public function testParseEmpty()
     $count = $this->parser->parse($this->graph, '{}', 'jsonld', null);
     $this->assertSame(0, $count);
     // Should be empty but no exception thrown
     $this->assertSame(0, $this->graph->countTriples());
Exemple #2
  * Return all triples with a subject that equals the base uri
  * @param string  $base_uri
  * @param integer $limit
  * @param integer $offset
  * @param boolean $deference If dereferenced, use the depth of the configured semantic source, if not use 1 as depth
  * @return EasyRdf_Graph
 public function getTriples($base_uri, $limit = 100, $offset = 0, $dereference = false)
     // Check if hash variants should be used in the grah patterns to fetch matching triples
     $depth = null;
     if (!$dereference) {
         $depth = 1;
     $original_limit = $limit;
     $original_offset = $offset;
     // Fetch the total amount of matching triples, over all of the configured semantic sources
     $total_triples_count = $this->getCount($base_uri, $depth);
     // Fetch the local amount of matching triples
     $count_local_triples = $this->local_store->getCount($base_uri, $depth);
     // Create the resulting graph
     $graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph();
     if ($count_local_triples < $offset) {
         $offset -= $count_local_triples;
     } else {
         // Add triples from the local store
         $start_amount = $graph->countTriples();
         $graph = $this->local_store->addTriples($base_uri, $graph, $limit, $offset, $depth);
         $offset -= $graph->countTriples() - $start_amount;
     if ($offset < 0) {
         $offset = 0;
     $sparql_triples_count = $this->sparql_handler->getCount($base_uri, $depth);
     // If there's more room for triples, and the sparql can provide sufficient triples
     // according to the paging parameters, add triples from the sparql
     if ($graph->countTriples() < $limit && $offset < $sparql_triples_count) {
         // For every semantic source, count the triples we'll get out of them (sparql and ldf for the moment)
         $graph = $this->sparql_handler->addTriples($base_uri, $graph, $limit, $offset, $depth);
     $ldf_triples_count = $this->ldf_handler->getCount($base_uri, $depth);
     if ($graph->countTriples() < $limit && $offset < $ldf_triples_count) {
         $graph = $this->ldf_handler->addTriples($base_uri, $graph, $limit, $offset, $depth);
     // If the graph doesn't contain any triples, then the resource can't be resolved
     if ($graph->countTriples() == 0) {
         \App::abort(404, 'The resource could not be found.');
     // Add the void and hydra meta-data triples to the resulting graph
     $graph = $this->addMetaTriples($graph, $original_limit, $original_offset, $total_triples_count);
     return $graph;
Exemple #3
  * Add triples to the graph and return it based on limit, offset and the SPARQL query
  * @param string        $base_uri
  * @param EasyRdf_Graph $graph
  * @param int           $limit
  * @param int           $offset
  * @param integer       $depth     The depth the queries should have, handlers should not override this if given
  * @return EasyRdf_Graph
 public function addTriples($base_uri, $graph, $limit, $offset, $depth = null)
     $total_triples = $graph->countTriples();
     // Iterate the sparql endpoints
     foreach ($this->sparql_repo->getAll() as $sparql_source) {
         $endpoint = $sparql_source['endpoint'];
         $pw = $sparql_source['endpoint_password'];
         $user = $sparql_source['endpoint_user'];
         $endpoint = rtrim($endpoint, '/');
         if (is_null($depth)) {
             $depth = $sparql_source['depth'];
         $count_query = $this->query_builder->createCountQuery($base_uri, \Request::root(), $sparql_source['named_graph'], $depth);
         \Log::info("sparql : " . $count_query . " base uri : " . $base_uri);
         // Check if the response has been cached yet
         $cache_string = $this->buildCacheString($sparql_source['id'], $count_query);
         if (Cache::has($cache_string)) {
             $result = Cache::get($cache_string);
         } else {
             $count_query = urlencode($count_query);
             $count_query = str_replace("+", "%20", $count_query);
             $query_uri = $endpoint . '?query=' . $count_query . '&format=' . urlencode("application/sparql-results+json");
             // Make a request with the count query to the SPARQL endpoint
             $result = $this->executeUri($query_uri, array(), $user, $pw);
             Cache::put($cache_string, $result, 5);
         $response = json_decode($result);
         if (!empty($response)) {
             $count = $response->results->bindings[0]->count->value;
             // If the amount of matching triples is higher than the offset
             // add them and update the offset, if not higher, then only update the offset
             if ($count > $offset) {
                 // Read the triples from the sparql endpoint
                 $query_limit = $limit - $total_triples;
                 $query = $this->query_builder->createFetchQuery($base_uri, \Request::root(), $sparql_source['named_graph'], $query_limit, $offset, $depth);
                 $query = urlencode($query);
                 $query = str_replace("+", "%20", $query);
                 $query_uri = $endpoint . '?query=' . $query . '&format=' . urlencode("application/rdf+xml");
                 // Check for caching
                 $cache_string = $this->buildCacheString($sparql_source['id'], $query_uri);
                 if (Cache::has($cache_string)) {
                     $result = Cache::get($cache_string);
                 } else {
                     $result = $this->executeUri($query_uri, array(), $user, $pw);
                 if (!empty($result) && $result[0] == '<') {
                     // Parse the triple response and retrieve the triples from them
                     $result_graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph();
                     $parser = new \EasyRdf_Parser_RdfXml();
                     $parser->parse($result_graph, $result, 'rdfxml', null);
                     $graph = $this->mergeGraph($graph, $result_graph);
                     $total_triples += $count - $offset;
                 } else {
                     $sparql_id = $sparql_source['id'];
                     \Log::error("Something went wrong while fetching the triples from the sparql source with id {$sparql_id}. The error was " . $result . ". The query was : " . $query_uri);
             } else {
                 // Update the offset
                 $offset -= $count;
             if ($offset < 0) {
                 $offset = 0;
     return $graph;
 private function render_rdf($body)
     global $iso_countries;
     require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
     try {
         $rdf_doc = new EasyRdf_Graph($this->uriCache->uri, $body);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
     // the RDF may be rubbish
     if ($rdf_doc->countTriples() == 0) {
         return false;
     // easier to work with it as a php array
     $rdf_array = $rdf_doc->toRdfPhp();
     // we can get RDF that isn't about the specimen!
     if (!array_key_exists($this->uriCache->uri, $rdf_array)) {
         return false;
     $rdf_array = $rdf_array[$this->uriCache->uri];
     // image - comes first to make floating easy
     if (isset($rdf_array[''][0]['value'])) {
         $image_uri = $rdf_array[''][0]['value'];
         echo "<a href=\"{$image_uri}\"><img class=\"cetaf-image\" src=\"{$image_uri}\" /></a>";
     // title
     if (isset($rdf_array[''][0]['value'])) {
         echo '<p class="cetaf-title"><a href="' . $this->uriCache->uri . '">' . $rdf_array[''][0]['value'] . '</a></p>';
     echo '<div class="cetaf-taxonomy">';
     // scientificName
     if (isset($rdf_array[''][0]['value'])) {
         echo '<p class="cetaf-scientificName">' . $rdf_array[''][0]['value'] . '</p>';
     // family
     if (isset($rdf_array[''][0]['value'])) {
         $family = $rdf_array[''][0]['value'];
         $family = ucfirst(strtolower($family));
         echo '<p class="cetaf-family"><a href="' . $family . '" >' . $family . '</a></p>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo '<div class="cetaf-collection">';
     // recordedBy
     if (isset($rdf_array[''][0]['value'])) {
         echo '<p class="cetaf-recordedBy">' . $rdf_array[''][0]['value'] . '</p>';
     // recordedBy
     if (isset($rdf_array[''][0]['value'])) {
         echo '<p class="cetaf-recordNumber">' . $rdf_array[''][0]['value'] . '</p>';
     // recorded date
     if (isset($rdf_array[''][0]['value'])) {
         echo '<p class="cetaf-created">' . $rdf_array[''][0]['value'] . '</p>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo '<div class="cetaf-geography">';
     // country
     if (isset($rdf_array[''][0]['value'])) {
         $country_iso = strtoupper($rdf_array[''][0]['value']);
         require_once 'inc/iso_countries.php';
         if (array_key_exists($country_iso, $iso_countries)) {
             $country_name = $iso_countries[$country_iso];
             echo "<p class=\"cetaf-country cetaf-country-{$country_iso}\"><a href=\"{$country_name}\">{$country_name}</a></p>";
         } else {
             $country_name = $country_iso;
             echo "<p class=\"cetaf-country cetaf-country-{$country_iso}\">{$country_iso}</p>";
     // lon lat
     if (isset($rdf_array[''][0]['value']) && isset($rdf_array[''][0]['value'])) {
         $lat = $rdf_array[''][0]['value'];
         $lon = $rdf_array[''][0]['value'];
         $lat_lon = "{$lat},{$lon}";
         echo '<p class="cetaf-lat-lon"><a href="' . $lat_lon . '">' . $lat_lon . '</a></p>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo '<div class="cetaf-meta">';
     // source
     if (isset($rdf_array[''][0]['value'])) {
         $publisher = $rdf_array[''][0]['value'];
         if (filter_var($publisher, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
             // fixme - is this a known publisher? if so render their logo
             echo "<p class=\"cetaf-publisher\"><a href=\"{$publisher}\">{$publisher}</a></p>";
         } else {
             echo '<p class="cetaf-publisher">' . $publisher . '</p>';
     echo '</div>';
     return true;
 public function testLoadRedirect()
     // Check that loading the same URL as a redirected request
     // doesn't result in multiple HTTP GETs
     $this->_client->addMockRedirect('GET', '', '', 301);
     $this->_client->addMockRedirect('GET', '', '', 303);
     $this->_client->addMockOnce('GET', '', readFixture('foaf.json'));
     $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph();
     $this->assertSame(0, $graph->countTriples());
     $this->assertSame(14, $graph->load('', 'json'));
     $this->assertSame(14, $graph->countTriples());
     $this->assertSame(0, $graph->load('', 'json'));
     $this->assertSame(14, $graph->countTriples());
     $this->assertStringEquals('Joe Bloggs', $graph->get('', 'foaf:name'));
Exemple #6

include_once "./header.php";
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
require_once "html_tag_helpers.php";
$graph = new EasyRdf_Graph("http://localhost/lod/tcmdemoen.rdf");
echo "The count is: " . $graph->countTriples();
$data = $graph->serialise('ntriples');
if (!is_scalar($data)) {
    $data = var_export($data, true);
//print htmlspecialchars($data);
//$me = $graph->resource('');
$me = $graph->resource('');
echo "<p> 的标签是: " . $me->get('rdfs:label') . "</p>";
echo "<p> 的中文标签是: " . $me->label('zh') . "</p>";
echo "<p> 的英文标签是: " . $me->label('en') . "</p>";
$hasMinister = $graph->resource('');
echo "<p> 的标签是: " . $hasMinister->get('rdfs:label') . "</p>";
$graph->allResources($me, $hasMinister);
foreach ($me->all($hasMinister) as $type) {
    echo 'start';
    $label = $type->label('zh');
    if (!$label) {
        $label = $type->getUri();
    if ($type->isBnode()) {
        echo "<li>{$label}</li>";
    } else {
        echo "<li>" . link_to_self($label, 'uri=' . urlencode($friend)) . "</li>";
Exemple #7
  * Add triples to the graph and return it based on limit, offset and the SPARQL query
  * @param string        $base_uri
  * @param EasyRdf_Graph $graph
  * @param int           $limit
  * @param int           $offset
  * @return EasyRdf_Graph
 public function addTriples($base_uri, $graph, $limit, $offset)
     $total_triples = $graph->countTriples();
     // Iterate the LDF end points, note that ldf servers don't necessarily have page size's as a parameter
     // But rather have a fixed page size
     foreach ($this->ldf_repo->getAll() as $ldf_conf) {
         // Build the query string (raw)
         $query_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
         $q_string_raw = '';
         $query_parts = explode('&', $query_string);
         // Don't let paging parameters in the re-constructed query string
         $invalid_q_string = array('page', 'page_size', 'limit', 'offset');
         foreach ($query_parts as $part) {
             if (!empty($part)) {
                 $couple = explode('=', $part);
                 if (!in_array($couple[0], $invalid_q_string)) {
                     $q_string_raw .= $couple[0] . '=' . $couple[1] . '&';
         $q_string_raw = rtrim($q_string_raw, '&');
         $start_fragment = $ldf_conf['startfragment'];
         $entire_fragment = $start_fragment . '?' . $q_string_raw;
         $entire_fragment = rtrim($entire_fragment, '?');
         // Make the LDF query (basic GET to the endpoint, should provide us with a hydra:totalItems or void:triples entry)
         $accept = array("Accept: text/turtle,*/*;q=0.0");
         $response = '';
         if (Cache::has($entire_fragment)) {
             $response = Cache::get($entire_fragment);
         } else {
             $response = $this->executeUri($entire_fragment, $accept);
         if ($response) {
             // Try decoding it into turtle, if not something is wrong with the response body
             try {
                 $tmp_graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph();
                 $parser = new \EasyRdf_Parser_Turtle();
                 \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('hydra', '');
                 $parser->parse($tmp_graph, $response, 'turtle', null);
                 // Fetch the count (hydra:totalItems or void:triples)
                 $count = $tmp_graph->getLiteral($entire_fragment, 'hydra:totalItems');
                 $page_size = $tmp_graph->getLiteral($entire_fragment, 'hydra:itemsPerPage');
                 if (is_null($count)) {
                     $count = $tmp_graph->getLiteral($entire_fragment, 'void:triples');
                 if (is_null($count) || is_null($page_size)) {
                     // Skip, the count has not been found on this endpoint
                     $count = -1;
                     \Log::warning("An LDF endpoint's count could not be retrieved from the uri: {$entire_fragment}");
                 } else {
                     $count = $count->getValue();
                     $page_size = $page_size->getValue();
                     Cache::put($entire_fragment, $response, 5);
                 // If the amount of matching triples is higher than the offset
                 // add them and update the offset, if not higher, then only update the offset
                 if ($count > $offset) {
                     // Read the triples from the LDF
                     $query_limit = $limit - $total_triples;
                     // There's no way of giving along the page size (not that we can presume)
                     // So we have to make a numer of requests
                     $amount_of_requests = ceil($query_limit / $page_size);
                     // Calculate the page offset from the offset parameter
                     $page_offset = ceil($offset / $page_size);
                     for ($i = $page_offset; $i < $amount_of_requests + $page_offset; $i++) {
                         $paged_fragment = $entire_fragment;
                         if (!empty($q_string_raw)) {
                             $paged_fragment .= '&page=' . $i;
                         } else {
                             $paged_fragment .= '?page=' . $i;
                         // Ask for turtle
                         $accept = array('Accept: text/turtle');
                         $response = '';
                         if (Cache::has($paged_fragment)) {
                             $response = Cache::get($paged_fragment);
                         } else {
                             $response = $this->executeUri($paged_fragment, $accept);
                         if ($response) {
                             // Try decoding it into turtle, if not something is wrong with the response body
                             try {
                                 $tmp_graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph();
                                 $parser = new \EasyRdf_Parser_Turtle();
                                 $parser->parse($tmp_graph, $response, 'turtle', $start_fragment);
                                 // Fetch the count (hydra:totalItems or void:triples)
                                 $total_items = $tmp_graph->getLiteral($paged_fragment, 'hydra:totalItems');
                                 if (is_null($total_items)) {
                                     $total_items = $tmp_graph->getLiteral($paged_fragment, 'void:triples');
                                 if (!is_null($total_items)) {
                                     Cache::put($paged_fragment, $tmp_graph, 5);
                                     // This needs to be a function of a different helper class for LDF endpoints
                                     $tmp_graph = $this->rebaseGraph($start_fragment, $tmp_graph);
                                     $graph = $this->mergeGraph($graph, $tmp_graph);
                                     $total_triples += $page_size;
                             } catch (\EasyRdf_Parser_Exception $ex) {
                                 \Log::error("Failed to parse turtle content from the LDF endpoint: {$start_fragment}");
                         } else {
                             \Log::error("Something went wrong while fetching the triples from a LDF source. The error was " . $response . ". The query was : " . $paged_fragment);
                 } else {
                     // Update the offset
                     $offset -= $count;
                 if ($offset < 0) {
                     $offset = 0;
             } catch (\EasyRdf_Parser_Exception $ex) {
                 \Log::error("Failed to parse turtle content from the LDF endpoint: {$endpoint}");
         } else {
             \Log::warning("Couldn't fetch a proper response for the fragment: {$entire_fragment}.");
     return $graph;