public function create($values, $wheres = array())
     if (in_array($values["type"], array("select", "radios", "checkboxes"))) {
         $this->validate("options", $values["options"], array($this, "validateOptions"));
     if ($this->errorCount()) {
         return false;
     return parent::create($values);
  * Create a member.
  * @param array $values An array of fields and their values to insert.
  * @return bool|int The new member ID, or false if there were errors.
 public function create(&$values)
     // Validate the username, email, and password.
     $this->validate("username", $values["username"], array($this, "validateUsername"));
     $this->validate("email", $values["email"], array($this, "validateEmail"));
     $this->validate("password", $values["password"], array($this, "validatePassword"));
     // Hash the password and set the join time.
     $values["password"] = $this->hashPassword($values["password"]);
     $values["joinTime"] = time();
     // MD5 the "reset password" hash for storage (for extra safety).
     $oldHash = isset($values["resetPassword"]) ? $values["resetPassword"] : null;
     if (isset($values["resetPassword"])) {
         $values["resetPassword"] = md5($values["resetPassword"]);
     // Set default preferences.
     if (empty($values["preferences"])) {
         $preferences = array("email.privateAdd", "", "starOnReply");
         foreach ($preferences as $p) {
             $values["preferences"][$p] = C("esoTalk.preferences." . $p);
     $values["preferences"] = serialize($values["preferences"]);
     if ($this->errorCount()) {
         return false;
     // Delete any members with the same email or username but who haven't confirmed their email address.
     ET::SQL()->delete()->from("member")->where("email=:email OR username=:username")->bind(":email", $values["email"])->bind(":username", $values["username"])->where("confirmedEmail", 0)->exec();
     $memberId = parent::create($values);
     $values["memberId"] = $memberId;
     // Create "join" activity for this member.
     ET::activityModel()->create("join", $values);
     // Go through the list of channels and unsubscribe from any ones that have that attribute set.
     $channels = ET::channelModel()->getAll();
     $inserts = array();
     foreach ($channels as $channel) {
         if (!empty($channel["attributes"]["defaultUnsubscribed"])) {
             $inserts[] = array($memberId, $channel["channelId"], 1);
     if (count($inserts)) {
         ET::SQL()->insert("member_channel")->setMultiple(array("memberId", "channelId", "unsubscribed"), $inserts)->exec();
     // Revert the "reset password" hash to what it was before we MD5'd it.
     $values["resetPassword"] = $oldHash;
     return $memberId;
Exemple #3
  * Create a member.
  * @param array $values An array of fields and their values to insert.
  * @return bool|int The new member ID, or false if there were errors.
 public function create(&$values)
     // 2016/02 以下チェック不要
     //	// Validate the username, email, and password.
     //	$this->validate("username", $values["username"], array($this, "validateUsername"));
     //	$this->validate("email", $values["email"], array($this, "validateEmail"));
     //	$this->validate("password", $values["password"], array($this, "validatePassword"));
     //	// Hash the password and set the join time.
     //	$values["password"] = $this->hashPassword($values["password"]);
     //	$values["joinTime"] = time();
     // SWCユーザID
     $memberId = $values['memberId'];
     // Set default preferences.
     if (empty($values["preferences"])) {
         $preferences = array("email.privateAdd", "", "starOnReply");
         foreach ($preferences as $p) {
             $values["preferences"][$p] = C("esoTalk.preferences." . $p);
     $values["preferences"] = serialize($values["preferences"]);
     if ($this->errorCount()) {
         return false;
     // メンバーテーブル追加登録
     $memberId = parent::create($values);
     //	$values["memberId"] = $memberId;
     $this->trigger("createAfter", array($values));
     // TODO: "join" のアクティビティログ登録確認要
     // Create "join" activity for this member.
     //	ET::activityModel()->create("join", $values);
     // Go through the list of channels and unsubscribe from any ones that have that attribute set.
     $channels = ET::channelModel()->getAll();
     $inserts = array();
     foreach ($channels as $channel) {
         if (!empty($channel["attributes"]["defaultUnsubscribed"])) {
             $inserts[] = array($memberId, $channel["channelId"], 1);
     if (count($inserts)) {
         ET::SQL()->insert("member_channel")->setMultiple(array("memberId", "channelId", "unsubscribed"), $inserts)->exec();
     return $memberId;
 public function setData($values)
     if (!isset($values["title"])) {
         $values["title"] = "";
     $this->validate("title", $values["title"], array($this, "validateTitle"));
     if (!isset($values["menu"])) {
         $values["menu"] = "user";
     $this->validate("menu", $values["menu"], array($this, "validateMenu"));
     if (!isset($values["slug"])) {
         $values["slug"] = "";
     $this->validate("slug", $values["slug"], array($this, "validateSlug"));
     $values["slug"] = slug($values["slug"]);
     if ($this->errorCount()) {
         return false;
     $pageId = parent::create($values);
     return $pageId;
  * Create a new activity entry in the database. If the specified activity type has an email projection
  * handler, this method will also send an email notification where appropriate.
  * @todo Add an unsubscribe link to notification email footers.
  * @param string $type The name of the type of activity to create.
  * @param array $member An array of details for the member to create the activity for.
  * @param array $fromMember An array of details for the member that the activity is from.
  * @param array $data An array of custom data that can be used by the type/projection callback functions.
  * @param array $emailData An array of custom data that can be used only by the EMAIL projection callback function.
  *		(i.e. it is not stored in the database.)
  * @return bool|int The activity ID, or false if there were errors.
 public function create($type, $member, $fromMember = null, $data = null, $emailData = null)
     // Make sure we have a definition for this type of activity.
     if (empty(self::$types[$type])) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot create activity with non-existent type '{$type}'.");
     // Get the projections that are handled by this type.
     $projections = self::$types[$type];
     // Construct an array of information about the new activity.
     $activity = array("type" => $type, "memberId" => $member["memberId"], "fromMemberId" => $fromMember ? $fromMember["memberId"] : null, "conversationId" => isset($data["conversationId"]) ? $data["conversationId"] : null, "postId" => isset($data["postId"]) ? $data["postId"] : null, "time" => time());
     $activityId = null;
     // If this activity type has notification or activity projections, we'll need to insert the activity into the database.
     if (!empty($projections[self::PROJECTION_NOTIFICATION]) or !empty($projections[self::PROJECTION_ACTIVITY])) {
         $activityId = parent::create($activity + array("data" => serialize($data)));
     // Set some more information about the activity.
     $activity["data"] = (array) $data + (array) $emailData;
     $activity["fromMemberName"] = $fromMember ? $fromMember["username"] : null;
     $activity["activityId"] = $activityId;
     // If this activity type has an email projection, the member wants to receive an email notification
     // for this type, and we haven't set sent them one in a previous call of this method, then let's send one!
     if (!empty($projections[self::PROJECTION_EMAIL]) and !empty($member["preferences"]["email.{$type}"]) and !in_array($member["memberId"], $this->membersUsed)) {
         // Log the member as "used", so we don't send them any more email notifications about the same subject.
         $this->membersUsed[] = $member["memberId"];
         // Load the member's language into esoTalk's memory.
         // Get the email content by calling the type's email projection function.
         list($subject, $body) = call_user_func($projections[self::PROJECTION_EMAIL], $activity, $member);
         // Send the email, prepending/appending a common email header/footer.
         sendEmail($member["email"], $subject, sprintf(T("email.header"), $member["username"]) . $body . sprintf(T("email.footer"), URL("settings", true)));
         // Revert back to esoTalk's old language definitions.
     return $activity["activityId"];
  * Create a channel.
  * @param array $values An array of fields and their values to insert.
  * @return bool|int The new channel ID, or false if there are errors.
 public function create($values)
     // Check that a channel title has been entered.
     if (!isset($values["title"])) {
         $values["title"] = "";
     $this->validate("title", $values["title"], array($this, "validateTitle"));
     // Check that a channel slug has been entered and isn't already in use.
     if (!isset($values["slug"])) {
         $values["slug"] = "";
     $this->validate("slug", $values["slug"], array($this, "validateSlug"));
     // Add the channel at the end at the root level.
     $right = ET::SQL()->select("MAX(rgt)")->from("channel")->exec()->result();
     $values["lft"] = ++$right;
     $values["rgt"] = ++$right;
     // Collapse the attributes.
     if (isset($values["attributes"])) {
         $values["attributes"] = serialize($value["attributes"]);
     if ($this->errorCount()) {
         return false;
     $channelId = parent::create($values);
     // Reset channels in the global cache.
     return $channelId;
  * Start a new converastion. Assumes the creator is the currently logged in user.
  * @param array $data An array of the conversation's details: title, channelId, content.
  * @param array $membersAllowed An array of entities allowed to view the conversation, in the same format
  * 		as the return value of getMembersAllowed()
  * @param bool $isDraft Whether or not the conversation is a draft.
  * @return bool|array An array containing the new conversation ID and the new post ID, or false if
  * 		there was an error.
 public function create($data, $membersAllowed = array(), $isDraft = false)
     // We can't do this if we're not logged in.
     if (!ET::$session->user) {
         return false;
     // If the title is blank but the user is only saving a draft, call it "Untitled conversation."
     if ($isDraft and !$data["title"]) {
         $data["title"] = T("Untitled conversation");
     // Check for errors; validate the title and the post content.
     $this->validate("title", $data["title"], array($this, "validateTitle"));
     $this->validate("content", $data["content"], array(ET::postModel(), "validateContent"));
     $content = $data["content"];
     // Flood control!
     if (ET::$session->isFlooding()) {
         $this->error("flooding", "waitToReply");
     // Make sure that we have permission to post in this channel.
     $data["channelId"] = (int) $data["channelId"];
     if (!ET::channelModel()->hasPermission($data["channelId"], "start")) {
         $this->error("channelId", "invalidChannel");
     // Did we encounter any errors? Don't continue.
     if ($this->errorCount()) {
         return false;
     // Add some more data fields to insert into the database.
     $time = time();
     $data["startMemberId"] = ET::$session->userId;
     $data["startTime"] = $time;
     $data["lastPostMemberId"] = ET::$session->userId;
     $data["lastPostTime"] = $time;
     $data["private"] = !empty($membersAllowed);
     $data["countPosts"] = $isDraft ? 0 : 1;
     // Insert the conversation into the database.
     $conversationId = parent::create($data);
     // Update the member's conversation count.
     ET::SQL()->update("member")->set("countConversations", "countConversations + 1", false)->where("memberId", ET::$session->userId)->exec();
     // Update the channel's converastion count.
     ET::SQL()->update("channel")->set("countConversations", "countConversations + 1", false)->where("channelId", $data["channelId"])->exec();
     // Whip up a little array fo conversation details for this model's functions to work with.
     $conversation = array("conversationId" => $conversationId, "title" => $data["title"], "canReply" => true, "labels" => array());
     // Add the first post or save the draft.
     $postId = null;
     if ($isDraft) {
         $this->setDraft($conversation, ET::$session->userId, $content);
     } else {
         $postId = ET::postModel()->create($conversationId, ET::$session->userId, $content);
         // If the conversation is private, send out notifications to the allowed members.
         if (!empty($membersAllowed)) {
             $memberIds = array();
             foreach ($membersAllowed as $member) {
                 if ($member["type"] == "member") {
                     $memberIds[] = $member["id"];
             ET::conversationModel()->privateAddNotification($conversation, $memberIds, true);
     // If the conversation is private, add the allowed members to the database.
     if (!empty($membersAllowed)) {
         $inserts = array();
         foreach ($membersAllowed as $member) {
             $inserts[] = array($conversationId, $member["type"], $member["id"], 1);
         ET::SQL()->insert("member_conversation")->setMultiple(array("conversationId", "type", "id", "allowed"), $inserts)->setOnDuplicateKey("allowed", 1)->exec();
     return array($conversationId, $postId);
  * Start a new converastion. Assumes the creator is the currently logged in user.
  * @param array $data An array of the conversation's details: title, channelId, content.
  * @param array $membersAllowed An array of entities allowed to view the conversation, in the same format
  * 		as the return value of getMembersAllowed()
  * @param bool $isDraft Whether or not the conversation is a draft.
  * @return bool|array An array containing the new conversation ID and the new post ID, or false if
  * 		there was an error.
 public function create($data, $membersAllowed = array(), $isDraft = false)
     // We can't do this if we're not logged in.
     if (!ET::$session->user) {
         return false;
     // If the title is blank but the user is only saving a draft, call it "Untitled conversation."
     if ($isDraft and !$data["title"]) {
         $data["title"] = T("Untitled conversation");
     // Check for errors; validate the title and the post content.
     $this->validate("title", $data["title"], array($this, "validateTitle"));
     $this->validate("content", $data["content"], array(ET::postModel(), "validateContent"));
     $content = $data["content"];
     // Flood control!
     if (ET::$session->isFlooding()) {
         $this->error("flooding", sprintf(T("message.waitToReply"), C("esoTalk.conversation.timeBetweenPosts")));
     // Make sure that we have permission to post in this channel.
     $data["channelId"] = (int) $data["channelId"];
     if (!ET::channelModel()->hasPermission($data["channelId"], "start")) {
         $this->error("channelId", "invalidChannel");
     // Did we encounter any errors? Don't continue.
     if ($this->errorCount()) {
         return false;
     // Start a notification group. This means that for all notifications sent out until endNotifcationGroup
     // is called, each individual user will receive a maximum of one.
     // Add some more data fields to insert into the database.
     $time = time();
     $data["startMemberId"] = ET::$session->userId;
     $data["startTime"] = $time;
     $data["lastPostMemberId"] = ET::$session->userId;
     $data["lastPostTime"] = $time;
     $data["private"] = !empty($membersAllowed);
     $data["countPosts"] = $isDraft ? 0 : 1;
     // Insert the conversation into the database.
     $conversationId = parent::create($data);
     // Update the member's conversation count.
     ET::SQL()->update("member")->set("countConversations", "countConversations + 1", false)->where("memberId", ET::$session->userId)->exec();
     // Update the channel's converastion count.
     ET::SQL()->update("channel")->set("countConversations", "countConversations + 1", false)->where("channelId", $data["channelId"])->exec();
     // Get our newly created conversation.
     $conversation = $this->getById($conversationId);
     // Add the first post or save the draft.
     $postId = null;
     if ($isDraft) {
         $this->setDraft($conversation, ET::$session->userId, $content);
     } else {
         $postId = ET::postModel()->create($conversationId, ET::$session->userId, $content, $conversation["title"]);
         // If the conversation is private, send out notifications to the allowed members.
         if (!empty($membersAllowed)) {
             $memberIds = array();
             foreach ($membersAllowed as $member) {
                 if ($member["type"] == "member") {
                     $memberIds[] = $member["id"];
             ET::conversationModel()->privateAddNotification($conversation, $memberIds, true, $content);
     // If the conversation is private, add the allowed members to the database.
     if (!empty($membersAllowed)) {
         $inserts = array();
         foreach ($membersAllowed as $member) {
             $inserts[] = array($conversationId, $member["type"], $member["id"], 1);
         ET::SQL()->insert("member_conversation")->setMultiple(array("conversationId", "type", "id", "allowed"), $inserts)->setOnDuplicateKey("allowed", 1)->exec();
     // If the user has the "star on reply" or "star private" preferences checked, star the conversation.
     if (ET::$session->preference("starOnReply") or $conversation["private"] and ET::$session->preference("starPrivate")) {
         $this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], ET::$session->userId, array("starred" => true));
     $this->trigger("createAfter", array($conversation, $postId, $content));
     return array($conversationId, $postId);
  * Create a post in the specified conversation.
  * This function will go through the post content and notify any members who are @mentioned.
  * @param int $conversationId The ID of the conversation to create the post in.
  * @param int $memberId The ID of the author of the post.
  * @param string $content The post content.
  * @param string $title The title of the conversation (so it can be added alongside the post, for fulltext purposes.)
  * @return bool|int The new post's ID, or false if there were errors.
 public function create($conversationId, $memberId, $content, $title = "")
     // Validate the post content.
     $this->validate("content", $content, array($this, "validateContent"));
     if ($this->errorCount()) {
         return false;
     // Prepare the post details for the query.
     $data = array("conversationId" => $conversationId, "memberId" => $memberId, "time" => time(), "content" => $content, "title" => $title);
     $id = parent::create($data);
     // Update the member's post count.
     ET::SQL()->update("member")->set("countPosts", "countPosts + 1", false)->where("memberId", $memberId)->exec();
     // Update the channel's post count.
     ET::SQL()->update("channel")->set("countPosts", "countPosts + 1", false)->where("channelId", ET::SQL()->select("channelId")->from("conversation")->where("conversationId=:conversationId")->bind(":conversationId", $conversationId)->exec()->result())->exec();
     // Parse the post content for @mentions, and notify any members who were mentioned.
     if (C("esoTalk.format.mentions")) {
         $names = ET::formatter()->getMentions($content);
         if (count($names)) {
             // Get the member details from the database.
             $sql = ET::SQL()->where("m.username IN (:names)")->bind(":names", $names)->where("m.memberId != :userId")->bind(":userId", $memberId);
             $members = ET::memberModel()->getWithSQL($sql);
             $data = array("conversationId" => $conversationId, "postId" => (int) $id, "title" => $title);
             $emailData = array("content" => $content);
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($members as $member) {
                 // Only send notifications to the first 10 members who are mentioned to prevent abuse of the system.
                 if ($i++ > 10) {
                 // Check if this member is allowed to view this conversation before sending them a notification.
                 $sql = ET::SQL()->select("conversationId")->from("conversation c")->where("conversationId", $conversationId);
                 ET::conversationModel()->addAllowedPredicate($sql, $member);
                 if (!$sql->exec()->numRows()) {
                 ET::activityModel()->create("mention", $member, ET::$session->user, $data, $emailData);
     return $id;