $f = $_REQUEST['f']; // unset($_REQUEST['f']['key']); // if ($f['key'] == 'date_format') { // $dateValue = strtolower($f['value']); // $_REQUEST['f']['value'] = $dateFormat.' H:i'; // } //} $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); echo json_encode($data);
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('DC'); $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); echo json_encode($data);
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Countries'); $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); echo json_encode($data);
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Clients'); $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); echo json_encode($data);
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('Remainders', 'cells'); if ($cmd == 'getAvailableGroups') { $data = $entity->getAvailableGroups($_REQUEST['cell_id']); } elseif ($cmd == 'getAvailableProducts') { $data = $entity->getAvailableProducts($_REQUEST['cell_id'], $_REQUEST['group_id']); } elseif ($cmd == 'getAvailableParts') { $data = $entity->getAvailableParts($_REQUEST['cell_id'], $_REQUEST['product_id']); } elseif ($cmd == 'getGrid') { $data = $entity->getCellsRemainders(); } else { $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); } echo json_encode($data);
<?php if (!defined('KERNEL_LOADED')) { die; } require_once ENTITIES_COMPONENTS_DIR . 'EntityFactory.php'; $cmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : 'getGrid'; $possibleDirections = array('ff', 'fd', 'fa', 'fc'); $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('ProductsMovement', $possibleDirections); if (!empty($_REQUEST['f']) && $cmd == 'ship') { foreach ($_REQUEST['f']['products'] as $key => $request) { $_REQUEST['f']['products'][$key]['factory_id'] = $_REQUEST['f']['factory_id']; $_REQUEST['f']['products'][$key]['factory_title'] = $_REQUEST['f']['factory_title']; } $data = $entity->shipProducts($_REQUEST['f']); } else { $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); if ($cmd == 'getGrid') { foreach ($data['data'] as $key => $val) { if ($val['direction'] == 'fd' && empty($val['from_id'])) { unset($data['data'][$key]); $data['total']--; } } } } echo json_encode($data);
$data['messages'][] = 'На складе нет столько товара. Текущий остаток: ' . $currentReminder . ' кг.'; } else { $entity->edit(array('id' => $_REQUEST['f']['id'], 'datetime_modified' => strtotime('now'), 'remainder' => $currentReminder - $ratedShippedValue)); // Сохраняем информацию об отгрузке $_REQUEST['f']['user_id'] = Auth::isLoggedIn(); $_REQUEST['f']['datetime'] = strtotime('now'); $_REQUEST['f']['stored_product_id'] = $_REQUEST['f']['id']; $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('ProductShipped'); $result = $entity->shipProduct($_REQUEST['f']); if (!$result || is_string($result)) { $errors++; $msg = 'Ошибка отгрузки'; if (is_string($result)) { $msg .= ': ' . $result; } $msg .= '.'; } else { $msg = 'Товар успешно отгружен.'; } if ($errors > 0) { $data['is_error'] = true; } else { $data['is_error'] = false; } $data['messages'][] = $msg; } } else { $entity = EntityFactory::loadEntity('ProductShipped'); $data = EntityFactory::processRequest($cmd); } echo json_encode($data);