Author: Curverider Ltd
Inheritance: extends ElggObject
Exemple #1
 * Remove the icon of a blog
 * @param ElggBlog $blog The blog to remove the icon from
 * @return bool
function blog_tools_remove_blog_icon(ElggBlog $blog)
    $result = false;
    if (!empty($blog) && elgg_instanceof($blog, "object", "blog", "ElggBlog")) {
        if (!empty($blog->icontime)) {
            $icon_sizes = elgg_get_config("icon_sizes");
            if (!empty($icon_sizes)) {
                $fh = new ElggFile();
                $fh->owner_guid = $blog->getOwnerGUID();
                $prefix = "blogs/" . $blog->getGUID();
                foreach ($icon_sizes as $name => $info) {
                    $fh->setFilename($prefix . $name . ".jpg");
                    if ($fh->exists()) {
            $result = true;
        } else {
            $result = true;
    return $result;
Exemple #2
  * Returns publically accessible URL
  * @return string|false
 public function getURL()
     if (!$this->file instanceof \ElggFile || !$this->file->exists()) {
         elgg_log("Unable to resolve resource URL for a file that does not exist on filestore");
         return false;
     $relative_path = '';
     $root_prefix = _elgg_services()->config->get('dataroot');
     $path = $this->file->getFilenameOnFilestore();
     if (substr($path, 0, strlen($root_prefix)) == $root_prefix) {
         $relative_path = substr($path, strlen($root_prefix));
     if (!$relative_path) {
         elgg_log("Unable to resolve relative path of the file on the filestore");
         return false;
     $data = array('expires' => isset($this->expires) ? $this->expires : 0, 'last_updated' => filemtime($this->file->getFilenameOnFilestore()), 'disposition' => $this->disposition == self::DISPOSITION_INLINE ? 'i' : 'a', 'path' => $relative_path);
     if ($this->use_cookie) {
         $data['cookie'] = _elgg_services()->session->getId();
         if (empty($data['cookie'])) {
             return false;
         $data['use_cookie'] = 1;
     } else {
         $data['use_cookie'] = 0;
     $mac = elgg_build_hmac($data)->getToken();
     return elgg_normalize_url("mod/proxy/e{$data['expires']}/l{$data['last_updated']}/d{$data['disposition']}/c{$data['use_cookie']}/{$mac}/{$relative_path}");
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function handle(ElggEntity $entity)
     $value = get_input($this->getShortname());
     if (!$entity->guid) {
         return $entity;
     $old_owner_guid = $entity->owner_guid;
     $new_owner_guid = $value === null ? $old_owner_guid : (int) $value;
     $owner_has_changed = false;
     $old_icontime = null;
     if (!$new_owner_guid || $new_owner_guid == $old_owner_guid) {
         return $entity;
     $user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity();
     // verify new owner is member and old owner/admin is logged in
     if ($entity->isMember(get_user($new_owner_guid)) && ($old_owner_guid == $user->guid || $user->isAdmin())) {
         $entity->owner_guid = $new_owner_guid;
         if ($entity->container_guid == $old_owner_guid) {
             // Even though this action defaults container_guid to the logged in user guid,
             // the group may have initially been created with a custom script that assigned
             // a different container entity. We want to make sure we preserve the original
             // container if it the group is not contained by the original owner.
             $entity->container_guid = $new_owner_guid;
         $metadata = elgg_get_metadata(['guid' => $entity->guid, 'limit' => false]);
         if ($metadata) {
             foreach ($metadata as $md) {
                 if ($md->owner_guid == $old_owner_guid) {
                     $md->owner_guid = $new_owner_guid;
         // @todo Remove this when #4683 fixed
         $owner_has_changed = true;
         $old_icontime = $entity->icontime;
     $must_move_icons = $owner_has_changed && $old_icontime;
     if ($must_move_icons) {
         $filehandler = new ElggFile();
         $filehandler->owner_guid = $old_owner_guid;
         $old_path = $filehandler->getFilenameOnFilestore();
         $icon_sizes = hypeApps()->iconFactory->getSizes($entity);
         $sizes = array_keys($icon_sizes);
         array_unshift($sizes, '');
         // move existing to new owner
         $filehandler->owner_guid = $entity->owner_guid;
         $new_path = $filehandler->getFilenameOnFilestore();
         foreach ($sizes as $size) {
             rename("{$old_path}/{$entity->guid}{$size}.jpg", "{$new_path}/{$entity->guid}{$size}.jpg");
     return $entity;
Exemple #4
 public function delete()
     $thumbnails = array($this->thumbnail, $this->smallthumb, $this->largethumb);
     foreach ($thumbnails as $thumbnail) {
         if ($thumbnail) {
             $delfile = new ElggFile();
             $delfile->owner_guid = $this->owner_guid;
     return parent::delete();
Exemple #5
  * Delete item photo from diskspace
  * @return boolean
 public function del_photo()
     $photo_sizes = elgg_get_config('amapnews_photo_sizes');
     foreach ($photo_sizes as $name => $photo_info) {
         $file = new ElggFile();
         $file->owner_guid = $this->owner_guid;
         $filepath = $file->getFilenameOnFilestore();
         if (!$file->delete()) {
             // do nothing
     return true;
Exemple #6
 protected function initialise_attributes()
     global $IZAPSETTINGS;
     $this->attributes['subtype'] = 'izap_videos';
Exemple #7
  * Returns publicly accessible URL
  * @return string|false
 public function getURL()
     if (!$this->file instanceof \ElggFile || !$this->file->exists()) {
         elgg_log("Unable to resolve resource URL for a file that does not exist on filestore");
         return false;
     $relative_path = '';
     $root_prefix = _elgg_services()->config->getDataPath();
     $path = $this->file->getFilenameOnFilestore();
     if (substr($path, 0, strlen($root_prefix)) == $root_prefix) {
         $relative_path = substr($path, strlen($root_prefix));
     if (!$relative_path) {
         elgg_log("Unable to resolve relative path of the file on the filestore");
         return false;
     $data = array('expires' => isset($this->expires) ? $this->expires : 0, 'last_updated' => filemtime($this->file->getFilenameOnFilestore()), 'disposition' => $this->disposition == self::INLINE ? 'i' : 'a', 'path' => $relative_path);
     if ($this->use_cookie) {
         $data['cookie'] = _elgg_services()->session->getId();
         if (empty($data['cookie'])) {
             return false;
         $data['use_cookie'] = 1;
     } else {
         $data['use_cookie'] = 0;
     $mac = _elgg_services()->crypto->getHmac($data)->getToken();
     $url_segments = array('serve-file', "e{$data['expires']}", "l{$data['last_updated']}", "d{$data['disposition']}", "c{$data['use_cookie']}", $mac, $relative_path);
     return elgg_normalize_url(implode('/', $url_segments));
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see ElggObject::initializeAttributes()
 protected function initializeAttributes()
     $this->attributes['subtype'] = self::SUBTYPE;
     $this->attributes['owner_guid'] = elgg_get_site_entity()->guid;
     $this->attributes['container_guid'] = elgg_get_site_entity()->guid;
     $this->attributes['access_id'] = ACCESS_PUBLIC;
Exemple #9
  * @group FileService
 public function testSends304WithIfNoneMatchHeadersIncludedAndDeflationEnabled()
     $file = new \Elgg\FileService\File();
     $request = $this->createRequest($file);
     $request->headers->set('if_none_match', '"' . $this->file->getModifiedTime() . '-gzip"');
     $response = $this->handler->getResponse($request);
     $this->assertEquals(304, $response->getStatusCode());
Exemple #10
function group_icon_url_override($hook, $type, $returnvalue, $params)
    $group = $params['entity'];
    $size = $params['size'];
    $icontime = $group->icontime;
    if (null === $icontime) {
        $file = new ElggFile();
        $file->owner_guid = $group->owner_guid;
        $file->setFilename("groups/" . $group->guid . "large.jpg");
        $icontime = $file->exists() ? time() : 0;
        create_metadata($group->guid, 'icontime', $icontime, 'integer', $group->owner_guid, ACCESS_PUBLIC);
    if ($icontime) {
        // return thumbnail
        return "groupicon/{$group->guid}/{$size}/{$group->name}.jpg";
    return "mod/groups/graphics/default{$size}.gif";
Exemple #11
 public function __construct($guid = null)
     if ($guid && !is_object($guid)) {
         // Loading entities via __construct(GUID) is deprecated, so we give it the entity row and the
         // attribute loader will finish the job. This is necessary due to not using a custom
         // subtype (see above).
         $guid = get_entity_as_row($guid);
Exemple #12
function blog_tools_icon_hook($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params)
    if (!empty($params) && is_array($params)) {
        $entity = $params["entity"];
        if (elgg_instanceof($entity, "object", "blog")) {
            $size = $params["size"];
            if ($icontime = $entity->icontime) {
                $icontime = "{$icontime}";
                $filehandler = new ElggFile();
                $filehandler->owner_guid = $entity->getOwnerGUID();
                $filehandler->setFilename("blogs/" . $entity->getGUID() . $size . ".jpg");
                if ($filehandler->exists()) {
                    $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "blogicon/{$entity->getGUID()}/{$size}/{$icontime}.jpg";
                    return $url;
Exemple #13
 public function migrateJsonSteps()
     $fh = new \ElggFile();
     $fh->owner_guid = $this->getGUID();
     if (!$fh->exists()) {
         return false;
     $steps = $fh->grabFile();
     $steps = @json_decode($steps, true);
     foreach ($steps as $step) {
         $new_step = new WizardStep();
         $new_step->container_guid = $this->getGUID();
         $new_step->description = $step;
     return true;
Exemple #14
  * Get the steps from disk
  * @param bool $count get the count of the steps
  * @return false|string[]|int
 public function getSteps($count = false)
     $count = (bool) $count;
     $fh = new ElggFile();
     $fh->owner_guid = $this->getGUID();
     if (!$fh->exists()) {
         return false;
     $steps = $fh->grabFile();
     $steps = @json_decode($steps, true);
     if ($count) {
         return count($steps);
     // reset indexing on steps
     $steps = array_values($steps);
     return $steps;
Exemple #15
  * Removes the thumbnail
  * @return void
 public function removeThumbnail()
     if (empty($this->icontime)) {
     $fh = new \ElggFile();
     $fh->owner_guid = $this->getGUID();
     $prefix = 'thumb';
     $icon_sizes = elgg_get_config('icon_sizes');
     if (empty($icon_sizes)) {
     foreach ($icon_sizes as $size => $info) {
         $fh->setFilename($prefix . $size . '.jpg');
         if ($fh->exists()) {
Exemple #16
 * Downloads the thumbnail and saves into data folder
 * @param ElggObject $item
 * @return bool
function videolist_2012022501($item)
    // do not upgrade videos that have already been upgraded
    if ($item->thumbnail === true) {
        return true;
    $thumbnail = file_get_contents($item->thumbnail);
    if (!$thumbnail) {
        return false;
    $prefix = "videolist/" . $item->guid;
    $filehandler = new ElggFile();
    $filehandler->owner_guid = $item->owner_guid;
    $filehandler->setFilename($prefix . ".jpg");
    $item->thumbnail = true;
    return true;
Exemple #17
  * Set the folder for the file
  * @param \ElggFile $entity the file to edit
  * @return void
 protected static function setFolderGUID(\ElggFile $entity)
     $folder_guid = get_input('folder_guid', false);
     if ($folder_guid === false) {
         // folder_input was not present in form/action
         // maybe someone else did something with a file
     $folder_guid = (int) $folder_guid;
     if (!empty($folder_guid)) {
         $folder = get_entity($folder_guid);
         if (!elgg_instanceof($folder, 'object', FILE_TOOLS_SUBTYPE)) {
     // remove old relationships
     remove_entity_relationships($entity->getGUID(), FILE_TOOLS_RELATIONSHIP, true);
     if (!empty($folder_guid)) {
         add_entity_relationship($folder_guid, FILE_TOOLS_RELATIONSHIP, $entity->getGUID());
Exemple #18
function pleiofile_generate_file_thumbs(ElggObject $file)
    if ($file->simpletype != "image") {
        return null;
    $file->icontime = time();
    $sizes = array(60 => "thumb", 153 => "tinythumb", 153 => "smallthumb", 600 => "largethumb");
    $filename = str_replace("file/", "", $file->getFilename());
    foreach ($sizes as $size => $description) {
        if ($size < 600) {
            $upscale = true;
        } else {
            $upscale = false;
        $thumbnail = get_resized_image_from_existing_file($file->getFilenameOnFilestore(), $size, $size, $upscale);
        if ($thumbnail) {
            $path = "file/" . $description . "_" . $filename;
            $thumb = new ElggFile();
            if ($description == "thumb") {
                $file->thumbnail = $path;
            } else {
                $file->{$description} = $path;
Exemple #19
function zhsocial_apply_icon($zh_user, $icon_url)
    // 	if($zh_user->icontime)
    // 		return;
    $icon_sizes = elgg_get_config('icon_sizes');
    $prefix = "profile/{$zh_user->guid}";
    $filehandler = new ElggFile();
    $filehandler->owner_guid = $zh_user->guid;
    $filehandler->setFilename($prefix . ".jpg");
    $filename = $filehandler->getFilenameOnFilestore();
    $sizes = array('topbar', 'tiny', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'master');
    $thumbs = array();
    foreach ($sizes as $size) {
        $thumbs[$size] = get_resized_image_from_existing_file($filename, $icon_sizes[$size]['w'], $icon_sizes[$size]['h'], $icon_sizes[$size]['square']);
    if ($thumbs['tiny']) {
        // just checking if resize successful
        $thumb = new ElggFile();
        $thumb->owner_guid = $zh_user->guid;
        foreach ($sizes as $size) {
        $zh_user->icontime = time();
Exemple #20
 * Downloads the thumbnail and saves into data folder
 * @param ElggObject $item
 * @return bool
function videolist_2012022501($item)
    require_once elgg_get_plugins_path() . 'upgrade-tools/lib/upgrade_tools.php';
    // get thumbnail image
    $thumbnail = file_get_contents($item->thumbnail);
    if (!$thumbnail) {
        return false;
    $prefix = "videolist/" . $item->guid;
    $filehandler = new ElggFile();
    $filehandler->owner_guid = $item->owner_guid;
    $filehandler->setFilename($prefix . ".jpg");
    // update properties
    if ($item->url) {
        $item->video_url = $item->url;
    if ($item->desc) {
        $item->description = $item->desc;
    if ($item->embedurl) {
    upgrade_change_subtype($item, 'videolist_item');
    // update river
    $options = array('object_guid' => $item->guid);
    $river_items = elgg_get_river($options);
    foreach ($river_items as $river_item) {
        if ($river_item->action_type == 'create') {
            upgrade_update_river($river_item->id, 'river/object/videolist_item/create', $item->guid, 0);
    return true;
Exemple #21
 public function delete()
     $icon_sizes = hj_framework_get_thumb_sizes($this->getSubtype());
     $prefix_old = "hjfile/{$this->container_guid}/{$this->guid}";
     $prefix_old_alt = "hjfile/{$this->guid}";
     $prefix = "icons/{$this->guid}";
     foreach ($icon_sizes as $size => $values) {
         $thumb = new ElggFile();
         $thumb->owner_guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid();
         $thumb = new ElggFile();
         $thumb->owner_guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid();
         $thumb = new ElggFile();
         $thumb->owner_guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid();
     return parent::delete();
Exemple #22
function viewCK($page, $identifier, $obj)
    include_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/engine/start.php";
    $file_guid = (int) get_input('file_guid');
    $file = get_entity($file_guid);
    $readfile = new ElggFile();
    $readfile->owner_guid = $file->owner_guid;
    $filename = $readfile->getFilenameOnFilestore();
    $handle = fopen($filename, "r");
    $contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
    $mime = $file->getMimeType();
    $expires = 14 * 60 * 60 * 24;
    header("Content-Type: {$mime}");
    header("Content-Length: " . strlen($contents));
    header("Cache-Control: public", true);
    header("Pragma: public", true);
    header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $expires) . ' GMT', true);
    echo $contents;
    return true;
  * @group FileService
 public function testResponseHeadersMatchFileAttributesForAttachmentUrls()
     $file = new \Elgg\FileService\File();
     $request = $this->createRequest($file);
     $response = $this->handler->getResponse($request);
     $this->assertEquals('text/plain', $response->headers->get('Content-Type'));
     $filesize = filesize($this->file->getFilenameOnFilestore());
     $this->assertEquals($filesize, $response->headers->get('Content-Length'));
     $this->assertContains('attachment', $response->headers->get('Content-Disposition'));
     $this->assertEquals('"' . filemtime($this->file->getFilenameOnFilestore()) . '"', $response->headers->get('Etag'));
Exemple #24
  * Listen to upgrade event
  * @param string $event  the name of the event
  * @param string $type   the type of the event
  * @param mixed  $object supplied params
  * @return void
 public static function migrateSteps($event, $type, $object)
     $path = 'admin/upgrades/migrate_wizard_steps';
     $upgrade = new \ElggUpgrade();
     // ignore acces while checking for existence
     $ia = elgg_set_ignore_access(true);
     // already registered?
     if ($upgrade->getUpgradeFromPath($path)) {
         // restore access
     // find if upgrade is needed
     $upgrade_needed = false;
     $batch = new \ElggBatch('elgg_get_entities', ['type' => 'object', 'subtype' => \Wizard::SUBTYPE, 'limit' => false]);
     foreach ($batch as $entity) {
         $fa = new \ElggFile();
         $fa->owner_guid = $entity->getGUID();
         if (!$fa->exists()) {
         $upgrade_needed = true;
     if (!$upgrade_needed) {
         // restore access
     $upgrade->title = elgg_echo('admin:upgrades:migrate_wizard_steps');
     $upgrade->description = elgg_echo('admin:upgrades:migrate_wizard_steps:description');
     // restore access
Exemple #25
 * Remove the icon of a blog
 * @param ElggBlog $blog The blog to remove the icon from
 * @return bool
function blog_tools_remove_blog_icon(ElggBlog $blog)
    if (!$blog instanceof ElggBlog) {
        return false;
    if (empty($blog->icontime)) {
        // no icon
        return true;
    $icon_sizes = elgg_get_icon_sizes('object', 'blog');
    if (!empty($icon_sizes)) {
        $fh = new ElggFile();
        $fh->owner_guid = $blog->getOwnerGUID();
        $prefix = "blogs/{$blog->getGUID()}";
        foreach ($icon_sizes as $name => $info) {
            if ($fh->exists()) {
    return true;
 protected function saveThumbnail($image, $name)
     try {
         $thumbnail = get_resized_image_from_existing_file($image->getFilenameOnFilestore(), 60, 60, true);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return FALSE;
     $thumb = new ElggFile();
     $thumb->access_id = $this->access_id;
     $image->thumbnail_guid = $thumb->getGUID();
     if (!$thumb->getGUID()) {
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
 function testElggFileDelete()
     global $CONFIG;
     $user = $this->createTestUser();
     $filestore = $this->filestore;
     $dir = new \Elgg\EntityDirLocator($user->guid);
     $file = new \ElggFile();
     $file->owner_guid = $user->guid;
     $filename = $file->getFilenameOnFilestore($file);
     $filepath = $CONFIG->dataroot . $dir . "testing/ElggFileDelete";
     $this->assertIdentical($filename, $filepath);
Exemple #28
  * Override ElggFile::delete()
  * After deleting the file delete also the directory.
  * @return bool
 public function delete()
     $fs = $this->getFilestore();
     $dir = $this->getFileDirectory();
     // Delete the file on disc
     if ($fs->delete($this)) {
         // Delete the ElggFile entity
         if (parent::delete()) {
             // Delete the directory
             if (is_dir($dir)) {
                 if (rmdir($dir)) {
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     elgg_add_admin_notice('video_dir_delete_failed', elgg_echo('video:dir_delete_failed', $dir));
     return false;
 public function testFilenameOnFilestore()
     global $CONFIG;
     // create a user to own the file
     $user = $this->createTestUser();
     $created = date('Y/m/d', $user->time_created);
     // setup a test file
     $file = new ElggFile();
     $file->owner_guid = $user->guid;
     // ensure filename and path is expected
     $filename = $file->getFilenameOnFilestore($file);
     $filepath = "{$CONFIG->dataroot}{$created}/{$user->guid}/testing/filestore.txt";
     $this->assertIdentical($filename, $filepath);
     // ensure file removed on user delete
 function testDetectMimeType()
     $user = $this->createTestUser();
     $file = new \ElggFile();
     $file->owner_guid = $user->guid;
     $mime = $file->detectMimeType(null, 'text/plain');
     // mime should not be null if default is set
     // mime of a file object should match mime of a file path that represents this file on filestore
     $resource_mime = $file->detectMimeType($file->getFilenameOnFilestore(), 'text/plain');
     $this->assertIdentical($mime, $resource_mime);
     // calling detectMimeType statically raises strict policy warning
     // @todo: remove this once a new static method has been implemented
     error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED);
     // method output should not differ between a static and a concrete call if the file path is set
     $resource_mime_static = \ElggFile::detectMimeType($file->getFilenameOnFilestore(), 'text/plain');
     $this->assertIdentical($resource_mime, $resource_mime_static);