/** -----------------------------
     /**  Send email
     /** -----------------------------*/
 function send_email()
     global $DSP, $DB, $IN, $FNS, $REGX, $LANG, $SESS, $LOC, $PREFS;
     $debug_msg = '';
     /** -----------------------------
         /**  Are we missing any fields?
         /** -----------------------------*/
     if (!$IN->GBL('from', 'POST') or !$IN->GBL('subject', 'POST') or !$IN->GBL('message', 'POST')) {
         return $DSP->error_message($LANG->line('empty_form_fields'));
     /** -----------------------------
         /**  Fetch $_POST data
         /** -----------------------------*/
     // We'll turn the $_POST data into variables for simplicity
     $groups = array();
     $list_ids = array();
     foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
         if (substr($key, 0, 6) == 'group_') {
             $groups[] = $val;
         } elseif (substr($key, 0, 5) == 'list_') {
             $list_ids[] = $val;
         } else {
             ${$key} = stripslashes($val);
     /** -----------------------------
         /**  Verify privileges
         /** -----------------------------*/
     if (count($groups) > 0 and !$DSP->allowed_group('can_email_member_groups')) {
         return $DSP->no_access_message($LANG->line('not_allowed_to_email_member_groups'));
     if (count($list_ids) > 0 and !$DSP->allowed_group('can_email_mailinglist') and $this->mailinglist_exists == TRUE) {
         return $DSP->no_access_message($LANG->line('not_allowed_to_email_mailinglist'));
     if (count($groups) == 0 and count($list_ids) == 0 and !$IN->GBL('recipient', 'POST')) {
         return $DSP->error_message($LANG->line('empty_form_fields'));
     /** -------------------------------
         /**  Assign data for caching
         /** -------------------------------*/
     $cache_data = array('cache_id' => '', 'cache_date' => $LOC->now, 'total_sent' => 0, 'from_name' => $name, 'from_email' => $from, 'recipient' => $recipient, 'cc' => $cc, 'bcc' => $bcc, 'recipient_array' => '', 'subject' => $subject, 'message' => $message, 'plaintext_alt' => $plaintext_alt, 'mailtype' => $mailtype, 'text_fmt' => $text_fmt, 'wordwrap' => $wordwrap, 'priority' => $priority);
     /** ---------------------------------------
     		/**  Apply text formatting if necessary
     		/** ---------------------------------------*/
     if ($text_fmt != 'none' && $text_fmt != '') {
         if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
             require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
         $TYPE = new Typography(0);
         $TYPE->parse_smileys = FALSE;
         $subject = $TYPE->filter_censored_words($subject);
         $message = $TYPE->parse_type($message, array('text_format' => $text_fmt, 'html_format' => 'all', 'auto_links' => 'n', 'allow_img_url' => 'y'));
     /** -----------------------------
         /**  Send a single email
         /** -----------------------------*/
     if (count($groups) == 0 and count($list_ids) == 0) {
         require PATH_CORE . 'core.email' . EXT;
         $to = $recipient == '' ? $SESS->userdata['email'] : $recipient;
         $email = new EEmail();
         $email->wordwrap = $wordwrap == 'y' ? TRUE : FALSE;
         $email->mailtype = $mailtype;
         $email->priority = $priority;
         $email->from($from, $name);
         $email->message($message, $plaintext_alt);
         $error = FALSE;
         if (!$email->Send()) {
             $error = TRUE;
         $debug_msg = $this->debug_message($email->debug_msg);
         if ($error == TRUE) {
             return $DSP->error_message($LANG->line('error_sending_email') . $debug_msg, 0);
         /** ---------------------------------
         			/**  Save cache data
         			/** ---------------------------------*/
         $cache_data['total_sent'] = $this->fetch_total($to, $cc, $bcc);
         /** ---------------------------------
         			/**  Show success message
         			/** ---------------------------------*/
         $DSP->set_return_data($LANG->line('email_sent'), $DSP->qdiv('defaultPad', $DSP->qdiv('success', $LANG->line('email_sent_message'))) . $debug_msg, $LANG->line('email_sent'));
         // We're done
     //  Send Multi-emails
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Is Batch Mode set?
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     $batch_mode = $PREFS->ini('email_batchmode');
     $batch_size = $PREFS->ini('email_batch_size');
     if (!is_numeric($batch_size)) {
         $batch_mode = 'n';
     $emails = array();
     /** ---------------------------------
         /**  Fetch member group emails
         /** ---------------------------------*/
     if (count($groups) > 0) {
         $sql = "SELECT exp_members.member_id, exp_members.email, exp_members.screen_name \n\t\t\t\t\tFROM   exp_members, exp_member_groups\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE  exp_members.group_id = exp_member_groups.group_id \n\t\t\t\t\tAND exp_member_groups.site_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($PREFS->ini('site_id')) . "' \n\t\t\t\t\tAND include_in_mailinglists = 'y' ";
         if (isset($_POST['accept_admin_email'])) {
             $sql .= "AND exp_members.accept_admin_email = 'y' ";
         $sql .= "AND exp_member_groups.group_id IN (";
         foreach ($groups as $id) {
             $sql .= "'" . $DB->escape_str($id) . "',";
         $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1);
         $sql .= ")";
         // Run the query
         $query = $DB->query($sql);
         if ($query->num_rows > 0) {
             foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                 $emails['m' . $row['member_id']] = array($row['email'], $row['screen_name']);
     /** ---------------------------------
         /**  Fetch mailing list emails
         /** ---------------------------------*/
     $list_templates = array();
     if ($this->mailinglist_exists == TRUE) {
         if (count($list_ids) > 0) {
             $sql = "SELECT authcode, email, list_id FROM exp_mailing_list WHERE list_id IN (";
             foreach ($list_ids as $id) {
                 $sql .= "'" . $DB->escape_str($id) . "',";
                 // Fetch the template for each list
                 $query = $DB->query("SELECT list_template, list_title FROM exp_mailing_lists WHERE list_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($id) . "'");
                 $list_templates[$id] = array('list_template' => $query->row['list_template'], 'list_title' => $query->row['list_title']);
             $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1);
             $sql .= ")";
             $sql .= " ORDER BY user_id";
             $query = $DB->query($sql);
             // No result?  Show error message
             if ($query->num_rows == 0 && sizeof($emails) == 0) {
                 return $DSP->set_return_data($LANG->line('send_an_email'), $DSP->qdiv('defaultPad', $DSP->qdiv('alert', $LANG->line('no_email_matching_criteria'))), $LANG->line('send_an_email'));
             if ($query->num_rows > 0) {
                 foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                     $emails['l' . $row['authcode']] = array($row['email'], $row['list_id']);
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Kill duplicates
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     $cleaned_emails = array();
     foreach ($emails as $key => $value) {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $val = $value['0'];
         } else {
             $val = $value;
         if (!isset($cleaned_emails[$key])) {
             $cleaned_emails[$key] = $value;
     $emails = $cleaned_emails;
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  After all that, do we have any emails?
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if (count($emails) == 0 and $recipient == '') {
         return $DSP->set_return_data($LANG->line('send_an_email'), $DSP->qdiv('defaultPad', $DSP->qdiv('alert', $LANG->line('no_email_matching_criteria'))), $LANG->line('send_an_email'));
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  Do we have any CCs or BCCs?
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     //  If so, we'll send those separately first
     $total_sent = 0;
     $recips = array();
     if ($cc != '' || $bcc != '') {
         if (!class_exists('EEmail')) {
             require PATH_CORE . 'core.email' . EXT;
         $to = $recipient == '' ? $SESS->userdata['email'] : $recipient;
         $email = new EEmail();
         $email->wordwrap = $wordwrap == 'y' ? TRUE : FALSE;
         $email->mailtype = $mailtype;
         $email->priority = $priority;
         $email->from($from, $name);
         $email->message($message, $plaintext_alt);
         $error = FALSE;
         if (!$email->Send()) {
             $error = TRUE;
         $debug_msg = $this->debug_message($email->debug_msg);
         if ($error == TRUE) {
             return $DSP->error_message($LANG->line('error_sending_email') . $debug_msg, 0);
         $total_sent = $this->fetch_total($to, $cc, $bcc);
     } else {
         // No CC/BCCs? Convert recipients to an array so we can include them in the email sending cycle
         if ($recipient != '') {
             $recips = $this->convert_recipients($recipient);
     if (count($recips) > 0) {
         $emails = array_merge($emails, $recips);
     //  Store email cache
     $cache_data['recipient_array'] = addslashes(serialize($emails));
     $cache_data['total_sent'] = 0;
     $id = $this->save_cache_data($cache_data, $groups, $list_ids);
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  If batch-mode is not set, send emails
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if (count($emails) <= $batch_size) {
         $batch_mode = 'n';
     if ($batch_mode == 'n') {
         $action_id = $FNS->fetch_action_id('Mailinglist', 'unsubscribe');
         if (!class_exists('EEmail')) {
             require PATH_CORE . 'core.email' . EXT;
         $email = new EEmail();
         $email->wordwrap = $wordwrap == 'y' ? TRUE : FALSE;
         $email->mailtype = $mailtype;
         $email->priority = $priority;
         foreach ($emails as $key => $val) {
             $screen_name = '';
             $list_id = FALSE;
             if (is_array($val) and substr($key, 0, 1) == 'm') {
                 $screen_name = $val['1'];
                 $val = $val['0'];
             } elseif (is_array($val) and substr($key, 0, 1) == 'l') {
                 $list_id = $val['1'];
                 $val = $val['0'];
             $email->from($from, $name);
             // We need to add the unsubscribe link to emails - but only ones
             // from the mailing list.  When we gathered the email addresses
             // above, we added one of three prefixes to the array key:
             // m = member id
             // l = mailing list
             // r = general recipient
             // Make a copy so we don't mess up the original
             $msg = $message;
             $msg_alt = $plaintext_alt;
             if (substr($key, 0, 1) == 'l') {
                 $msg = $this->parse_template($list_templates[$list_id], $msg, $action_id, substr($key, 1), $mailtype);
                 $msg_alt = $this->parse_template($list_templates[$list_id], $msg_alt, $action_id, substr($key, 1), 'plain');
             $msg = str_replace('{name}', $screen_name, $msg);
             $msg_alt = str_replace('{name}', $screen_name, $msg_alt);
             $email->message($msg, $msg_alt);
             $error = FALSE;
             if (!$email->Send()) {
                 $error = TRUE;
             $debug_msg = $this->debug_message($email->debug_msg);
             if ($error == TRUE) {
                 // Let's adjust the recipient array up to this point
                 $recipient_array = addslashes(serialize(array_slice($recipient_array, $i)));
                 $DB->query("UPDATE exp_email_cache SET total_sent = '{$total_sent}', recipient_array = '{$recipient_array}' WHERE cache_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($id) . "'");
                 return $DSP->error_message($LANG->line('error_sending_email') . $debug_msg, 0);
         /** ----------------------------------------
         			/**  Update email cache
         			/** ----------------------------------------*/
         $DB->query("UPDATE exp_email_cache SET total_sent = '{$total_sent}', recipient_array = '' WHERE cache_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($id) . "'");
         /** ----------------------------------------
         			/**  Success Mesage
         			/** ----------------------------------------*/
         $DSP->set_return_data($LANG->line('email_sent'), $DSP->qdiv('defaultPad', $DSP->qdiv('success', $LANG->line('email_sent_message'))) . $DSP->qdiv('defaultPad', $DSP->qdiv('', $LANG->line('total_emails_sent') . NBS . NBS . $total_sent)) . $debug_msg, $LANG->line('email_sent'));
         // We're done
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Start Batch-Mode
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     // Turn on "refresh"
     // By putting the URL in the $DSP->refresh variable we'll tell the
     // system to write a <meta> refresh header, starting the batch process
     $DSP->refresh = BASE . AMP . 'C=communicate' . AMP . 'M=batch_send' . AMP . 'id=' . $id;
     $DSP->ref_rate = 6;
     // Kill the bread-crumb links, just to keep it away from the user
     $DSP->show_crumb = FALSE;
     // Write the initial message, telling the user the batch processor is about to start
     $r = $DSP->heading(BR . $LANG->line('sending_email'));
     $r .= $DSP->qdiv('itemWrapper', $LANG->line('batchmode_ready_to_begin'));
     $r .= $DSP->qdiv('', $DSP->qdiv('alert', $LANG->line('batchmode_warning')));
     $DSP->body = $r;
            // Get the member email address
            $sql_member = "SELECT email FROM exp_members WHERE member_id='" . $row['member_id'] . "'";
            $sql_query = $DB->query($sql_member);
            // Assemble the email
            $receipient = $sql_query->row['email'];
            $bcc_emails = $PREFS->core_ini['webmaster_email'];
            $email_subject = "Your Be Fabulous subscription has expired";
            $email_msg = "Hello\n";
            $email_msg = $email_msg . "\n";
            $email_msg = $email_msg . "This is just a brief email to let you know that your Be Fabulous 12 month subscription has expired.\n";
            $email_msg = $email_msg . "\n";
            $email_msg = $email_msg . "To re-subscribe simply visit http://www.be-fabulous.co.uk and log-in to your account. You will see an option on the right hand side of the 'All about you' page to 'Upgrade your subscription'.\n";
            $email_msg = $email_msg . "\n";
            $email_msg = $email_msg . "If you need any help or have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us by replying to this email or calling Karen on +44 (0) 7970 732057.\n";
            $email_msg = $email_msg . "\n";
            $email_msg = $email_msg . " - End of Message - \n";
            // Send the Email
            $email = new EEmail();
            $email->wordwrap = false;
            $email->mailtype = 'text';
            $email->validate = true;
            $email->from($PREFS->core_ini['webmaster_email'], $PREFS->core_ini['webmaster_name']);
	function cp_welcome_email_send($member_id) {
		global $PREFS, $DB, $REGX;
		if ( ! class_exists('EEmail'))
			require PATH_CORE.'core.email'.EXT;
		$password_string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890";
		$password = "";
		for($i=0; $i<8; $i++) {
			$password .= $password_string[ rand(0, strlen($password_string)-1) ];
		$message = $this->settings["welcome_email_body"];
		$from = $this->settings["welcome_email_from"];
		$subject = $this->settings["welcome_email_subject"];
		$subject = str_replace("{site_name}", $PREFS->ini('site_name'), $subject);
		$query = $DB->query("SELECT username, screen_name, email from exp_members WHERE member_id = " . $member_id);
		$message = str_replace("{password}", $password, $message);
		$message = str_replace("{username}", $query->row["username"], $message);
		$message = str_replace("{name}", $query->row["screen_name"], $message);
		$message = str_replace("{site_name}", $PREFS->ini('site_name'), $message);
		$message = str_replace("{site_url}", $PREFS->ini('site_url'), $message);
		$DB->query("UPDATE exp_members SET password = SHA('". $password . "') WHERE member_id = " . $member_id);
		$to = $query->row["email"];
		$email = new EEmail;
		$email->wordwrap = false;
		$email->mailtype = 'text';	
		$email->from( $from );
		$email->to( $to );
		if ($this->settings["welcome_email_bcc"]=="yes") {
			$email->bcc( $PREFS->ini('webmaster_email') );
		$email->subject( $subject );
		$email->message($REGX->entities_to_ascii( $message ));		
Exemple #4
    /** ----------------------------------
    /**  Send Member Email
    /** ----------------------------------*/

	function send_email()
		global $DB, $IN, $FNS, $OUT, $LANG, $PREFS, $LOC, $SESS;
		if ( ! $member_id = $IN->GBL('MID', 'POST'))
			return false;
        /** ----------------------------------------
        /**  Is the user banned?
        /** ----------------------------------------*/
        if ($SESS->userdata['is_banned'] == TRUE)
			return false;
		/** ---------------------------------
		/**  Is the user logged in?
		/** ---------------------------------*/
		if ($SESS->userdata('member_id') == 0)
			return $this->profile_login_form($this->_member_path('email_console/'.$member_id));
		/** ---------------------------------
		/**  Are we missing data?
		/** ---------------------------------*/
		if ( ! $member_id = $IN->GBL('MID', 'POST'))
			return false;
		if ( ! isset($_POST['subject']) || ! isset($_POST['message']))
			return false;
		if ($_POST['subject'] == '' OR $_POST['message'] == '')
			return $OUT->show_user_error('submission', array($LANG->line('mbr_missing_fields')));
        /** ----------------------------------------
        /**  Check Email Timelock
        /** ----------------------------------------*/
        if ($SESS->userdata['group_id'] != 1)
        	$lock = $PREFS->ini('email_console_timelock');
			if (is_numeric($lock) AND $lock != 0)
				if (($SESS->userdata['last_email_date'] + ($lock*60)) > $LOC->now)
					return $this->_var_swap($this->_load_element('email_user_message'),
												'lang:message'			=>	str_replace("%x", $lock, $LANG->line('mbr_email_timelock_not_expired')),
												'css_class'				=>	'highlight',
												'lang:close_window'		=>	$LANG->line('mbr_close_window')
		/** ---------------------------------
		/**  Do we have a secure hash?
		/** ---------------------------------*/
        if ($PREFS->ini('secure_forms') == 'y')
			$query = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM exp_security_hashes WHERE hash='".$DB->escape_str($_POST['XID'])."' AND ip_address = '".$IN->IP."' AND date > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-7200");
			if ($query->row['count'] == 0)
				return false;
			$DB->query("DELETE FROM exp_security_hashes WHERE (hash='".$DB->escape_str($_POST['XID'])."' AND ip_address = '".$IN->IP."') OR date < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-7200");
		/** ---------------------------------
		/**  Does the recipient accept email?
		/** ---------------------------------*/
		$query = $DB->query("SELECT email, screen_name, accept_user_email FROM exp_members WHERE member_id = '{$member_id}'");
		if ($query->num_rows == 0)
			return false;
		if ($query->row['accept_user_email'] != 'y')
			return $this->_var_swap($this->_load_element('email_user_message'),
											'lang:message'	=>	$LANG->line('mbr_email_not_accepted'),
											'css_class'		=>	'highlight'
		$message  = stripslashes($_POST['message'])."\n\n";
		$message .= $LANG->line('mbr_email_forwarding')."\n";
		$message .= $PREFS->ini('site_url')."\n"; 
		$message .= $LANG->line('mbr_email_forwarding_cont');

		/** ----------------------------
		/**  Send email
		/** ----------------------------*/
		if ( ! class_exists('EEmail'))
			require PATH_CORE.'core.email'.EXT;
		$email = new EEmail;
		$email->wordwrap = true;
		if (isset($_POST['self_copy']))
			/*	If CC'ing the send, they get the email and the recipient is BCC'ed
				Because Rick says his filter blocks emails without a To: field
		$swap['lang:close_window'] = $LANG->line('mbr_close_window');
		if ( ! $email->Send())
			$swap['lang:message']	= $LANG->line('mbr_email_error');
			$swap['css_class'] 		= 'alert';
			$this->log_email($query->row['email'], $query->row['screen_name'], $_POST['subject'], $_POST['message']);

			$swap['lang:message']	= $LANG->line('mbr_good_email');
			$swap['css_class'] 		= 'success';
			$DB->query("UPDATE exp_members SET last_email_date = '{$LOC->now}' WHERE member_id = '".$SESS->userdata('member_id')."'");
		return $this->_var_swap($this->_load_element('email_user_message'), $swap);			