Exemple #1
function et_fb_process_to_shortcode($object, $options = array(), $library_item_type = '')
    $output = '';
    $_object = array();
    // do not proceed if $object is empty
    if (empty($object)) {
        return '';
    $font_icon_fields = isset($options['post_type']) ? ET_Builder_Element::get_font_icon_fields($options['post_type']) : false;
    $structure_types = ET_Builder_Element::get_structure_module_slugs();
    if (in_array($library_item_type, array('module', 'row'))) {
        $excluded_elements = array();
        switch ($library_item_type) {
            case 'module':
                $excluded_elements = array('et_pb_section', 'et_pb_row', 'et_pb_column');
            case 'row':
                $excluded_elements = array('et_pb_section');
        foreach ($object as $item) {
            // do not proceed if $item is empty
            if (empty($item)) {
            while (in_array($item['type'], $excluded_elements)) {
                $item = $item['content'][0];
            $_object[] = $item;
    } else {
        $_object = $object;
    foreach ($_object as $item) {
        // do not proceed if $item is empty
        if (empty($item)) {
        $attributes = '';
        $content = '';
        $type = sanitize_text_field($item['type']);
        $type = esc_attr($type);
        if (!empty($item['raw_child_content'])) {
            $content = stripslashes($item['raw_child_content']);
        foreach ($item['attrs'] as $attribute => $value) {
            // ignore computed fields
            if ('__' == substr($attribute, 0, 2)) {
            // Sanitize attribute
            $attribute = sanitize_text_field($attribute);
            // Sanitize input properly
            if (isset($font_icon_fields[$item['type']][$attribute])) {
                $value = esc_attr($value);
            } else {
                // allow the use of '<', '>' characters within Custom CSS settings
                if (0 !== strpos($attribute, 'custom_css_')) {
                    $replace_pairs = array('>' => '&gt;', '<' => '&lt;');
                    $value = strtr($value, $replace_pairs);
            // handle content
            if (in_array($attribute, array('content_new', 'raw_content'))) {
                // do not override the content if item has raw_child_content
                if (empty($item['raw_child_content'])) {
                    $content = $value;
                    if ('raw_content' == $attribute) {
                        $content = esc_html($content);
                    $content = trim($content);
                    if (!empty($content) && 'content_new' == $attribute) {
                        $content = "\n\n" . $content . "\n\n";
            } else {
                if ('' !== $value) {
                    // TODO, should we check for and handle default here? probably done in FB alredy...
                    // Make sure double quotes are encoded, before adding values to shortcode
                    $value = str_ireplace('"', '%22', $value);
                    // do not escape $value here - it breaks special characters. It was sanitized already
                    $attributes .= ' ' . esc_attr($attribute) . '="' . $value . '"';
        // build shortcode
        // start the opening tag
        $output .= '[' . $type . $attributes;
        // close the opening tag, depending on self closing
        if (empty($content) && !isset($item['content']) && !in_array($type, $structure_types)) {
            $open_tag_only = true;
            $output .= ' /]';
        } else {
            $open_tag_only = false;
            $output .= ']';
        // if applicable, add inner content and close tag
        if (!$open_tag_only) {
            if (isset($item['content']) && is_array($item['content'])) {
                $output .= et_fb_process_to_shortcode($item['content'], $options);
            } else {
                if (!empty($content)) {
                    $output .= $content;
                } else {
                    if (isset($item['content'])) {
                        $_content = $item['content'];
                        $_content = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $_content);
                        $output .= $_content;
                    } else {
                        $output .= '';
            // add the closing tag
            $output .= '[/' . $type . ']';
    return $output;