Exemple #1
 public static function init($className, $isActive = true, $isDefault = false)
     //If the $isActive parameter is false, do not do anything. This will be useful if we store the plugins in the database
     //The $isDefault parameter will change the default shipping plugin
     if (!$isActive) {
     if (!isset(ECommShipping::$activeShippingPlugin[$className])) {
         require "{$className}.php";
         ECommShipping::$activeShippingPlugin[$className] = new $className();
     //If this is the first plugin, make it the default one
     if (count(ECommShipping::$activeShippingPlugin) == 1) {
         $isDefault = true;
     if ($isDefault) {
         //If a plugin is the default shipping class:
         //First, set the defaultPlugin variable to the name of this class
         //Second, change the order of the array becuase the default plugin MUST always be the first shipping plugin
         ECommShipping::$defaultPlugin = $className;
         $tempArray = ECommShipping::$activeShippingPlugin;
         ECommShipping::$activeShippingPlugin = array();
         ECommShipping::$activeShippingPlugin[$className] = $tempArray[$className];
         //Put the default plugin at the beginning
         foreach ($tempArray as $key => $val) {
             ECommShipping::$activeShippingPlugin[$key] = $val;
Exemple #2
 public static function getCartDetails($sessionId = null, $cartItems = null)
     //This function returns an array that contains the sub total, shipping cost, tax cost, and total cost
     //If $cartItems is an array we will use it as the cart items
     //Otherwise, we'll get the cart items from the database based on the session ID
     //If $cartItems is known before calling this method, it is a good idea to pass it to this method for performance purposes
     //If $sessionId is null, it means we want the current session
     $session = Session::getActiveSession($sessionId);
     $sessionId = $session->getId();
     if (!is_array($cartItems)) {
         $cartItems = CartItem::getAll($sessionId);
     $userId = $session->getUser();
     $userDetails = UserDetails::getUserDetailsBasedOnUserId($userId);
     $shippingAddress = $userDetails->getAddress('shipping_address');
     $cartDetails = array("subTotal" => 0, "tax" => 0, "shipping" => 0, "total" => 0);
     foreach ($cartItems as $cartItem) {
         $product = new Product($cartItem->getProduct());
         $productPrice = $cartItem->calculatePrice() * $cartItem->getQuantity();
         $cartDetails["subTotal"] += $productPrice;
         $cartDetails["tax"] += TaxRate::calculateTax($product->getTaxClass(), $productPrice, $shippingAddress);
     require_once 'plugins/shipping/ECommShipping.php';
     $ECommShipping = new ECommShipping();
     $shippingObj = $ECommShipping->getPlugin($session->getShippingClass());
     $cartDetails["shipping"] = (double) $shippingObj->getShippingCost($sessionId, $cartItems);
     $cartDetails["total"] = (double) $cartDetails["subTotal"] + (double) $cartDetails["tax"] + (double) $cartDetails["shipping"];
     foreach ($cartDetails as &$cartDetailsItem) {
         $cartDetailsItem = number_format($cartDetailsItem, 2);
     return $cartDetails;