  * Check what files is being used
 protected function checkFiles()
     $configsObject = new EcommerceConfig();
     DB::alteration_message("<h2>Files Used</h2>");
     $files = implode(", ", $configsObject->fileLocations());
     global $project;
     $baseFolder = Director::baseFolder();
     $projectFolder = $project . "/_config";
     $baseAndProjectFolder = $baseFolder . "/" . $projectFolder;
     $file = "ecommerce.yaml";
     $projectFolderAndFile = $projectFolder . "/" . $file;
     $fullFilePath = $baseFolder . "/" . $projectFolderAndFile;
     $defaultFileFullPath = Director::baseFolder() . "/" . $this->defaultLocation;
     DB::alteration_message("Current files used: <strong style=\"color: darkRed\">" . $files . "</strong>, unless stated otherwise, all settings can be edited in these files (or file).", "created");
     if (!file_exists($baseAndProjectFolder)) {
     if (!file_exists($fullFilePath)) {
         copy($defaultFileFullPath, $fullFilePath);
         DB::alteration_message("We have created a new configuration file for you.", "created");
     if ($files == $this->defaultLocation) {
         if (file_exists($fullFilePath)) {
             DB::alteration_message("A customisable configuration file exists here: {$projectFolderAndFile}, you should add the following to your _config.php file:\r\n\t\t\t\t<pre>EcommerceConfig::set_folder_and_file_locations(array(\"{$projectFolderAndFile}\"));</pre>\r\n\t\t\t\t ", "created");