  *	@singleton method used to instantiate class object
  *	@access public
  *	@return EE_Front_Controller
 public static function instance()
     // check if class object is instantiated, and instantiated properly
     if (self::$_instance === NULL or !is_object(self::$_instance) or !self::$_instance instanceof EE_Front_Controller) {
         self::$_instance = new self();
     return self::$_instance;
  * 	template_include
  *  	@access 	public
  *  	@return 	void
 public function template_include($template)
     // not a custom template?
     if (EE_Front_Controller::instance()->get_selected_template() != 'single-espresso_venues.php') {
         // then add extra event data via hooks
         add_filter('the_title', array($this, 'the_title'), 100, 2);
         add_filter('the_content', array($this, 'venue_details'), 100);
         add_filter('the_content', array($this, 'venue_location'), 110);
         // don't diplay entry meta because the existing theme will take car of that
         add_filter('FHEE__content_espresso_venues_details_template__display_entry_meta', '__return_false');
     return $template;
  *    template_include
  * @access    public
  * @param string $template
  * @return    string
 public function template_include($template = '')
     // don't add content filter for dedicated EE child themes or private posts
     if (!EEH_Template::is_espresso_theme()) {
         /** @type EE_Events_Archive_Config $config */
         $config = $this->config();
         // add status banner ?
         if ($config->display_status_banner) {
             add_filter('the_title', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'the_title'), 100, 2);
         // if NOT a custom template
         if (EE_Front_Controller::instance()->get_selected_template() != 'archive-espresso_events.php' || apply_filters('FHEE__EED_Event_Archive__template_include__allow_custom_selected_template', FALSE)) {
             // don't display entry meta because the existing theme will take care of that
             add_filter('FHEE__EED_Events_Archive__template_include__events_list_active', '__return_true');
             // load functions.php file for the theme (loaded by WP if using child theme)
             // because we don't know if the theme is using the_excerpt()
             add_filter('the_excerpt', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'event_details'), 100, 1);
             // or the_content
             add_filter('the_content', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'event_details'), 100, 1);
             // and just in case they are running get_the_excerpt() which DESTROYS things
             add_filter('get_the_excerpt', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'get_the_excerpt'), 1, 1);
             // don't display entry meta because the existing theme will take care of that
             add_filter('FHEE__content_espresso_events_details_template__display_entry_meta', '__return_false');
     return $template;
  * 	template_include
  *  	@access 	public
  *  	@return 	void
 public function template_include($template)
     if (EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->template_settings->EED_Event_Single->display_status_banner_single) {
         add_filter('the_title', array('EED_Event_Single', 'the_title'), 100, 2);
     // not a custom template?
     if (EE_Front_Controller::instance()->get_selected_template() != 'single-espresso_events.php' && !post_password_required()) {
         // then add extra event data via hooks
         add_action('loop_start', array('EED_Event_Single', 'loop_start'));
         add_filter('the_content', array('EED_Event_Single', 'event_details'), 100);
         add_action('loop_end', array('EED_Event_Single', 'loop_end'));
         // don't diplay entry meta because the existing theme will take car of that
         add_filter('FHEE__content_espresso_events_details_template__display_entry_meta', '__return_false');
     return $template;
  * 	template_redirect
  *  	@access 	public
  *  	@return 	void
 public function template_redirect()
     // add event list filters
     add_action('loop_start', array($this, 'event_list_template_filters'));
     // and pagination
     add_action('loop_start', array($this, 'event_list_pagination'));
     add_action('loop_end', array($this, 'event_list_pagination'));
     // if NOT a custom template
     if (EE_Front_Controller::instance()->get_selected_template() != 'archive-espresso_events.php') {
         // don't know if theme uses the_excerpt
         add_filter('the_excerpt', array($this, 'event_details'), 100);
         add_filter('the_excerpt', array($this, 'event_tickets'), 110);
         add_filter('the_excerpt', array($this, 'event_datetimes'), 120);
         add_filter('the_excerpt', array($this, 'event_venues'), 130);
         // or the_content
         add_filter('the_content', array($this, 'event_details'), 100);
         add_filter('the_content', array($this, 'event_tickets'), 110);
         add_filter('the_content', array($this, 'event_datetimes'), 120);
         add_filter('the_content', array($this, 'event_venues'), 130);
     } else {
         add_filter('excerpt_length', array($this, 'excerpt_length'), 10);
         add_filter('excerpt_more', array($this, 'excerpt_more'), 10);
  *    template_include
  * @access    public
  * @param string $template
  * @return    string
 public function template_include($template = '')
     // ensure valid EE_Events_Archive_Config() object exists
     //		EED_Events_Archive::_set_config();
     // don't add content filter for dedicated EE child themes or private posts
     if (!EEH_Template::is_espresso_theme() && !post_password_required()) {
         // add status banner ?
         if ($this->config()->display_status_banner) {
             add_filter('the_title', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'the_title'), 100, 2);
         // if NOT a custom template
         if (EE_Front_Controller::instance()->get_selected_template() != 'archive-espresso_events.php') {
             // load functions.php file for the theme (loaded by WP if using child theme)
             // because we don't know if the theme is using the_excerpt()
             add_filter('the_excerpt', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'event_details'), 100, 1);
             // or the_content
             add_filter('the_content', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'event_details'), 100, 1);
             // and just in case they are running get_the_excerpt() which DESTROYS things
             add_filter('get_the_excerpt', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'get_the_excerpt'), 1, 1);
             // don't display entry meta because the existing theme will take care of that
             add_filter('FHEE__content_espresso_events_details_template__display_entry_meta', '__return_false');
     return $template;
  *    template_include
  * @access 	public
  * @param 	string $template
  * @return 	string
 public function template_include($template)
     global $post;
     /** @type EE_Event_Single_Config $config */
     $config = $this->config();
     if ($config->display_status_banner_single) {
         add_filter('the_title', array('EED_Event_Single', 'the_title'), 100, 2);
     // not a custom template?
     if (EE_Front_Controller::instance()->get_selected_template() != 'single-espresso_events.php' || apply_filters('FHEE__EED_Event_Single__template_include__allow_custom_selected_template', FALSE) && !post_password_required($post)) {
         // then add extra event data via hooks
         add_action('loop_start', array('EED_Event_Single', 'loop_start'));
         add_filter('get_the_excerpt', array('EED_Event_Single', 'get_the_excerpt'), 1, 1);
         add_filter('the_content', array('EED_Event_Single', 'event_details'), 100);
         add_action('loop_end', array('EED_Event_Single', 'loop_end'));
         // don't display entry meta because the existing theme will take car of that
         add_filter('FHEE__content_espresso_events_details_template__display_entry_meta', '__return_false');
     return $template;