/** * Update an existing edge in a graph, identified by graph name and edge id * * This will update the edge on the server * * This will throw if the edge cannot be updated * * If policy is set to error (locally or globally through the ConnectionOptions) * and the passed edge-document has a _rev value set, the database will check * that the revision of the to-be-replaced document is the same as the one given.<br><br> * * @throws Exception * * @param mixed $graph - graph name as a string or instance of Graph * @param mixed $edgeId - edge id as string or number * @param mixed $label - label for the edge or '' * @param Edge $document - patch edge-document which contains the attributes and values to be updated * @param mixed $options optional, array of options (see below) * <p> * <li><b>policy</b> - update policy to be used in case of conflict ('error', 'last' or NULL [use default])</li> * <li><b>keepNull</b> - can be used to instruct ArangoDB to delete existing attributes instead setting their values to null. Defaults to true (keep attributes when set to null)</li> * <li><b>waitForSync</b> - can be used to force synchronisation of the document update operation to disk even in case that the waitForSync flag had been disabled for the entire collection</li> * </p> * @param string $collection - if one uses a graph with more than one vertex collection one must provide the collection * * @return bool - always true, will throw if there is an error * @since 1.2 */ public function updateEdge($graph, $edgeId, $label, Edge $document, $options = array(), $collection = null) { if ($graph instanceof Graph) { $graph = $graph->getKey(); } $parts = explode("/", $edgeId); if (count($parts) === 2) { $edgeId = $parts[1]; $collection = $parts[0]; } if (count($this->getEdgeCollections($graph)) !== 1 && $collection === null) { throw new ClientException('A collection must be provided.'); } else { if (count($this->getEdgeCollections($graph)) === 1 && $collection === null) { $collection = $this->getEdgeCollections($graph); $collection = $collection[0]; } } $options = array_merge(array(self::OPTION_REVISION => false), $options); // This preserves compatibility for the old policy parameter. $params = array(); $params = $this->validateAndIncludeOldSingleParameterInParams($options, $params, ConnectionOptions::OPTION_UPDATE_POLICY); $params = $this->includeOptionsInParams($options, $params, array('waitForSync' => $this->getConnectionOption(ConnectionOptions::OPTION_WAIT_SYNC), 'keepNull' => true)); $policy = null; //Include the revision for conditional updates if required if ($options[self::OPTION_REVISION] === true) { $revision = $document->getRevision(); if (!is_null($revision)) { $params[ConnectionOptions::OPTION_REVISION] = $revision; } } elseif ($options[self::OPTION_REVISION]) { $params[ConnectionOptions::OPTION_REVISION] = $options[self::OPTION_REVISION]; } if (!is_null($label)) { $document->set('$label', $label); } $url = UrlHelper::buildUrl(Urls::URL_GRAPH, array($graph, Urls::URLPART_EDGE, $collection, $edgeId)); $url = UrlHelper::appendParamsUrl($url, $params); $result = $this->getConnection()->patch($url, $this->json_encode_wrapper($document->getAll())); $json = $result->getJson(); $edge = $json['edge']; $document->setRevision($edge[Edge::ENTRY_REV]); return true; }
/** * test for replacing a edge using replace() */ public function testReplaceEdge() { $connection = $this->connection; $edgeHandler = new EdgeHandler($connection); $edgeCollection = $this->edgeCollection; $document1 = new Document(); $document2 = new Document(); $documentHandler = new DocumentHandler($connection); $edgeDocument = new Edge(); $document1->someAttribute = 'someValue1'; $document2->someAttribute = 'someValue2'; $documentHandler->add('ArangoDBPHPTestSuiteTestCollection01', $document1); $documentHandler->add('ArangoDBPHPTestSuiteTestCollection01', $document2); $documentHandle1 = $document1->getHandle(); $documentHandle2 = $document2->getHandle(); $edgeDocument->set('label', null); $edgeDocument->set('labelt', "as"); $edgeId = $edgeHandler->saveEdge($edgeCollection->getName(), $documentHandle1, $documentHandle2, $edgeDocument); $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($edgeId), 'Did not return an id!'); $edgePutDocument = new Edge(); $edgePutDocument->set('_id', $edgeDocument->getHandle()); $edgePutDocument->set('_rev', $edgeDocument->getRevision()); $edgePutDocument->set('labels', "as"); $result = $edgeHandler->replace($edgePutDocument); $this->assertTrue($result); $resultingEdge = $edgeHandler->get($edgeCollection->getId(), $edgeId); $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('_id', $resultingEdge, '_id field should exist, empty or with an id'); $this->assertTrue($resultingEdge->label == null, 'Should be :null, is: ' . $resultingEdge->label); $this->assertTrue($resultingEdge->labelt == null, 'Should be :null, is: ' . $resultingEdge->labelt); $this->assertTrue($resultingEdge->labels == "as"); $response = $edgeHandler->delete($resultingEdge); $this->assertTrue($response, 'Delete should return true!'); }
public function testCreateMixedBatchWithPartIds() { $edgeCollection = $this->edgeCollection; $batch = new Batch($this->connection); $this->assertInstanceOf('\\triagens\\ArangoDb\\Batch', $batch); // Create collection $connection = $this->connection; $collection = new Collection(); $collectionHandler = new CollectionHandler($connection); $name = 'ArangoDB_PHP_TestSuite_TestCollection_02'; $collection->setName($name); $batch->nextBatchPartId('testCollection1'); $response = $collectionHandler->add($collection); $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($response), 'Did not return a fake numeric id!'); $batch->process(); $resultingCollectionId = $batch->getProcessedPartResponse('testCollection1'); $testCollection1Part = $batch->getPart('testCollection1'); $this->assertTrue($testCollection1Part->getHttpCode() == 200, 'Did not return an HttpCode 200!'); $resultingCollection = $collectionHandler->get($batch->getProcessedPartResponse('testCollection1')); $resultingAttribute = $resultingCollection->getName(); $this->assertTrue($name === $resultingAttribute, 'The created collection name and resulting collection name do not match!'); $this->assertEquals(Collection::getDefaultType(), $resultingCollection->getType()); $batch = new Batch($this->connection); // Create documents $documentHandler = $this->documentHandler; $batch->nextBatchPartId('doc1'); $document = Document::createFromArray(array('someAttribute' => 'someValue', 'someOtherAttribute' => 'someOtherValue')); $documentId = $documentHandler->add($resultingCollectionId, $document); $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($documentId), 'Did not return a fake numeric id!'); for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; ++$i) { $document = Document::createFromArray(array('someAttribute' => 'someValue' . $i, 'someOtherAttribute' => 'someOtherValue2' . $i)); $documentId = $documentHandler->add($resultingCollectionId, $document); } $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($documentId), 'Did not return a fake numeric id!'); $batch->process(); // try getting processed response through batchpart $testDocument1PartResponse = $batch->getPart('doc1')->getProcessedResponse(); // try getting it from batch $testDocument2PartResponse = $batch->getProcessedPartResponse(1); $batch = new Batch($this->connection); $docId1 = explode('/', $testDocument1PartResponse); $docId2 = explode('/', $testDocument2PartResponse); $documentHandler->getById($resultingCollectionId, $docId1[1]); $documentHandler->getById($resultingCollectionId, $docId2[1]); $batch->process(); $document1 = $batch->getProcessedPartResponse(0); $document2 = $batch->getProcessedPartResponse(1); $batch = new Batch($this->connection); // test edge creation $edgeDocument = new Edge(); $edgeDocumentHandler = new EdgeHandler($connection); $edgeDocument->set('label', 'knows'); $edgeDocumentHandler->saveEdge($edgeCollection->getName(), $document1->getHandle(), $document2->getHandle(), $edgeDocument); $batch->process(); $edge = $batch->getProcessedPartResponse(0); $this->assertFalse(is_a($edge, 'triagens\\ArangoDb\\HttpResponse'), 'Edge batch creation did return an error: ' . print_r($edge, true)); $this->assertTrue($edge == !'', 'Edge batch creation did return empty string: ' . print_r($edge, true)); $batch = new Batch($this->connection); $document = new Document(); $documentHandler = new DocumentHandler($connection); $document->someAttribute = 'someValue'; $documentHandler->add($resultingCollection->getId(), $document); // set the next batchpart id $batch->nextBatchPartId('myBatchPart'); // set cursor options for the next batchpart $batch->nextBatchPartCursorOptions(array("sanitize" => true)); // set batchsize to 10, so we can test if an additional http request is done when we getAll() a bit later $statement = new Statement($connection, array("query" => '', "count" => true, "batchSize" => 10, "sanitize" => true)); $statement->setQuery('FOR a IN `ArangoDB_PHP_TestSuite_TestCollection_02` RETURN a'); $statement->execute(); $documentHandler->removeById($resultingCollectionId, $docId1[1]); $documentHandler->removeById($resultingCollectionId, $docId2[1]); $batch->nextBatchPartId('docsAfterRemoval'); $collectionHandler->getAllIds($resultingCollectionId); $batch->process(); $stmtCursor = $batch->getProcessedPartResponse('myBatchPart'); $this->assertTrue(count($stmtCursor->getAll()) == 13, 'At the time of statement execution there should be 13 documents found! Found: ' . count($stmtCursor->getAll())); // This fails but we'll just make a note because such a query is not needed to be batched. // $docsAfterRemoval=$batch->getProcessedPartResponse('docsAfterRemoval'); // $this->assertTrue(count($docsAfterRemoval) == 1, 'At the time of statement execution there should be 3 documents found! Found: '.count($stmtCursor->getAll())); // Get previously created collection and delete it, from inside a batch $batch = new Batch($this->connection); $collectionHandler->delete($resultingCollectionId); $batch->process(); }
} $nv = get_next_int64($fp); $ne = get_next_int64($fp); $off = get_int64_array($fp, $nv + 1); $ind = get_int64_array($fp, $ne); $wgt = get_int64_array($fp, $ne); fclose($fp); print "Inserting into DB...\n"; //$batch = new Batch($connection); //$batch->activate(); $vertices = array_fill(0, $nv, "-1"); $time_start = microtime(true); for ($v = 0; $v < $nv; $v++) { $s = $vertices[$v]; if ($s == "-1") { $s = new_vertex($documents, $u, $nv); $vertices[$v] = $s; } for ($i = $off[$v]; $i < $off[$v + 1]; $i++) { $u = $ind[$i]; $d = $vertices[$u]; if ($d == "-1") { $d = new_vertex($documents, $u, $nv); $vertices[$u] = $d; } $edg = new Edge(); $edg->set("weight", $wgt[$i]); $edges->saveEdge($edge, $s, $d, $edg, true); } } //$batch->process();
/** * Try to create, head and delete a edge */ public function testCreateHeadAndDeleteEdgeWithRevision() { $connection = $this->connection; $edgeHandler = new EdgeHandler($connection); $edgeCollection = $this->edgeCollection; $document1 = new Document(); $document2 = new Document(); $documentHandler = new DocumentHandler($connection); $edgeDocument = new Edge(); $document1->someAttribute = 'someValue1'; $document2->someAttribute = 'someValue2'; $documentHandler->add('ArangoDBPHPTestSuiteTestCollection01', $document1); $documentHandler->add('ArangoDBPHPTestSuiteTestCollection01', $document2); $documentHandle1 = $document1->getHandle(); $documentHandle2 = $document2->getHandle(); $edgeDocument->set('label', 'knows'); $edgeId = $edgeHandler->saveEdge($edgeCollection->getName(), $documentHandle1, $documentHandle2, $edgeDocument); try { $edgeHandler->getHead($edgeCollection->getId(), $edgeId, "12345", true); } catch (\Exception $e412) { } $this->assertEquals($e412->getCode(), 412); try { $edgeHandler->getHead($edgeCollection->getId(), "notExisting"); } catch (\Exception $e404) { } $this->assertEquals($e404->getCode(), 404); $result304 = $edgeHandler->getHead($edgeCollection->getId(), $edgeId, $edgeDocument->getRevision(), false); $this->assertEquals($result304["etag"], '"' . $edgeDocument->getRevision() . '"'); $this->assertEquals($result304["content-length"], 0); $this->assertEquals($result304["httpCode"], 304); $result200 = $edgeHandler->getHead($edgeCollection->getId(), $edgeId, $edgeDocument->getRevision(), true); $this->assertEquals($result200["etag"], '"' . $edgeDocument->getRevision() . '"'); $this->assertNotEquals($result200["content-length"], 0); $this->assertEquals($result200["httpCode"], 200); $documentHandler->delete($document1); $documentHandler->delete($document2); $edgeHandler->deleteById($edgeCollection->getName(), $edgeId); }