public function test_insert_and_update_and_delete() { $term1 = EE_Term::new_instance(array('name' => 'monkey1', 'slug' => 'monkey1')); $term2 = EE_Term::new_instance(array('name' => 'monkey2', 'slug' => 'monkey2')); $term1->save(); $term2->save(); $tt_1 = EE_Term_Taxonomy::new_instance(array('taxonomy' => 'whatever', 'term_id' => $term1->ID())); $tt_1->save(); $tt_2 = EE_Term_Taxonomy::new_instance(array('taxonomy' => 'whatever', 'term_id' => $term2->ID())); $tt_2->save(); $e = EE_Event::new_instance(array('EVT_name' => 'for_term_1')); $e->save(); //ok done setup //test INSERT $this->assertEquals(0, $tt_1->count()); $new_tr_id = EEM_Term_Relationship::instance()->insert(array('term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_1->ID(), 'object_id' => $e->ID())); $this->assertNotNull($new_tr_id); //refresh out term_taxonomy objects, as the database has changed $tt_1 = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::reset()->get_one_by_ID($tt_1->ID()); $tt_2 = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::instance()->get_one_by_ID($tt_2->ID()); $this->assertEquals(1, $tt_1->count()); $this->assertEquals(0, $tt_2->count()); //test UPDATE... except we can't update term_relationship because there's no Primary Key //on it. This should be fixed at some point //@todo: fix this test // $updated = EEM_Term_Relationship::instance()->update_by_ID(array('term_taxonomy_id'=>$tt_2->ID() ), $new_tr_id ); // //refresh out term_taxonomy objects, as the database has changed // $tt_1 = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::reset()->get_one_by_ID( $tt_1->ID() ); // $tt_2 = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::instance()->get_one_by_ID($tt_2->ID() ); // $this->assertEquals( 0, $tt_1->count() ); // $this->assertEquals(1,$tt_2->count() ); //test DELETE //@todo: fix this test too. see above // $count_deleted = EEM_Term_Relationship::instance()->delete_by_ID($new_tr_id); // $this->assertNotEmpty( $count_deleted ); // //refresh out term_taxonomy objects, as the database has changed // $tt_1 = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::reset()->get_one_by_ID( $tt_1->ID() ); // $tt_2 = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::instance()->get_one_by_ID($tt_2->ID() ); // $this->assertEquals( 0, $tt_1->count() ); // $this->assertEquals(0,$tt_2->count() ); }
public function get_terms($taxonomy = 'espresso_people_categories', $per_page = 10, $current_page = 1, $count = FALSE) { global $wpdb; //testing term stuff $orderby = isset($this->_req_data['orderby']) ? $this->_req_data['orderby'] : 'Term.term_id'; $order = isset($this->_req_data['order']) ? $this->_req_data['order'] : 'DESC'; $limit = ($current_page - 1) * $per_page; $where = array('taxonomy' => $taxonomy); if (isset($this->_req_data['s'])) { $sstr = '%' . $this->_req_data['s'] . '%'; $where['OR'] = array('' => array('LIKE', $sstr), 'description' => array('LIKE', $sstr)); } $query_params = array($where, 'order_by' => array($orderby => $order), 'limit' => $limit . ',' . $per_page, 'force_join' => array('Term')); $terms = $count ? EEM_Term_Taxonomy::instance()->count($query_params, 'term_id') : EEM_Term_Taxonomy::instance()->get_all($query_params); return $terms; }
public function column_PER_event_types($item) { EE_Registry::instance()->load_helper('URL'); //first do a query to get all the types for this user for where they are assigned to an event. $event_type_IDs = EEM_Person_Post::instance()->get_col(array(array('PER_ID' => $item->ID(), 'OBJ_type' => 'Event')), 'PT_ID'); $event_types = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::instance()->get_all(array(array('term_taxonomy_id' => array('IN', $event_type_IDs)))); //loop through the types and setup the pills and the links $content = '<ul class="person-to-cpt-people-type-list">'; foreach ($event_types as $type) { $name = $type->get_first_related('Term')->get('name'); $count = EEM_Person_Post::instance()->count(array(array('PER_ID' => $item->ID(), 'OBJ_type' => 'Event', 'PT_ID' => $type->ID()))); $event_filter_link = EEH_URL::add_query_args_and_nonce(array('page' => 'espresso_events', 'action' => 'default', 'PER_ID' => $item->ID(), 'PT_ID' => $type->ID()), admin_url('admin.php')); $content .= '<li><a href="' . $event_filter_link . '">' . $name . '<span class="person-type-count">' . $count . '</span></a></li>'; } $content .= '</ul>'; echo $content; }
protected function _setup_data() { $this->_data = $this->_admin_page->get_categories($this->_per_page, $this->_current_page); $this->_all_data_count = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::instance()->count(array(array('taxonomy' => 'espresso_event_categories'))); }
/** * Adds an event category with the specified name and description to the specified * $cpt_model_object. Intelligently adds a term if necessary, and adds a term_taxonomy if necessary, * and adds an entry in the term_relationship if necessary. * @param EE_CPT_Base $cpt_model_object * @param string $category_name (used to derive the term slug too) * @param string $category_description * @param int $parent_term_taxonomy_id * @return EE_Term_Taxonomy */ function add_event_category(EE_CPT_Base $cpt_model_object, $category_name, $category_description = '', $parent_term_taxonomy_id = null) { //create term require_once EE_MODELS . 'EEM_Term.model.php'; //first, check for a term by the same name or slug $category_slug = sanitize_title($category_name); $term = EEM_Term::instance()->get_one(array(array('OR' => array('name' => $category_name, 'slug' => $category_slug)))); if (!$term) { $term = EE_Term::new_instance(array('name' => $category_name, 'slug' => $category_slug)); $term->save(); } //make sure there's a term-taxonomy entry too require_once EE_MODELS . 'EEM_Term_Taxonomy.model.php'; $term_taxonomy = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::instance()->get_one(array(array('term_id' => $term->ID(), 'taxonomy' => EE_Event_Category_Taxonomy))); /** @var $term_taxonomy EE_Term_Taxonomy */ if (!$term_taxonomy) { $term_taxonomy = EE_Term_Taxonomy::new_instance(array('term_id' => $term->ID(), 'taxonomy' => EE_Event_Category_Taxonomy, 'description' => $category_description, 'count' => 1, 'parent' => $parent_term_taxonomy_id)); $term_taxonomy->save(); } else { $term_taxonomy->set_count($term_taxonomy->count() + 1); $term_taxonomy->save(); } return $this->add_relationship_to($cpt_model_object, $term_taxonomy, 'Term_Taxonomy'); }
/** * Utility function used to get various items from the Person_Post model depending on the given params. * When no obj_id is provided, we use what is set as the $post id if present. * * @param int $obj_id What the obj_id is for comparing against. * @param string $primary_obj_type What it is being retrieved. * * @return EE_Base_Class[] (what is returned depends on what the primary_obj_type is) */ protected static function _get_rel_objects($obj_id = 0, $primary_obj_type = 'Person') { $objects = array(); if (empty($obj_id)) { global $post; $obj_id = $post instanceof WP_Post ? $post->ID : $obj_id; } //still empty? return empty array if (empty($obj_id)) { return array(); } if ($primary_obj_type != 'Person') { $where = array('PER_ID' => $obj_id, 'OBJ_type' => $primary_obj_type); $query = array($where); } else { $where = array('OBJ_ID' => $obj_id); $query = array($where, 'order_by' => array('PER_OBJ_order' => 'ASC')); } $object_items = EEM_Person_Post::instance()->get_all($query); $term_name_cache = array(); if (method_exists(EEM_Event::instance(), 'public_event_stati')) { $public_event_stati = EEM_Event::instance()->public_event_stati(); } else { $public_event_stati = get_post_stati(array('public' => TRUE)); foreach (EEM_Event::instance()->get_custom_post_statuses() as $custom_post_status) { $public_event_stati[] = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $custom_post_status)); } } foreach ($object_items as $object_item) { if (!isset($term_name_cache[$object_item->get('PT_ID')]) || !isset($objects[$term_name][$object_item->ID()])) { $term_name = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::instance()->get_one_by_ID($object_item->get('PT_ID'))->get_first_related('Term')->get('name'); $related_object = $object_item->get_first_related($primary_obj_type, array(array('status' => array('IN', apply_filters('FHEE__EEH_People_View__get_rel_objects__public_event_stati', $public_event_stati))))); if ($related_object instanceof EE_Base_Class) { $objects[$term_name][$object_item->ID()] = $related_object; $term_name_cache[$object_item->get('PT_ID')] = $term_name; } } } return $objects; }
/** * @todo: account for wp 4.2 term splitting ( */ function test_save_data_array_to_db__from_this_site__term_split() { //create term and term taxonomy $term = $this->new_model_obj_with_dependencies('Term', array('name' => 'Jaguar', 'slug' => 'jag')); $ttcar = $this->new_model_obj_with_dependencies('Term_Taxonomy', array('term_id' => $term->ID(), 'taxonomy' => 'cars', 'description' => 'A fast car')); $ttcat = $this->new_model_obj_with_dependencies('Term_Taxonomy', array('term_id' => $term->ID(), 'taxonomy' => 'cats', 'description' => 'A large black cat that likes to swim')); //create "csv" data for it (pretend exported) $csv_data = array('Term' => array($term->model_field_array()), 'Term_Taxonomy' => array($ttcar->model_field_array(), $ttcat->model_field_array())); $this->assertEquals($ttcat->get('term_id'), $ttcar->get('term_id')); //split the term in the "wp" way. Our model objet $ttcar will NOT get updated on its own $new_term_id_for_car = _split_shared_term($term->ID(), $ttcar->ID()); $ttcar = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::instance()->refresh_entity_map_from_db($ttcar->ID()); // echo "updated term taxonomy:";var_dump($ttcar->model_field_array()); $this->assertNotEquals($ttcat->get('term_id'), $ttcar->get('term_id')); //import it $new_mapping = EE_Import::instance()->save_data_rows_to_db($csv_data, false, array()); $ttcar = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::instance()->refresh_entity_map_from_db($ttcar->ID()); //when it's done importing, we should have saved a term-taxonomy for the new term, not re-inserted a term-taxonomy to the old term //and because it used the models, the model objects we have in scope should already be up-to-date $this->assertEquals($new_term_id_for_car, $ttcar->get('term_id')); }
protected function _setup_data() { $this->_data = $this->_admin_page->get_terms('espresso_people_type', $this->_per_page, $this->_current_page); $this->_all_data_count = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::instance()->count(array(array('taxonomy' => 'espresso_people_type'))); }
/** * Callback for FHEE__EE_Admin_Page___display_admin_list_table_page__before_list_table__template_arg used to add * context title for when the event list table is filtered by person and person type. * @param $original_content * @param $page_slug * @param $request_data * @param $request_action */ public function filtered_events_list_table_title($original_content, $page_slug, $request_data, $request_action) { if ($page_slug === 'espresso_events' && $request_action === 'default') { $person = $person_type = null; if (isset($request_data['PER_ID'])) { $person = EEM_Person::instance()->get_one_by_ID($request_data['PER_ID']); } if (isset($request_data['PT_ID'])) { $person_type = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::instance()->get_one_by_ID($request_data['PT_ID']); $person_type = $person_type instanceof EE_Term_Taxonomy ? $person_type->get_first_related('Term') : null; } if ($person instanceof EE_Person && $person_type instanceof EE_Term) { $title = sprintf(__('Viewing the events that %s is assigned to as %s', 'event_espresso'), $person->full_name(), $person_type->name()); } elseif ($person instanceof EE_Person && !$person_type instanceof EE_Term) { $title = sprintf(__('Viewing the events that %s is assigned to', 'event_espresso'), $person->full_name()); } elseif (!$person instanceof EE_Person && $person_type instanceof EE_Term) { $title = sprintf(__('Viewing the events that has at least one person assigned as %s.', 'event_espresso'), $person_type->name()); } else { $title = ''; } if ($title) { return '<h2>' . $title . '</h2>'; } } return $original_content; }
/** * Resets the model and returns it * @return EEM_Term_Taxonomy */ public static function reset() { self::$_instance = NULL; return self::instance(); }