public function action_testemail() { // Create an instance if (Auth::check()) { $data['user_link'] = 'logout'; $email = Auth::get_screen_name(); $data['email'] = $email; } else { $data['user_link'] = 'login'; } $email = Email::forge(); // Set the from address $email->from('*****@*****.**', 'pscms.local'); // Set the to address $email->to('*****@*****.**', 'You'); // Set a subject $email->subject('This is the subject'); // Set multiple to addresses /*$email->to(array( '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**' => 'With a Name', ));*/ // And set the body. $email->body('This is my message'); try { $email->send(); } catch (\EmailValidationFailedException $e) { // The validation failed } catch (\EmailSendingFailedException $e) { // The driver could not send the email exit('driver cant send mail'); } }
public static function sendReservedEMail($id) { $reservation = Model_Lessontime::find($id); // for teacher $url = Uri::base() . "teachers/top"; date_default_timezone_set(Config::get("timezone.timezone")[$reservation->teacher->timezone]); $body = View::forge("email/teachers/reserved", ["url" => $url]); $body->set("name", $reservation->teacher->firstname); $body->set("reservation", $reservation); $sendmail = Email::forge("JIS"); $sendmail->from(Config::get("statics.info_email"), Config::get("statics.info_name")); $sendmail->to($reservation->teacher->email); $sendmail->subject("Lesson Booking Confirmation / Game-bootcamp"); $sendmail->html_body(htmlspecialchars_decode($body)); $sendmail->send(); // for student $url = Uri::base() . "students/top"; date_default_timezone_set(Config::get("timezone.timezone")[$reservation->student->timezone]); $body = View::forge("email/students/reserved", ["url" => $url]); $body->set("name", $reservation->student->firstname); $body->set("reservation", $reservation); $sendmail = Email::forge("JIS"); $sendmail->from(Config::get("statics.info_email"), Config::get("statics.info_name")); $sendmail->to($reservation->student->email); $sendmail->subject("Lesson Booking Confirmation / Game-bootcamp"); $sendmail->html_body(htmlspecialchars_decode($body)); $sendmail->send(); }
/** * Send email to group of admin users * * @param type $group_name * @param type $subject * @param type $view * @param type $email_data * @param type $attachment = Attache a file * @param type $theme = theme to load views from * @return boolean * @throws \Exception */ public static function send_email_to_group($group_name, $subject, $view, $email_data, $attachment = false) { \Config::load('auto_response_emails', 'auto_response_emails', true); $emails = \Config::get('auto_response_emails.' . $group_name . '_emails', false); if ($emails == false) { $emails = \Config::get('auto_response_emails.default_emails', false); } $bcc = \Config::get('auto_response_emails.bcc'); $email = \Email::forge(); $email->cc($emails); if ($bcc) { $email->bcc($bcc); } $email->subject($subject); $email->from(\Config::get('auto_response_emails.autoresponder_from_email'), \Config::get('site_title')); if ($attachment) { $email->attach($attachment); } $emailView = \Theme::instance()->view('views/' . $view)->set('email_data', $email_data, false); $email->html_body($emailView); try { $email->send(); } catch (\Exception $e) { if (\Fuel::$env == 'development') { throw new \Exception($e->getMessage()); } else { return false; } } return true; }
public function action_index() { $this->template = View::forge("teachers/template"); $this->template->auth_status = false; $this->template->title = "Forgotpassword"; // login if (Input::post("email", null) !== null and Security::check_token()) { $email = Input::post('email', null); $user = Model_User::find("first", ["where" => [["email", $email]]]); if ($user != null) { $token = Model_Forgotpasswordtoken::forge(); $token->user_id = $user->id; $token->token = sha1("asadsada23424{$user->email}" . time()); $token->save(); $url = Uri::base() . "teachers/forgotpassword/form/{$token->token}"; $body = View::forge("email/forgotpassword", ["url" => $url]); $sendmail = Email::forge("JIS"); $sendmail->from(Config::get("statics.info_email"), Config::get("statics.info_name")); $sendmail->to($email); $sendmail->subject("forgot password"); $sendmail->html_body(htmlspecialchars_decode($body)); $sendmail->send(); } $view = View::forge("teachers/forgotpassword/sent"); $this->template->content = $view; } else { $view = View::forge("teachers/forgotpassword/index"); $this->template->content = $view; } }
/** * Sends the instructions to a user's email address. * * @return bool */ private static function _send_instructions($name, Model_User $user) { $config_key = null; switch ($name) { case 'confirmation': $config_key = 'confirmable'; break; case 'reset_password': $config_key = 'recoverable'; break; case 'unlock': $config_key = 'lockable'; break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid instruction: {$name}"); } $mail = \Email::forge(); $mail->from(\Config::get(''), \Config::get('')); $mail->to($user->email); $mail->subject(__("warden.mailer.subject.{$name}")); $token_name = "{$name}_token"; $mail->html_body(\View::forge("warden/mailer/{$name}_instructions", array('username' => $user->username, 'uri' => \Uri::create(':url/:token', array('url' => rtrim(\Config::get("warden.{$config_key}.url"), '/'), 'token' => $user->{$token_name}))))); $mail->priority(\Email::P_HIGH); try { return $mail->send(); } catch (\EmailSendingFailedException $ex) { logger(\Fuel::L_ERROR, "Warden\\Mailer failed to send {$name} instructions."); return false; } }
/** * ユーザーにメールを送信 * * @para $name メールの識別子 $params 差し込むデータ $to 送り先(指定しなければ langの値を使用) $options Fuel準拠のEmailオプション * @access protected * @return bool * @author kobayasi * @author shimma */ public function sendMailByParams($name, $params = array(), $to = null, $options = null) { Lang::load("email/{$name}"); $email = Email::forge(); $email->from(Lang::get('from'), Lang::get('from_name')); $email->subject($this->renderTemplate(Lang::get('subject'), $params, false)); $email->body($this->renderTemplate(Lang::get('body'), $params)); if (!$to) { $to = Lang::get('email'); } $email->to($to); if (Lang::get('bcc') != '') { $email->bcc(Lang::get('bcc')); } if (!empty($options)) { foreach ($options as $option => $value) { if (empty($value)) { continue; } switch ($option) { case 'bcc': $email->bcc($value); break; case 'reply_to': $email->reply_to($value); break; case 'subject': $email->subject($value); break; } } } return $email->send(); }
public function create_user($userdata) { $password = \Arr::get($userdata, 'password', null); $email = \Arr::get($userdata, 'email', null); if (is_null($password) || is_null($email)) { Logger::instance()->log_log_in_attempt(Model_Log_In_Attempt::$ATTEMPT_BAD_CRIDENTIALS, $email); throw new LogInFailed(\Lang::get('ethanol.errors.loginInvalid')); } $user = Auth_Driver::get_core_user($email); $security = new Model_User_Security(); //Generate a salt $security->salt = Hasher::instance()->hash(\Date::time(), Random::instance()->random()); $security->password = Hasher::instance()->hash($password, $security->salt); if (\Config::get('ethanol.activate_emails', false)) { $keyLength = \Config::get('ethanol.activation_key_length'); $security->activation_hash = Random::instance()->random($keyLength); $user->activated = 0; //Send email \Package::load('email'); //Build an array of data that can be passed to the email template $emailData = array('email' => $user->email, 'activation_path' => \Str::tr(\Config::get('ethanol.activation_path'), array('key' => $security->activation_hash))); $email = \Email::forge()->from(\Config::get('ethanol.activation_email_from'))->to($user->email, $user->username)->subject(\Config::get('ethanol.activation_email_subject'))->html_body(\View::forge('ethanol/activation_email', $emailData))->send(); } else { $user->activated = 1; $security->activation_hash = ''; } $user->security = $security; $user->save(); $user->clean_security(); return $user; }
public function action_submit() { if (!Security::check_token()) { Response::redirect('_404_'); } if (Session::get_flash('name')) { $contact = Model_Contact::forge(); $contact->title = Session::get_flash("title"); $contact->body = Session::get_flash("body"); $body = View::forge("email/contact"); $body->set("name", Session::get_flash('name')); $body->set("email", Session::get_flash('email')); $body->set("body", Session::get_flash('body')); $sendmail = Email::forge("JIS"); $sendmail->from(Config::get("statics.info_email"), Config::get("statics.info_name")); $sendmail->to(Config::get("statics.info_email")); $sendmail->subject("We got contact/ Game-bootcamp"); $sendmail->body($body); $sendmail->send(); } $this->template->title = "Contact"; $this->template->sub = "How can we help you?"; $view = View::forge("contacts/send"); $this->template->content = $view; }
public function action_send() { $data['token_key'] = Config::get('security.csrf_token_key'); $data['token'] = Security::fetch_token(); $error = array(); if (Security::check_token()) { $val = Validation::forge(); $val->add_field('username', 'ユーザID', 'required|max_length[9]'); $val->add_field('mail', 'メールアドレス', 'required|valid_email'); if ($val->run()) { //受信データの整理 $username = Input::post('username'); $email = Input::post('mail'); //登録ユーザの有無の確認 $user_count = Model_Users::query()->where('username', $username)->where('email', $email)->count(); //該当ユーザがいれば if ($user_count > 0) { //Authのインスタンス化 $auth = Auth::instance(); //新しいパスワードの自動発行 $repass = $auth->reset_password($username); //送信データの整理 $data['fullname'] = Model_Users::query()->select('fullname')->where('username', $username)->get(); $data['repass'] = $repass; $data['email'] = $email; $data['anchor'] = 'login'; $body = View::forge('login/email/autorepass', $data); //Eメールのインスタンス化 $sendmail = Email::forge(); //メール情報の設定 $sendmail->from('*****@*****.**', ''); $sendmail->to($email, $username); $sendmail->subject('パスワードの再発行'); $sendmail->html_body($body); //メールの送信 $sendmail->send(); $view = View::forge('login/success', $data); //該当者0のとき } else { $view = View::forge('login/contact', $data); $msg = '該当者が存在しませんでした。'; $view->set('msg', $msg); } //バリデーションエラー } else { $error = $val->error(); $view = View::forge('login/contact', $data); $view->set_global('error', $error, false); } //CSRF対策 } else { $view = View::forge('login/contact', $data); $msg = 'CSRF対策です'; $view->set('msg', $msg); } return $view; }
public function action_recover($hash = null) { if (Input::Method() === "POST") { if ($user = \Model\Auth_User::find_by_email(Input::POST('email'))) { // generate a recovery hash $hash = \Auth::instance()->hash_password(\Str::random()) . $user->id; // and store it in the user profile \Auth::update_user(array('lostpassword_hash' => $hash, 'lostpassword_created' => time()), $user->username); // send an email out with a reset link \Package::load('email'); $email = \Email::forge(); $html = 'Your password recovery link <a href="' . Uri::Create('login/recover/' . $hash) . '">Recover My Password!</a>'; // use a view file to generate the email message $email->html_body($html); // give it a subject $email->subject(\Settings::Get('site_name') . ' Password Recovery'); // GET ADMIN EMAIL FROM SETTINGS? $admin_email = Settings::get('admin_email'); if (empty($admin_email) === false) { $from = $admin_email; } else { $from = 'support@' . str_replace('http:', '', str_replace('/', '', Uri::Base(false))); } $email->from($from); $email->to($user->email, $user->fullname); // and off it goes (if all goes well)! try { // send the email $email->send(); Session::set('success', 'Email has been sent to ' . $user->email . '! Please check your spam folder!'); } catch (\Exception $e) { Session::Set('error', 'We failed to send the eamil , contact ' . $admin_email); \Response::redirect_back(); } } else { Session::Set('error', 'Sorry there is not a matching email!'); } } elseif (empty($hash) === false) { $hash = str_replace(Uri::Create('login/recover/'), '', Uri::current()); $user = substr($hash, 44); if ($user = \Model\Auth_User::find_by_id($user)) { // do we have this hash for this user, and hasn't it expired yet , must be within 24 hours if (isset($user->lostpassword_hash) and $user->lostpassword_hash == $hash and time() - $user->lostpassword_created < 86400) { // invalidate the hash \Auth::update_user(array('lostpassword_hash' => null, 'lostpassword_created' => null), $user->username); // log the user in and go to the profile to change the password if (\Auth::instance()->force_login($user->id)) { Session::Set('current_password', Auth::reset_password($user->username)); Response::Redirect(Uri::Create('user/settings')); } } } Session::Set('error', 'Invalid Hash!'); } $this->template->content = View::forge('login/recover'); }
public function action_send_verification_email($id, $mailaddress, $key) { $email = Email::forge(); $email->from('*****@*****.**', 'Eventual system'); $email->to($mailaddress, "Eventual system user"); $email->subject('Your registration in Eventual'); $mail_text = "'Thank you for registering at'\n\t\t Please, verify your address by clicking this link: " . Uri::create("account/verify/" . $id . "/" . $key . "/"); $email->body($mail_text); $email->send(); }
protected function sendmail($data) { Package::load('email'); $email = Email::forge(); $email->from($data['from'], $data['from_name']); $email->to($data['to'], $data['to_name']); $email->subject($data['subject']); $email->body($data['body']); $email->send(); }
public function action_index() { $this->template->title = "Remittance Payment"; $this->template->sub = "Follow the steps below to pay"; if (isset($this->user)) { $data["student"] = Model_User::find("first", ["where" => [["deleted_at", 0], ["id", $this->user->id]]]); } if (Input::post('action') == 'submit') { if (Input::post("pay-method", null) != null && Input::post("refno", null) != null) { $checkExist = Model_Payment::find("first", ["where" => [["student_id", Input::post("studentId")], ["paid", Input::post("quarter")], ["status", 0]]]); if ($checkExist == NULL) { // save $payment = Model_Payment::forge(); $payment->student_id = Input::post("studentId"); $payment->pay_method = Input::post("paymethod"); $payment->paid_at = Input::post("date"); $payment->status = 0; $payment->method = Input::post("pay-method"); $payment->ref_no = Input::post("refno"); if (Input::post("pay-method") == 1) { $payment->paid = "1111"; } else { $payment->paid = Input::post("quarter"); } $payment->save(); $data["user"] = Model_User::find("first", ["where" => [["id", Input::post("studentId")]]]); $pay = Model_Payment::query()->where('status', 0); $lastID = $pay->max('id'); $data["pay"] = Model_Payment::find("first", ["where" => [["id", $lastID]]]); //sending mail $body = View::forge("email/payment", $data); $sendmail = Email::forge("JIS"); $sendmail->from(Config::get("statics.info_email"), Config::get("statics.info_name")); $sendmail->to("*****@*****.**"); //$sendmail->to("*****@*****.**"); $sendmail->subject("Payment / Game-bootcamp"); $sendmail->html_body("Dear Admin,<br><br>" . htmlspecialchars_decode($body)); $sendmail->send(); Response::redirect("/students/top/?success=2"); } else { Response::redirect("/coursefee/remit/?e=2&g=" . Input::post('paymethod', 0)); } } else { Response::redirect("/coursefee/?e=4"); } } if (isset($this->user)) { $view = View::forge("coursefee/remit", $data); } else { $view = View::forge("coursefee/remit"); } $this->template->content = $view; }
public function action_index() { $id = Input::get('id', 0); $data['payment'] = Model_Payment::find("all", ["where" => [["id", $id]]]); //save if (Input::post('action') == 'submit') { if (Input::post("payid", null) != null) { $payid = Input::post("payid", null); $payUp = Model_Payment::find("first", ["where" => [["id", $payid]]]); DB::update('payment')->value("status", "1")->where('id', '=', $payid)->execute(); DB::update('users')->value("charge_html", $payUp->paid)->where('id', '=', $payUp->student_id)->execute(); $data["user"] = Model_User::find("first", ["where" => [["id", $payUp->student_id]]]); $data["pay"] = Model_Payment::find("first", ["where" => [["student_id", $payUp->student_id], ["id", $payUp->id]]]); $user = $data["user"]; //sending mail $body = View::forge("email/confirm", $data); $sendmail = Email::forge("JIS"); $sendmail->from(Config::get("statics.info_email"), Config::get("statics.info_name")); $sendmail->to($user->email); $sendmail->subject("Payment Confirmation / Game-bootcamp"); $sendmail->html_body("Dear " . $user->firstname . ",<br><br>" . htmlspecialchars_decode($body)); $sendmail->send(); Response::redirect("/admin/top/?pay=1"); } else { } } if (Input::post("paymentID", 0) != 0) { $cancel = Model_Payment::find(Input::post("paymentID", 0)); if ($cancel != null) { //save $cancel->reason = Input::post("explain", 0); $cancel->status = 2; $cancel->save(); $data["cancel"] = Model_Payment::find("first", ["where" => [["id", Input::post("paymentID", 0)]]]); $student = $data["cancel"]; $data["student"] = Model_User::find("first", ["where" => [["id", $student->student_id]]]); $stud = $data["student"]; //sendingmail $body = View::forge("email/cancelpayment", $data); $sendmail = Email::forge("JIS"); $sendmail->from(Config::get("statics.info_email"), Config::get("statics.info_name")); $sendmail->to($stud->email); $sendmail->subject("Denied Payment / Game-bootcamp"); $sendmail->html_body("Dear " . $stud->firstname . ",<br><br>" . htmlspecialchars_decode($body)); $sendmail->send(); Response::redirect("/admin/top/?s=1"); } } $view = View::forge("admin/payment/index", $data); $this->template->content = $view; }
public function action_view($slug = null) { is_null($slug) and Response::redirect('blog/post'); $related = in_array('post', \Config::get('comment')) ? array('published_comments', 'author', 'category') : array('author', 'category'); $data['post'] = Model_Post::find('first', array('where' => array(array('slug' => $slug)), 'related' => $related)); if (!$data['post']) { Session::set_flash('error', 'Could not find post with slug: ' . $slug); Response::redirect('blog/post'); } // Is the user sending a comment? If yes, process it. if (Input::method() == 'POST') { $val = \Comment\Model_Comment::validate('create'); if ($val->run()) { $comment = \Comment\Model_Comment::forge(array('name' => Input::post('name'), 'email' => Input::post('email'), 'content' => Input::post('content'), 'status' => 'pending', 'post_id' => $data['post']->id)); if ($comment and $comment->save()) { // Manually loading the Email package \Package::load('email'); // Sending an email to the post's author $email = \Email::forge(); $email->to($data['post']->author->email, $data['post']->author->username); $email->subject('New comment'); $email->body(\View::forge('comment/email', array('comment' => $comment))->render()); $email->send(); unset($email); if ($data['post']->published_comments) { // Sending an email for all commenters $email = \Email::forge(); $emails = array(); foreach ($data['post']->published_comments as $published_comment) { $emails[$published_comment->email] = '\'' . $published_comment->name . '\''; } $email->to($emails); $email->subject('New comment'); $email->body(\View::forge('comment/email_other', array('comment' => $comment, 'post' => $data['post']), false)->render()); $email->send(); unset($email); } Session::set_flash('success', e('Your comment has been saved, it will' . ' be reviewed by our administrators')); } else { Session::set_flash('error', e('Could not save comment.')); } } else { Session::set_flash('error', $val->error()); } } $this->template->title = "Post"; $this->template->content = View::forge('post/view', $data); $this->template->content->set('post_content', $data['post']->content, false); }
public static function sendmail($data) { Package::load('email'); $items = array('from_address', 'from_name', 'to_address', 'to_name', 'subject'); foreach ($items as $item) { if (isset($data[$item]) && preg_match('/[\\r\\n]/u', $data[$item]) === 1) { throw new EmailValidationFailedException('One or more email headers did not pass validation: ' . $item); } } $email = Email::forge(); $email->from($data['from_address'], isset($data['from_name']) ? $data['from_name'] : null); $email->to($data['to_address'], isset($data['to_name']) ? $data['to_name'] : null); $email->subject($data['subject']); $email->body($data['body']); $email->send(); }
public function action_submit() { if (!Security::check_token()) { Response::redirect('_404_'); } if (Session::get_flash('email')) { $email = Session::get_flash("email"); try { Auth::create_user($email, Session::get_flash("password"), $email, 10); $user = Model_User::find("first", ["where" => [["email", $email]]]); if ($user != null) { $user->sex = Session::get_flash("sex"); $user->firstname = Session::get_flash("firstname"); $user->middlename = Session::get_flash("middlename"); $user->lastname = Session::get_flash("lastname"); $user->birthday = Session::get_flash("year") . "-" . Session::get_flash("month") . "-" . Session::get_flash("day"); $user->google_account = Session::get_flash("google_account"); $user->need_reservation_email = Session::get_flash("need_reservation_email"); $user->need_news_email = Session::get_flash("need_news_email"); $user->timezone = Session::get_flash("timezone"); $user->pr = Session::get_flash("pr"); $user->educational_background = Session::get_flash("educational_background"); $user->trial = Session::get_flash("trial"); $user->enchantJS = Session::get_flash("enchantJS"); $user->save(); // send mail $body = View::forge("email/teachers/signup"); $body->set("name", $user->firstname); $body->set("user", $user); $body->set("ymd", explode("-", $user->birthday)); $sendmail = Email::forge("JIS"); $sendmail->from(Config::get("statics.info_email"), Config::get("statics.info_name")); $sendmail->to($user->email); $sendmail->subject("Welcome Aboard! / Game-bootcamp"); $sendmail->html_body(htmlspecialchars_decode($body)); $sendmail->send(); } else { Response::redirect('_404_'); } } catch (Exception $e) { Response::redirect('_404_'); } } else { Response::redirect('_404_'); } $this->template->content = View::forge('teachers/signup/finish'); }
public function action_submit() { if (!Security::check_token()) { Response::redirect('_404_'); } if (Session::get_flash('email')) { $email = Session::get_flash("email"); Auth::create_user($email, Session::get_flash("password"), $email, 1); $user = Model_User::find("first", ["where" => [["email", $email]]]); if ($user != null) { $user->sex = Session::get_flash("sex"); $user->firstname = Session::get_flash("firstname"); $user->middlename = Session::get_flash("middlename"); $user->lastname = Session::get_flash("lastname"); $user->birthday = Session::get_flash("year") . "-" . Session::get_flash("month") . "-" . Session::get_flash("day"); $user->google_account = Session::get_flash("google_account"); $user->need_reservation_email = Session::get_flash("need_reservation_email"); $user->need_news_email = Session::get_flash("need_news_email"); $user->timezone = Session::get_flash("timezone"); $user->place = Session::get_flash("grameen"); $user->grameen_student = Session::get_flash("grameen_student"); $user->nationality = Session::get_flash("nationality"); $user->save(); // send mail $body = View::forge("email/students/signup"); $body->set("name", $user->firstname); $body->set("user", $user); $body->set("ymd", explode("-", $user->birthday)); $sendmail = Email::forge("JIS"); $sendmail->from(Config::get("statics.info_email"), Config::get("statics.info_name")); $sendmail->to($user->email); $sendmail->subject("Welcome Aboard! / Game-BootCamp"); $sendmail->html_body(htmlspecialchars_decode($body)); $documents = Model_Document::query()->where('type', 1)->where('deleted_at', 0)->limit(1)->get_one(); if (count($documents) > 0) { $query = Model_Document::find($documents->id); $sendmail->attach(DOCROOT . '/contents/' . $query->path); } $sendmail->send(); } else { Response::redirect('_404_/?hehe'); } } else { Response::redirect('_404_'); } $this->template->content = View::forge('students/signup/finish'); }
public function action_apply() { //POST送信なら if (Input::method() == 'POST') { //受信データの整理 $username = Input::post('username'); $email = Input::post('email'); //登録ユーザーの有無の確認 $user_count = Model_User::count(array('where' => array(array('username' => $username), array('email', $email)))); //該当ユーザーがいれば if ($user_count > 0) { //ユーザーの特定 $user = Model_User::find('first', array('where' => array('email' => $email))); //リセット(再発行)コードの作成 $reset = mb_substr($user->last_login, -4); //ワンタイムパスワードの作成と保存 $onepass = md5(time()); $user->onepass = $onepass; $user->save(); //送信データの整理 $data['reset'] = $reset; $data['onepass'] = $onepass; $data['username'] = $username; $data['email'] = $email; $data['anchor'] = 'user/login/repass/' . $onepass; $body = View::forge('user/email/repass', $data); //Eメールのインスタンス化 $sendmail = Email::forge(); //メール情報の設定 $sendmail->from('*****@*****.**', ''); $sendmail->to($email, $username); $sendmail->subject('パスワードの再発行'); $sendmail->html_body($body); //メールの送信 $sendmail->send(); //再発行案内ページへ移動 return Model_User::theme('admin/template', 'user/login/repass-info'); //該当ユーザーがいなければ } else { //エラー表示 Session::set_flash('error', '該当者がいません。'); } } //テーマの表示 return Model_User::theme('admin/template', 'user/login/apply'); }
public function action_send($Pid = 0) { $this->action_csrf(); $val = Validation::forge(); $val->add('sentence', '通報内容')->add_rule('required'); $username = Auth::get_screen_name(); $address = Auth::get_email(); $problem = Input::post('problem'); $email = Email::forge(); $email->from('*****@*****.**'); $email->to($address); $email->subject('投稿ID ' . $Pid . '番に対する「' . $problem . '」の通報がありました。'); $body = Input::post('sentence'); $email->body($body); if ($val->run()) { if (Security::check_token()) { try { $email->send(); $view = View::forge('problemreport/success'); return $view; } catch (\EmailValidationFailedException $e) { $view = View::forge('welcome/404'); return $view; } catch (\EmailSendingFailedException $e) { } } else { $this->error['csrf'] = '「CSRFエラー」です。<br>もう一度最初からアクセスし直してください。。'; $this->action_csrf(); $this->action_post($Pid); $this->data['categorize'] = Model_Category::query()->where('df', '=', '0')->get(); $view = View::forge('problemreport/ProblemReport', $this->data); $view->set_global('error', $this->error, false); return $view; } } else { $this->error = $val->error(); $this->action_csrf(); $this->action_post($Pid); $this->data['categorize'] = Model_Category::query()->where('df', '=', '0')->get(); $view = View::forge('problemreport/ProblemReport', $this->data); $view->set_global('error', $this->error, false); return $view; } }
public static function sendmail($mailto, $subject, $data, $template = false) { $body = isset($data['body']) ? $data['body'] : null; $email = \Email::forge(); $email->from(\Fuel\Core\Config::get('mail_from'), \Fuel\Core\Config::get('mail_from_name')); //if is array mail $mail_to = array(); if (is_array($mailto)) { foreach ($mailto as $key => $value) { $mailto_arr = explode(',', trim($value, ',')); if (is_array($mailto_arr)) { foreach ($mailto_arr as $k => $v) { if ($v != '' && $v != null) { $mail_to[] = $v; } } } } //remove duplicate email if ($mail_to) { $mail_to = array_unique($mail_to); } $email->to($mail_to); } else { $email->to($mailto); } $email->subject($subject); $email->body($body); //use template if ($template) { $email->body(\View::forge($template, $data)); //$data is var pass to template } //if have attach //$email->attach(DOCROOT.'my-pic.jpg'); try { $email->send(); return true; } catch (\EmailValidationFailedException $e) { Fuel\Core\Log::error('Mail validation: ' . json_encode($mailto)); } catch (\EmailSendingFailedException $e) { Fuel\Core\Log::error('Mail send failed: ' . json_encode($mailto)); } }
public function send() { $email = \Email::forge(); $order = $this->emailData['order']; $email->to($order->shipping_email, ucwords($order->shipping_first_name . ' ' . $order->shipping_last_name)); if ($this->emailData['bcc']) { $email->bcc($this->emailData['bcc']); } $email->subject($this->emailData['site_title'] . ' - Your Order'); $autoresponder_body = \Theme::instance()->view('views/_email/order_confirmation')->set('emailData', $this->emailData, false); $emailHtml = \Theme::instance()->view('views/_email/autoresponder')->set('autoresponder_body', $autoresponder_body); $email->html_body($emailHtml); try { $email->send(); //\Messages::success('A copy of your request has been sent to ' . $this->emailData['order']['billing_email'] . ' for your own reference.'); } catch (\EmailValidationFailedException $e) { \Messages::error('Error while sending email.'); } catch (\EmailSendingFailedException $e) { \Messages::error('Error while sending email.'); } }
public function action_do() { try { $this->checkCsrf(); // 入力チェック $val = $this->getEditForm()->validation(); if (!$val->run()) { $this->invalid($val); } $data = $val->validated(); // メール通知(サンクス) **************************************************** $title = "お問い合わせを承りました"; $email = Email::forge(); $email->clear_addresses(); $email->from(Config::get(""), Config::get("")); $email->to($data["mail_address"], $data["name"] . "様"); $email->subject(Config::get("mail.prefix") . $title); $body = View_Smarty::forge("mail/contact_complete"); $body->data = $data; $body->contact_type_list = $this->contactType; $email->body($body); Common::sendmail($email); // メール通知(管理者) **************************************************** $title = "お問い合わせ"; $email = Email::forge(); $email->clear_addresses(); $email->from($data["mail_address"], $data["name"] . "様"); $email->to(Config::get(""), Config::get("")); $email->subject(Config::get("mail.prefix") . $title); $body = View_Smarty::forge("mail/contact_complete_admin"); $body->data = $data; $body->contact_type_list = $this->contactType; $email->body($body); Common::sendmail($email); $this->template->content = View_Smarty::forge("contact_complete", $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error($e); $this->action_index(); } }
public function post_setemail() { $code = 0; $message = "ok"; $email = Input::post("email", null); if ($email != null) { $mail = Model_Email::forge(); $mail->email = $email; $mail->save(); $body = View::forge("email/email"); $sendmail = Email::forge("JIS"); $sendmail->from(Config::get("statics.info_email"), Config::get("statics.info_name")); $sendmail->to($mail->email); $sendmail->subject("Thanks for your interest in our classroom. / Game-bootcamp"); $sendmail->html_body(htmlspecialchars_decode($body)); $sendmail->send(); } else { $code = 500; $message = "email error."; } $this->response(array('code' => $code, 'message' => $message)); }
public function post_send_message() { $post = $this->post_data('first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'mobile', 'message'); if (strpos($post->email->value, '@') === false) { return false; } $email = Email::forge(); $email->from('*****@*****.**', "{$post->first_name->value} {$post->last_name->value} ({$post->email->value})"); $email->to('*****@*****.**', 'Alex Shaffer'); $email->subject("Contact: {$post->first_name->value} {$post->last_name->value} | {$post->email->value} | {$post->mobile->value}"); $email->body($post->message->value); try { $email->send(); } catch (\EmailValidationFailedException $e) { // The validation failed return Response::forge(json_encode(array('error' => true, 'error_message' => 'The validation failed'))); } catch (\EmailSendingFailedException $e) { // The driver could not send the email return Response::forge(json_encode(array('error' => true, 'error_message' => 'The driver could not send the email'))); } return Response::forge(json_encode(array('success' => true))); }
public function action_reset_password() { if (\Input::post()) { $to = trim(\Input::post('email')); $user = \DB::select_array(\Config::get('simpleauth.table_columns', array('*')))->where('email', '=', $to)->from(\Config::get('simpleauth.table_name'))->as_object()->execute(\Config::get('simpleauth.db_connection'))->current(); $data['password'] = \Auth::reset_password($user->username); $val = \Validation::forge(); $val->add_field('email', 'email', 'required|valid_email'); if ($val->run()) { // Create an instance $email = \Email::forge(); // Set the from address $email->from('*****@*****.**', 'Les RHs'); // Set the to address $email->to($to); // Set a subject $email->subject('New password'); // And set the body. $email->html_body(\View::forge('email/template.twig', $data)); try { $email->send(); } catch (\EmailValidationFailedException $e) { // The validation failed } catch (\EmailSendingFailedException $e) { // The driver could not send the email } \Session::set_flash('success', 'A new password has been sent'); \Response::redirect('/'); } else { // repopulate the email field and give some error text back to the view. $data['email'] = $to; \Session::set_flash('error', $val->error()); } } $data['actions'] = ['back' => ['label' => 'Back', 'url' => 'auth']]; $this->template->title = "Reset password"; $this->template->content = \View::forge('auth/password.twig', $data); }
public static function hour() { $reservations = \Model_Lessontime::find("all", ["where" => [["deleted_at", 0], ["status", 1], ["freetime_at", "<=", time() + 3600], ["freetime_at", ">=", time()]]]); foreach ($reservations as $reservation) { // for teacher $url = ""; $body = \View::forge("email/teachers/reminder_1hour", ["url" => $url]); $sendmail = \Email::forge("JIS"); $sendmail->from(\Config::get("statics.info_email"), \Config::get("statics.info_name")); $sendmail->to($reservation->teacher->email); $sendmail->subject("Your lesson will start."); $sendmail->html_body(htmlspecialchars_decode($body)); $sendmail->send(); // for student $url = ""; $body = \View::forge("email/students/reminder_1hour", ["url" => $url]); $sendmail = \Email::forge("JIS"); $sendmail->from(\Config::get("statics.info_email"), \Config::get("statics.info_name")); $sendmail->to($reservation->student->email); $sendmail->subject("Your lesson will start."); $sendmail->html_body(htmlspecialchars_decode($body)); $sendmail->send(); } }
/** * Change user password * * @access public * @return void */ public function action_password() { \View::set_global('title', 'Forgot Password'); if (\Input::post('forgot')) { $val = \User\Controller_Validate::forge('forgot_password'); if ($val->run()) { // Get POST values $identity = \Input::post('identity', ''); if (\Sentry::user_exists($identity)) { try { // reset the password $reset = \Sentry::reset_password($identity); if ($reset) { $customer_email = $reset['email']; // Load email package \Package::load('email'); // Load email addresses from config (these will be bcc receivers) \Config::load('auto_response_emails', true); $bcc = \Config::get('autoresponders.forgot_password_emails'); if (!$bcc) { $bcc = \Config::get('autoresponders.default_emails'); } $settings = \Config::load('autoresponder.db'); $email_data = array('site_title' => $settings['company_name'], 'customer_identity' => $identity, 'reset_link' => \Uri::front_create('user/reset_password/' . $reset['link'])); $email = \Email::forge(); $email->to($customer_email); $email->from(\Config::get('auto_response_emails.autoresponder_from_email'), $settings['company_name']); if ($bcc) { $email->bcc($bcc); } $email->subject($email_data['site_title'] . ' - Forgot Password'); $email_html = \Theme::instance()->view('views/_email/forgot_password')->set('email_data', $email_data, false); $email->html_body($email_html); try { $email->send(); \Messages::success('You have been sent an email to reset your password.'); } catch (\EmailValidationFailedException $e) { \Messages::error('Error while sending email.'); } catch (\EmailSendingFailedException $e) { \Messages::error('Error while sending email.'); } \Response::redirect(\Input::referrer(\Uri::front_create('/'))); } else { \Messages::error('There was a problem while trying to change your password. Please try again.'); } } catch (\Sentry\SentryException $e) { // show validation errors //\Messages::error('<h4>There was an error while trying to create user</h4>'); $errors = $e->getMessage(); \Messages::error($errors); } } else { \Messages::error('There doesn`t appear to be an account associated with this email address. Try a different email address or register for a new account on the homepage.'); } } else { if ($val->error() != array()) { // show validation errors //\Messages::error('<h4>There was an error while trying to create user</h4>'); foreach ($val->error() as $e) { \Messages::error($e->get_message()); } } } } if (\Input::is_ajax()) { echo \Theme::instance()->view($this->view_dir . 'forgot_password'); } else { if (isset($val)) { \View::set_global('validation', $val, false); } \Theme::instance()->set_partial('content', $this->view_dir . 'single_forgot_password'); } }
public function action_recover($hash = null) { /* * */ //email use a link // was the lostpassword form posted? if (\Input::method() == 'POST') { // do we have a posted email address? if ($email = \Input::post('email')) { // do we know this user? if ($user = \Model\Auth_User::find_by_email($email)) { // generate a recovery hash $hash = \Auth::instance()->hash_password(\Str::random()) . $user->id; // and store it in the user profile \Auth::update_user(array('lostpassword_hash' => $hash, 'lostpassword_created' => time()), $user->username); \Package::load('email'); $email = \Email::forge(); $data = array(); $hash = Crypt::encode($hash, 'R@nd0mK~Y'); $data['url'] = \Uri::create('user/password/recover/' . $hash); $data['user'] = $user; // use a view file to generate the email message $email->html_body(View::forge('user/password/email', $data)); // give it a subject $email->subject('RN | WJS Password Recovery'); // $email->subject(__('user.login.password-recovery')); // add from- and to address // $from = \Config::get(''); // $from = array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'name' => 'RN | Wall Street Journal'); // $email->from($from['email']); $email->from('*****@*****.**'); $email->to($user->email); // and off it goes (if all goes well)! try { // send the email // $email->send(); \Messages::success('Please check your email for instructions to reset your password'); // \Messages::success(__('user.login.recovery-email-send')); \Response::redirect('user/password/confirm/' . $user->id); } catch (\EmailValidationFailedException $e) { \Messages::error('INVALID EMAIL !'); \Messages::error($e->getMessage()); // \Messages::error(__('user.login.invalid-email-address')); \Response::redirect_back(); } catch (\Exception $e) { // log the error so an administrator can have a look logger(\Fuel::L_ERROR, '*** Error sending email (' . __FILE__ . '#' . __LINE__ . '): ' . $e->getMessage()); // \Messages::error($e->getMessage()); \Messages::error('ERROR SENDING EMAIL !'); // \Messages::error(__('user.login.error-sending-email')); } } } else { // inform the user and fall through to the form \Messages::error(__('user.login.error-missing-email')); } // inform the user an email is on the way (or not ;-)) \Messages::info(__('user.login.recovery-email-send')); \Response::redirect_back(); } elseif ($hash !== null) { $hash = Crypt::decode($hash, 'R@nd0mK~Y'); // get the userid from the hash $user = substr($hash, 44); // and find the user with this id if ($user = \Model\Auth_User::find_by_id($user)) { // do we have this hash for this user, and hasn't it expired yet (we allow for 24 hours response)? if (isset($user->lostpassword_hash) and $user->lostpassword_hash == $hash and time() - $user->lostpassword_created < 86400) { // invalidate the hash \Auth::update_user(array('lostpassword_hash' => null, 'lostpassword_created' => null), $user->username); // log the user in and go to the profile to change the password if (\Auth::instance()->force_login($user->id)) { // \Messages::info('LOGGED IN'); $tempPass = \Auth::instance()->reset_password($user->username); if ($tempPass) { // \Messages::info(__('user.login.password-recovery-accepted')); \Messages::info("Your temporary password is : {$tempPass} "); \Response::redirect('backend/account/index/password'); } else { return 'Something went wrong resetting password'; // something wrong with the hash // \Messages::error(__('user.login.recovery-hash-invalid')); // \Response::redirect_back(); } } } } // something wrong with the hash \Messages::error(__('user.login.recovery-hash-invalid')); \Response::redirect_back(); } else { // display the login page $this->template->content = View::forge('user/password/recover'); } }
/** * Send email * * @access public * @param object $order = Order object * @param array of objects $products = Products from order * @param string $type = Type of email to send * @return void */ public function send_email($order = false, $products = false, $type = 'job') { // Send email to user \Package::load('email'); // Load email addresses from config (these will be bcc receivers) \Config::load('auto_response_emails', 'autoresponders'); $bcc = \Config::get('autoresponders.order_emails', false); if (!$bcc) { $bcc = \Config::get('autoresponders.default_emails', false); } $email_data = array('order' => $order, 'products' => $products, 'site_title' => \Config::get('site_title')); $email = \Email::forge(); $email->to($order['email'], ucwords($order['first_name'] . ' ' . $order['last_name'])); if ($bcc) { $email->bcc($bcc); } $email->subject($email_data['site_title'] . ' - Your Order'); // Set correct email view $email_view = $type == 'credits' ? 'order_credits' : 'order'; $email_html = \Theme::instance()->view('views/_email/' . $email_view)->set('email_data', $email_data, false); $email->html_body($email_html); try { $email->send(); \Messages::success('A copy of your request has been sent to ' . $order['email'] . ' for your own reference.'); } catch (\EmailValidationFailedException $e) { \Messages::error('Error while sending email.'); } catch (\EmailSendingFailedException $e) { \Messages::error('Error while sending email.'); } }