Exemple #1
 public function __construct($controller, $id)
     $settings = \Bh\Lib\Setup::getSettings();
     if ($settings['EnableRegistration'] || $controller->getCurrentUser()) {
         parent::__construct($controller, 'User', $id);
     } else {
         $this->form = 'Registration disabled';
Exemple #2
            $vals['filename'] .= '.html';
        if (!preg_match('/\\.html$/', $vals['helpfile'])) {
            $vals['helpfile'] .= '.html';
        $vals['body'] = '<h1>' . $vals['title'] . '</h1>' . NEWLINEx2 . $vals['body'];
        if (!file_overwrite(site_docroot() . '/inc/app/' . $vals['appname'] . '/docs/' . $vals['lang'] . '/' . $vals['filename'], $vals['body'])) {
            echo '<p>Error: Unable to write to the file.  Please verify your file and folder permissions.</p>';
        if ($vals['helpfile'] != $vals['filename']) {
            // erase old file, this is a rename
            $res = @unlink(site_docroot() . '/inc/app/' . $vals['appname'] . '/docs/' . $vals['lang'] . '/' . $vals['helpfile']);
            if (!$res) {
                echo '<p>Error: Unable to remove the old file.  Please verify your file and folder permissions.</p>';
        header('Location: ' . site_prefix() . '/index/appdoc-helpdoc-action?appname=' . $vals['appname'] . '&lang=' . $vals['lang']);
$GLOBALS['_helpdoc'] = new StdClass();
global $cgi, $_helpdoc;
$_helpdoc->body = @join('', @file('inc/app/' . $cgi->appname . '/docs/' . $cgi->lang . '/' . $cgi->helpfile . '.html'));
$_helpdoc->title = help_get_title($_helpdoc->body, $cgi->helpfile);
$_helpdoc->body = preg_replace('/<h[1-6][^>]*>([^<]+)<\\/h[1-6]>[\\r\\n]*/i', '', $_helpdoc->body, 1);
page_title(intl_get('Editing Help File') . ': ' . $cgi->title);
$form = new EditForm();
echo $form->run();
Exemple #3
function mainEdit($get)
    //function mainEdit($recno, $uuid, $package, $profil, $copy=TRUE) {
    $recno = isset($get['recno']) && $get['recno'] != '' ? htmlspecialchars($get['recno']) : -1;
    $uuid = isset($get['uuid']) && $get['uuid'] != '' ? htmlspecialchars($get['uuid']) : '';
    if ($recno == -1 && $uuid == '' && isset($get['id'])) {
        $uuid = $get['id'] != '' ? htmlspecialchars($get['id']) : '';
    $package = isset($get['package']) && $get['package'] != '' ? htmlspecialchars($get['package']) : '';
    $profil = isset($get['profil']) && $get['profil'] != '' ? htmlspecialchars($get['profil']) : '';
    $copy = isset($get['copy']) && $get['copy'] == FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE;
    $rs = array();
    $rs['akce'] = 'error';
    $rs['ok'] = FALSE;
    $rs['report'] = '';
    $rs['data'] = '';
    $md_record = new MdRecord();
    if ($uuid != '') {
        if ($copy === FALSE) {
        $record = $md_record->getMd('uuid', $uuid);
        if ($record['report'] != 'ok') {
            $rs['report'] = $record['report'];
            require PHPINC_DIR . '/templates/404_record.php';
            return $rs;
        if ($record['right'] != 'w') {
            $rs['report'] = 'Not rights';
            require PHPINC_DIR . '/templates/403.php';
            return $rs;
        $recno = $record['md']['RECNO'];
    if ($recno > -1) {
        $recnoSession = getEditValueFromSession($recno, 'recno', 'recnoTmp');
        if ($recnoSession != '' && $recnoSession != -1) {
            $copy = FALSE;
            if ($profil == '') {
                $profil = getEditValueFromSession($recno, 'recno', 'profil');
            if ($package == '') {
                $package = getEditValueFromSession($recno, 'recno', 'package');
            $recno = $recnoSession;
        if ($copy === TRUE) {
            $pom = $md_record->copyRecordToTmp($recno);
            $recnoTmp = $pom['recno_tmp'];
            setEditId2Session('recno', $recno);
            setEditId2Session('recnoTmp', $recnoTmp);
        } else {
            $recnoTmp = $recno;
        if ($recnoTmp == -1) {
            $rs['report'] = $pom['report'];
            require PHPINC_DIR . '/templates/403.php';
            return $rs;
        if ($package == '' && $profil == '') {
            $package = 1;
            $profil = START_PROFIL;
        //echo $profil; FIXME?
        $record = $md_record->getMdValues($recnoTmp, $value_lang = 'xxx', $profil, $package);
        if ($record['report'] != 'ok' || $record['user_right'] != 'w') {
            Debugger::log('[micka_main_lib.mainEdit] ' . "Recno={$recnoTmp}, " . $record['report'], 'ERROR');
            $rs['report'] = $record['report'];
            require PHPINC_DIR . '/templates/403.php';
            return $rs;
        $rs['publisher'] = $record['publisher'];
        $rs['saver'] = $record['saver'];
        $rs['hierarchy'] = array_key_exists('hierarchy', $record) ? $record['hierarchy'] : '';
        $rs['data']['md']['RECNO'] = $recnoTmp;
        $rs['data']['md']['MD_STANDARD'] = $record['md']['MD_STANDARD'];
        $rs['data']['md']['LANG'] = $record['md']['LANG'];
        $rs['data']['md']['TITLE'] = $record['md']['TITLE'];
        $rs['data']['md']['UUID'] = $record['md']['UUID'];
        $rs['data']['md']['PXML'] = $record['md']['PXML'];
        $rs['data']['md']['DATA_TYPE'] = $record['md']['DATA_TYPE'];
        $rs['data']['md']['VIEW_GROUP'] = $record['md']['VIEW_GROUP'];
        $rs['data']['md']['EDIT_GROUP'] = $record['md']['EDIT_GROUP'];
        if ($record['md']['MD_STANDARD'] == 0 || $record['md']['MD_STANDARD'] == 10) {
            foreach ($record['md_values'] as $value) {
                if ($value['MD_ID'] == 11 || $value['MD_ID'] == 5063) {
                    if ($value['LANG'] == MICKA_LANG) {
                        $rs['data']['md']['TITLE'] = $value['MD_VALUE'];
        if (isset($record['template']) && $record['template'] != '') {
            // micka LITE
            $rs['data']['md']['PXML'] = $record['md']['PXML'];
            $rs['akce'] = 'lite';
            $rs['template'] = $record['template'];
            $rs['profil'] = $record['profil'];
            $rs['ok'] = TRUE;
            return $rs;
        $rs['data']['package'] = $record['md_value_package'];
        if ($record['md_value_profil'] == -1 && $record['md']['MD_STANDARD'] == 0) {
            $rs['data']['profil'] = 0;
        } elseif ($record['md_value_profil'] == -1 && $record['md']['MD_STANDARD'] == 10) {
            $rs['data']['profil'] = 100;
        } else {
            $rs['data']['profil'] = $record['md_value_profil'];
        $rs['data']['keywords_uri'] = $md_record->getKeywordsUri($recnoTmp);
        require PHPPRG_DIR . '/MdEditForm.php';
        $form = new EditForm();
        $rs['data']['md_values'] = $form->getEditForm($record['md']['MD_STANDARD'], $recnoTmp, $record['md']['LANG'], $record['md_value_profil'], $record['md_value_package'], $record['md_values']);
        $rs['data']['md_values_end'] = $form->getEditFormEnd();
        $rs['akce'] = 'edit';
        return $rs;
    } else {
        Debugger::log('[micka_main_lib.mainEdit] ' . 'Not complete input!', 'ERROR');
        $rs['report'] = 'Not complete input!';
        require PHPINC_DIR . '/templates/404_record.php';
        return $rs;
			$form = new EditForm($lang->get("r_editfolder"), "i_folderproperties.gif");
			$cond = $form->setPK("categories", "CATEGORY_ID");
			$form->add(new TextInput($lang->get("r_foldername"), "categories", "CATEGORY_NAME", $cond, "type:text,width:200,size:32", "MANDATORY"));
			$form->add(new FolderDropdown($lang->get("r_parent"), "categories", "PARENT_CATEGORY_ID", $cond));
			$form->add(new Hidden("pnode", $pnode));
			$form->add(new Hidden("action", $lang->get("edit_folder")));
			$handled = true;
				$forward = doc();
		} else if ($action == $lang->get("edit_access") && $auth->checkAccessToFunction("ED_FOLDER_ACL")) {
			$go = "UPDATE";
			$oid = $pnode;
			$page_action = "UPDATE";
			$title = getDBCell("categories", "CATEGORY_NAME", "CATEGORY_ID = " . $pnode); // used by ACLPanel.
			// Build breadcrumb
			$aclPanel = new EditForm($lang->get("edit_access"));

			if ($pnode == "")
				$pnode = "0";

			$str = pathToRootFolder($pnode);
			$aclPanel->add(new Label("lbl", $str, "informationheader", 2));
			$aclPanel->add(new Hidden("action", $lang->get("edit_access")));

			$aclid = $pnode;
			$aclType = "folder";
			include $c["path"] . "api/userinterface/panels/acl_panel.inc.php";

			$aclPanel->add(new Hidden("pnode", $pnode));

require_once "../../config.inc.php";
$auth = new auth("ANALYSE_RATINGS");
$page_action = "update";
$go = "update";
$page = new Page("Rating Results");
$form = new EditForm($lang->get("rateres", "Rate Results"));
$interval = array();
$count = countRows("pgn_rating", "RATINGID", "COMMENT <>''");
$steps = $count / 50;
for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; $i++) {
    $interval[$i][0] = $i * 50 . " - " . (($i + 1) * 50 - 1);
    $interval[$i][1] = $i;
$form->add(new Label("lbl", $lang->get("display", "Display"), "standard"));
$form->add(new Select("display", $interval, "standardlight", value("display"), 1));
$grid = new NXGrid("grid", 3);
$grid->setRatio(array(150, 350, 100));
$grid->addRow(array(new Label("lbl", "<b>" . $lang->get("page", "Page") . "</b>"), new Label("lbl", "<b>" . $lang->get("comment", "Comment") . "</b>"), new Label("lbl", "<b>" . $lang->get("date", "Date") . "</b>")));
$thisInterval = value("interval");
$query = new query($db, $sql);
while ($query->getrow()) {
    $grid->addRow(array(new Label("lbl", resolvePageToLink($query->field("SOURCEID"))), new Label("lbl", str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $query->field("COMMENT"))), new Label("lbl", formatDBTimestamp($query->field('TIMESTAMP')))));
 *	Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
$go = "UPDATE";
require_once "../../config.inc.php";
$auth = new auth("PLUGIN_CONTROL");
$page = new page("Install Plugin");
$filter = new Filter("modules", "MODULE_ID");
$filter->addRule($lang->get("name"), "MODULE_NAME", "MODULE_NAME");
$filter->icon = "li_plugin.gif";
$filter->type_name = "Plugins";
$filter->newLabel = $lang->get('install_pgn', 'Install a plugin');
$filtermenu = new Filtermenu($lang->get("pg_title"), $filter);
$filtermenu->tipp = $lang->get("help_pgn", "Plug-ins allow you to enhance N/X beyond its standard features. Typically, plug-ins are used to create new objects types in addition to the two standard object types text and image.");
//$oid = value("oid", "NUMERIC", '');
if ($pagestate->insert) {
    $form = new EditForm($lang->get("pg_install"), "i_plugin.gif");
    $form->addToTopText($lang->get("pg_installdesc") . "<br><br>");
    $form->add(new Label("lbl", $lang->get("pg_choose"), "standard"));
    $form->add(new Dropdown("filenameselect", getPluginFileList(), "standard"));
    $form->add(new Hidden("go", "CREATE"));
    $form->add(new Hidden("action", "install"));
if (!$pagestate->insert || value("action") == "install" || value("action") == "uninstall") {
    $form = new StdEDForm($lang->get("pgn_info", "Plugin information"));
    if (value("action") == "install") {
        $oid = install();
        $page_state = "start";
    $modRef = createPGNRef($oid, 0);
    if ($modRef->helpfile != "") {
Exemple #7
		 *  Create a form for smart translation and return the form reference.
		function createSmartTranslateForm() {
			global $c, $page_action, $specialID, $page_state;
			$page_action = 'UPDATE';
			if (value('tsaving', '', '') != 'yes')
			  $page_state = '';
			$oldvalues = value('oldfields', '', '0');
			if ($oldvalues != '0') {
			    $commas2 = $oldvalues;
			    $commas = "'" . str_replace(",", "','", $oldvalues) . "'";			    
			} else {				
				$commas = implode(',', $this->smarttranslator);
				$commas2 = str_replace("'", '', $commas);
			$tform = new EditForm('N/X Smarttranslator', '', 'smarttranslator');	
			$oid = $c["smarttranslate"];
			$items = createDBCArray('internal_resources', 'RESID', "LANGID='".$oid."' AND UPPER(RESID) IN (".$commas.")", 'ORDER BY RESID ASC');			
			for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) {		
				$specialID = $items[$i];
				$tform->add(new Label("lbl", "<b>Translate: </b>" . getDBCell("internal_resources", "VALUE", "RESID='" . $items[$i] . "' AND LANGID='EN'"), "standardlight", 2));
				$tform->add(new TextInput($items[$i], "internal_resources", "VALUE", "RESID='" . $items[$i] . "' AND LANGID='$oid'", "type:textarea,size:2,width:400"));
				$tform->add(new TextInput("Tooltip".$items[$i], "internal_resources", "TOOLTIP", "RESID='" . $items[$i] . "' AND LANGID='$oid'", "type:textarea,size:2,width:400"));
				$tform->add(new Spacer(2));
			$tform->add(new Hidden('oldfields', $commas2));
			$tform->add(new Hidden('tsaving', 'yes'));
			return $tform;		
Exemple #8

include_once '../../../_includes/framework.php';
$id = @$_POST['id'];
$id or die("<p>Error, no attendee id.</p>");
$attendee = Attendee::find($id);
$attendee or die("<p>No attendee with (ID={$id})");
$return_url = @$_POST['return_url'] ?: "/admin/index.php";
$form = new EditForm($_POST);
if ($form->valid()) {
    # Kind of a bad hack but it works.
  window.location = "<?php 
    echo $return_url;
} else {
    include "../forms/edit-form.php";
Exemple #9

include_once '../../../_includes/framework.php';
if (!isset($form)) {
    $id = @$_GET['id'];
    $id or die("<p>Error, no attendee id.</p>");
    $form = new EditForm(["id" => $id]);
$badge_types = BadgeType::all();
$reg_levels = RegistrationLevel::all();
$tshirt_sizes = TShirtSize::all();
$payment_types = PaymentType::all();
$vendors = Vendor::all();
$adult_badge = null;
if (!empty(@$form->params["adult_badge_number"])) {
    $adult_badge = Attendee::find_by_badge_number($form->params["adult_badge_number"]);
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
echo $id;

<div class="text-center <?php 
if ($form->attendee->canceled) {
	 * @module Application
	require_once "../../config.inc.php";

	$auth = new auth("ANY");
	$page = new page("User Administration");

	// get user id from session id.
	$oid = getDBCell("user_session", "USER_ID", "SESSION_ID='$auth->session'");

	// restrict operations to update, do not alow insert
	$page_action = "UPDATE";
	$go = "UPDATE";

	$form = new EditForm($lang->get("user_profile"), "i_myprofile.gif");
	$form->submitButtonAction = "if (document.form1.users_PASSWORD_1.value != '') document.form1.users_PASSWORD_1.value = document.form1.users_PASSWORD_2.value = hex_md5(document.form1.users_PASSWORD_1.value);";
	$cond = "USER_ID = $oid";

	$form->add(new TextInput($lang->get("full_name"), "users", "FULL_NAME", $cond, "type:text,width:200,size:32", "MANDATORY"));
	$form->add(new PasswordInput($lang->get("password"), "users", "PASSWORD", $cond, "type:text,width:200,size:32", "MANDATORY"));
	$form->add(new TextInput($lang->get("user_email"), "users", "EMAIL", $cond, "type:text,width:200,size:64", "MANDATORY"));
	$form->add(new SelectOneInput($lang->get("user_bl"), "users", "LANGID", "internal_resources_languages", "NAME", "LANGID", "1", $cond, "type:dropdown", "MANDATORY", "TEXT"));


			$show = ' style="display:none;" ';
			$form->add(new IDWrapper("templ", new TextInput($lang->get("template", "Template"), "cluster_templates", "TEMPLATE", $cond, "type:textarea,width:400,size:20") ,"embedded", $show,2));	
			$form->add(new Hidden("action", "newobject"));
			$form->add(new NonDisplayedValueOnInsert("cluster_templates", "CATEGORY_ID", $cond, $pnode, "NUMBER"));
			$form->add(new NonDisplayedValueOnInsert("cluster_templates", "DELETED", $cond, 0, "NUMBER"));

		// edit the properties of an object.
		} else if ($action == "objectprop" && $aclf->checkAccessToFunction("ED_CL_TEMP_PROPS")) {

			$form = new EditForm($lang->get("clt_properties"), "i_scheme.gif");
			$cond = $form->setPK("cluster_templates", "CLT_ID");
			$form->headerlink = crHeaderLink($lang->get('ed_clt'), "modules/clustertemplate/clustertemplates.php?sid=$sid&oid=".value("oid", "NUMERIC")."&action=editobject");
			$oname = new TextInput($lang->get("clt_name"), "cluster_templates", "NAME", $cond, "type:text,width:300,size:32", "MANDATORY&UNIQUE");
			$oname->setFilter("CATEGORY_ID = $pnode");
			$form->add(new SelectOneInput($lang->get("metatemplate"), "cluster_templates", "MT_ID", "meta_templates", "NAME", "MT_ID", "INTERNAL=0 AND VERSION=0", $cond, "type:dropdown,width:300", "MANDATORY"));
			$form->add(new FolderDropdown($lang->get("r_parent"), "cluster_templates", "CATEGORY_ID", $cond));
			$form->add(new TextInput($lang->get("description"), "cluster_templates", "DESCRIPTION", $cond, "type:textarea,width:300,size:3", ""));
			$tempbox = new CheckboxTxtInput($lang->get("is_compound","Compound Cluster with own Layout" ), "cluster_templates", "CLT_TYPE_ID", $cond, "1", "0");
			$show = ' style="display:block;" ';
			if (getDBCell("cluster_templates", "CLT_TYPE_ID", $cond) == 0) {
			  $show = ' style="display:none;" ';
Exemple #12
 public function makeForm($post_data = array())
     $_SESSION['text'] = array();
     $_SESSION['pass'] = array();
     $_SESSION['radio'] = array();
     $_SESSION['checkbox'] = array();
     $_SESSION['textarea'] = array();
     //		echo "<pre>";
     //		print_r($post_data);
     $table_name = $post_data['data']['common']['table_name'];
     if (!empty($post_data['data']['text'])) {
         $text_data = $this->makeText($post_data['data']['text']);
     if (!empty($post_data['data']['pass'])) {
         $pass_data = $this->makePass($post_data['data']['pass']);
     if (!empty($post_data['data']['radio'])) {
         $radio_data = $this->makeRadio($post_data['data']['radio']);
     if (!empty($post_data['data']['checkbox'])) {
         $check_data = $this->makeCheck($post_data['data']['checkbox']);
     if (!empty($post_data['data']['select'])) {
         $select_data = $this->makeSelect($post_data['data']['select']);
     if (!empty($post_data['data']['textarea'])) {
         $textarea_data = $this->makeTextarea($post_data['data']['textarea']);
     //		print_r($_SESSION);
     $insert_query = $this->makeQuery();
     foreach ($insert_query as $f => $v) {
         $fieldNames .= $f . ",";
         $fieldValues .= "'" . $v . "',";
         $post_values .= " {$v} = " . "\$" . "_POST['{$f}'];\n ";
     $fieldNames = substr($fieldNames, 0, -1) . ",created,modified";
     $fieldValues = substr($fieldValues, 0, -1) . ",now(),now()";
     $db_connections = "<?php \n\t\t\t\$" . "db_host='';\n\t\t\t\$" . "db_username='';\n\t\t\t\$" . "db_pass='';\n\t\t\t\$" . "db_name='';\n\t\t\tif(isset(\$" . "_POST['submit']) && \$" . "_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST'){\n\t\t";
     $qry = " \$" . "query = \"INSERT INTO {$table_name} ({$fieldNames}) VALUES ({$fieldValues})\";\n\t\t\t\tmysql_query(\$" . "query); \n\t\t\t\tif(mysql_affected_rows() > '0') {\n\t\t\t\t\techo 'successfully inserted';\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\techo 'Not inserted successfully';\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} \n ?>";
     $form_start = "<html>\n<body>\n<form name='' action='<?php echo htmlspecialchars(\$" . "_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);?>' method='post'>\n";
     $buttons = "\n<input type='submit' value='Submit' name='submit' id='submit'>\n<input type='reset' value='Cancel' name='reset' id='reset'>";
     $form_end = "\n</form>\n</body>\n</html>";
     $data = $db_connections . $post_values . $qry . "\n" . $form_start . " " . $text_data . "\n " . $pass_data . $radio_data . $check_data . $select_data . $textarea_data . $buttons . $form_end;
     $dir_path = USER_FLD_PATH . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "/" . DATE . "/";
     if (!file_exists($dir_path)) {
         mkdir($dir_path, 0700, true);
     if ($post_data['data']['common']['file_name'] == '') {
         $filename = date('dmyHis');
     } else {
         $filename = $post_data['data']['common']['file_name'];
     $file = $filename . ".php";
     $download_file = $dir_path . $file;
     file_put_contents($download_file, $data);
     $fileNamesList[$file] = $file;
     $editForm = new EditForm();
     $editFormData = $editForm->makeForm($post_data);
     $editFile = "edit_" . $filename . ".php";
     $edit_download_file = $dir_path . $editFile;
     file_put_contents($edit_download_file, $editFormData);
     $fileNamesList[$editFile] = $editFile;
     // Save created filenames in downloads table.
     $userId = $_SESSION['user_id'];
     $created = DATE_TIME;
     foreach ($fileNamesList as $fileName) {
         $records .= "('{$userId}','{$fileName}', '{$created}'),";
     $records = substr($records, 0, -1);
     $a['file'] = $file;
     $a['status'] = 1;
     return $a;
				$posi = getDBCell("sitemap", "POSITION", "MENU_ID = $mid");
				$delhandler->addDBAction("UPDATE sitemap SET POSITION = (POSITION-1) WHERE POSITION > $posi AND PARENT_ID = $mid");
				$delhandler->addDBAction("UPDATE sitemap SET DELETED = 1 WHERE MENU_ID = $mid");

			$title = getDBCell("sitemap", "NAME", "MENU_ID = $mid");
			$form = new CommitForm($lang->get("sp_delete"). " $title", "i_purge.gif");
			$form->addCheck("deleteobject", $lang->get("sp_delete"), $delhandler);
			$form->add(new ActionField($lang->get("delete_page")));
			$form->add(new Hidden("oid", $oid));
	} else if (value("pnode", "NUMERIC") == "0" && $oid ==0 && $auth->userName == "Administrator") {
	 	$form = new EditForm($lang->get("node_access", "Set access for site root"), ""); 
	 	$aclPanel = new Container;	 		 	
		$aclid = "1";
		$aclType = "page";
		$title = $name[0];
		include $c["path"] . "api/userinterface/panels/acl_panel.inc.php";	
		$aclPanel->add(new Hidden("mid", $mid));
		$aclPanel->add(new Hidden("oid", $spid));
		$aclPanel->add(new Hidden("view", $view));
		$aclPanel->add(new Hidden("processing", "yes"));			
	} else if ($action != "0" || value("view") != "0") {
		if ($action =="") $action = value("acstate");
		$page_action = "UPDATE";