  * 用户添加关注,同时推送条新鲜事
  * @param $uid	用户
  * @param $friendid 关注的对象
  * @param $limit	新鲜事数量
 function addFollow($uid, $friendid, $limit = 20, $from = '')
     global $timestamp;
     if (!$uid || !$friendid) {
         return false;
     if ($this->isFollow($uid, $friendid)) {
         return 'user_attention_exists';
     $attentionDB = $this->_getAttentionDB();
     $attentionDB->insert(array('uid' => $uid, 'friendid' => $friendid, 'joindate' => $this->_timestamp));
     $userServer = L::loadClass('UserService', 'user');
     $userServer->updateByIncrement($uid, array(), array('follows' => 1));
     $userServer->updateByIncrement($friendid, array(), array('fans' => 1, 'newfans' => 1));
     $medalservice = L::loadClass('medalservice', 'medal');
     $medalservice->runAutoMedal($friendid, 'fans', 'fans', 1);
     $friendService = L::loadClass('Friend', 'friend');
     if (!$friendService->isFriend($uid, $friendid) || $from == 'addFriend') {
         $this->addUserWeiboRelationsByFriendid($friendid, $uid, $limit);
     L::loadClass('elementupdate', '', false);
     $elementupdate = new ElementUpdate('fans');
     return true;
Exemple #2
 function elementUpdate($uid)
     global $db_ifpwcache;
     L::loadClass('elementupdate', '', false);
     $elementupdate = new ElementUpdate('gradeuser');
Exemple #3
        !isset($typeid[$type]) && Showmsg('data_error');
        $read = $db->get_one('SELECT subject FROM pw_threads WHERE tid=' . pwEscape($tid));
        !$read && Showmsg('data_error');
        require_once R_P . 'require/posthost.php';
        PostHost("http://push.phpwind.net/push.php?type=collect&url=" . rawurlencode("{$db_bbsurl}/read.php?tid={$tid}") . "&tocharset={$db_charset}&title=" . rawurlencode($read['subject']) . "&bbsname=" . rawurlencode($db_bbsname), "");
        $tiddb[$type][] = $tid;
        $newtids = makefavor($tiddb);
        $db->update("UPDATE pw_favors SET tids=" . pwEscape($newtids) . ' WHERE uid=' . pwEscape($winddb['uid']));
    } else {
        $db->update("INSERT INTO pw_favors SET " . pwSqlSingle(array('uid' => $winddb['uid'], 'tids' => $tid)));
    $db->update("UPDATE pw_threads SET favors=favors+1 WHERE tid=" . pwEscape($tid));
    //Start Here pwcache
    require_once R_P . 'lib/elementupdate.class.php';
    $elementupdate = new ElementUpdate();
    $elementupdate->newfavorUpdate($tid, $fid);
    if ($db_ifpwcache & 1024) {
        $elementupdate->hotfavorUpdate($tid, $fid);
    updateDatanalyse($tid, 'threadFav', 1);
    //End Here
} elseif ($action == 'tag') {
    $cachetime = pwFilemtime(D_P . "data/bbscache/tagdb.php");
    if (!file_exists(D_P . "data/bbscache/tagdb.php") || $timestamp - $cachetime > 3600) {
        $tagnum = max($db_tagindex, 200);
        $tagdb = array();
        $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pw_tags WHERE ifhot='0' ORDER BY num DESC" . pwLimit($tagnum));
        while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            $tagdb[$rs['tagname']] = $rs['num'];
Exemple #4
         if ($db_ifpwcache & 32 && $thread['postdate'] > $timestamp - 24 * 3600) {
             if ($thread['hits'] > $hitsort_judge['hitsortday'][$fid] && $thread['fid'] == $fid) {
                 $updatelist[] = array('hitsortday', $fid, $thread['tid'], $thread['hits'], $thread['postdate'], 0);
                 $updatetype['hitsortday'] = 1;
         if ($db_ifpwcache & 64 && $thread['postdate'] > $timestamp - 7 * 24 * 3600) {
             if ($thread['hits'] > $hitsort_judge['hitsortweek'][$fid] && $thread['fid'] == $fid) {
                 $updatelist[] = array('hitsortweek', $fid, $thread['tid'], $thread['hits'], $thread['postdate'], 0);
                 $updatetype['hitsortweek'] = 1;
     if ($updatelist) {
         L::loadClass('elementupdate', '', false);
         $elementupdate = new ElementUpdate($fid);
         $elementupdate->setJudge('hitsort', $hitsort_judge);
     unset($updatelist, $updatetype, $hitsort_judge);
 //End Here
 $pwAnonyHide = $isGM || $pwSystem['anonyhide'];
 $rewids = $cyids = array();
 $arrStatus = array(1 => 'vote', 2 => 'active', 3 => 'reward', 4 => 'trade', 5 => 'debate');
 foreach ($tpcdb as $key => $thread) {
     $foruminfo['allowhtm'] == 1 && ($htmurl = $db_readdir . '/' . $fid . '/' . date('ym', $thread['postdate']) . '/' . $thread['tid'] . '.html');
     $thread['tpcurl'] = "read.php?tid={$thread['tid']}" . ($page > 1 ? "&fpage={$page}" : '');
Exemple #5
function copyAttachs($tid, $pid, $content, $newtid, $newpid, $newfid)
    global $db, $db_ifpwcache;
    $_aids = $array = array();
    $newtid = (int) $newtid;
    $newpid = (int) $newpid;
    $newfid = (int) $newfid;
    $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pw_attachs WHERE tid=" . S::sqlEscape($tid) . " AND pid=" . S::sqlEscape($pid));
    $count = $ifAttach = 0;
    while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
        if (!$count && !$pid && $rt['type'] == 'img') {
            $ifAttach = true;
        if (strpos($content, "[attachment=" . $rt['aid'] . "]") !== false) {
            $db->update("INSERT INTO pw_attachs\n\t\t\t(fid,uid,tid,pid,did,name,type,size,attachurl,hits,needrvrc,special,ctype,uploadtime,descrip,ifthumb)\n\t\t\tSELECT {$newfid},uid,{$newtid},{$newpid},did,name,type,size,attachurl,hits,needrvrc,special,ctype,uploadtime,descrip,ifthumb\n\t\t\tFROM pw_attachs WHERE aid=" . S::sqlEscape($rt['aid']));
            $array[$rt['aid']] = $db->insert_id();
        } else {
            $_aids[] = $rt['aid'];
    if ($_aids) {
        $db->update("INSERT INTO pw_attachs (fid,uid,tid,pid,did,name,type,size,attachurl,hits,needrvrc,special,ctype,uploadtime,descrip,ifthumb) SELECT {$newfid},uid,{$newtid},{$newpid},did,name,type,size,attachurl,hits,needrvrc,special,ctype,uploadtime,descrip,ifthumb FROM pw_attachs WHERE tid=" . S::sqlEscape($tid) . ' AND pid=' . S::sqlEscape($pid) . ' AND aid IN (' . S::sqlImplode($_aids) . ')');
    //Start elementupdate
    if ($db_ifpwcache & 512 && $ifAttach) {
        L::loadClass('elementupdate', '', false);
        $elementAttach = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM pw_attachs WHERE tid=" . S::sqlEscape($newtid) . " AND pid=" . S::sqlEscape($pid));
        $elementupdate = new ElementUpdate($newfid);
        $elementupdate->newPicUpdate($elementAttach['aid'], $newfid, $newtid, $elementAttach['attachurl'], $elementAttach['ifthumb'], $content);
    //End elementupdate
    return $array;
 function afterReply()
     global $db_ifpwcache, $timestamp, $db_readperpage;
     if ($this->data['ifcheck'] == 1) {
         if ($this->forum->foruminfo['allowhtm'] && !$this->forum->foruminfo['cms'] && $this->tpcArr['replies'] < $db_readperpage) {
             $StaticPage = L::loadClass('StaticPage');
         $lastpost = array('subject' => $this->data['title'] ? substrs($this->data['title'], 26) : 'Re:' . substrs($this->tpcArr['subject'], 26), 'author' => $this->data['lastposter'], 'lastpost' => $timestamp, 'tid' => $this->tid, 't_date' => $this->tpcArr['postdate']);
         $this->forum->lastinfo('reply', '+', $lastpost);
         //Start Here pwcache
         if ($db_ifpwcache & 270) {
             require_once R_P . 'lib/elementupdate.class.php';
             $elementupdate = new ElementUpdate($this->forum->fid);
             $elementupdate->special = $this->tpcArr['special'];
             if ($db_ifpwcache & 14) {
                 $elementupdate->replySortUpdate($this->tid, $this->forum->fid, $this->tpcArr['postdate'], $this->tpcArr['replies'] + 1);
             if ($db_ifpwcache & 256) {
                 $elementupdate->newReplyUpdate($this->tid, $this->forum->fid, $this->tpcArr['postdate']);
         updateDatanalyse($this->data['authorid'], 'memberThread', 1);
         updateDatanalyse($this->tid, 'threadPost', 1);
         # memcache refresh
         $threadsObj = L::loadclass("threads");
         # memcache refresh
         $threadlistObj = L::loadclass("threadlist");
         $threadlistObj->updateThreadIdsByForumId($this->forum->fid, $this->tid);
     if ($this->postdata->filter->filter_weight > 1) {
         $this->postdata->filter->insert($this->tid, $this->pid, implode(',', $this->postdata->filter->filter_word), $this->postdata->filter->filter_weight);
 function afterModify()
     global $db_ifpwcache;
     if ($db_ifpwcache & 512 && $this->att && $this->att->elementpic) {
         $elementpic = $this->att->elementpic;
         require_once R_P . 'lib/elementupdate.class.php';
         $elementupdate = new ElementUpdate($this->forum->fid);
         $elementupdate->newPicUpdate($elementpic['aid'], $this->forum->fid, $this->tid, $elementpic['attachurl'], '', $this->data['content']);
     //End elementupdate
     if ($this->data['ifcheck'] && $this->forum->foruminfo['allowhtm'] && !$this->forum->foruminfo['cms']) {
         $StaticPage = L::loadClass('StaticPage');
     if ($this->data['ifcheck'] != $this->atcdb['ifcheck']) {
         $this->forum->lastinfo('topic', $this->atcdb['ifcheck'] == 1 ? '-' : '+');
     $threads = L::loadClass('Threads');
Exemple #8
function User_info()
    global $db, $timestamp, $db_onlinetime, $winduid, $windpwd, $safecv, $db_ifonlinetime, $c_oltime, $onlineip, $db_ipcheck, $tdtime, $montime, $db_ifsafecv, $db_ifpwcache, $uc_server;
    $detail = getUserByUid($winduid);
    if (empty($detail) && $uc_server) {
        require_once R_P . 'require/ucuseradd.php';
    $loginout = 0;
    if ($db_ipcheck && strpos($detail['onlineip'], $onlineip) === false) {
        $iparray = explode('.', $onlineip);
        strpos($detail['onlineip'], $iparray[0] . '.' . $iparray[1]) === false && ($loginout = 1);
    if (!$detail || PwdCode($detail['password']) != $windpwd || $db_ifsafecv && $safecv != $detail['safecv'] || $loginout || $detail['yz'] > 1) {
        $GLOBALS['groupid'] = 'guest';
        require_once R_P . 'require/checkpass.php';
        if ($detail['yz'] > 1) {
            $GLOBALS['jihuo_uid'] = $detail['uid'];
    } else {
        list($detail['shortcut'], $detail['appshortcut']) = explode("\t", $detail['shortcut']);
        $detail['honor'] = substrs($detail['honor'], 90);
        $distime = $timestamp - $detail['lastvisit'];
        if ($distime > $db_onlinetime || $distime > 3600) {
            //Start elementupdate
            if ($db_ifpwcache & 1 && SCR != 'post' && SCR != 'thread') {
                require_once R_P . 'lib/elementupdate.class.php';
                $elementupdate = new ElementUpdate();
            //End elementupdate
            if (!GetCookie('hideid')) {
                $ecpvisit = pwEscape($timestamp, false);
                $ct = 'lastvisit=' . $ecpvisit . ',thisvisit=' . $ecpvisit;
                if ($db_ifonlinetime) {
                    $c_oltime = $c_oltime <= 0 ? 0 : ($c_oltime > $db_onlinetime * 1.2 ? $db_onlinetime : intval($c_oltime));
                    $s_oltime = pwEscape($c_oltime, false);
                    $ct .= ',onlinetime=onlinetime+' . $s_oltime;
                    if ($detail['lastvisit'] > $montime) {
                        $ct .= ',monoltime=monoltime+' . $s_oltime;
                    } else {
                        $ct .= ',monoltime=' . $s_oltime;
                    $c_oltime && updateDatanalyse($winduid, 'memberOnLine', $c_oltime);
                    $c_oltime = 0;
                $db->update("UPDATE pw_memberdata SET {$ct} WHERE uid=" . pwEscape($winduid));
                $detail['lastvisit'] = $detail['thisvisit'] = $timestamp;
    return $detail;
 function afterpost()
     global $db_ifpwcache, $timestamp;
     if ($this->data['ifcheck'] == 1) {
         if ($this->forum->foruminfo['allowhtm'] && !$this->forum->foruminfo['cms']) {
             $StaticPage = L::loadClass('StaticPage');
         $lastpost = array('subject' => substrs($this->data['title'], 26), 'author' => $this->data['lastposter'], 'lastpost' => $timestamp, 'tid' => $this->tid, 't_date' => $timestamp);
         $this->forum->lastinfo('topic', '+', $lastpost);
         if ($this->forum->isOpen() && !$this->data['anonymous']) {
             pwAddFeed($this->post->uid, 'post', $this->tid, array('subject' => stripslashes($this->data['title']), 'tid' => $this->tid, 'fid' => $this->forum->fid));
             $usercachedata = array();
             $usercache = L::loadDB('Usercache');
             $usercachedata['subject'] = substrs(stripWindCode($this->data['title']), 100, N);
             $usercachedata['content'] = substrs(stripWindCode($this->data['content']), 100, N);
             $usercachedata['postdate'] = $timestamp;
             if ($this->att) {
                 $usercachedata['attimages'] = $this->att->getImages(4);
             $usercache->update($this->data['authorid'], 'topic', $this->tid, $usercachedata);
         //Start elementupdate
         if ($db_ifpwcache & 128 || $db_ifpwcache & 512 && $this->att && $this->att->elementpic) {
             require_once R_P . 'lib/elementupdate.class.php';
             $elementupdate = new ElementUpdate($this->forum->fid);
             if ($db_ifpwcache & 128) {
                 $elementupdate->newSubjectUpdate($this->tid, $this->forum->fid, $timestamp, $this->data['special']);
             if ($db_ifpwcache & 512 && $this->att && $this->att->elementpic) {
                 $elementupdate->newPicUpdate($this->att->elementpic['aid'], $this->forum->fid, $this->tid, $this->att->elementpic['attachurl'], $this->att->elementpic['ifthumb'], $this->data['content']);
         updateDatanalyse($this->data['authorid'], 'memberThread', 1);
         //End elementupdate
     if ($this->postdata->filter->filter_weight > 1) {
         $this->postdata->filter->insert($this->tid, 0, implode(',', $this->postdata->filter->filter_word), $this->postdata->filter->filter_weight);
     if ($this->data['topped'] > 0) {
         require_once R_P . 'require/updateforum.php';
         setForumsTopped($this->tid, $this->data['fid'], $this->data['topped']);
Exemple #10
 function afterModify()
     global $db_ifpwcache, $timestamp, $db_kmd_deducttime;
     if ($db_ifpwcache & 512 && $this->att && $this->att->elementpic) {
         $elementpic = $this->att->elementpic;
         L::loadClass('elementupdate', '', false);
         $elementupdate = new ElementUpdate($this->forum->fid);
         $elementupdate->newPicUpdate($elementpic['aid'], $this->forum->fid, $this->tid, $elementpic['attachurl'], '', $this->data['content']);
     //End elementupdate
     //update at users
     $threadService = L::loadClass('threads', 'forum');
     $threadService->updateAtUsers($this->tid, 0, $this->data['atusers']);
     if ($this->data['ifcheck'] && $this->forum->foruminfo['allowhtm'] && !$this->forum->foruminfo['cms']) {
         $StaticPage = L::loadClass('StaticPage');
     if ($this->data['ifcheck'] != $this->atcdb['ifcheck']) {
         $actions = $this->atcdb['ifcheck'] == 1 ? '-' : '+';
         $this->forum->lastinfo('topic', $actions);
         if ($this->extraBehavior) {
             $this->extraBehavior->topicModify($this->tid, $this->data);
     if ($this->data['kmdinfo']) {
         $kmdService = L::loadClass('KmdService', 'forum');
         $tmpTime = $this->data['kmdinfo']['endtime'] - $db_kmd_deducttime * 3600;
         $newKmdEndTime = $db_kmd_deducttime && $tmpTime > 0 ? $tmpTime : $this->data['kmdinfo']['endtime'];
         $updateKmdInfo = array('status' => KMD_THREAD_STATUS_CHECK, 'endtime' => $newKmdEndTime);
         $kmdService->updateKmdInfo($updateKmdInfo, $this->data['kmdinfo']['kid']);
     //* $threads = L::loadClass('Threads', 'forum');
     //* $threads->delThreads($this->tid);
     Perf::gatherInfo('changeThreadWithThreadIds', array('tid' => $this->tid));
Exemple #11
 function analyseDataToCache($tpcdb)
     global $db_ifpwcache, $timestamp;
     if (!($db_ifpwcache & 112) || pwFilemtime(D_P . 'data/bbscache/hitsort_judge.php') > $timestamp - 600) {
     extract(pwCache::getData(D_P . 'data/bbscache/hitsort_judge.php', false));
     $updatelist = $updatetype = array();
     foreach ($tpcdb as $thread) {
         if ($db_ifpwcache & 16) {
             if ($thread['hits'] > $hitsort_judge['hitsort'][$this->fid] && $thread['fid'] == $this->fid) {
                 $updatelist[] = array('hitsort', $this->fid, $thread['tid'], $thread['hits'], '', 0);
                 $updatetype['hitsort'] = 1;
         if ($db_ifpwcache & 32 && $thread['postdate'] > $timestamp - 24 * 3600) {
             if ($thread['hits'] > $hitsort_judge['hitsortday'][$this->fid] && $thread['fid'] == $this->fid) {
                 $updatelist[] = array('hitsortday', $this->fid, $thread['tid'], $thread['hits'], $thread['postdate'], 0);
                 $updatetype['hitsortday'] = 1;
         if ($db_ifpwcache & 64 && $thread['postdate'] > $timestamp - 7 * 24 * 3600) {
             if ($thread['hits'] > $hitsort_judge['hitsortweek'][$this->fid] && $thread['fid'] == $this->fid) {
                 $updatelist[] = array('hitsortweek', $this->fid, $thread['tid'], $thread['hits'], $thread['postdate'], 0);
                 $updatetype['hitsortweek'] = 1;
     if ($updatelist) {
         L::loadClass('elementupdate', '', false);
         $elementupdate = new ElementUpdate($this->fid);
         $elementupdate->setJudge('hitsort', $hitsort_judge);
 function afterpost()
     global $db_ifpwcache, $timestamp;
     if ($this->data['ifcheck'] == 1) {
         if ($this->forum->foruminfo['allowhtm'] && !$this->forum->foruminfo['cms']) {
             $StaticPage = L::loadClass('StaticPage');
         $lastpost = array('subject' => substrs($this->data['title'], 26), 'author' => $this->data['lastposter'], 'lastpost' => $timestamp, 'tid' => $this->tid, 't_date' => $timestamp);
         $this->forum->lastinfo('topic', '+', $lastpost);
         if ($this->forum->isOpen() && !$this->data['anonymous']) {
             require_once R_P . 'require/functions.php';
             if (!$this->extraBehavior) {
                 $weiboService = L::loadClass('weibo', 'sns');
                 /* @var $weiboService PW_Weibo */
                 $weiboContent = substrs(stripWindCode($weiboService->escapeStr(strip_tags($this->data['content']))), 125);
                 $weiboExtra = array('title' => stripslashes($this->data['title']), 'fid' => $this->forum->fid, 'fname' => $this->forum->name, 'atusers' => $this->data['atusers']);
                 $weiboService->send($this->post->uid, $weiboContent, 'article', $this->tid, $weiboExtra);
                 $threadService = L::loadClass('threads', 'forum');
                 $threadService->setAtUsers($this->tid, 0, $this->data['atusers']);
             $userCache = L::loadClass('Usercache', 'user');
             $userCache->delete($this->data['authorid'], array('article', 'cardtopic'));
             $usercachedata = array();
             $usercachedata['subject'] = substrs(stripWindCode($this->data['title']), 100, N);
             $usercachedata['content'] = substrs(stripWindCode($this->data['content']), 100, N);
             $usercachedata['postdate'] = $timestamp;
             if ($this->att) {
             	$usercachedata['attimages'] = $this->att->getImages(4);
             $userCache->update($this->data['authorid'], 'topic', $this->tid, $usercachedata);
         //Start elementupdate
         require_once D_P . 'data/bbscache/o_config.php';
         if ($db_ifpwcache & 128 || $o_browseopen || $db_ifpwcache & 512 && $this->att && $this->att->elementpic) {
             L::loadClass('elementupdate', '', false);
             $elementupdate = new ElementUpdate($this->forum->fid);
             if ($db_ifpwcache & 128) {
                 $elementupdate->newSubjectUpdate($this->tid, $this->forum->fid, $timestamp, $this->data['special']);
             if ($db_ifpwcache & 512 && $this->att && $this->att->elementpic && $this->_checkIfHidden()) {
                 $elementupdate->newPicUpdate($this->att->elementpic['aid'], $this->forum->fid, $this->tid, $this->att->elementpic['attachurl'], $this->att->elementpic['ifthumb'], $this->data['content']);
             if ($o_browseopen) {
                 $elementupdate->lastPostUpdate($this->data['authorid'], $this->tid, $timestamp);
         require_once R_P . 'require/functions.php';
         updateDatanalyse($this->data['authorid'], 'memberThread', 1);
         //End elementupdate
     if ($this->postdata->filter->filter_weight > 1) {
         $this->postdata->filter->insert($this->tid, 0, implode(',', $this->postdata->filter->filter_word), $this->postdata->filter->filter_weight);
     if ($this->data['topped'] > 0) {
         require_once R_P . 'require/updateforum.php';
         setForumsTopped($this->tid, $this->data['fid'], $this->data['topped']);
Exemple #13
function checkpass1($username, $password, $safecv, $lgt = 0)
    global $db, $timestamp, $onlineip, $db_ckpath, $db_ckdomain, $men_uid, $db_ifsafecv, $db_ifpwcache, $db_logintype;
    $str_logintype = '';
    if ($db_logintype) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
            ${'logintype_' . $i} = $db_logintype & pow(2, $i) ? 1 : 0;
    } else {
        $logintype_0 = 1;
    !${'logintype_' . $lgt} && Showmsg('login_errortype');
    switch (intval($lgt)) {
        case 0:
            $str_logintype = 'username';
        case 1:
            $str_logintype = 'uid';
        case 2:
            !preg_match("/^[-a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]+@([0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z-]+\\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,5}\$/", $username) && Showmsg('illegal_email');
            $str_logintype = 'email';
            $str_logintype = 'username';
    $men_uid = '';
    if (intval($lgt) == 2) {
        $query = $db->query("SELECT m.uid,m.username,m.password,m.safecv,m.groupid,m.memberid,m.yz,md.onlineip,md.postnum,md.rvrc,md.money,md.credit,md.currency,md.lastpost,md.onlinetime,md.todaypost,md.monthpost,md.monoltime,md.digests " . " FROM pw_members m LEFT JOIN pw_memberdata md ON md.uid=m.uid" . " WHERE m." . $str_logintype . "=" . pwEscape($username) . " LIMIT 2");
        $int_querynum = $db->num_rows($query);
        if (!$int_querynum) {
        } elseif ($int_querynum == 1) {
            $men = $db->fetch_array($query);
        } else {
    } else {
        $men = $db->get_one("SELECT m.uid,m.username,m.password,m.safecv,m.groupid,m.memberid,m.yz,md.onlineip,md.postnum,md.rvrc,md.money,md.credit,md.currency,md.lastpost,md.onlinetime,md.todaypost,md.monthpost" . " FROM pw_members m LEFT JOIN pw_memberdata md ON md.uid=m.uid" . " WHERE m." . $str_logintype . "=" . pwEscape($username));
    if ($men) {
        $e_login = explode("|", $men['onlineip']);
        if ($e_login[0] != $onlineip . ' *' || $timestamp - $e_login[1] > 600 || $e_login[2] > 1) {
            $men_uid = $men['uid'];
            $men_pwd = $men['password'];
            $check_pwd = $password;
            $men['yz'] > 2 && Showmsg('login_jihuo');
            if (strlen($men_pwd) == 16) {
                $check_pwd = substr($password, 8, 16);
                /*支持 16 位 md5截取密码*/
            if ($men_pwd == $check_pwd && (!$db_ifsafecv || $men['safecv'] == $safecv)) {
                if (strlen($men_pwd) == 16) {
                    $db->update("UPDATE pw_members SET password="******"WHERE uid=" . pwEscape($men_uid));
                $L_groupid = $men['groupid'] == '-1' ? $men['memberid'] : $men['groupid'];
                Cookie("ck_info", $db_ckpath . "\t" . $db_ckdomain);
            } else {
                global $L_T;
                $L_T = $timestamp - $e_login[1] > 600 ? 5 : $e_login[2];
                $L_T ? $L_T-- : ($L_T = 5);
                $F_login = "******";
                $db->update("UPDATE pw_memberdata SET onlineip=" . pwEscape($F_login) . "WHERE uid=" . pwEscape($men_uid));
        } else {
            global $L_T;
            $L_T = 600 - ($timestamp - $e_login[1]);
    } else {
        global $errorname;
        $errorname = $username;
    //Start Here会员排行榜
    if ($db_ifpwcache & 1) {
        require_once R_P . 'lib/elementupdate.class.php';
        $elementupdate = new ElementUpdate();
    //End Here
    return array($men_uid, $L_groupid, PwdCode($password));
Exemple #14
 * 获取用户信息
function User_info()
    global $db, $timestamp, $db_onlinetime, $winduid, $windpwd, $bday, $safecv, $db_ifonlinetime, $c_oltime, $onlineip, $db_ipcheck, $tdtime, $montime, $db_ifsafecv, $db_ifpwcache, $uc_server, $db_md_ifopen;
    $detail = getUserByUid($winduid);
    if (empty($detail) && $uc_server) {
        require_once R_P . 'require/ucuseradd.php';
    $loginout = 0;
    if ($db_ipcheck && strpos($detail['onlineip'], $onlineip) === false) {
        $iparray = explode('.', $onlineip);
        strpos($detail['onlineip'], $iparray[0] . '.' . $iparray[1]) === false && ($loginout = 1);
    if (!$detail || PwdCode($detail['password']) != $windpwd || $db_ifsafecv && $safecv != $detail['safecv'] || $loginout || $detail['yz'] > 1) {
        $GLOBALS['groupid'] = 'guest';
        require_once R_P . 'require/checkpass.php';
        if ($detail['yz'] > 1) {
            $GLOBALS['jihuo_uid'] = $detail['uid'];
    } else {
        list($detail['shortcut'], $detail['appshortcut']) = explode("\t", $detail['shortcut']);
        $detail['honor'] = substrs($detail['honor'], 90);
        $distime = $timestamp - $detail['lastvisit'];
        if ($distime > $db_onlinetime || $distime > 3600) {
            /*--- element update ---start*/
            if ($db_ifpwcache & 1 && SCR != 'post' && SCR != 'thread') {
                L::loadClass('elementupdate', '', false);
                $elementupdate = new ElementUpdate();
            /*--- element update ---end*/
            if (!GetCookie('hideid')) {
                $userService = L::loadClass('UserService', 'user');
                /* @var $userService PW_UserService */
                $updateMemberData = $updateByIncrementMemberData = array();
                $updateMemberData['lastvisit'] = $timestamp;
                $updateMemberData['thisvisit'] = $timestamp;
                if ($db_ifonlinetime) {
                    $c_oltime = intval($c_oltime);
                    $c_oltime = $c_oltime <= 0 ? 0 : ($c_oltime > $db_onlinetime * 1.2 ? $db_onlinetime : $c_oltime);
                    $updateByIncrementMemberData['onlinetime'] = $c_oltime;
                    if ($detail['lastvisit'] > $montime) {
                        $updateByIncrementMemberData['monoltime'] = $c_oltime;
                    } else {
                        $updateMemberData['monoltime'] = $c_oltime;
                    if ($c_oltime) {
                        require_once R_P . 'require/functions.php';
                        updateDatanalyse($winduid, 'memberOnLine', $c_oltime);
                    $c_oltime = 0;
                if (get_date($timestamp, 'Y-m-d') > get_date($detail['lastvisit'], 'Y-m-d')) {
                    $stasticsService = L::loadClass('Statistics', 'datanalyse');
                    if ($db_md_ifopen) {
                        require_once R_P . 'require/functions.php';
                        doMedalBehavior($winduid, 'continue_login');
                $userService->update($winduid, array(), $updateMemberData);
                $updateByIncrementMemberData && $userService->updateByIncrement($winduid, array(), $updateByIncrementMemberData);
                $detail['lastvisit'] = $detail['thisvisit'] = $timestamp;
    return $detail;