private function doJobCourses() { $smarty = $this->getSmartyVar(); $currentUser = $this->getCurrentUser(); $result = eF_getTableData("module_hcd_job_description j left outer join module_hcd_course_to_job_description cj on cj.job_description_ID=j.job_description_ID", "j.job_description_ID,description,branch_ID,count(courses_ID) as total_courses", "", "", "j.job_description_ID"); $branchesTree = new EfrontBranchesTree(); $branchesTreePaths = $branchesTree->toPathString(); $jobs = array(); foreach ($result as $value) { $jobsArray[$value['job_description_ID']] = $value; $jobs[$value['job_description_ID']] = $branchesTreePaths[$value['branch_ID']] . " → " . $value['description'] . " (" . $value['total_courses'] . ")"; } $form = new HTML_QuickForm("job_courses_form", "post", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=module&op=module_administrator_tools&tab=job_courses&do=enterprise", "", null, true); $form->addElement('select', 'job', _JOBDESCRIPTION, $jobs); $form->addElement("submit", "submit", _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_COPYCOURSESELECTION, 'class = "flatButton"'); $form->addElement("static", "", _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_COPYCOURSESELECTIONTOALLSIMILARJOBS); $form->setDefaults(array("idle_from_timestamp" => $_SESSION['timestamp_from'])); if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) { $GLOBALS['currentEmployee'] = $currentUser->aspects['hcd']; $job = new EfrontJob($form->exportValue('job')); $courses = $job->getJobCourses(); foreach ($sameJobs = $job->getSameDescriptions() as $value) { eF_deleteTableData("module_hcd_course_to_job_description", "job_description_id = '" . $value . "'"); } $job->associateCoursesToJob($courses, true); $message = str_replace(array("%x", "%y"), array(sizeof($sameJobs), sizeof($courses)), _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_SUCCESSFULLYASSIGNEDCOURSESTOJOBS); $message_type = 'success'; $this->setMessageVar($message, $message_type); } $smarty->assign("T_JOB_COURSES_FORM", $form->toArray()); }
protected function importData($line, $type, $data) { //pr($line);exit; try { switch ($type) { case "users": $newUser = EfrontUser::createUser($data); $this->log["success"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _IMPORTEDUSER . " " . $newUser->login; break; case "users_to_courses": //Check if a user exists and whether it has the same case $userFound = false; if (!in_array($data['users_login'], $this->allUserLogins)) { //For case-insensitive matches foreach ($this->allUserLogins as $login) { if (mb_strtolower($data['users_login']) == mb_strtolower($login)) { $data['users_login'] = $login; $userFound = true; } } } else { $userFound = true; } if ($userFound) { $courses_name = trim($data['course_name']); $courses_ID = $this->getCourseByName($courses_name); unset($data['course_name']); if ($courses_ID) { foreach ($courses_ID as $course_ID) { $data['courses_ID'] = $course_ID; $course = new EfrontCourse($course_ID); if (is_null($this->course_users[$course_ID])) { $result = eF_getTableDataFlat("users_to_courses", "users_LOGIN", "courses_ID={$course_ID} AND archive=0"); $this->course_users[$course_ID] = array_combine($result['users_LOGIN'], $result['users_LOGIN']); } if (isset($this->course_users[$course_ID][$data['users_login']])) { throw new Exception("User is already assigned to the course", self::USER_TO_COURSE_EXISTS); } //$course -> addUsers($data['users_login'], (isset($data['user_type']) && $data['user_type']?$data['user_type']:"student")); $course->addUsers($data['users_login'], isset($data['user_type']) ? $data['user_type'] : "student"); $where = "users_login = '******'users_login'] . "' AND courses_ID = " . $data['courses_ID']; $data['completed'] ? $data['completed'] = 1 : ($data['completed'] = 0); EfrontCourse::persistCourseUsers($data, $where, $data['courses_ID'], $data['users_login']); if ($data['active']) { $course->confirm($data['users_login']); } else { $course->unconfirm($data['users_login']); } $this->course_users[$course_ID][$data['users_login']] = $data['users_login']; $this->log["success"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _NEWCOURSEASSIGNMENT . " " . $courses_name . " - " . $data['users_login']; } } else { if ($courses_name != "") { $course = EfrontCourse::createCourse(array("name" => $courses_name)); $this->log["success"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _NEWCOURSE . " " . $courses_name; $course->addUsers($data['users_login'], isset($data['user_type']) ? $data['user_type'] : "student"); $courses_ID = $course->course['id']; $this->courseNamesToIds[$courses_name] = array($courses_ID); $where = "users_login = '******'users_login'] . "' AND courses_ID = " . $courses_ID; EfrontCourse::persistCourseUsers($data, $where, $courses_ID, $data['users_login']); if ($data['active']) { $course->confirm($data['users_login']); } else { $course->unconfirm($data['users_login']); } $this->log["success"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _NEWCOURSEASSIGNMENT . " " . $courses_name . " - " . $data['users_login']; } else { $this->log["failure"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _COULDNOTFINDCOURSE . " " . $courses_name; } } } else { $this->log["failure"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _USERDOESNOTEXIST . ": " . $data['users_login']; } break; case "users_to_lessons": //Check if a user exists and whether it has the same case $userFound = false; if (!in_array($data['users_login'], $this->allUserLogins)) { //For case-insensitive matches foreach ($this->allUserLogins as $login) { if (mb_strtolower($data['users_login']) == mb_strtolower($login)) { $data['users_login'] = $login; $userFound = true; } } } else { $userFound = true; } if ($userFound) { $lessons_name = trim($data['lesson_name']); $lessons_ID = $this->getLessonByName($lessons_name); unset($data['lesson_name']); if ($lessons_ID) { foreach ($lessons_ID as $lesson_ID) { $data['lessons_ID'] = $lesson_ID; $lesson = new EfrontLesson($lesson_ID); if (is_null($this->lesson_users[$lesson_ID])) { $result = eF_getTableDataFlat("users_to_lessons", "users_LOGIN", "lessons_ID={$lesson_ID} AND archive=0"); $this->lesson_users[$lesson_ID] = array_combine($result['users_LOGIN'], $result['users_LOGIN']); } if (isset($this->lesson_users[$lesson_ID][$data['users_login']])) { throw new Exception("User is already assigned to the lesson", self::USER_TO_LESSON_EXISTS); } if (!$lesson->lesson['course_only']) { $lesson->addUsers($data['users_login'], isset($data['user_type']) ? $data['user_type'] : "student"); } $data['completed'] ? $data['completed'] = 1 : ($data['completed'] = 0); eF_updateTableData("users_to_lessons", $data, "users_login = '******'users_login'] . "' AND lessons_ID = " . $data['lessons_ID']); if (!$lesson->lesson['course_only']) { if ($data['active']) { $lesson->confirm($data['users_login']); } else { $lesson->unconfirm($data['users_login']); } } $this->log["success"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _NEWLESSONASSIGNMENT . " " . $lessons_name . " - " . $data['users_login']; } } else { if ($lessons_name != "") { $lesson = EfrontLesson::createLesson(array("name" => $lessons_name, 'course_only' => false)); $this->log["success"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _NEWLESSON . " " . $lessons_name; $lesson->addUsers($data['users_login'], isset($data['user_type']) ? $data['user_type'] : "student"); $lessons_ID = $lesson->lesson['id']; $this->lessonNamesToIds[$lessons_name] = array($lessons_ID); eF_updateTableData("users_to_lessons", $data, "users_login = '******'users_login'] . "' AND lessons_ID = " . $lessons_ID); if ($data['active']) { $lesson->confirm($data['users_login']); } else { $lesson->unconfirm($data['users_login']); } $this->log["success"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _NEWLESSONASSIGNMENT . " " . $lessons_name . " - " . $data['users_login']; } else { $this->log["failure"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _COULDNOTFINDLESSON . " " . $lessons_name; } } } else { $this->log["failure"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _USERDOESNOTEXIST . ": " . $data['users_login']; } break; case "users_to_groups": //debug(); $groups_ID = $this->getGroupByName($data['']); $group_name = $data['']; unset($data['']); foreach ($groups_ID as $group_ID) { $data['groups_ID'] = $group_ID; $group = new EfrontGroup($group_ID); $group->addUsers(array($data['users_login'])); $this->log["success"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _NEWGROUPASSIGNMENT . " " . $group_name . " - " . $data['users_login']; } break; //debug(false); #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE //debug(false); #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE case "employees": $this->cleanUpEmptyValues($data); // a bit customized here, based on the fact that employees are always created together AFTER users (so the object should exist) eF_updateTableData("module_hcd_employees", $data, "users_login='******'users_login'] . "'"); break; case "branches": // If no father defined - root, else we may need to create the father first $data['father_branch_ID'] = $this->getFatherBranchId($data['father_branch_name']); $father_name = $data['father_branch_name']; $branch_ID = $this->getBranchByName($data['name']); $branch_name = $data['name']; if (sizeof($branch_ID) > 0 && $data['name'] != $data['father_branch_name']) { //TODO unset($data['father_branch_name']); $data['branch_ID'] = $branch_ID[0]; throw new EfrontBranchException(_BRANCHALREADYEXISTS, EfrontBranchException::BRANCH_EXISTS); } else { unset($data['father_branch_name']); $data['url'] = EfrontBranch::getBranchUrl($data['name']); $branch = EfrontBranch::createBranch($data); $this->setBranchByName($branch_name, $branch->branch['branch_ID']); } $this->log["success"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _NEWBRANCH . " " . $branch_name; break; case "job_descriptions": if ($data['branch_name'] == "") { $data['branch_ID'] = "all"; // this denotes to the createJob class to put the job in all branches } else { $data['branch_ID'] = $this->getBranchByName($data['branch_name']); if (sizeof($data['branch_ID']) > 0) { //TODO: maybe different handling when multiple branches are found $data['branch_ID'] = $data['branch_ID'][0]; } else { throw new EfrontJobException(_BRANCHDESIGNATEDFORTHISJOBDESCRIPTIONDOESNOTEXIST, EfrontJobException::BRANCH_NOT_EXISTS); } } unset($data['branch_name']); if ($data['description'] != "") { $job_ID = $this->getJobByName($data['description']); if (sizeof($job_ID) > 0) { $data['job_description_ID'] = $job_ID[0]; throw new EfrontJobException(_JOBDESCRIPTIONEXISTSALREADY, EfrontJobException::JOB_ALREADY_EXISTS); } else { EfrontJob::createJob($data); $this->log["success"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _NEWJOB . " " . $data['description']; } } else { $this->log["failure"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _NOTITLEPROVIDEDFORNEWJOB; } break; case "skills": if ($data['skill_category'] == "") { throw new EfrontSkillException(_MISSINGSKILLCATEGORY, EfrontSkillException::INVALID_SKILL_CATEGORY); } else { $data['categories_ID'] = $this->getSkillCategoryByName($data['skill_category']); if ($data['categories_ID'][0] != "") { $data['categories_ID'] = $data['categories_ID'][0]; } else { // create skill category $data['categories_ID'] = eF_insertTableData("module_hcd_skill_categories", array('description' => $data['skill_category'])); $this->setSkillCategoryByName($data['skill_category'], $data['categories_ID']); } } unset($data['skill_category']); $skill_ID = $this->getSkillByName($data['description']); if ($skill_ID) { //TODO: another double issue $data['skill_ID'] = $skill_ID[0]; throw new EfrontSkillException(_SKILLALREADYEXISTS, EfrontSkillException::SKILL_EXISTS); } else { EfrontSkill::createSkill($data); $this->log["success"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _NEWSKILL . " " . $data['description']; } break; case "users_to_jobs": // Get user $user = EfrontUserFactory::factory($data["users_login"]); // Get branch id $branch_ID = $this->getBranchByName($data['branch_name']); $branch_name = $data['branch_name']; if ($branch_ID[0] != "") { if (sizeof($branch_ID) == 1) { $branch_ID = $branch_ID[0]; } else { throw new EfrontBranchException(_BRANCHNAMEAMBIGUOUS, EfrontBranchException::BRANCH_AMBIGUOUS); } } else { throw new EfrontBranchException(_BRANCHDOESNOTEXIST, EfrontBranchException::BRANCH_NOT_EXISTS); } // Get job id $job_name = $data['description']; if ($job_name != "") { $new_job_description_ID = eF_getJobDescriptionId($job_name, $branch_ID); } else { throw new EfrontJobException(_MISSING_JOB_DESCRIPTION, EfrontJobException::MISSING_JOB_DESCRIPTION); } // Get hcd employee object if ($data['supervisor']) { $employee = new EfrontSupervisor(array("users_login" => $data["users_login"])); $position = 1; } else { $employee = new EfrontEmployee(array("users_login" => $data["users_login"])); $position = 0; } // Assign job try { $employee->addJob($user, $new_job_description_ID, $branch_ID, $position); $this->log["success"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _NEWJOBASSIGNMENT . " " . $data["users_login"] . " - (" . $branch_name . " - " . $job_name . ") "; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->options['replace_existing']) { $employee->removeJob($new_job_description_ID); $employee->addJob($user, $new_job_description_ID, $branch_ID, $position); $this->log["success"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _NEWJOBASSIGNMENT . " " . $data["users_login"] . " - (" . $branch_name . " - " . $job_name . ") "; } } break; case "users_to_skills": $skill_ID = $this->getSkillByName($data['description']); $skill_name = $data['description']; if ($skill_ID[0] != "") { if (sizeof($skill_ID) == 1) { $skill_ID = $skill_ID[0]; } else { throw new EfrontSkillException(_SKILLNAMEAMBIGUOUS, EfrontSkillException::SKILL_AMBIGUOUS); } } else { throw new EfrontSkillException(_SKILLDOESNOTEXIST, EfrontSkillException::SKILL_NOT_EXISTS); } $skill = new EfrontSkill($skill_ID); $skill->assignToEmployee($data['users_login'], $data['specification']); $this->log["success"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _NEWSKILLASSIGNMENT . " " . $data["users_login"] . " - " . $skill_name; break; case "courses_to_branches": $branchId = $this->getBranchByName($data['branch_name']); if (!$branchId[0]) { $fields = array('name' => $data['branch_name'], 'url' => EfrontBranch::getBranchUrl($data['branch_name'])); $branch = EfrontBranch::createBranch($fields); } else { $branch = new EfrontBranch($branchId[0]); } $courseId = $this->getCourseByName($data['course_name']); if ($courseId[0]) { $branch->addCoursesToBranch($courseId[0]); } $this->log["success"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . _NEWCOURSETOBRANCHASSIGNMENT . " " . $data['course_name'] . " - " . $data['branch_name']; break; #cpp#endif } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->options['replace_existing']) { if ($this->isAlreadyExistsException($e->getCode(), $type)) { $this->updateExistingData($line, $type, $data); } else { $this->log["failure"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . $e->getMessage(); // ." ". str_replace("\n", "<BR>", $e->getTraceAsString()); } } else { $this->log["failure"][] = _LINE . " {$line}: " . $e->getMessage(); // ." ". str_replace("\n", "<BR>", $e->getTraceAsString()); } } }
$editedUser->persist(); if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') { #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE if (isset($_GET['add_user'])) { $editedEmployee = EfrontHcdUser::createUser(array('users_login' => $editedUser->user['login'])); if ($currentEmployee->isSupervisor() && !EfrontUser::isOptionVisible('show_unassigned_users_to_supervisors')) { //if supervisors can't see unassigned users, then attach this new user to the supervisor's firts branch and job $branch = new EfrontBranch(current($currentEmployee->getSupervisedBranchesRecursive())); $nospecific = false; foreach ($branch->getJobDescriptions() as $value) { if ($value['description'] == _NOSPECIFICJOB) { $nospecific = $value['job_description_ID']; } } if (!$nospecific) { $nospecific = EfrontJob::createJob(array('description' => _NOSPECIFICJOB, 'branch_ID' => $branch->branch['branch_ID'])); } $editedEmployee->addJob($editedUser, $nospecific, $branch->branch['branch_ID'], 0); } } } #cpp#endif if (isset($_SESSION['missing_fields'])) { unset($_SESSION['missing_fields']); loginRedirect($editedUser->user['user_type'], urlencode(_OPERATIONCOMPLETEDSUCCESSFULLY . $ldapMessage), 'success'); } else { if ($editedUser->user['user_type'] == 'administrator' || !isset($_GET['add_user'])) { eF_redirect($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?ctg=personal&user="******"&op=profile&message=" . urlencode(_OPERATIONCOMPLETEDSUCCESSFULLY . $ldapMessage) . "&message_type=success"); } else { eF_redirect($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?ctg=personal&user="******"&op=user_courses&message=" . urlencode(_OPERATIONCOMPLETEDSUCCESSFULLY . $ldapMessage) . "&message_type=success"); }