/** * Displays a EasyContactFormsCustomFormEntryFiles detailedMain view * record * * @param object $view * the EasyContactFormsCustomFormEntryFiles detailedMain view object * @param object $obj * a db object * @param int $i * record index * @param array $map * request data */ function getCustomFormEntryFilesDetailedMainViewRow($view, $obj, $i, $map) { $obj->File = array('doctype' => 'CustomFormEntryFiles', 'docid' => $obj->get('id'), 'field' => 'File', 'tag' => 'a', 'content' => EasyContactFormsT::get('Download')); ?> <tr class='ufohighlight <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getTrSwapClassName($i); ?> '> <td class='firstcolumn'> <input type='checkbox' id='<?php echo $view->idJoin('cb', $obj->getId()); ?> ' value='off' class='ufo-deletecb' onchange='this.value=(this.checked)?"on":"off";'/> </td> <td> <?php echo $obj->get('id'); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $obj->get('Description'); ?> </td> <td> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getFileDownloadLink($obj->File); ?> </td> </tr> <?php }
/** * Displays a EasyContactFormsContactTypes main view record * * @param object $view * the EasyContactFormsContactTypes main view object * @param object $obj * a db object * @param int $i * record index * @param array $map * request data */ function getContactTypesMainViewRow($view, $obj, $i, $map) { ?> <tr class='ufohighlight <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getTrSwapClassName($i); ?> '> <td class='firstcolumn'> <input type='checkbox' id='<?php echo $view->idJoin('cb', $obj->getId()); ?> ' value='off' class='ufo-deletecb' onchange='this.value=(this.checked)?"on":"off";'/> </td> <td> <?php echo $obj->get('id'); ?> </td> <td> <a onclick='ufo.redirect({m:"show", oid:"<?php echo $obj->get('id'); ?> ", t:"ContactTypes"})'> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::echoStr($obj->get('Description')); ?> </a> </td> </tr> <?php }
/** * Displays a EasyContactFormsCustomFormEntryFiles main view record * * @param object $view * the EasyContactFormsCustomFormEntryFiles main view object * @param object $obj * a db object * @param int $i * record index * @param array $map * request data */ function getCustomFormEntryFilesMainViewRow($view, $obj, $i, $map) { $obj->File = array('doctype' => 'CustomFormEntryFiles', 'docid' => $obj->get('id'), 'field' => 'File', 'tag' => 'a', 'content' => EasyContactFormsT::get('Download')); ?> <tr class='ufohighlight <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getTrSwapClassName($i); ?> '> <td class='firstcolumn'> <input type='checkbox' id='<?php echo $view->idJoin('cb', $obj->getId()); ?> ' value='off' class='ufo-deletecb' onchange='this.value=(this.checked)?"on":"off";'/> </td> <td> <?php echo $obj->get('id'); ?> </td> <td> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::echoDate($obj->get('Date'), EasyContactFormsApplicationSettings::getInstance()->getDateFormat('PHP'), 0); ?> </td> <td> <a onclick='ufo.redirect({m:"show", oid:"<?php echo $obj->get('CustomForms'); ?> ", t:"CustomForms"})'> <?php echo $obj->get('CustomFormsDescription'); ?> </a> </td> <td> <a onclick='ufo.redirect({m:"show", oid:"<?php echo $obj->get('CustomFormsEntries'); ?> ", t:"CustomFormsEntries"})'> <?php echo $obj->get('CustomFormsEntriesDescription'); ?> </a> </td> <td> <?php echo $obj->get('Description'); ?> </td> <td> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getFileDownloadLink($obj->File); ?> </td> </tr> <?php }
/** * Displays a EasyContactFormsCustomFormEntryStatistics detailedMain * view record * * @param object $view * the EasyContactFormsCustomFormEntryStatistics detailedMain view * object * @param object $obj * a db object * @param int $i * record index * @param array $map * request data */ function getCustomFormEntryStatisticsDetailedMainViewRow($view, $obj, $i, $map) { ?> <tr class='ufohighlight <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getTrSwapClassName($i); ?> '> <td class='firstcolumn'> <a onclick='ufo.redirect({m:"show", oid:"<?php echo $obj->get('CustomForms'); ?> ", t:"CustomForms"})'> <?php echo $obj->get('CustomFormsDescription'); ?> </a> </td> <td> <?php echo $obj->get('PageName'); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $obj->get('Impressions'); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $obj->get('TotalEntries'); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo round($obj->get('Conversion'), 2); ?> % </td> <td> <?php $obj->getShowHideButton($view->map); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo EasyContactFormsIHTML::getButton(array('title' => EasyContactFormsT::get('Reset'), 'id' => $obj->elId('Reset', $obj->getId()), 'events' => " onclick='ufo.resetFormPageStatistics(this, {$obj->jsconfig})'", 'iclass' => " class='icon_reset_dis ufo-id-link' ", 'bclass' => "ufo-imagebutton")); ?> </td> </tr> <?php }
/** * Displays a EasyContactFormsCustomForms manageMain view record * * @param object $view * the EasyContactFormsCustomForms manageMain view object * @param object $obj * a db object * @param int $i * record index * @param array $map * request data */ function getCustomFormsManageMainViewRow($view, $obj, $i, $map) { $jsconf = json_decode(stripslashes($map['a'])); $args = $jsconf->ca[0]; $obj->addjsconfig = (object) array(); $obj->addjsconfig->viewTarget = $args->mt . 'Div'; $obj->addjsconfig->t = $args->mt; $obj->addjsconfig->m = 'mtmview'; $obj->addjsconfig->m2 = 'addRow'; $obj->addjsconfig->n = $args->t; $obj->addjsconfig->a = array(); $obj->addjsconfig->a[] = (object) array('fld' => $args->n, 'oid' => $obj->getId()); $obj->addjsconfig->a[] = (object) array('fld' => $args->fld, 'oid' => $args->oid); $obj->addjsconfig->a = json_encode($obj->addjsconfig->a); $obj->addjsconfig = EasyContactFormsUtils::toJs($obj->addjsconfig); $obj->id = "onclick='ufo.link({$obj->addjsconfig}, {$view->jsconfig})'"; ?> <tr> <td class='firstcolumn'> <a id='<?php echo $obj->elId('id', $obj->getId()); ?> ' title='<?php echo EasyContactFormsT::get('Add'); ?> ' href='javascript:;' class='icon_button_add ufo-mtmlink-button' <?php echo $obj->id; ?> ></a> </td> <td> <?php echo $obj->get('id'); ?> </td> <td> <a onclick='ufo.redirect({m:"show", oid:"<?php echo $obj->get('id'); ?> ", t:"CustomForms"})'> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::echoStr($obj->get('Description')); ?> </a> </td> </tr> <?php }
</div> <div> <div class='viewtable'> <table class='vtable'> <tr> <th style='width:8px'> <input type='checkbox' class='ufo-id-link' style='margin:0' onchange='ufo.checkAll(this)'/> </th> <th style='width:30px'> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "id")); ?> </th> <th> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "Description")); ?> </th> <th> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "ShortCode")); ?> </th> </tr> <?php EasyContactFormsLayout::getRows($resultset, 'EasyContactFormsCustomForms', $obj, 'easy-contact-forms-customformsmainviewrow.php', 'getCustomFormsMainViewRow', $viewmap); ?> </table> </div> </div><?php EasyContactFormsLayout::getFormBodyFooter();
/** * dispatch * * @param $dispmap * * * @return * */ function dispatch($dispmap) { $dispmap = EasyContactFormsUtils::intercept($dispmap); if ($dispmap == null) { EasyContactFormsIHTML::getNotLoggedInHTML(); return; } $method = 'get' . $this->type . 'Form'; return $this->{$method}($dispmap); }
/** * Displays a EasyContactFormsUsers main view record * * @param object $view * the EasyContactFormsUsers main view object * @param object $obj * a db object * @param int $i * record index * @param array $map * request data */ function getUsersMainViewRow($view, $obj, $i, $map) { $obj->Description = array(); $obj->Description[] = $obj->get('Name'); $obj->Description[] = $obj->get('Description'); $obj->Description = EasyContactFormsUtils::vImplode(' ', $obj->Description); $usrname = EasyContactFormsDB::getValue("SELECT display_name FROM #wp__users WHERE ID = '" . $obj->get('CMSId') . "'"); if ($usrname) { $obj->CMSId = $usrname; } else { $obj->CMSId = ' '; } ?> <tr class='ufohighlight <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getTrSwapClassName($i); ?> '> <td class='firstcolumn'> <input type='checkbox' id='<?php echo $view->idJoin('cb', $obj->getId()); ?> ' value='off' class='ufo-deletecb' onchange='this.value=(this.checked)?"on":"off";'/> </td> <td> <?php echo $obj->get('id'); ?> </td> <td> <a id='<?php echo $obj->elId('Description', $obj->getId()); ?> ' class='ufo-id-link' onclick='ufo.redirect({m:"show", oid:"<?php echo $obj->get('id'); ?> ", t:"Users"})' onmouseover='ufo.showInfo({t:"Users", m2:"getUserASList", oid:<?php echo $obj->get('id'); ?> , m:"ajaxsuggest"}, this)'> <?php echo $obj->Description; ?> </a> </td> <td> <a onclick='ufo.redirect({m:"show", oid:"<?php echo $obj->get('ContactType'); ?> ", t:"ContactTypes"})'> <?php echo $obj->get('ContactTypeDescription'); ?> </a> </td> <td> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::echoDate($obj->get('Birthday'), EasyContactFormsApplicationSettings::getInstance()->getDateFormat('PHP'), 0); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $obj->get('RoleDescription'); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $obj->CMSId; ?> </td> <td> <?php $a = $obj->get('email'); if (!empty($a)) { ?> <a href='mailto:<?php echo $a; ?> '><?php echo $a; ?> </a> <?php } else { echo ' '; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php }
EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "ContactTypeDescription", 'label' => EasyContactFormsT::get('ContactType'))); ?> </th> <th> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "Birthday")); ?> </th> <th> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "RoleDescription", 'label' => EasyContactFormsT::get('Role'))); ?> </th> <th> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "CMSId")); ?> </th> <th> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "email")); ?> </th> </tr> <?php EasyContactFormsLayout::getRows($resultset, 'EasyContactFormsUsers', $obj, 'easy-contact-forms-usersmainviewrow.php', 'getUsersMainViewRow', $viewmap); ?> </table> </div> </div><?php EasyContactFormsLayout::getFormBodyFooter();
echo EasyContactFormsT::get('Hint_ApplicationSettings_UseTinyMCE'); ?> ' class='ufo-id-link'> <input type='checkbox' id='UseTinyMCE' value='<?php echo $obj->UseTinyMCE; ?> ' <?php echo $obj->UseTinyMCEChecked; ?> class='ufo-cb checkbox ufo-formvalue' onchange='this.value=(this.checked)?"on":"off"'> <label for='TinyMCEConfig' class='ufo-label-top'><?php echo EasyContactFormsT::get('TinyMCEConfig'); ?> </label> <textarea id='TinyMCEConfig' class='textinput ufo-textarea ufo-formvalue' style='width:100%;height:330px'><?php echo $obj->get('TinyMCEConfig'); ?> </textarea> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class='ufo-float-left'> <?php echo EasyContactFormsIHTML::getButton(array('id' => "Apply", 'label' => EasyContactFormsT::get('Apply'), 'events' => " onclick='ufo.apply({$obj->jsconfig})'", 'iclass' => " class='icon_button_apply ufo-id-link' ", 'bclass' => "button internalimage")); ?> <input type='hidden' value='var c = {};c.id = "Apply";AppMan.addSubmit(c);' class='ufo-eval'> </div> <div style='clear:left'></div> </div><?php EasyContactFormsLayout::getFormBodyFooter();
if (!$obj->isEmpty('Phone1')) { ?> <div> <label><?php echo EasyContactFormsT::get('Phone1'); ?> </label> <?php echo $obj->get('Phone1'); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (!$obj->isEmpty('ContactField3')) { ?> <div class='ufo-as-list-hidden'> <label class='ufo-label-top'><?php echo EasyContactFormsT::get('ContactField3'); ?> </label> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::echoStr($obj->get('ContactField3'), '', 120); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div>
/** * getSettingsFormButton * * @param $id * * @param $title * * @param $events * * @param $class * * * @return * */ function getSettingsFormButton($id, $title, $events, $class) { ?> <div class='ufo-float-left'> <?php echo EasyContactFormsIHTML::getButton(array('id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'events' => $events, 'iclass' => " class='{$class} ufo-id-link' ", 'bclass' => "ufo-imagebutton")); ?> </div> <?php }
/** * overwritefile * * @param $filename * * @param $text * * * @return * */ function overwritefile($filename, $text) { if (is_file($filename)) { unlink($filename); } if (!($handle = fopen($filename, 'a'))) { EasyContactFormsIHTML::showMessage('Cannot open file (' . $filename . ')'); exit; } if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) { EasyContactFormsIHTML::showMessage('Cannot write to file (' . $filename . ')'); exit; } fclose($handle); }
</select> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class='viewtable'> <table class='vtable'> <tr> <th style='width:18px'> </th> <th style='width:30px'> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "id")); ?> </th> <th> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "Description", 'label' => EasyContactFormsT::get('Name'))); ?> </th> </tr> <?php EasyContactFormsLayout::getRows($resultset, 'EasyContactFormsUsers', $obj, 'easy-contact-forms-usersmanagemainviewrow.php', 'getUsersManageMainViewRow', $viewmap); ?> </table> </div> </div>
* * EasyContactFormsCustomFormsEntries AS form html template * * @see EasyContactFormsCustomFormsEntries::getASForm() */ /* Copyright championforms.com, 2012-2013 | http://championforms.com * ----------------------------------------------------------- * Easy Contact Forms * * This product is distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt. * */ ?> <div class='ufo-as-form ufo-customformsentries'> <div> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::echoDate($obj->get('Date'), EasyContactFormsApplicationSettings::getInstance()->getDateFormat('PHP', TRUE), 0); ?> </div> <div class='ufo-as-list-hidden'> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::echoStr($obj->get('Content'), '', 3000); ?> </div> <div> <?php echo $obj->get('PageName'); ?> </div> </div>
/** * getObject. a function returing an instantiated object * * an object may be loaded as a classs or an instance * * @param string $type_name * A name of type to return an instance for * @param boolean $data * indicates if the object should be loaded as a 'stub' containing class * methods or there is a need to create a new object instance or * initialize the instance with data from the database * @param int $new_id * if the new objid is set this method returns object's instance from * the database. Creates a new object otherwise. * * @return object * returns eigther an object 'stub' having only class methods, or a real * 'object' having initialized fields */ function getObject($type_name, $data = FALSE, $new_id = NULL) { if (@(include_once 'easy-contact-forms-' . strtolower($type_name) . '.php')) { $classname = 'EasyContactForms' . $type_name; try { $inst = new $classname($data, $new_id); $valid = $inst->isValid(); if ($data && !empty($new_id) && !$valid) { return NULL; } return $inst; } catch (Exception $e) { return NULL; } } else { EasyContactFormsIHTML::getNotLoggedInHTML(); exit; } }
/** * getYouAreNotLoggedInMessage * * Prints a 'not logged in message' * */ function getYouAreNotLoggedInMessage() { require_once 'easy-contact-forms-ihtml.php'; return EasyContactFormsIHTML::getNotLoggedInHTML(); }
/** * protectedUpload * * takes a file from a temporary folder and registers it in the file * manager * * @param array $_uldmap * request data * @param array $filespecmap * file spec */ function protectedUpload($_uldmap, $filespecmap = NULL) { $filespecmapnull = false; if (is_null($filespecmap)) { $filespecmapnull = true; $filerequestid = $_uldmap['t'] . '_' . $_uldmap['fld'] . '_' . $_uldmap['oid']; $filespecmap = $_FILES[$filerequestid]; } if (!isset($filespecmap)) { return FALSE; } if ($filespecmap['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { return FALSE; } $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $protect = 0; if (isset($_uldmap['protect'])) { $protect = $_uldmap['protect'] == "on" ? 1 : 0; } $oowner = isset($_uldmap['easycontactusr']) ? $_uldmap['easycontactusr']->id : 0; $filename = $filespecmap['name']; $tmpname = $filespecmap['tmp_name']; $filesize = $filespecmap['size']; $filetype = $filespecmap['type']; $Type = $_uldmap['t']; $fieldname = $_uldmap['fld']; $id = $_uldmap['oid']; $basename = EasyContactFormsUtils::subStringBefore($filename, "."); if ($protect && ($basename == NULL || preg_match('/^[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}$/', $basename))) { echo EasyContactFormsIHTML::showMessage(EasyContactFormsT::get('ImpossibleToPerformOperation'), 'warningMessage'); return FALSE; } global $wpdb; $query = "SELECT\n\t\t\t\tCount\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t#wp__easycontactforms_files\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\tDoctype=%s\n\t\t\t\tAND Docid=%d\n\t\t\t\tAND Docfield=%s"; $query = $wpdb->prepare($query, $Type, $id, $fieldname); $counter = EasyContactFormsDB::getValue($query); $counter = isset($counter) ? $counter : 0; $query = "SELECT\n\t\t\t\tid\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t#wp__easycontactforms_files\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\tDoctype=%s\n\t\t\t\tAND Docid=%d\n\t\t\t\tAND Docfield=%s"; $query = $wpdb->prepare($query, $Type, $id, $fieldname); $fileid = EasyContactFormsDB::getValue($query); if (isset($fileid)) { EasyContactFormsFiles::deletefile($fileid); EasyContactFormsFiles::delete($fileid); } $file = EasyContactFormsClassLoader::getObject('Files', true); $file->set('Count', $counter); $file->set('Docfield', $fieldname); $file->set('Doctype', $Type); $file->set('Docid', $id); $file->set('Name', $filename); $file->set('Size', $filesize); $file->set('Type', $filetype); $file->set('Protected', $protect); $file->set('Webdir', 0); $file->set('ObjectOwner', $oowner); $filespec = (object) array(); $filespec->protect = $protect; $filespec->fieldname = $fieldname; $filespec->docType = $Type; $filespec->filename = $filename; if ($Type == "Files") { $filespec->id = $file->get('id'); $Storagename = $file->getStorageFileName($filespec); $file->set('Storagename', $Storagename); $file->set('Docid', $file->get('id')); } else { $filespec->id = $id; $Storagename = $file->getStorageFileName($filespec); $file->set('Storagename', $Storagename); } $file->save(); $filedirectory = EASYCONTACTFORMS__fileUploadDir; if (!is_dir($filedirectory)) { if (!EasyContactFormsUtils::createFolder($filedirectory)) { return FALSE; } } $newpath = $filedirectory . $ds . $Storagename; if ($filespecmapnull) { if (!move_uploaded_file($tmpname, $newpath)) { return FALSE; } } else { rename($tmpname, $newpath); } return TRUE; }
<input type='text' id='Notes' class='textinput ufo-text ufo-filtervalue' style='width:130px'> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class='viewtable'> <table class='vtable'> <tr> <th style='width:8px'> <input type='checkbox' class='ufo-id-link' style='margin:0' onchange='ufo.checkAll(this)'> </th> <th style='width:30px'> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "id")); ?> </th> <th> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "Description")); ?> </th> </tr> <?php EasyContactFormsLayout::getRows($resultset, 'EasyContactFormsContactTypes', $obj, 'easy-contact-forms-contacttypesmainviewrow.php', 'getContactTypesMainViewRow', $viewmap); ?> </table> </div> </div><?php EasyContactFormsLayout::getFormBodyFooter();
EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "Date")); ?> </th> <th> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "CustomFormsDescription", 'label' => EasyContactFormsT::get('CustomForm'))); ?> </th> <th> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "PageName")); ?> </th> <th> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "UsersDescription", 'label' => EasyContactFormsT::get('User'))); ?> </th> <th> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getColumnHeader(array('view' => $obj, 'field' => "SiteUser")); ?> </th> </tr> <?php EasyContactFormsLayout::getRows($resultset, 'EasyContactFormsCustomFormsEntries', $obj, 'easy-contact-forms-customformsentriesmainviewrow.php', 'getCustomFormsEntriesMainViewRow', $viewmap); ?> </table> </div> </div><?php EasyContactFormsLayout::getFormBodyFooter();
/** * Displays a EasyContactFormsCustomFormsEntries main view record * * @param object $view * the EasyContactFormsCustomFormsEntries main view object * @param object $obj * a db object * @param int $i * record index * @param array $map * request data */ function getCustomFormsEntriesMainViewRow($view, $obj, $i, $map) { $usrname = EasyContactFormsDB::getValue("SELECT display_name FROM #wp__users WHERE ID = '" . $obj->get('SiteUser') . "'"); if ($usrname) { $obj->SiteUser = $usrname; } else { $obj->SiteUser = '******'; } ?> <tr class='ufohighlight <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::getTrSwapClassName($i); ?> '> <td class='firstcolumn'> <input type='checkbox' id='<?php echo $view->idJoin('cb', $obj->getId()); ?> ' value='off' class='ufo-deletecb' onchange='this.value=(this.checked)?"on":"off";'> </td> <td> <?php $usr = $obj->get('Users'); if (empty($usr)) { $cff = EasyContactFormsClassLoader::getObject('CustomFormFields'); $cff->getSettingsFormButton('entry-add', EasyContactFormsT::get('CF_ProcessEntry'), "onclick='ufoCf.processEntry(" . $obj->get('id') . ", " . $view->jsconfig . ");'", 'icon_button_add'); } ?> </td> <td> <a onclick='ufo.redirect({m:"show", oid:"<?php echo $obj->get('id'); ?> ", t:"CustomFormsEntries"})' onmouseover='ufo.showInfo({t:"CustomFormsEntries", m2:"getASList", oid:<?php echo $obj->get('id'); ?> , m:"ajaxsuggest"}, this)'> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::echoStr($obj->get('id')); ?> </a> </td> <td> <?php EasyContactFormsIHTML::echoDate($obj->get('Date'), EasyContactFormsApplicationSettings::getInstance()->getDateFormat('PHP', TRUE), 0); ?> </td> <td> <a onclick='ufo.redirect({m:"show", oid:"<?php echo $obj->get('CustomForms'); ?> ", t:"CustomForms"})'> <?php echo $obj->get('CustomFormsDescription'); ?> </a> </td> <td> <?php echo $obj->get('PageName'); ?> </td> <td> <a onclick='ufo.redirect({m:"show", oid:"<?php echo $obj->get('Users'); ?> ", t:"Users"})'> <?php echo $obj->get('UsersDescription'); ?> </a> </td> <td> <?php echo $obj->SiteUser; ?> </td> </tr> <?php }
/** * getScroller * * Returns a view scroller * * @param object $obj * a page scroller configuration object * * @return string * html text */ function getScroller($obj) { $scrpos = $obj->start; $showlist = isset($obj->showlist) ? $obj->showlist : TRUE; $count = min($obj->limit + $obj->start, $obj->rowCount); $options = isset($obj->scrolleroptions) ? $obj->scrolleroptions : array(5, 10, 25, 50); ?> <div class = 'scrollerpanel'> <input type = 'hidden' class = 'ufo-viewscrollervalues' id = 'start' value = '<?php echo $obj->start; ?> '> <input type = 'hidden' class = 'ufo-viewscrollervalues' id = 'rowcount' value = '<?php echo $obj->rowCount; ?> '> <div> <span class = 'label'> <?php echo EasyContactFormsT::get('ScrollerRows'); ?> </span> </div> <?php if ($showlist) { ?> <div> <select class = 'scrollerlist ufo-viewscrollervalues' id = 'limit' onchange = 'ufo.filter(<?php echo $obj->jsconfig; ?> )'> <?php echo EasyContactFormsIHTML::getScrollerStepsList($obj->limit, $options); ?> </select> </div> <?php } else { ?> <input type = 'hidden' class = 'ufo-viewscrollervalues' id = 'limit' value = '<?php echo $obj->limit; ?> '> <?php } ?> <div style = 'white-space:nowrap;'> <span class = 'label'> (<?php echo $obj->start + 1; ?> -<?php echo $count . ' ' . EasyContactFormsT::get('Of') . ' ' . $obj->rowCount; ?> ) </span> </div> <div> <?php echo EasyContactFormsIHTML::getButton(array('title' => EasyContactFormsT::get('ScrollerFirst'), 'events' => ' onclick = \'ufo.scroll(' . $obj->jsconfig . ', -2)\'', 'bclass' => 'ufo-imagebutton', 'iclass' => ' class = "icon_scroller_first" ')); ?> </div> <div> <?php echo EasyContactFormsIHTML::getButton(array('title' => EasyContactFormsT::get('ScrollerBack'), 'events' => ' onclick = \'ufo.scroll(' . $obj->jsconfig . ', -1)\'', 'bclass' => 'ufo-imagebutton', 'iclass' => ' class = "icon_scroller_prev" ')); ?> </div> <div> <?php echo EasyContactFormsIHTML::getButton(array('title' => EasyContactFormsT::get('ScrollerForward'), 'events' => ' onclick = \'ufo.scroll(' . $obj->jsconfig . ', 1)\'', 'bclass' => 'ufo-imagebutton', 'iclass' => ' class = "icon_scroller_next" ')); ?> </div> <div> <?php echo EasyContactFormsIHTML::getButton(array('title' => EasyContactFormsT::get('ScrollerLast'), 'events' => ' onclick = \'ufo.scroll(' . $obj->jsconfig . ', 2)\'', 'bclass' => 'ufo-imagebutton', 'iclass' => ' class = "icon_scroller_last" ')); ?> </div> </div> <?php }
]}}]", viewTarget:"CustomFormEntryFilesDiv", t:"CustomFormEntryFiles", m:"viewDetailed"}, [{property:"CustomFormsEntries", value:{values:[<?php echo $obj->get('id'); ?> ]}}])' class='ufo-eval'> <div id='CustomFormEntryFilesDiv' class='innerview'></div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class='ufo-float-left'> <?php echo EasyContactFormsIHTML::getButton(array('label' => EasyContactFormsT::get('OK'), 'events' => " onclick='ufo.save({$obj->jsconfig})'", 'iclass' => " class='icon_button_save' ", 'bclass' => "button internalimage")); ?> </div> <div class='ufo-float-left'> <?php echo EasyContactFormsIHTML::getButton(array('label' => EasyContactFormsT::get('Back'), 'events' => " onclick='ufo.back()'", 'iclass' => " class='icon_button_back' ", 'bclass' => "button internalimage")); ?> </div> <div class='ufo-float-left'> <?php $query = "SELECT Options.Value FROM #wp__easycontactforms_options AS Options WHERE Options.Description = 'customformsentries_main_form_buttons'"; $plugs = EasyContactFormsDB::getObjects($query); foreach ($plugs as $plug) { include ABSPATH . $plug->Value; } ?> </div> <div style='clear:left'></div> </div><?php EasyContactFormsLayout::getFormBodyFooter();
* @see EasyContactFormsCustomFormEntryStatistics * ::getDetailedMainView() */ /* Copyright championforms.com, 2012-2013 | http://championforms.com * ----------------------------------------------------------- * Easy Contact Forms * * This product is distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt. * */ ?> <div> <div id='divCustomFormEntryStatisticsFilter' class='ufo-filter' style='width:330px;z-index:100'> <div class='ufofilterbutton'> <?php echo EasyContactFormsIHTML::getButton(array('label' => EasyContactFormsT::get('Filter'), 'events' => " onclick='ufo.filter({$obj->jsconfig});'", 'iclass' => " class='icon_filter_pane' ", 'bclass' => "button internalimage")); ?> </div> <div class='ufo-clear-both'></div> <div> <div> <div> <label for='<?php echo $obj->sId('PageName'); ?> '><?php echo EasyContactFormsT::get('PageName'); ?> </label> <select id='<?php echo $obj->sId('PageName');