
require '../ET_Client.php';
try {
    $myclient = new ET_Client();
    ## Example using CreateContentAreas() method
    $NameOfContentAreaOne = "ExampleContentAreaOne";
    $NameOfContentAreaTwo = "ExampleContentAreaTwo";
    # Declare a Ruby Hash which contain all of the details for a DataExtension
    $contAreaOne = array("CustomerKey" => $NameOfContentAreaOne, "Name" => $NameOfContentAreaOne, "Content" => "<b>Some HTML Content Goes here</b>");
    $contAreaTwo = array("CustomerKey" => $NameOfContentAreaTwo, "Name" => $NameOfContentAreaTwo, "Content" => "<b>Some Different HTML Content Goes here</b>");
    # Call CreateDataExtensions passing in both DataExtension Hashes as an Array
    print_r(">>> Calling CreateContentAreas\n");
    $response = $myclient->CreateContentAreas(array($contAreaOne, $contAreaTwo));
    print_r('Response Status: ' . ($response->status ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n");
    print 'Code: ' . $response->code . "\n";
    print 'Message: ' . $response->message . "\n";
    print 'Result Count: ' . count($response->results) . "\n";
    print 'Results: ' . "\n";
    print "\n---------------\n";
    print_r(">>> Delete contAreaOne\n");
    $contArea = new ET_ContentArea();
    $contArea->authStub = $myclient;
    $contArea->props = array("CustomerKey" => $NameOfContentAreaOne);
    $delResponse = $contArea->delete();
    print_r('Delete Status: ' . ($delResponse->status ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n");
    print 'Code: ' . $delResponse->code . "\n";
    print 'Message: ' . $delResponse->message . "\n";
    print 'Result Count: ' . count($delResponse->results) . "\n";
    print 'Results: ' . "\n";