function launch() { global $interface; global $configArray; $purchaseRatio = $configArray['EContent']['holdRatioForPurchase']; $interface->setPageTitle('eContent Purchase Alert'); //Load the list of eContent Reocrds that have more than 4 times as many holds as items $eContentRecord = new EContentRecord(); if (isset($_REQUEST['sourceFilter'])) { $sourcesToShow = $_REQUEST['sourceFilter']; foreach ($sourcesToShow as $key => $item) { $sourcesToShow[$key] = "'" . mysql_escape_string(strip_tags($item)) . "'"; } $sourceRestriction = " WHERE source IN (" . join(",", $sourcesToShow) . ") "; } $eContentRecord->query("SELECT, title, author, isbn, ilsId, source, count( as numHolds, availableCopies, onOrderCopies " . "FROM econtent_record " . "LEFT JOIN econtent_hold ON = econtent_hold.recordId " . "WHERE econtent_hold.status " . "IN ( " . "'active', 'suspended' " . ") " . "GROUP BY"); $recordsToPurchase = array(); while ($eContentRecord->fetch()) { $totalCopies = $eContentRecord->availableCopies + $eContentRecord->onOrderCopies; if ($eContentRecord->numHolds > $purchaseRatio * $totalCopies) { $eContentRecord->totalCopies = $totalCopies; $recordsToPurchase[] = clone $eContentRecord; } } $interface->assign('recordsToPurchase', $recordsToPurchase); //EXPORT To EXCEL if (isset($_REQUEST['exportToExcel'])) { $this->exportToExcel($recordsToPurchase); } $interface->assign('sidebar', 'MyAccount/account-sidebar.tpl'); $interface->setTemplate('econtentPurchaseAlert.tpl'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); }
function launch() { global $interface; $interface->setPageTitle('eContent Trial Records'); //Load the list of eContent Reocrds that have more than 4 times as many holds as items $eContentRecord = new EContentRecord(); if (isset($_REQUEST['sourceFilter'])) { $sourcesToShow = $_REQUEST['sourceFilter']; foreach ($sourcesToShow as $key => $item) { $sourcesToShow[$key] = "'" . mysql_escape_string(strip_tags($item)) . "'"; } $sourceRestriction = " WHERE source IN (" . join(",", $sourcesToShow) . ") "; } $eContentRecord->query("SELECT, title, author, source, count(DISTINCT econtent_checkout.userId) as numCheckouts FROM econtent_record LEFT JOIN econtent_checkout on = econtent_checkout.recordId WHERE trialTitle = 1 GROUP BY"); $trialRecordsToPurchase = array(); while ($eContentRecord->fetch()) { if ($eContentRecord->numCheckouts > 3) { $trialRecordsToPurchase[] = clone $eContentRecord; } } $interface->assign('trialRecordsToPurchase', $trialRecordsToPurchase); $interface->assign('sidebar', 'MyAccount/account-sidebar.tpl'); $interface->setTemplate('econtentTrialRecords.tpl'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); }
function getSourceFilter() { $eContentRecord = new EContentRecord(); //Populate the Source Filter $querySourceFilter = "select distinct source from econtent_record where not in (select recordId from econtent_item) and status = 'active' " . "ORDER BY source ASC"; $eContentRecord->query($querySourceFilter); $resultsSourceFilter = array(); $i = 0; while ($eContentRecord->fetch()) { $tmp = array('SourceValue' => $eContentRecord->source); $resultsSourceFilter[$i++] = $tmp; } return $resultsSourceFilter; }
function launch() { global $interface; $interface->setPageTitle('eContent WishList'); //Load the list of eContent Records that people have added to their wishlist $eContentRecord = new EContentRecord(); $eContentRecord->query("SELECT, title, author, source, ilsId, isbn, count(DISTINCT econtent_wishlist.userId) as numWishList FROM econtent_record INNER JOIN econtent_wishlist on = econtent_wishlist.recordId WHERE econtent_wishlist.status = 'active' GROUP BY ORDER BY numWishList DESC, title ASC"); $recordsOnWishList = array(); while ($eContentRecord->fetch()) { $recordsOnWishList[] = clone $eContentRecord; } $interface->assign('recordsOnWishList', $recordsOnWishList); //EXPORT To EXCEL if (isset($_REQUEST['exportToExcel'])) { $this->exportToExcel($recordsOnWishList); } $interface->setTemplate('econtentWishlist.tpl'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); }
function launch() { global $interface; global $configArray; $results = array(); $epubFile = new EContentItem(); $currentPage = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1; $recordsPerPage = 25; $searchUrl = $configArray['Site']['path'] . '/EContent/Search'; $searchParams = array(); foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, array('module', 'action', 'page'))) { $searchParams[] = "{$key}={$value}"; } } $searchUrl = $searchUrl . '?page=%d&' . implode('&', $searchParams); $interface->assign('page', $currentPage); $epubFile = new EContentRecord(); if (isset($_REQUEST['sortOptions'])) { $epubFile->orderBy($_REQUEST['sortOptions']); $interface->assign('sort', $_REQUEST['sortOptions']); } $numTotalFiles = $epubFile->count(); $epubFile->limit(($currentPage - 1) * $recordsPerPage, 20); $epubFile->find(); if ($epubFile->N > 0) { while ($epubFile->fetch()) { $results[] = clone $epubFile; } } $interface->assign('results', $results); $options = array('totalItems' => $numTotalFiles, 'fileName' => $searchUrl, 'perPage' => $recordsPerPage); $pager = new VuFindPager($options); $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks()); $interface->setTemplate('search.tpl'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); }
function loadCollectionSummary() { $collectionSummary = array(); $epubFile = new EContentRecord(); $query = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) as numTitles FROM `econtent_record` where status = 'active'"; $epubFile->query($query); if ($epubFile->N > 0) { $epubFile->fetch(); $collectionSummary['numTitles'] = $epubFile->numTitles; } $statsByDRM = new EContentRecord(); $query = "SELECT accessType, COUNT(DISTINCT id) as numTitles FROM `econtent_record` where status = 'active' GROUP BY accessType ORDER BY accessType ASC"; $statsByDRM->query($query); while ($statsByDRM->fetch()) { $collectionSummary['statsByDRM'][$statsByDRM->accessType] = $statsByDRM->numTitles; } $statsBySource = new EContentRecord(); $query = "SELECT source, COUNT(DISTINCT id) as numTitles FROM `econtent_record` where status = 'active' GROUP BY source ORDER BY source ASC"; $statsBySource->query($query); while ($statsBySource->fetch()) { $collectionSummary['statsBySource'][$statsBySource->source] = $statsBySource->numTitles; } return $collectionSummary; }
/** * Returns information about the titles within a list including: * - Title, Author, Bookcover URL, description, record id */ function getListTitles($listId = NULL, Pagination $pagination = NULL) { global $configArray; if (!$listId) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'The id of the list to load must be provided as the id parameter.'); } $listId = $_REQUEST['id']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['username']) && isset($_REQUEST['password'])) { $username = $_REQUEST['username']; $password = $_REQUEST['password']; global $user; $user = UserAccount::validateAccount($username, $password); } else { global $user; } if ($user) { $userId = $user->id; } if (is_numeric($listId) || preg_match('/list[-:](.*)/', $listId, $listInfo)) { if (isset($listInfo)) { $listId = $listInfo[1]; } return $this->_getUserListTitles($listId); } elseif (preg_match('/search:(.*)/', $listId, $searchInfo)) { if (is_numeric($searchInfo[1])) { $titles = $this->getSavedSearchTitles($searchInfo[1]); if ($titles && count($titles) > 0) { return array('success' => true, 'listTitle' => $listId, 'listDescription' => "Search Results", 'titles' => $titles, 'cacheLength' => 4); } else { return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'The specified search could not be found.'); } } else { //Do a default search $titles = $this->getSystemListTitles($listId); if (count($titles) > 0) { return array('success' => true, 'listTitle' => $listId, 'listDescription' => "System Generated List", 'titles' => $titles, 'cacheLength' => 4); } else { return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'The specified list could not be found.'); } } } else { $systemList = null; $systemLists = $this->getSystemLists(); foreach ($systemLists['lists'] as $curSystemList) { if ($curSystemList['id'] == $listId) { $systemList = $curSystemList; break; } } //The list is a system generated list if ($listId == 'newEpub' || $listId == 'newebooks') { require_once ROOT_DIR . 'sys/eContent/EContentRecord.php'; $eContentRecord = new EContentRecord(); $eContentRecord->orderBy('date_added DESC'); $eContentRecord->limit(0, 30); $eContentRecord->find(); $titles = array(); while ($eContentRecord->fetch()) { $titles[] = $this->setEcontentRecordInfoForList($eContentRecord); } return array('success' => true, 'listTitle' => $systemList['title'], 'listDescription' => $systemList['description'], 'titles' => $titles, 'cacheLength' => 1); } elseif ($listId == 'freeEbooks') { if (!$pagination) { $pagination = new Pagination(); } require_once ROOT_DIR . 'sys/eContent/EContentRecord.php'; $eContentRecord = new EContentRecord(); $eContentRecord->orderBy('date_added DESC'); $eContentRecord->whereAdd('accessType = \'free\''); $eContentRecord->limit($pagination->getOffset(), $pagination->getNumItemsPerPage()); $eContentRecord->find(); $titles = array(); while ($eContentRecord->fetch()) { $titles[] = $this->setEcontentRecordInfoForList($eContentRecord); } return array('success' => true, 'listTitle' => $systemList['title'], 'listDescription' => $systemList['description'], 'titles' => $titles, 'cacheLength' => 1); } elseif ($listId == 'highestRated') { $query = "SELECT record_id, AVG(rating) FROM `user_rating` inner join resource on resourceid = GROUP BY resourceId order by AVG(rating) DESC LIMIT 30"; $result = mysql_query($query); $ids = array(); while ($epubInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $ids[] = $epubInfo['record_id']; } $titles = $this->loadTitleInformationForIds($ids); return array('success' => true, 'listTitle' => $systemList['title'], 'listDescription' => $systemList['description'], 'titles' => $titles, 'cacheLength' => 1); } elseif ($listId == 'highestRatedEContent') { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/eContent/EContentRating.php'; $econtentRating = new EContentRating(); $records = $econtentRating->getRecordsListAvgRating("DESC", 30); $titles = array(); if (!empty($records)) { foreach ($records as $eContentRecord) { $titles[] = $this->setEcontentRecordInfoForList($eContentRecord); } } return array('success' => true, 'listTitle' => $systemList['title'], 'listDescription' => $systemList['description'], 'titles' => $titles, 'cacheLength' => 1); } elseif ($listId == 'recentlyReviewed') { $query = "SELECT record_id, MAX(created) FROM `comments` inner join resource on resource_id = group by resource_id order by max(created) DESC LIMIT 30"; $result = mysql_query($query); $ids = array(); while ($epubInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $ids[] = $epubInfo['record_id']; } $titles = $this->loadTitleInformationForIds($ids); return array('success' => true, 'listTitle' => $systemList['title'], 'listDescription' => $systemList['description'], 'titles' => $titles, 'cacheLength' => 1); } elseif ($listId == 'mostPopular') { $query = "SELECT record_id, count(userId) from user_reading_history inner join resource on resourceId = GROUP BY resourceId order by count(userId) DESC LIMIT 30"; $result = mysql_query($query); $ids = array(); while ($epubInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $ids[] = $epubInfo['record_id']; } $titles = $this->loadTitleInformationForIds($ids); return array('success' => true, 'listTitle' => $systemList['title'], 'listDescription' => $systemList['description'], 'titles' => $titles, 'cacheLength' => 1); } elseif ($listId == 'recommendations') { if (!$user) { return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'A valid user must be provided to load recommendations.'); } else { $userId = $user->id; require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/MyResearch/lib/Suggestions.php'; $suggestions = Suggestions::getSuggestions($userId); $titles = array(); foreach ($suggestions as $id => $suggestion) { $imageUrl = $configArray['Site']['coverUrl'] . "/bookcover.php?id=" . $id; if (isset($suggestion['titleInfo']['issn'])) { $imageUrl .= "&issn=" . $suggestion['titleInfo']['issn']; } if (isset($suggestion['titleInfo']['isbn10'])) { $imageUrl .= "&isn=" . $suggestion['titleInfo']['isbn10']; } if (isset($suggestion['titleInfo']['upc'])) { $imageUrl .= "&upc=" . $suggestion['titleInfo']['upc']; } if (isset($suggestion['titleInfo']['format_category'])) { $imageUrl .= "&category=" . $suggestion['titleInfo']['format_category']; } $smallImageUrl = $imageUrl . "&size=small"; $imageUrl .= "&size=medium"; $titles[] = array('id' => $id, 'image' => $imageUrl, 'small_image' => $smallImageUrl, 'title' => $suggestion['titleInfo']['title'], 'author' => $suggestion['titleInfo']['author']); } return array('success' => true, 'listTitle' => $systemList['title'], 'listDescription' => $systemList['description'], 'titles' => $titles, 'cacheLength' => 0); } } else { return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'The specified list could not be found.'); } } }
function getSourceFilter() { //Populate the Source Filter $econtentRecord = new EContentRecord(); $querySourceFilter = "SELECT DISTINCT source FROM econtent_record WHERE source IS NOT NULL AND source <> '' " . "ORDER BY source ASC"; $econtentRecord->query($querySourceFilter); $resultsSourceFilter = array(); $i = 0; while ($econtentRecord->fetch()) { $tmp = array('SourceValue' => $econtentRecord->source); $resultsSourceFilter[$i++] = $tmp; } return $resultsSourceFilter; }
function loadCollectionDetails($source, $startDate, $endDate, $itemsPerPage, $startRecord) { $collectionDetails = array(); $collectionDetails['records'] = array(); $econtentRecord = new EContentRecord(); $econtentRecord->source = $source; $econtentRecord->status = 'active'; $econtentRecord->whereAdd("date_added >= {$startDate->getTimestamp()}"); $econtentRecord->whereAdd("date_added < {$endDate->getTimestamp()}"); $econtentRecord->orderBy('title'); $econtentRecordCount = clone $econtentRecord; if ($itemsPerPage > 0) { $econtentRecord->limit($startRecord, $itemsPerPage); } $econtentRecord->find(); while ($econtentRecord->fetch()) { $collectionDetails['records'][] = clone $econtentRecord; } //Get the total number of available results $econtentRecordCount->find(); $numTotalRecords = $econtentRecordCount->N; $collectionDetails['resultTotal'] = $numTotalRecords; $collectionDetails['perPage'] = $itemsPerPage; return $collectionDetails; }
function loadEContentSources() { $sources = array(); $econtentRecord = new EContentRecord(); $econtentRecord->query("SELECT DISTINCT source FROM econtent_record ORDER BY source"); while ($econtentRecord->fetch()) { $sources[] = $econtentRecord->source; } return $sources; }