function save($check_notify = false)
     global $current_user, $sugar_config;
     $email_template = new EmailTemplate();
     if ($_REQUEST['module'] == 'Import') {
         //Don't send email on import
     $signature = array();
     $addDelimiter = true;
     $aop_config = $sugar_config['aop'];
     if (!empty($this->contact_id)) {
         $emails = $this->getEmailForUser();
         if ($aop_config['user_email_template_id']) {
         $addDelimiter = false;
     } elseif ($this->assigned_user_id && !$this->internal) {
         $emails = $this->getEmailForContact();
         if ($aop_config['contact_email_template_id']) {
             $signature = $current_user->getDefaultSignature();
     if ($emails && $email_template) {
         $GLOBALS['log']->info("AOPCaseUpdates: Calling send email");
         $res = $this->sendEmail($emails, $email_template, $signature, $this->case_id, $addDelimiter);
function canSendPassword()
    require_once 'include/SugarPHPMailer.php';
    global $mod_strings;
    global $current_user;
    global $app_strings;
    $mail = new SugarPHPMailer();
    $emailTemp = new EmailTemplate();
    $emailTemp->disable_row_level_security = true;
    if ($current_user->is_admin) {
        if ($emailTemp->retrieve($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['passwordsetting']['generatepasswordtmpl']) == '') {
            return $mod_strings['LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_MISSING'];
        if (empty($emailTemp->body) && empty($emailTemp->body_html)) {
            return $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_EDIT_PLAIN_TEXT'];
        if ($mail->Mailer == 'smtp' && $mail->Host == '') {
            return $mod_strings['ERR_SERVER_SMTP_EMPTY'];
        $email_errors = $mod_strings['ERR_EMAIL_NOT_SENT_ADMIN'];
        if ($mail->Mailer == 'smtp') {
            $email_errors .= "<br>-" . $mod_strings['ERR_SMTP_URL_SMTP_PORT'];
        if ($mail->SMTPAuth) {
            $email_errors .= "<br>-" . $mod_strings['ERR_SMTP_USERNAME_SMTP_PASSWORD'];
        $email_errors .= "<br>-" . $mod_strings['ERR_RECIPIENT_EMAIL'];
        $email_errors .= "<br>-" . $mod_strings['ERR_SERVER_STATUS'];
        return $email_errors;
    } else {
        return $mod_strings['LBL_EMAIL_NOT_SENT'];
function canSendPassword()
    global $mod_strings, $current_user, $app_strings;
    require_once "modules/OutboundEmailConfiguration/OutboundEmailConfigurationPeer.php";
    if ($current_user->is_admin) {
        $emailTemplate = new EmailTemplate();
        $emailTemplate->disable_row_level_security = true;
        if ($emailTemplate->retrieve($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['passwordsetting']['generatepasswordtmpl']) == '') {
            return $mod_strings['LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_MISSING'];
        if (empty($emailTemplate->body) && empty($emailTemplate->body_html)) {
            return $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_EDIT_PLAIN_TEXT'];
        if (!OutboundEmailConfigurationPeer::validSystemMailConfigurationExists($current_user)) {
            return $mod_strings['ERR_SERVER_SMTP_EMPTY'];
        $emailErrors = $mod_strings['ERR_EMAIL_NOT_SENT_ADMIN'];
        try {
            $config = OutboundEmailConfigurationPeer::getSystemDefaultMailConfiguration();
            if ($config instanceof OutboundSmtpEmailConfiguration) {
                $emailErrors .= "<br>-{$mod_strings['ERR_SMTP_URL_SMTP_PORT']}";
                if ($config->isAuthenticationRequired()) {
                    $emailErrors .= "<br>-{$mod_strings['ERR_SMTP_USERNAME_SMTP_PASSWORD']}";
        } catch (MailerException $me) {
            // might want to report the error
        $emailErrors .= "<br>-{$mod_strings['ERR_RECIPIENT_EMAIL']}";
        $emailErrors .= "<br>-{$mod_strings['ERR_SERVER_STATUS']}";
        return $emailErrors;
    return $mod_strings['LBL_EMAIL_NOT_SENT'];
 public function testAssignedUserName()
     global $locale;
     require_once 'include/Localization/Localization.php';
     $locale = new Localization();
     $testName = $locale->getLocaleFormattedName($this->user->first_name, $this->user->last_name);
     $testTemplate = new EmailTemplate();
     $this->assertEquals($testName, $testTemplate->assigned_user_name, 'Assert that the assigned_user_name is the locale formatted name value');
 function updateUser($bean, $event, $arguments)
     if (isset($bean->joomla_account_access) && $bean->joomla_account_access != '') {
         global $sugar_config;
         $aop_config = $sugar_config['aop'];
         $template = new EmailTemplate();
         $object_arr['Contacts'] = $bean->id;
         $body_html = aop_parse_template($template->body_html, $object_arr);
         $body_html = str_replace("\$joomla_pass", $bean->joomla_account_access, $body_html);
         $body_html = str_replace("\$portal_address", $aop_config['joomla_url'], $body_html);
         $body_plain = aop_parse_template($template->body, $object_arr);
         $body_plain = str_replace("\$joomla_pass", $bean->joomla_account_access, $body_plain);
         $body_plain = str_replace("\$portal_address", $aop_config['joomla_url'], $body_plain);
         $this->sendEmail($bean->email1, $template->subject, $body_html, $body_plain, $bean);
function getTemplateValidationMessages($templateId)
    $msgs = array();
    if (!$templateId) {
        $msgs[] = 'LBL_NO_SELECTED_TEMPLATE';
    } else {
        $template = new EmailTemplate();
        if (!$template->subject) {
            $msgs[] = 'LBL_NO_SUBJECT';
        if (!$template->body_html) {
            $msgs[] = 'LBL_NO_HTML_BODY_CONTENTS';
        if (!$template->body) {
            $msgs[] = 'LBL_NO_BODY_CONTENTS';
    return $msgs;
Exemple #7
 if (!$emailman->verify_campaign($row['marketing_id'])) {
     $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Error verifying templates for the campaign, exiting');
 //verify the email template too..
 //find the template associated with marketing message. make sure that template has a subject and
 //a non-empty body
 if (!isset($template_status[$row['marketing_id']])) {
     if (!class_exists('EmailMarketing')) {
     $current_emailmarketing = new EmailMarketing();
     if (!class_exists('EmailTemplate')) {
     $current_emailtemplate = new EmailTemplate();
 //acquire a lock.
 //if the database does not support repeatable read isolation by default, we might get data that does not meet
 //the criteria in the original query, and we care most about the in_queue_date and process_date_time,
 //if they are null or in past(older than 24 horus) then we are okay.
 $lock_query = "UPDATE emailman SET in_queue=1, in_queue_date=" . $db->now() . " WHERE id = " . intval($row['id']);
 $lock_query .= " AND (in_queue ='0' OR in_queue IS NULL OR ( in_queue ='1' AND in_queue_date <= " . $db->convert($db->quoted($timedate->fromString("-1 day")->asDb()), "datetime") . "))";
 //if the query fails to execute.. terminate campaign email process.
 $lock_result = $db->query($lock_query, true, 'Error acquiring a lock for emailman entry.');
 $lock_count = $db->getAffectedRowCount($lock_result);
 //do not process the message if unable to acquire lock.
 if ($lock_count != 1) {
     $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Error acquiring lock for the emailman entry, skipping email delivery. lock status={$lock_count} " . print_r($row, true));
     //do not process this row we will examine it after 24 hrs. the email address based dupe check is in place too.
Exemple #8
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
require_once 'modules/Campaigns/utils.php';
//if campaign_id is passed then we assume this is being invoked from the campaign module and in a popup.
$has_campaign = true;
$inboundEmail = true;
if (!isset($_REQUEST['campaign_id']) || empty($_REQUEST['campaign_id'])) {
    $has_campaign = false;
if (!isset($_REQUEST['inboundEmail']) || empty($_REQUEST['inboundEmail'])) {
    $inboundEmail = false;
$focus = new EmailTemplate();
if (isset($_REQUEST['record'])) {
$old_id = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['isDuplicate']) && $_REQUEST['isDuplicate'] == 'true') {
    $old_id = $focus->id;
    // for attachments down below
    $focus->id = "";
//setting default flag value so due date and time not required
if (!isset($focus->id)) {
    $focus->date_due_flag = 1;
//needed when creating a new case with default values passed in
if (isset($_REQUEST['contact_name']) && is_null($focus->contact_name)) {
    $focus->contact_name = $_REQUEST['contact_name'];
    } else {
        $leaveMessagesOnMailServer = $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_NO'];
    // else
    if (!isset($storedOptions['leaveMessagesOnMailServer']) || $storedOptions['leaveMessagesOnMailServer'] == 1) {
        $leaveMessagesOnMailServer = $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_YES'];
    } else {
        $leaveMessagesOnMailServer = $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_NO'];
    // else
    $distrib_method = isset($storedOptions['distrib_method']) ? $storedOptions['distrib_method'] : "";
    $create_case_email_template = isset($storedOptions['create_case_email_template']) ? $storedOptions['create_case_email_template'] : "";
if (!empty($create_case_email_template)) {
    $et = new EmailTemplate();
    $create_case_email_template_name = $et->name;
if (!empty($distrib_method)) {
    $distributionMethod = $app_list_strings['dom_email_distribution_for_auto_create'][$distrib_method];
// if
$xtpl = new XTemplate('modules/InboundEmail/DetailView.html');
////	ERRORS from Save
if (isset($_REQUEST['error'])) {
    $xtpl->assign('ERROR', "<div class='error'>" . $mod_strings['ERR_NO_OPTS_SAVED'] . "</div>");
//cma, June 24,2008 - Fix bug 21670. User status and group/personal statements are not localized.
$userStatus = $mod_strings['LBL_STATUS_ACTIVE'];
if ('Inactive' == $focus->status) {
    $userStatus = $mod_strings['LBL_STATUS_INACTIVE'];
Exemple #10
 function verify_campaign($marketing_id)
     if (!isset($this->verified_email_marketing_ids[$marketing_id])) {
         if (!class_exists('EmailMarketing')) {
         $email_marketing = new EmailMarketing();
         $ret = $email_marketing->retrieve($marketing_id);
         if (empty($ret)) {
             $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Error retrieving marketing message for the email campaign. marketing_id = ' . $marketing_id);
             return false;
         //verify the email template.
         if (empty($email_marketing->template_id)) {
             $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Error retrieving template for the email campaign. marketing_id = ' . $marketing_id);
             return false;
         if (!class_exists('EmailTemplate')) {
         $emailtemplate = new EmailTemplate();
         $ret = $emailtemplate->retrieve($email_marketing->template_id);
         if (empty($ret)) {
             $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Error retrieving template for the email campaign. template_id = ' . $email_marketing->template_id);
             return false;
         if (empty($emailtemplate->subject) and empty($emailtemplate->body) and empty($emailtemplate->body_html)) {
             $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Email template is empty. email_template_id=' . $email_marketing->template_id);
             return false;
     $this->verified_email_marketing_ids[$marketing_id] = 1;
     return true;
Exemple #11
                $sms_field = $e->get_custom_phone_field();
                $msg = "";
                $pid = $_GET['pid'];
                $pids = explode(",", $pid);
                $ptype = $_GET['ptype'];
                $pname = isset($_GET['pname']) ? $_GET['pname'] : "";
                $phone_number = $_GET['num'];
                $onclick = "send_sms();";
                $send_to_multi = $_GET['num'] == 'multi' ? '1' : '0';
            include_once "modules/Administration/sugartalk_smsPhone/sms_editor.php";
        case "template":
            if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
                $et = new EmailTemplate();
                echo $et->body;
            echo "";
} else {
    // just draw the gateway settings panel
    $_POST['account_id'] = '123';
    if (isset($_POST['account_id'])) {
        $flag = isset($_POST['use_template']) ? true : false;
        $sms->params['sms_instance_id'] = trim($_POST['account_id']);
        $sms->params['uses_sms_template'] = $flag;
        $sms->params['sugartalk_url'] = trim($_POST['sugartalk_url']);
        $sms->params['sender'] = trim($_POST['sender']);
 function run_action(SugarBean $bean, $params = array(), $in_save = false)
     global $sugar_config, $beanList;
     include_once 'modules/EmailTemplates/EmailTemplate.php';
     require_once 'modules/AOW_Actions/actions/templateParser.php';
     $emailTemp = new EmailTemplate();
     if ($emailTemp->id == '') {
         return false;
     $object_arr[$bean->module_dir] = $bean->id;
     foreach ($bean->field_defs as $bean_arr) {
         if ($bean_arr['type'] == 'relate') {
             if (isset($bean_arr['module']) && $bean_arr['module'] != '' && isset($bean_arr['id_name']) && $bean_arr['id_name'] != '' && $bean_arr['module'] != 'EmailAddress') {
                 $relate_bean = new $beanList[$bean_arr['module']]();
                 if (!isset($object_arr[$relate_bean->module_dir])) {
                     $object_arr[$relate_bean->module_dir] = $bean->{$bean_arr}['id_name'];
         } else {
             if ($bean_arr['type'] == 'link') {
                 if (!isset($bean_arr['module']) || $bean_arr['module'] == '') {
                     $bean_arr['module'] = getRelatedModule($bean->module_dir, $bean_arr['name']);
                 if (isset($bean_arr['module']) && $bean_arr['module'] != '' && !isset($object_arr[$bean_arr['module']]) && $bean_arr['module'] != 'EmailAddress') {
                     $linkedBeans = $bean->get_linked_beans($bean_arr['name'], $bean_arr['module']);
                     if ($linkedBeans) {
                         $linkedBean = $linkedBeans[0];
                         if (!isset($object_arr[$linkedBean->module_dir])) {
                             $object_arr[$linkedBean->module_dir] = $linkedBean->id;
     $object_arr['Users'] = $bean->assigned_user_id;
     $parsedSiteUrl = parse_url($sugar_config['site_url']);
     $host = $parsedSiteUrl['host'];
     if (!isset($parsedSiteUrl['port'])) {
         $parsedSiteUrl['port'] = 80;
     $port = $parsedSiteUrl['port'] != 80 ? ":" . $parsedSiteUrl['port'] : '';
     $path = !empty($parsedSiteUrl['path']) ? $parsedSiteUrl['path'] : "";
     $cleanUrl = "{$parsedSiteUrl['scheme']}://{$host}{$port}{$path}";
     $url = $cleanUrl . "/index.php?module={$bean->module_dir}&action=DetailView&record={$bean->id}";
     $subject = str_replace("\$contact_user", "\$user", $emailTemp->subject);
     $body_html = str_replace("\$contact_user", "\$user", $emailTemp->body_html);
     $body_plain = str_replace("\$contact_user", "\$user", $emailTemp->body);
     $subject = aowTemplateParser::parse_template($subject, $object_arr);
     $body_html = aowTemplateParser::parse_template($body_html, $object_arr);
     $body_html = str_replace("\$url", $url, $body_html);
     $body_plain = aowTemplateParser::parse_template($body_plain, $object_arr);
     $body_plain = str_replace("\$url", $url, $body_plain);
     $emails = $this->getEmailsFromParams($bean, $params);
     return $this->sendEmail($emails['to'], $subject, $body_html, $body_plain, $bean, $emails['cc'], $emails['bcc']);
  * handles auto-responses to inbound emails
  * @param object email Email passed as reference
 function handleAutoresponse(&$email, &$contactAddr)
     if ($this->template_id) {
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug('found auto-reply template id - prefilling and mailing response');
         if ($this->getAutoreplyStatus($contactAddr) && $this->checkOutOfOffice($email->name) && $this->checkFilterDomain($email)) {
             // if we haven't sent this guy 10 replies in 24hours
             if (!empty($this->stored_options)) {
                 $storedOptions = unserialize(base64_decode($this->stored_options));
             // get FROM NAME
             if (!empty($storedOptions['from_name'])) {
                 $from_name = $storedOptions['from_name'];
                 $GLOBALS['log']->debug('got from_name from storedOptions: ' . $from_name);
             } else {
                 // use system default
                 $rName = $this->db->query('SELECT value FROM config WHERE name = \'fromname\'');
                 if (is_resource($rName)) {
                     $aName = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($rName);
                 if (!empty($aName['value'])) {
                     $from_name = $aName['value'];
                 } else {
                     $from_name = '';
             // get FROM ADDRESS
             if (!empty($storedOptions['from_addr'])) {
                 $from_addr = $storedOptions['from_addr'];
             } else {
                 $rAddr = $this->db->query('SELECT value FROM config WHERE name = \'fromaddress\'');
                 if (is_resource($rAddr)) {
                     $aAddr = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($rAddr);
                 if (!empty($aAddr['value'])) {
                     $from_addr = $aAddr['value'];
                 } else {
                     $from_addr = '';
             // handle to: address, prefer reply-to
             if (!empty($email->reply_to_email)) {
                 $to[0]['email'] = $email->reply_to_email;
             } else {
                 $to[0]['email'] = $email->from_addr;
             // handle to name: address, prefer reply-to
             if (!empty($email->reply_to_name)) {
                 $to[0]['display'] = $email->reply_to_name;
             } elseif (!empty($email->from_name)) {
                 $to[0]['display'] = $email->from_name;
             if (!class_exists('EmailTemplate')) {
                 require_once 'modules/EmailTemplates/EmailTemplate.php';
             $et = new EmailTemplate();
             if (empty($et->subject)) {
                 $et->subject = '';
             if (empty($et->body)) {
                 $et->body = '';
             if (empty($et->body_html)) {
                 $et->body_html = '';
             $reply = new Email();
             $reply->type = 'out';
             $reply->to_addrs = $to[0]['email'];
             $reply->to_addrs_arr = $to;
             $reply->cc_addrs_arr = array();
             $reply->bcc_addrs_arr = array();
             $reply->from_name = $from_name;
             $reply->from_addr = $from_addr;
             $reply->name = $et->subject;
             $reply->description = $et->body;
             $reply->description_html = $et->body_html;
             $GLOBALS['log']->debug('saving and sending auto-reply email');
             //$reply->save(); // don't save the actual email.
         } else {
             $GLOBALS['log']->debug('InboundEmail: auto-reply threshold reached for email (' . $contactAddr . ') - not sending auto-reply');
 function run_action(SugarBean $bean, $params = array())
     global $sugar_config;
     include_once 'modules/EmailTemplates/EmailTemplate.php';
     $emailTemp = new EmailTemplate();
     $object_arr[$bean->module_dir] = $bean->id;
     $parsedSiteUrl = parse_url($sugar_config['site_url']);
     $host = $parsedSiteUrl['host'];
     if (!isset($parsedSiteUrl['port'])) {
         $parsedSiteUrl['port'] = 80;
     $port = $parsedSiteUrl['port'] != 80 ? ":" . $parsedSiteUrl['port'] : '';
     $path = !empty($parsedSiteUrl['path']) ? $parsedSiteUrl['path'] : "";
     $cleanUrl = "{$parsedSiteUrl['scheme']}://{$host}{$port}{$path}";
     $url = $cleanUrl . "/index.php?module={$bean->module_dir}&action=DetailView&record={$bean->id}";
     $subject = $emailTemp->parse_template($emailTemp->subject, $object_arr);
     $body_html = $emailTemp->parse_template($emailTemp->body_html, $object_arr);
     $body_html = str_replace("\$url", $url, $body_html);
     $body_plain = $emailTemp->parse_template($emailTemp->body, $object_arr);
     $body_plain = str_replace("\$url", $url, $body_plain);
     $email = $this->getEmailFromParams($bean, $params);
     return $this->sendEmail($email, $subject, $body_html, $body_plain, $bean);
Exemple #15
  * Send Email with attachment Report to specified emails
  * @param string $attachFileName
  *  name of report file
  * @param string $attachFilePath
  *  path to report file for read it and attach to email
  * @param array $toAddresses
  *  array with email and names of contacts for send him this email
  *  array( array('email' => EMAIL_ADDR, 'display' => DISPLAY_NAME) )
  * @param string $templateId
  *  optional argument. Id of Email template
  * @param SugarBean $bean
  * 	optional argument, uses for parse template with values of this bean
  * @return array
  * return array with status send email in this format: array('status' => TRUE_OR_FALSE, 'error' => ERROR_MSG)
 public static function sendEmailTemplate($attachFileName, $attachFilePath, $toAddresses, $templateId = '', $bean = NULL)
     global $locale, $current_user, $app_strings;
     $sea = new SugarEmailAddress();
     $answer = array('status' => true, 'error' => '');
     $email = new Email();
     $email->type = 'out';
     $email->status = 'sent';
     $email->id = create_guid();
     $email->new_with_id = true;
     $emailTemplate = new EmailTemplate();
     if (empty($emailTemplate->subject)) {
         $emailTemplate->subject = $attachFileName;
         //set file name as subject
     $email->name = $emailTemplate->subject;
     $email->description = $emailTemplate->body;
     $email->description_html = '&lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;' . $emailTemplate->body_html . '&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;';
     $mail = new SugarPHPMailer();
     $mail = $email->setMailer($mail, '', '');
     if (empty($mail->Host)) {
         if ($mail->oe->type == 'system') {
             $answer['error'] = $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ERROR_PREPEND'] . $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_INVALID_SYSTEM_OUTBOUND'];
         } else {
             $answer['error'] = $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ERROR_PREPEND'] . $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_INVALID_PERSONAL_OUTBOUND'];
         $answer['status'] = false;
         return $answer;
     $object_arr = array();
     if ($bean !== NULL) {
         $object_arr[$bean->module_dir] = $bean->id;
     foreach ($toAddresses as $addrMeta) {
         $addr = $addrMeta['email'];
         $beans = $sea->getBeansByEmailAddress($addr);
         foreach ($beans as $bean) {
             if (!isset($object_arr[$bean->module_dir])) {
                 $object_arr[$bean->module_dir] = $bean->id;
     $object_arr['Users'] = $current_user->id;
     $email->description_html = $email->decodeDuringSend(from_html(EmailTemplate::parse_template($email->description_html, $object_arr)));
     $email->description = $email->decodeDuringSend(html_entity_decode(EmailTemplate::parse_template($email->description, $object_arr), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
     $email->name = from_html(EmailTemplate::parse_template($email->name, $object_arr));
     $mail->Body = $email->description_html;
     $mail->AltBody = $email->description;
     $mail->Subject = $email->name;
     $replyToAddress = $current_user->emailAddress->getReplyToAddress($current_user);
     $defaults = $current_user->getPreferredEmail();
     $mail->From = $defaults['email'];
     $mail->FromName = $defaults['name'];
     $mail->Sender = $mail->From;
     /* set Return-Path field in header to reduce spam score in emails sent via Sugar's Email module */
     $replyToName = $mail->FromName;
     $OBCharset = $locale->getPrecedentPreference('default_email_charset');
     if (!empty($replyToAddress)) {
         $mail->AddReplyTo($replyToAddress, $locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($replyToName), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset));
     } else {
         $mail->AddReplyTo($mail->From, $locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($mail->FromName), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset));
     foreach ($toAddresses as $addr_arr) {
         if (empty($addr_arr['email'])) {
         if (empty($addr_arr['display'])) {
             $mail->AddAddress($addr_arr['email'], "");
         } else {
             $mail->AddAddress($addr_arr['email'], $locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($addr_arr['display']), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset));
     $mail->AddAttachment($attachFilePath, $attachFileName, 'base64', self::getMimeType($attachFileName));
     $mail->Body = $email->decodeDuringSend($mail->Body);
     $mail->AltBody = $email->decodeDuringSend($mail->AltBody);
     if (!$mail->Send()) {
         $answer['error'] = $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ERROR_PREPEND'] . $mail->ErrorInfo;
         $answer['status'] = false;
         return $answer;
     //TODO check settings if email need save, save $email bean class
     return $answer;
 function run_action(SugarBean $bean, $params = array(), $in_save = false)
     include_once 'modules/EmailTemplates/EmailTemplate.php';
     $emailTemp = new EmailTemplate();
     if ($emailTemp->id == '') {
         return false;
     $emails = $this->getEmailsFromParams($bean, $params);
     if (!isset($emails['to']) || empty($emails['to'])) {
         return false;
     $attachments = $this->getAttachments($emailTemp);
     if (isset($params['individual_email']) && $params['individual_email']) {
         foreach ($emails['to'] as $email_to) {
             $emailTemp = new EmailTemplate();
             $template_override = isset($emails['template_override'][$email_to]) ? $emails['template_override'][$email_to] : array();
             $this->parse_template($bean, $emailTemp, $template_override);
             $this->sendEmail(array($email_to), $emailTemp->subject, $emailTemp->body_html, $emailTemp->body, $bean, $emails['cc'], $emails['bcc'], $attachments);
     } else {
         $this->parse_template($bean, $emailTemp);
         if ($emailTemp->text_only == '1') {
             $email_body_html = $emailTemp->body;
         } else {
             $email_body_html = $emailTemp->body_html;
         return $this->sendEmail($emails['to'], $emailTemp->subject, $email_body_html, $emailTemp->body, $bean, $emails['cc'], $emails['bcc'], $attachments);
     return true;
// deferred
//$r = $focus->db->query("SELECT id, name FROM queues WHERE owner_id = '".$focus->id."'");
//$a = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($r);
//$queue = '<a href="index.php?module=Queues&action=EditView&record='.$a['id'].'">'.$a['name'].'</a>';
$groupName = '';
if ($focus->group_id) {
    require_once 'modules/Groups/Group.php';
    $group = new Group();
    $groupName = $group->user_name;
if ($focus->template_id) {
    require_once 'modules/EmailTemplates/EmailTemplate.php';
    $et = new EmailTemplate();
    $emailTemplate = $et->name;
} else {
    $emailTemplate = 'None';
if ($focus->tls == 'tls') {
    $tls = $app_list_strings['dom_email_bool']['bool_true'];
} else {
    $tls = $app_list_strings['dom_email_bool']['bool_false'];
if ($focus->ssl == 'ssl') {
    $ssl = $app_list_strings['dom_email_bool']['bool_true'];
} else {
    $ssl = $app_list_strings['dom_email_bool']['bool_false'];
if ($focus->ca == 'validate-cert') {
Exemple #18
 * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words
 * "Powered by SugarCRM".
 * Description:  TODO: To be written.
 * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
require_once 'modules/EmailTemplates/EmailTemplate.php';
$focus = new EmailTemplate();
if ($_REQUEST['from'] == 'DetailView') {
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['record'])) {
        sugar_die("A record number must be specified to delete the template.");
    if ($focus->is_used_by_email_marketing()) {
        echo 'true';
    echo 'false';
} else {
    if ($_REQUEST['from'] == 'ListView') {
        $returnString = '';
        $idArray = explode(',', $_REQUEST['records']);
        foreach ($idArray as $key => $value) {
            if ($focus->retrieve($value)) {
                if ($focus->is_used_by_email_marketing()) {
                    $returnString .= $focus->name . ',';
 private function sendCreationEmail(aCase $bean, $contact)
     require_once "include/SugarPHPMailer.php";
     $mailer = new SugarPHPMailer();
     $admin = new Administration();
     $email_template = new EmailTemplate();
     $aop_config = $this->getAOPConfig();
     if (!$aop_config['case_creation_email_template_id'] || !$email_template) {
         $GLOBALS['log']->warn("CaseUpdatesHook: sendCreationEmail template is empty");
         return false;
     $emailSettings = getPortalEmailSettings();
     $text = $this->populateTemplate($email_template, $bean, $contact);
     $mailer->Subject = $text['subject'];
     $mailer->Body = $text['body'];
     $mailer->AltBody = $text['body_alt'];
     $mailer->From = $emailSettings['from_address'];
     $mailer->FromName = $emailSettings['from_name'];
     $email = $contact->emailAddress->getPrimaryAddress($contact);
     if (!$mailer->Send()) {
         $GLOBALS['log']->info("CaseUpdatesHook: Could not send email:  " . $mailer->ErrorInfo);
         return false;
     } else {
         $this->logEmail($email, $mailer, $bean->id);
         return true;
 function handleCreateCase($email, $userId)
     global $current_user, $mod_strings, $current_language;
     $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, "Emails");
     $GLOBALS['log']->debug('In handleCreateCase');
     $c = new aCase();
     $this->getCaseIdFromCaseNumber($email->name, $c);
     if (!$this->handleCaseAssignment($email) && $this->isMailBoxTypeCreateCase()) {
         // create a case
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug('retrieveing email');
         $c = new aCase();
         $c->description = $email->description;
         $c->assigned_user_id = $userId;
         $c->name = $email->name;
         $c->status = 'New';
         $c->priority = 'P1';
         if (!empty($email->reply_to_email)) {
             $contactAddr = $email->reply_to_email;
         } else {
             $contactAddr = $email->from_addr;
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug('finding related accounts with address ' . $contactAddr);
         if ($accountIds = $this->getRelatedId($contactAddr, 'accounts')) {
             if (sizeof($accountIds) == 1) {
                 $c->account_id = $accountIds[0];
                 $acct = new Account();
                 $c->account_name = $acct->name;
             // if
         // if
         $caseId = $c->id;
         $c = new aCase();
         if ($c->load_relationship('emails')) {
         // if
         if ($contactIds = $this->getRelatedId($contactAddr, 'contacts')) {
             if (!empty($contactIds) && $c->load_relationship('contacts')) {
             // if
         // if
         $c->email_id = $email->id;
         $email->parent_type = "Cases";
         $email->parent_id = $caseId;
         // assign the email to the case owner
         $email->assigned_user_id = $c->assigned_user_id;
         $email->name = str_replace('%1', $c->case_number, $c->getEmailSubjectMacro()) . " " . $email->name;
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug('InboundEmail created one case with number: ' . $c->case_number);
         $createCaseTemplateId = $this->get_stored_options('create_case_email_template', "");
         if (!empty($this->stored_options)) {
             $storedOptions = unserialize(base64_decode($this->stored_options));
         if (!empty($createCaseTemplateId)) {
             $fromName = "";
             $fromAddress = "";
             if (!empty($this->stored_options)) {
                 $fromAddress = $storedOptions['from_addr'];
                 $fromName = from_html($storedOptions['from_name']);
                 $replyToName = !empty($storedOptions['reply_to_name']) ? from_html($storedOptions['reply_to_name']) : $fromName;
                 $replyToAddr = !empty($storedOptions['reply_to_addr']) ? $storedOptions['reply_to_addr'] : $fromAddress;
             // if
             $defaults = $current_user->getPreferredEmail();
             $fromAddress = !empty($fromAddress) ? $fromAddress : $defaults['email'];
             $fromName = !empty($fromName) ? $fromName : $defaults['name'];
             $to[0]['email'] = $contactAddr;
             // handle to name: address, prefer reply-to
             if (!empty($email->reply_to_name)) {
                 $to[0]['display'] = $email->reply_to_name;
             } elseif (!empty($email->from_name)) {
                 $to[0]['display'] = $email->from_name;
             $et = new EmailTemplate();
             if (empty($et->subject)) {
                 $et->subject = '';
             if (empty($et->body)) {
                 $et->body = '';
             if (empty($et->body_html)) {
                 $et->body_html = '';
             $et->subject = "Re:" . " " . str_replace('%1', $c->case_number, $c->getEmailSubjectMacro() . " " . $c->name);
             $html = trim($email->description_html);
             $plain = trim($email->description);
             $email->from_addr = $email->from_addr_name;
             $email->to_addrs = $email->to_addrs_names;
             $email->cc_addrs = $email->cc_addrs_names;
             $email->bcc_addrs = $email->bcc_addrs_names;
             $email->from_name = $email->from_addr;
             $email = $email->et->handleReplyType($email, "reply");
             $ret = $email->et->displayComposeEmail($email);
             $ret['description'] = empty($email->description_html) ? str_replace("\n", "\n<BR/>", $email->description) : $email->description_html;
             $reply = new Email();
             $reply->type = 'out';
             $reply->to_addrs = $to[0]['email'];
             $reply->to_addrs_arr = $to;
             $reply->cc_addrs_arr = array();
             $reply->bcc_addrs_arr = array();
             $reply->from_name = $fromName;
             $reply->from_addr = $fromAddress;
             $reply->reply_to_name = $replyToName;
             $reply->reply_to_addr = $replyToAddr;
             $reply->name = $et->subject;
             $reply->description = $et->body . "<div><hr /></div>" . $email->description;
             if (!$et->text_only) {
                 $reply->description_html = $et->body_html . "<div><hr /></div>" . $email->description;
             $GLOBALS['log']->debug('saving and sending auto-reply email');
             //$reply->save(); // don't save the actual email.
         // if
     } else {
         if (!empty($email->reply_to_email)) {
             $contactAddr = $email->reply_to_email;
         } else {
             $contactAddr = $email->from_addr;
         $this->handleAutoresponse($email, $contactAddr);
Exemple #21
 public function action_sendinvitemails()
     global $db;
     global $sugar_config;
     global $mod_strings;
     $id = $_GET['record'];
     //get event
     $event = new FP_events();
     // get related contacts
     //get related targets
     //get related leads
     //Count the number of delegates linked to the event that have not yet been invited
     $query = "SELECT * FROM fp_events_contacts_c WHERE fp_events_contactsfp_events_ida='" . $event->id . "' AND (invite_status='Not Invited' OR invite_status='' OR invite_status IS NULL) AND deleted='0'";
     $result = $db->query($query);
     $contact_count = $db->getRowCount($result);
     //count contacts
     $query = "SELECT * FROM fp_events_prospects_1_c WHERE fp_events_prospects_1fp_events_ida='" . $event->id . "' AND (invite_status='Not Invited' OR invite_status='' OR invite_status IS NULL) AND deleted='0'";
     $result = $db->query($query);
     $prospect_count = $db->getRowCount($result);
     //count targets
     $query = "SELECT * FROM fp_events_leads_1_c WHERE fp_events_leads_1fp_events_ida='" . $event->id . "' AND (invite_status='Not Invited' OR invite_status='' OR invite_status IS NULL) AND deleted='0'";
     $result = $db->query($query);
     $lead_count = $db->getRowCount($result);
     //count leads
     $delegate_count = $contact_count + $prospect_count + $lead_count;
     //Total up delegates
     $invite_count = 0;
     //used to count the number of emails sent
     $error_count = 0;
     //used to count the number of failed email attempts
     //loop through related contacts
     foreach ($event->fp_events_contacts->getBeans() as $contact) {
         //Get accept status of contact
         $query = 'SELECT invite_status FROM fp_events_contacts_c WHERE fp_events_contactsfp_events_ida="' . $event->id . '" AND fp_events_contactscontacts_idb="' . $contact->id . '"';
         $status = $db->getOne($query);
         if ($status == null || $status == '' || $status == 'Not Invited') {
             //set email links
             $event->link = "<a href='" . $sugar_config['site_url'] . "/index.php?entryPoint=responseEntryPoint&event=" . $event->id . "&delegate=" . $contact->id . "&type=c&response=accept'>Accept</a>";
             $event->link_declined = "<a href='" . $sugar_config['site_url'] . "/index.php?entryPoint=responseEntryPoint&event=" . $event->id . "&delegate=" . $contact->id . "&type=c&response=decline'>Decline</a>";
             //Get the TO name and e-mail address for the message
             $rcpt_name = $contact->first_name . ' ' . $contact->last_name;
             $rcpt_email = $contact->email1;
             $emailTemp = new EmailTemplate();
             $emailTemp->disable_row_level_security = true;
             //Use the ID value of the email template record
             //check email template is set, if not return error
             if ($emailTemp->id == '') {
                 SugarApplication::redirect("index.php?module=FP_events&return_module=FP_events&action=DetailView&record=" . $event->id);
             //parse the lead varibales first
             $firstpass = $emailTemp->parse_template_bean($emailTemp->body_html, 'Contacts', $contact);
             $email_subject = $emailTemp->parse_template_bean($emailTemp->subject, 'FP_events', $event);
             $email_body = from_html($emailTemp->parse_template_bean($firstpass, 'FP_events', $event));
             $alt_emailbody = wordwrap($emailTemp->parse_template_bean($firstpass, 'FP_events', $event), 900);
             //get attachments
             $attachmentBean = new Note();
             $attachment_list = $attachmentBean->get_full_list('', "parent_type = 'Emails' AND parent_id = '" . $event->invite_templates . "'");
             $attachments = array();
             if ($attachment_list != null) {
                 foreach ($attachment_list as $attachment) {
                     $attachments[] = $attachment;
             //send the email
             $send_invite = $this->sendEmail($rcpt_email, $email_subject, $rcpt_name, $email_body, $alt_emailbody, $contact, $attachments);
             //Send the message, log if error occurs
             if (!$send_invite) {
                 $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('ERROR: Invite email failed to send to: ' . $rcpt_name . ' at ' . $rcpt_email);
             } else {
                 //update contact to invites
                 $query = 'UPDATE fp_events_contacts_c SET invite_status="Invited" WHERE fp_events_contactsfp_events_ida="' . $event->id . '" AND fp_events_contactscontacts_idb="' . $contact->id . '"';
                 $res = $db->query($query);
     //loop through related targets
     foreach ($event->fp_events_prospects_1->getBeans() as $target) {
         //Get accept status of contact
         $query = 'SELECT invite_status FROM fp_events_prospects_1_c WHERE fp_events_prospects_1fp_events_ida="' . $event->id . '" AND fp_events_prospects_1prospects_idb="' . $target->id . '"';
         $status = $db->getOne($query);
         if ($status == null || $status == '' || $status == 'Not Invited') {
             //set email links
             $event->link = "<a href='" . $sugar_config['site_url'] . "/index.php?entryPoint=responseEntryPoint&event=" . $event->id . "&delegate=" . $target->id . "&type=t&response=accept'>Accept</a>";
             $event->link_declined = "<a href='" . $sugar_config['site_url'] . "/index.php?entryPoint=responseEntryPoint&event=" . $event->id . "&delegate=" . $target->id . "&type=t&response=decline'>Decline</a>";
             //Get the TO name and e-mail address for the message
             $rcpt_name = $target->first_name . ' ' . $target->last_name;
             $rcpt_email = $target->email1;
             $emailTemp = new EmailTemplate();
             $emailTemp->disable_row_level_security = true;
             //Use the ID value of the email template record
             //parse the lead varibales first
             $firstpass = $emailTemp->parse_template_bean($emailTemp->body_html, 'Contacts', $target);
             $email_subject = $emailTemp->parse_template_bean($emailTemp->subject, 'FP_events', $event);
             $email_body = from_html($emailTemp->parse_template_bean($firstpass, 'FP_events', $event));
             $alt_emailbody = wordwrap($emailTemp->parse_template_bean($firstpass, 'FP_events', $event), 900);
             //get attachments
             $attachmentBean = new Note();
             $attachment_list = $attachmentBean->get_full_list('', "parent_type = 'Emails' AND parent_id = '" . $event->invite_templates . "'");
             $attachments = array();
             if ($attachment_list != null) {
                 foreach ($attachment_list as $attachment) {
                     $attachments[] = $attachment;
             //send the email
             $send_invite = $this->sendEmail($rcpt_email, $email_subject, $rcpt_name, $email_body, $alt_emailbody, $target, $attachments);
             //Send the message, log if error occurs
             if (!$send_invite) {
                 $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('ERROR: Invite email failed to send to: ' . $rcpt_name . ' at ' . $rcpt_email);
             } else {
                 //update contact to invites
                 $query = 'UPDATE fp_events_prospects_1_c SET invite_status="Invited" WHERE fp_events_prospects_1fp_events_ida="' . $event->id . '" AND fp_events_prospects_1prospects_idb="' . $target->id . '"';
                 $res = $db->query($query);
     //loop through related leads
     foreach ($event->fp_events_leads_1->getBeans() as $lead) {
         //Get accept status of contact
         $query = 'SELECT invite_status FROM fp_events_leads_1_c WHERE fp_events_leads_1fp_events_ida="' . $event->id . '" AND fp_events_leads_1leads_idb="' . $lead->id . '"';
         $status = $db->getOne($query);
         if ($status == null || $status == '' || $status == 'Not Invited') {
             //set email links
             $event->link = "<a href='" . $sugar_config['site_url'] . "/index.php?entryPoint=responseEntryPoint&event=" . $event->id . "&delegate=" . $lead->id . "&type=l&response=accept'>Accept</a>";
             $event->link_declined = "<a href='" . $sugar_config['site_url'] . "/index.php?entryPoint=responseEntryPoint&event=" . $event->id . "&delegate=" . $lead->id . "&type=l&response=decline'>Decline</a>";
             //Get the TO name and e-mail address for the message
             $rcpt_name = $lead->first_name . ' ' . $lead->last_name;
             $rcpt_email = $lead->email1;
             $emailTemp = new EmailTemplate();
             $emailTemp->disable_row_level_security = true;
             //Use the ID value of the email template record
             //parse the lead varibales first
             $firstpass = $emailTemp->parse_template_bean($emailTemp->body_html, 'Contacts', $lead);
             $email_subject = $emailTemp->parse_template_bean($emailTemp->subject, 'FP_events', $event);
             $email_body = from_html($emailTemp->parse_template_bean($firstpass, 'FP_events', $event));
             $alt_emailbody = wordwrap($emailTemp->parse_template_bean($firstpass, 'FP_events', $event), 900);
             //get attachments
             $attachmentBean = new Note();
             $attachment_list = $attachmentBean->get_full_list('', "parent_type = 'Emails' AND parent_id = '" . $event->invite_templates . "'");
             $attachments = array();
             if ($attachment_list != null) {
                 foreach ($attachment_list as $attachment) {
                     $attachments[] = $attachment;
             //send the email
             $send_invite = $this->sendEmail($rcpt_email, $email_subject, $rcpt_name, $email_body, $alt_emailbody, $lead, $attachments);
             //Send the message, log if error occurs
             if (!$send_invite) {
                 $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('ERROR: Invite email failed to send to: ' . $rcpt_name . ' at ' . $rcpt_email);
             } else {
                 //update contact to invites
                 $query = 'UPDATE fp_events_leads_1_c SET invite_status="Invited" WHERE fp_events_leads_1fp_events_ida="' . $event->id . '" AND fp_events_leads_1leads_idb="' . $lead->id . '"';
                 $res = $db->query($query);
     //Redirect with error message if all linked contacts have already been invited
     if ($invite_count == 0) {
         SugarApplication::redirect("index.php?module=FP_events&return_module=FP_events&action=DetailView&record=" . $event->id);
     //Redirect if all emails fail to send
     if ($error_count == $delegate_count) {
         $_SESSION['user_error_message'] = array();
         //clear the error message array
         SugarApplication::appendErrorMessage($mod_strings['LBL_ERROR_MSG_2'] . $delegate_count);
         SugarApplication::redirect("index.php?module=FP_events&return_module=FP_events&action=DetailView&record=" . $event->id);
     } else {
         if ($error_count > 0 && $error_count <= 10) {
             //redirect with failed email count.
             $_SESSION['user_error_message'] = array();
             SugarApplication::appendErrorMessage($error_count . $mod_strings['LBL_ERROR_MSG_4']);
             SugarApplication::redirect("index.php?module=FP_events&return_module=FP_events&action=DetailView&record=" . $event->id);
         } else {
             if ($error_count > 10) {
                 $_SESSION['user_error_message'] = array();
                 SugarApplication::redirect("index.php?module=FP_events&return_module=FP_events&action=DetailView&record=" . $event->id);
             } else {
                 SugarApplication::redirect("index.php?module=FP_events&return_module=FP_events&action=DetailView&record=" . $event->id);
 function run_action(SugarBean $bean, $params = array(), $in_save = false)
     include_once 'modules/EmailTemplates/EmailTemplate.php';
     $emailTemp = new EmailTemplate();
     if ($emailTemp->id == '') {
         return false;
     $this->parse_template($bean, $emailTemp);
     $attachments = $this->getAttachments($emailTemp);
     $emails = $this->getEmailsFromParams($bean, $params);
     if (!isset($emails['to']) || empty($emails['to'])) {
         return false;
     return $this->sendEmail($emails['to'], $emailTemp->subject, $emailTemp->body_html, $emailTemp->body, $bean, $emails['cc'], $emails['bcc'], $attachments);
Exemple #23
  * Send new password or link to user
  * @param string $templateId Id of email template
  * @param array $additionalData additional params: link, url, password
  * @return array status: true|false, message: error message, if status = false and message = '' it means that send method has returned false
 public function sendEmailForPassword($templateId, array $additionalData = array())
     global $sugar_config, $current_user;
     $mod_strings = return_module_language('', 'Users');
     $result = array('status' => false, 'message' => '');
     $emailTemp = new EmailTemplate();
     $emailTemp->disable_row_level_security = true;
     if ($emailTemp->retrieve($templateId) == '') {
         $result['message'] = $mod_strings['LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_MISSING'];
         return $result;
     //replace instance variables in email templates
     $htmlBody = $emailTemp->body_html;
     $body = $emailTemp->body;
     if (isset($additionalData['link']) && $additionalData['link'] == true) {
         $htmlBody = str_replace('$contact_user_link_guid', $additionalData['url'], $htmlBody);
         $body = str_replace('$contact_user_link_guid', $additionalData['url'], $body);
     } else {
         $htmlBody = str_replace('$contact_user_user_hash', $additionalData['password'], $htmlBody);
         $body = str_replace('$contact_user_user_hash', $additionalData['password'], $body);
     // Bug 36833 - Add replacing of special value $instance_url
     $htmlBody = str_replace('$config_site_url', $sugar_config['site_url'], $htmlBody);
     $body = str_replace('$config_site_url', $sugar_config['site_url'], $body);
     $htmlBody = str_replace('$contact_user_user_name', $this->user_name, $htmlBody);
     $htmlBody = str_replace('$contact_user_pwd_last_changed', TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb(), $htmlBody);
     $body = str_replace('$contact_user_user_name', $this->user_name, $body);
     $body = str_replace('$contact_user_pwd_last_changed', TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb(), $body);
     $emailTemp->body_html = $htmlBody;
     $emailTemp->body = $body;
     $itemail = $this->emailAddress->getPrimaryAddress($this);
     //retrieve IT Admin Email
     //_ppd( $emailTemp->body_html);
     //retrieve email defaults
     $emailObj = new Email();
     $defaults = $emailObj->getSystemDefaultEmail();
     require_once 'include/SugarPHPMailer.php';
     $mail = new SugarPHPMailer();
     $mail->From = $defaults['email'];
     $mail->FromName = $defaults['name'];
     $mail->Subject = from_html($emailTemp->subject);
     if ($emailTemp->text_only != 1) {
         $mail->Body = from_html($emailTemp->body_html);
         $mail->AltBody = from_html($emailTemp->body);
     } else {
         $mail->Body_html = from_html($emailTemp->body_html);
         $mail->Body = from_html($emailTemp->body);
     if ($mail->Body == '' && $current_user->is_admin) {
         global $app_strings;
         $result['message'] = $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_EDIT_PLAIN_TEXT'];
         return $result;
     if ($mail->Mailer == 'smtp' && $mail->Host == '' && $current_user->is_admin) {
         $result['message'] = $mod_strings['ERR_SERVER_SMTP_EMPTY'];
         return $result;
     $hasRecipients = false;
     if (!empty($itemail)) {
         if ($hasRecipients) {
         } else {
         $hasRecipients = true;
     if ($hasRecipients) {
         $result['status'] = @$mail->Send();
     if ($result['status'] == true) {
         $emailObj->team_id = 1;
         $emailObj->to_addrs = '';
         $emailObj->type = 'archived';
         $emailObj->deleted = '0';
         $emailObj->name = $mail->Subject;
         $emailObj->description = $mail->Body;
         $emailObj->description_html = null;
         $emailObj->from_addr = $mail->From;
         $emailObj->parent_type = 'User';
         $emailObj->date_sent = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb();
         $emailObj->modified_user_id = '1';
         $emailObj->created_by = '1';
         $emailObj->status = 'sent';
         if (!isset($additionalData['link']) || $additionalData['link'] == false) {
             $user_hash = strtolower(md5($additionalData['password']));
             $this->setPreference('loginexpiration', '0');
             $this->setPreference('lockout', '');
             $this->setPreference('loginfailed', '0');
             //set new password
             $now = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb();
             $query = "UPDATE {$this->table_name} SET user_hash='{$user_hash}', system_generated_password='******', pwd_last_changed='{$now}' where id='{$this->id}'";
             $this->db->query($query, true, "Error setting new password for {$this->user_name}: ");
     return $result;
    $q = "INSERT INTO users_password_link (id, username, date_generated) VALUES('" . $guid . "','" . $_POST['user_name'] . "',' " . $time_now . "' ) ";
///////  Email creation
global $sugar_config, $current_user;
if (isset($_POST['link']) && $_POST['link'] == '1') {
    $emailTemp_id = $res['lostpasswordtmpl'];
} else {
    $emailTemp_id = $res['generatepasswordtmpl'];
$emailTemp = new EmailTemplate();
$emailTemp->disable_row_level_security = true;
if ($emailTemp->retrieve($emailTemp_id) == '') {
    echo $mod_strings['LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_MISSING'];
    $new_pwd = '4';
//replace instance variables in email templates
$htmlBody = $emailTemp->body_html;
$body = $emailTemp->body;
if (isset($_POST['link']) && $_POST['link'] == '1') {
    $htmlBody = str_replace('$contact_user_link_guid', $url, $htmlBody);
    $body = str_replace('$contact_user_link_guid', $url, $body);
} else {
    $htmlBody = str_replace('$contact_user_user_hash', $password, $htmlBody);
    $body = str_replace('$contact_user_user_hash', $password, $body);
// Bug 36833 - Add replacing of special value $instance_url