Exemple #1
 function _processLyftenBloggie($migrateComment)
     $db = EasyBlogHelper::db();
     $jSession = JFactory::getSession();
     $ejax = new EJax();
     $migrator = EB::migrator()->getAdapter('k2');
     $migrateStat = $jSession->get('EBLOG_MIGRATOR_JOOMLA_STAT', '', 'EASYBLOG');
     if (empty($migrateStat)) {
         $migrateStat = new stdClass();
         $migrateStat->blog = 0;
         $migrateStat->category = 0;
         $migrateStat->comments = 0;
         $migrateStat->images = 0;
         $migrateStat->user = array();
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM `#__bloggies_entries` AS a';
     $query .= ' WHERE NOT EXISTS (';
     $query .= ' SELECT content_id FROM `#__easyblog_migrate_content` AS b WHERE b.`content_id` = a.`id` and `component` = ' . $db->Quote('com_lyftenbloggie');
     $query .= ' )';
     $query .= ' ORDER BY a.`id` LIMIT 1';
     $row = $db->loadObject();
     if (is_null($row)) {
         // now we migrate the remaining categories
         //at here, we check whether there are any records processed. if yes,
         //show the statistic.
         $ejax->append('progress-status3', JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MIGRATOR_FINISHED'));
         //update statistic
         $stat = '========================================== <br />';
         $stat .= JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MIGRATOR_TOTAL_BLOGS') . ': ' . $migrateStat->blog . '<br />';
         $stat .= JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MIGRATOR_TOTAL_COMMENTS') . ': ' . $migrateStat->comments . '<br />';
         //$stat  .= 'Total images migrated : ' . $migrateStat->images . '<br />';
         $statUser = $migrateStat->user;
         if (!empty($statUser)) {
             $stat .= '<br />';
             $stat .= JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MIGRATOR_TOTAL_USERS_CONTRIBUTIONS') . ': ' . count($statUser) . '<br />';
             foreach ($statUser as $eachUser) {
                 $stat .= JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MIGRATOR_TOTAL_BLOG_USER') . ' \'' . $eachUser->name . '\': ' . $eachUser->blogcount . '<br />';
         $stat .= '<br />==========================================';
         $ejax->assign('stat-status3', $stat);
         $ejax->script("\$( '#migrator-submit3' ).html('" . JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MIGRATOR_MIGRATION_COMPLETED') . "');");
         $ejax->script("\$( '#migrator-submit3' ).attr('disabled' , '');");
         $ejax->script("\$( '#icon-wait3' ).css( 'display' , 'none' );");
     } else {
         // here we should process the migration
         // step 1 : create user if not exists in eblog_users - create user through profile jtable load method.
         // step 2: create categories / tags if needed.
         // step 3: migrate comments if needed.
         $date = EB::date();
         $blogObj = new stdClass();
         $blogObj->category_id = 1;
         //assume 1 is the uncategorized id.
         if (!empty($row->catid)) {
             $joomlaCat = $this->_getLyftenCategory($row->catid);
             $eCat = $this->_isEblogCategoryExists($joomlaCat);
             if ($eCat === false) {
                 $eCat = $this->_createEblogCategory($joomlaCat);
             $blogObj->category_id = $eCat;
         //load user profile
         $profile = EB::user($row->created_by);
         $blog = EB::table('Blog');
         //assigning blog data
         $blogObj->created_by = $profile->id;
         $blogObj->created = !empty($row->created) ? $row->created : $date->toMySQL();
         $blogObj->modified = !empty($row->modified) ? $row->modified : $date->toMySQL();
         $blogObj->title = $row->title;
         $blogObj->permalink = EasyBlogHelper::getPermalink($row->title);
         if (empty($row->fulltext)) {
             $blogObj->intro = '';
             $blogObj->content = $row->introtext;
         } else {
             $blogObj->intro = $row->introtext;
             $blogObj->content = $row->fulltext;
         $blogObj->published = $row->state == '1' ? '1' : '0';
         // set to unpublish for now.
         $blogObj->publish_up = !empty($row->created) ? $row->created : $date->toMySQL();
         $blogObj->publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
         $blogObj->hits = $row->hits;
         $blogObj->frontpage = 1;
         $blogObj->allowcomment = 1;
         $blogObj->subscription = 1;
         //add meta description
         $migrator->migrateContentMeta($row->metakey, $row->metadesc, $blog->id);
         //step 2: tags
         $query = 'insert into `#__easyblog_post_tag` (`tag_id`, `post_id`, `created`)';
         $query .= ' select a.`id`, ' . $db->Quote($blog->id) . ', ' . $db->Quote($date->toMySQL());
         $query .= ' from `#__easyblog_tag` as a inner join `#__bloggies_tags` as b';
         $query .= ' on a.`title` = b.`name`';
         $query .= ' inner join `#__bloggies_relations` as c on b.`id` = c.`tag`';
         $query .= ' where c.`entry` = ' . $db->Quote($row->id);
         // migrate Jcomments from lyftenbloggie into EasyBlog
         // $this->_migrateJCommentIntoEasyBlog($row->id, $blog->id, 'com_lyftenbloggie');
         // step 3
         if ($migrateComment) {
             //required frontend model file.
             require_once JPATH_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_easyblog' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'models' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'comment.php';
             $model = new EasyBlogModelComment();
             $queryComment = 'SELECT * FROM `#__bloggies_comments` WHERE `entry_id` = ' . $db->Quote($row->id);
             $queryComment .= ' ORDER BY `id`';
             $resultComment = $db->loadObjectList();
             if (count($resultComment) > 0) {
                 $lft = 1;
                 $rgt = 2;
                 foreach ($resultComment as $itemComment) {
                     $now = EB::date();
                     $commt = EB::table('Comment');
                     $commt->post_id = $blog->id;
                     $commt->comment = $itemComment->content;
                     $commt->title = '';
                     $commt->name = $itemComment->author;
                     $commt->email = $itemComment->author_email;
                     $commt->url = $itemComment->author_url;
                     $commt->created_by = $itemComment->user_id;
                     $commt->created = $itemComment->date;
                     $commt->published = $itemComment->state == '1' ? '1' : '0';
                     $commt->lft = $lft;
                     $commt->rgt = $rgt;
                     //update state
                     // next set of siblings
                     $lft = $rgt + 1;
                     $rgt = $lft + 1;
                 //end foreach
             //end if count(comment)
         //update session value
         $statUser = $migrateStat->user;
         $statUserObj = null;
         if (!isset($statUser[$profile->id])) {
             $statUserObj = new stdClass();
             $statUserObj->name = $profile->nickname;
             $statUserObj->blogcount = 0;
         } else {
             $statUserObj = $statUser[$profile->id];
         $statUser[$profile->id] = $statUserObj;
         $migrateStat->user = $statUser;
         $jSession->set('EBLOG_MIGRATOR_JOOMLA_STAT', $migrateStat, 'EASYBLOG');
         //log the entry into migrate table.
         $migrator = EB::table('Migrate');
         $migrator->content_id = $row->id;
         $migrator->post_id = $blog->id;
         $migrator->session_id = $jSession->getToken();
         $migrator->component = 'com_lyftenbloggie';
         $ejax->append('progress-status3', JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MIGRATOR_MIGRATED_LYFTEN') . ':' . $row->id . JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MIGRATOR_EASYBLOG') . ': ' . $blog->id . '<br />');
         $ejax->script("ejax.load('migrators','_processLyftenBloggie', '{$migrateComment}');");
     //end if else isnull
Exemple #2
 function _process($authorId, $stateId, $catId, $sectionId, $myblogSection, $jomcomment = false)
     $db = EasyBlogHelper::db();
     $jSession = JFactory::getSession();
     $ejax = new EJax();
     $migrateStat = $jSession->get('EBLOG_MIGRATOR_JOOMLA_STAT', '', 'EASYBLOG');
     if (empty($migrateStat)) {
         $migrateStat = new stdClass();
         $migrateStat->blog = 0;
         $migrateStat->category = 0;
         $migrateStat->user = array();
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM `#__content` AS a';
     $query .= ' WHERE NOT EXISTS (';
     $query .= ' SELECT content_id FROM `#__easyblog_migrate_content` AS b WHERE b.`content_id` = a.`id` and `component` = ' . $db->Quote('com_content');
     $query .= ' )';
     if ($authorId != '0') {
         $query .= ' AND a.`created_by` = ' . $db->Quote($authorId);
     if ($stateId != '*') {
         switch ($stateId) {
             case 'P':
                 $query .= ' AND a.`state` = ' . $db->Quote('1');
             case 'U':
                 $query .= ' AND a.`state` = ' . $db->Quote('0');
             case 'A':
                 $query .= ' AND a.`state` = ' . $db->Quote('-1');
                 // joomla 1.6 compatibility
             // joomla 1.6 compatibility
             case '1':
                 // publish
                 $query .= ' AND a.`state` = ' . $db->Quote('1');
             case '0':
                 $query .= ' AND a.`state` = ' . $db->Quote('0');
             case '2':
                 // archive
                 $query .= ' AND a.`state` = ' . $db->Quote('2');
             case '-2':
                 // trash
                 $query .= ' AND a.`state` = ' . $db->Quote('-2');
     if ($sectionId != '-1') {
         $query .= ' AND a.`sectionid` = ' . $db->Quote($sectionId);
     // we do not want the myblog post process here.
     if ($myblogSection != '') {
         $query .= ' AND a.`sectionid` != ' . $db->Quote($myblogSection);
     if ($catId != '0') {
         $query .= ' AND a.`catid` = ' . $db->Quote($catId);
     $query .= ' ORDER BY a.`id` LIMIT 1';
     $row = $db->loadObject();
     if (is_null($row)) {
         //at here, we check whether there are any records processed. if yes,
         //show the statistic.
         $ejax->append('progress-status', JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MIGRATOR_FINISHED'));
         //update statistic
         $stat = '========================================== <br />';
         $stat .= JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MIGRATOR_JOOMLA_TOTAL_ARTICLE') . ' : ' . $migrateStat->blog . '<br />';
         $stat .= JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MIGRATOR_JOOMLA_TOTAL_CATEGORY') . ' : ' . $migrateStat->category . '<br />';
         $statUser = $migrateStat->user;
         if (!empty($statUser)) {
             $stat .= '<br />';
             $stat .= JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MIGRATOR_TOTAL_USER_CONTRIBUTIONS') . ' : ' . count($statUser) . '<br />';
             foreach ($statUser as $eachUser) {
                 $stat .= JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MIGRATOR_TOTAL_ARTICLES_USER') . ' \'' . $eachUser->name . '\': ' . $eachUser->blogcount . '<br />';
         $stat .= '<br />==========================================';
         $ejax->assign('stat-status', $stat);
         $ejax->script("\$( '#migrator-submit' ).html('" . JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MIGRATOR_MIGRATION_COMPLETED') . "');");
         $ejax->script("\$( '#migrator-submit' ).attr('disabled' , '');");
         $ejax->script("\$( '#icon-wait' ).css( 'display' , 'none' );");
     } else {
         // here we should process the migration
         // step 1 : create categery if not exist in eblog_categories
         // step 2 : create user if not exists in eblog_users - create user through profile jtable load method.
         $date = EB::date();
         $blogObj = new stdClass();
         $blogObj->category_id = 1;
         //assume 1 is the uncategorized id.
         if (!empty($row->catid)) {
             $joomlaCat = $this->_getJoomlaCategory($row->catid);
             $eCat = $this->_isEblogCategoryExists($joomlaCat);
             if ($eCat === false) {
                 $eCat = $this->_createEblogCategory($joomlaCat);
             $blogObj->category_id = $eCat;
         //load user profile
         $profile = EB::user($row->created_by);
         $blog = EB::table('Blog');
         //assigning blog data
         $blogObj->created_by = $profile->id;
         $blogObj->created = !empty($row->created) ? $row->created : $date->toMySQL();
         $blogObj->modified = $date->toMySQL();
         $blogObj->title = $row->title;
         $blogObj->permalink = $row->alias;
         // Need to remap the access.
         $access = 0;
         if (EasyBlogHelper::getJoomlaVersion() >= '1.6') {
             switch ($row->access) {
                 case 1:
                     $access = 0;
                     $access = 1;
         } else {
             $access = $row->access == 2 ? 1 : $row->access;
         $blogObj->access = $access;
         if (empty($row->fulltext)) {
             $blogObj->intro = '';
             $blogObj->content = $row->introtext;
         } else {
             $blogObj->intro = $row->introtext;
             $blogObj->content = $row->fulltext;
         // joomla 3.0 intro imag properties.
         if (isset($row->images) && !empty($row->images)) {
             $joomlaImages = json_decode($row->images);
             if (isset($joomlaImages->image_intro) and !empty($joomlaImages->image_intro)) {
                 $imgTag = '<img';
                 if ($joomlaImages->image_intro_caption) {
                     $imgTag .= ' class="caption" title="' . htmlspecialchars($joomlaImages->image_intro_caption) . '"';
                 $imgTag .= ' src="' . htmlspecialchars($joomlaImages->image_intro) . '" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($joomlaImages->image_intro_alt) . '"/>';
                 $blogObj->intro = $imgTag . $blogObj->intro;
             if (isset($joomlaImages->image_fulltext) and !empty($joomlaImages->image_fulltext)) {
                 $imgTag = '<img';
                 if ($joomlaImages->image_fulltext_caption) {
                     $imgTag .= ' class="caption" title="' . htmlspecialchars($joomlaImages->image_fulltext_caption) . '"';
                 $imgTag .= ' src="' . htmlspecialchars($joomlaImages->image_fulltext) . '" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($joomlaImages->image_fulltext_alt) . '"/>';
                 $blogObj->content = $imgTag . $blogObj->content;
         //translating the article state into easyblog publish status.
         $blogState = '';
         if (EasyBlogHelper::getJoomlaVersion() >= '1.6') {
             $blogState = $row->state == 2 || $row->state == -2 ? 0 : $row->state;
         } else {
             $blogState = $row->state == -1 ? 0 : $row->state;
         $blogObj->published = $blogState;
         $blogObj->publish_up = !empty($row->publish_up) ? $row->publish_up : $date->toMySQL();
         $blogObj->publish_down = !empty($row->publish_down) ? $row->publish_down : $date->toMySQL();
         $blogObj->ordering = $row->ordering;
         $blogObj->hits = $row->hits;
         $blogObj->frontpage = 1;
         // Run jomcomment migration here.
         if ($jomcomment) {
             $this->migrateJomcomment($row->id, $blog->id, 'com_content');
         //migrate meta description
         $this->_migrateContentMeta($row->metakey, $row->metadesc, $blog->id);
         if ($row->featured) {
             // just call the model file will do as we do not want to create stream on featured action at this migration.
             $modelF = EB::model('Featured');
             $modelF->makeFeatured('post', $blog->id);
         //update session value
         $statUser = $migrateStat->user;
         $statUserObj = null;
         if (!isset($statUser[$profile->id])) {
             $statUserObj = new stdClass();
             $statUserObj->name = $profile->nickname;
             $statUserObj->blogcount = 0;
         } else {
             $statUserObj = $statUser[$profile->id];
         $statUser[$profile->id] = $statUserObj;
         $migrateStat->user = $statUser;
         $jSession->set('EBLOG_MIGRATOR_JOOMLA_STAT', $migrateStat, 'EASYBLOG');
         //log the entry into migrate table.
         $migrator = EB::table('Migrate');
         $migrator->content_id = $row->id;
         $migrator->post_id = $blog->id;
         $migrator->session_id = $jSession->getToken();
         $migrator->component = 'com_content';
         $ejax->append('progress-status', JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MIGRATOR_MIGRATED_JOOMLA_ARTICLE') . ': ' . $row->id . JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MIGRATOR_EASYBLOG') . ': ' . $blog->id . '<br />');
         $ejax->script("ejax.load('migrators','_process','{$authorId}', '{$stateId}', '{$catId}', '{$sectionId}', '{$myblogSection}','{$jomcomment}');");