private function printRecipe($postID, $recipeIX)
     /** @var $wpdb wpdb */
     global $wpdb;
     $post = get_post($postID);
     if (!$post) {
      * Process the [br] shortcodes and remove the spurious <br>'s that wp_auto() inserts
     $content = str_replace("[br]", "<br>", $post->post_content);
     $content = preg_replace('%</div>\\s*</p></div>%im', '</div></div>', $content);
     $postDOM = new EasyRecipeDocument($content);
     if (!$postDOM->isEasyRecipe) {
      * If the post is formatted already then it came from the Object cache
      * If that's the case we need to re-read the original
     if ($postDOM->isFormatted) {
         $post = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "posts WHERE ID = {$postID}");
         $postDOM = new EasyRecipeDocument($post->post_content);
         if (!$postDOM->isEasyRecipe) {
     $this->settings = EasyRecipeSettings::getInstance();
     if (isset($_GET['style'])) {
         $this->styleName = $_GET['style'];
     } else {
         $this->styleName = $this->settings->printStyle;
     //        $this->printStyleData = call_user_func(array($this->stylesClass, 'getStyleData'), $this->styleName, $this->settings->get('customTemplates'), true);
     $this->printStyleData = EasyRecipeStyles::getStyleData($this->styleName, $this->settings->customTemplates, true);
     if (get_locale() != 'en_US') {
      * Fix possibly broken times in older posts
      * Fix the Cholesterol oops in early versions
     if ($postDOM->recipeVersion < '3') {
         $postDOM->setParentValueByClassName("cholestrol", $this->settings->lblCholesterol, "Cholestrol");
     $data = new stdClass();
     $data->hasRating = false;
     $data->convertFractions = $this->settings->convertFractions;
     $data->hasLinkback = $this->settings->allowLink;
     $data->title = $post->post_title;
     $data->blogname = get_option("blogname");
     $data->recipeurl = get_permalink($post->ID);
     $data->customCSS = $this->getCSS('Print');
     $data->extraPrintHeader = $this->settings->extraPrintHeader;
     $data->easyrecipeURL = self::$EasyRecipeURL;
     $recipe = $postDOM->getRecipe($recipeIX);
     $photoURL = $postDOM->findPhotoURL($recipe);
     $data->hasPhoto = !empty($photoURL);
     $data->jqueryjs = self::JQUERYJS;
     $data->jqueryuijs = self::JQUERYUIJS;
     $data->jqueryuicss = self::JQUERYUICSS;
     if (current_user_can('edit_posts')) {
         $data->isAdmin = true;
         $data->formatDialog = $this->getFormatDialog(true);
     } else {
         $data->formatDialog = '';
     $data->style = $this->styleName;
     if ($data->style[0] == '_') {
     } else {
         $data->css = self::$EasyRecipeURL . "/printstyles/{$data->style}";
         $templateFile = self::$EasyRecipeDir . "/printstyles/{$data->style}/style.html";
     $data->css .= "/style.css?version=" . self::$pluginVersion . ".{$this->printStyleData->version}";
     $template = new EasyRecipeTemplate($templateFile);
      * Brain dead IE shows "friendly" error pages (i.e. it's non-compliant) so we need to force a 200
     header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
     echo $postDOM->formatRecipe($recipe, $template, $data);