  * Outputs the html code for Twitter button
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function html()
     if (!$this->isEnabled()) {
     // Get the pinterest button style from the configuration
     $size = $this->getButtonSize();
     $url = EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $this->post->id, false, true);
     // Combine the introtext and the content
     $content = $this->post->intro . $this->post->content;
     // Get the media
     $media = $this->getMedia();
     $contentLength = 350;
     $text = $this->post->intro . $this->post->content;
     $text = nl2br($text);
     $text = strip_tags($text);
     $text = trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $text));
     $text = JString::strlen($text) > $contentLength ? JString::substr($text, 0, $contentLength) . '...' : $text;
     $title = $this->post->title;
     // Urlencode all the necessary properties.
     $url = urlencode($url);
     $text = urlencode($text);
     $media = urlencode($media);
     $placeholder = $this->getPlaceholderId();
     $theme = EB::template();
     $theme->set('size', $size);
     $theme->set('placeholder', $placeholder);
     $theme->set('url', $url);
     $theme->set('title', $title);
     $theme->set('media', $media);
     $theme->set('text', $text);
     $output = $theme->output('site/socialbuttons/pinterest');
     return $output;
  * Generates the unsubscribe link for the email
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	
 public function getUnsubscribeLink($data, $external = false)
     $itemId = EBR::getItemId('latest');
     // Generate the unsubscribe hash
     $hash = base64_encode(json_encode($data->export()));
     $link = EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&task=subscription.unsubscribe&data=' . $hash . '&Itemid=' . $itemId, false, $external);
     return $link;
Exemple #3
  * Formats the message to be published on Twitter
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	
 public function formatMessage(EasyBlogPost &$post, EasyBlogTableOAuth &$oauth)
     // Get the message template to use to push to Twitter
     $content = !empty($oauth->message) ? $oauth->message : $this->config->get('main_twitter_message');
     // Default vars to search / replace
     $search = array();
     $replace = array();
     // Replace the {title} tag
     if (JString::stristr($content, '{title}') !== false) {
         $search[] = '{title}';
         $replace[] = $post->title;
     // Replace the {introtext} tag
     if (JString::stristr($content, '{introtext}') !== false) {
         $search[] = '{introtext}';
         $replace[] = $post->getIntro(EASYBLOG_STRIP_TAGS);
     // Replace the {category} tag
     if (JString::stristr($content, '{category}') !== false) {
         // Get the primary category of the blog post
         $category = $post->getPrimaryCategory();
         $search[] = '{category}';
         $replace[] = $category->title;
     // Get the final content
     $content = JString::str_ireplace($search, $replace, $content);
     // Replace the {link} tag
     if (JString::stristr($content, '{link}') !== false) {
         // Twitter will automatically shorten urls and a link will have a maximum of 22 chars
         // which leaves us with an offset of 118 characters
         $length = 22;
         $link = EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $post->id, false, true);
         // If blog post is being posted from the back end and SH404 is installed, we should just use the raw urls.
         $sh404exists = EBR::isSh404Enabled();
         if ($this->app->isAdmin() && $sh404exists) {
             $link = rtrim(JURI::root(), '/') . '/index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $post->id;
         // Get the remaining length that we can use.
         $remaining = 140 - $length;
         // Split the message
         $parts = explode('{link}', $content);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($parts); $i++) {
             $tmp =& $parts[$i];
             $tmpLength = JString::strlen($tmp);
             if ($tmpLength > $remaining) {
                 if ($remaining <= 0) {
                     $tmp = JString::substr($tmp, 0, 0);
                 } else {
                     if ($remaining < 6) {
                         $tmp = JString::substr($tmp, 0, $remaining);
                     } else {
                         $tmp = JString::substr($tmp, 0, $remaining - 3) . JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ELLIPSES');
                     $remaining = 0;
             } else {
                 $remaining -= $tmpLength;
         $content = implode($link, $parts);
     } else {
         $content = JString::substr($content, 0, 136) . JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ELLIPSES');
     return $content;
Exemple #4
  * Retrieves the external permalink for this blog post
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function getExternalPermalink($format = null)
     $link = EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=categories&layout=listings&id=' . $this->id, false, true, true);
     $link = EBR::appendFormatToQueryString($link, $format);
     return $link;
Exemple #5
  * Retrieve the extracted content of a blog post that can be formatted to Facebook
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function extractPostData(EasyBlogPost &$post)
     // Prepare the result data
     $data = new stdClass();
     // Get the content's source
     $source = $this->config->get('integrations_facebook_source');
     // Get the blog content
     $data->content = $post->getIntro(true);
     // Get the blog's image to be pushed to Facebook
     $data->image = $post->getImage('thumbnail', true, true);
     // var_dump($data->image);exit;
     // If there's no blog image, try to get the image from the content
     if (!$data->image) {
         // lets get full content.
         $fullcontent = $post->getContent('entry');
         $data->image = EB::string()->getImage($fullcontent);
     // If there's still no image, use author's avatar
     if (!$data->image) {
         $author = $post->getAuthor();
         $data->image = $author->getAvatar();
     // if still no image. lets try to get from placeholder.
     if (!$data->image) {
         $data->image = EB::getPlaceholderImage();
     // Format the content so that it respects the length
     $max = $this->config->get('integrations_facebook_blogs_length');
     // Remove adsense codes
     $data->content = EB::adsense()->strip($data->content);
     if ($max && JString::strlen($data->content) > $max) {
         $data->content = JString::substr($data->content, 0, $max) . JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ELLIPSES');
     // Get the url to the blog
     $data->url = EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $post->id, false, true);
     // If blog post is being posted from the back end and SH404 is installed, we should just use the raw urls.
     $sh404exists = EBR::isSh404Enabled();
     if ($this->app->isAdmin() && $sh404exists) {
         $data->url = EB::getExternalLink('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $post->id);
     return $data;
Exemple #6
  * Process email notifications
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function processEmails($isModerated = false, $blog)
     $config = EB::config();
     // Fix contents of comments.
     $content = $this->comment;
     // Initialize what we need
     $commentAuthor = $this->name;
     $commentAuthorEmail = $this->email;
     $commentAuthorAvatar = JURI::root() . 'components/com_easyblog/assets/images/default_blogger.png';
     // Get the date object
     $date = EB::date();
     // Format the date
     $commentDate = $date->format(JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC3'));
     $teamLink = '';
     if (isset($blog->team)) {
         $teamLink = '&team=' . $blog->team;
     // Get the author data
     if ($this->created_by != 0) {
         $user = $this->getAuthor();
         $commentAuthor = $user->getName();
         $commentAuthorEmail = $user->user->email;
         $commentAuthorAvatar = $user->getAvatar();
     $blogAuthor = EB::user($blog->created_by);
     $data = array('blogTitle' => $blog->title, 'blogIntro' => $blog->intro, 'blogContent' => $blog->content, 'blogLink' => EasyBlogRouter::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry' . $teamLink . '&id=' . $blog->id, false, true), 'commentTitle' => empty($comment->title) ? '-' : $comment->title, 'commentContent' => $content, 'commentAuthor' => $commentAuthor, 'commentAuthorAvatar' => $commentAuthorAvatar, 'commentDate' => $commentDate, 'commentLink' => EasyBlogRouter::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry' . $teamLink . '&id=' . $blog->id, false, true) . '#comment-' . $this->id);
     // Get a list of emails
     $emails = array();
     // Get the notification library
     $notification = EB::notification();
     if ($isModerated) {
         $hashkey = EB::table('HashKeys');
         $hashkey->uid = $this->id;
         $hashkey->type = 'comments';
         // Generate the approval and reject links
         $data['approveLink'] = EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&task=comments.approve&key=' . $hashkey->key, false, true);
         $data['rejectLink'] = EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&task=comments.reject&key=' . $hashkey->key, false, true);
         // Send email notification to admin.
         if ($config->get('custom_email_as_admin')) {
         } else {
         // @rule: Send email notification to blog authors.
         if ($config->get('notification_commentmoderationauthor')) {
             $obj = new stdClass();
             $obj->unsubscribe = false;
             $obj->email = $blogAuthor->user->email;
             $emails[$blogAuthor->user->email] = $obj;
         $notification->send($emails, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_NEW_COMMENT_ADDED_MODERATED_TITLE'), 'comment.moderate', $data);
         return true;
     if (!$isModerated) {
         // Get a list of admin emails
         // Send notification to blog authors.
         if ($config->get('notification_commentauthor')) {
             $obj = new stdClass();
             $obj->unsubscribe = false;
             $obj->email = $blogAuthor->user->email;
             $emails[$blogAuthor->user->email] = $obj;
         // Send notifications to blog subscribers
         if ($config->get('main_subscription') && $blog->subscription == '1' && $config->get('notification_commentsubscriber')) {
             $notification->getBlogSubscriberEmails($emails, $blog->id);
         // Do not send to the person that commented on the blog post.
         if (!$emails) {
             return false;
         // Send the emails now.
         $subject = JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_NEW_COMMENT_ADDED_IN_POST', $blog->title);
         $notification->send($emails, $subject, 'comment.new', $data);
         return true;
Exemple #7
  * Indexes a post on the site
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	FinderIndexerResult		The item to index
  * @param	string	The item's format
  * @return	void
 protected function index(FinderIndexerResult $item, $format = 'html')
     // Check if the extension is enabled
     if (!$this->exists()) {
     // Build the necessary route and path information.
     $item->url = 'index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $item->id;
     $item->route = EBR::getRoutedURL($item->url, false, true);
     // Remove any /administrator/ segments from the url since the indexer could be executed from the back end
     $item->route = $this->removeAdminSegment($item->route);
     // Get the content path
     $item->path = FinderIndexerHelper::getContentPath($item->route);
     // If there is access defined, just set it to 2 which is special privileges.
     if (!$item->access || $item->access == 0) {
         $item->access = 1;
     } else {
         if ($item->access > 0) {
             $item->access = 2;
     // Load up the post item
     $post = EB::post();
     // Get the intro text of the content
     $item->summary = $post->getIntro();
     // Get the contents
     $item->body = $post->getContent('entry', false);
     // If the post is password protected, we do not want to display the contents
     if ($post->isPasswordProtected()) {
         $item->summary = JText::_('PLG_FINDER_EASYBLOG_PASSWORD_PROTECTED');
     } else {
         // we want to get custom fields values.
         $fields = $post->getCustomFields();
         $fieldlib = EB::fields();
         $customfields = array();
         if ($fields) {
             foreach ($fields as $field) {
                 if ($field->group->hasValues($post)) {
                     foreach ($field->fields as $customField) {
                         $eachField = $fieldlib->get($customField->type);
                         $customfields[] = $eachField->text($customField, $post);
             $customfieldvalues = implode(' ', $customfields);
             $item->body = $item->body . ' ' . $customfieldvalues;
     // Add the author's meta data
     $item->metaauthor = !empty($item->created_by_alias) ? $item->created_by_alias : $item->author;
     $item->author = !empty($item->created_by_alias) ? $item->created_by_alias : $item->author;
     // If the post has an image, use it
     $image = $post->getImage('thumbnail', false, true);
     // If there's no image, try to scan the contents for an image to be used
     if (!$image && $post->isLegacy()) {
         $image = EB::string()->getImage($item->body);
     // If we still can't locate any images, use the placeholder image
     if (!$image) {
         $image = EB::getPlaceholderImage();
     $registry = new JRegistry();
     $registry->set('image', $image);
     $item->params = $registry;
     // Add the meta-data processing instructions.
     $item->addInstruction(FinderIndexer::META_CONTEXT, 'metakey');
     $item->addInstruction(FinderIndexer::META_CONTEXT, 'metadesc');
     $item->addInstruction(FinderIndexer::META_CONTEXT, 'metaauthor');
     $item->addInstruction(FinderIndexer::META_CONTEXT, 'author');
     // Add the type taxonomy data.
     $item->addTaxonomy('Type', 'EasyBlog');
     // Add the author taxonomy data.
     if (!empty($item->author) || !empty($item->created_by_alias)) {
         $item->addTaxonomy('Author', !empty($item->created_by_alias) ? $item->created_by_alias : $item->author);
     // Add the category taxonomy data.
     $item->addTaxonomy('Category', $item->category, $item->cat_state, $item->cat_access);
     // Add the language taxonomy data.
     if (empty($item->language)) {
         $item->language = '*';
     $item->addTaxonomy('Language', $item->language);
     // Get content extras.
     // For Joomla 3.0, the indexer is assigned to the property
     // Index the item.
     if (EB::isJoomla30()) {
         return $this->indexer->index($item);
     return FinderIndexer::index($item);
  * Retrieves the object of the subscription item
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	
 public function getObject()
     if ($this->utype == 'category') {
         $obj = EB::table('Category');
         $obj->objAvatar = $obj->getAvatar();
         $obj->objPermalink = $obj->getPermalink();
     if ($this->utype == 'blogger') {
         $obj = EB::user($this->uid);
         $obj->objAvatar = $obj->getAvatar();
         $obj->objPermalink = $obj->getPermalink();
     if ($this->utype == 'site') {
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->title = EB::config()->get('main_title');
         $obj->permalink = EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog', false, true);
         $obj->objAvatar = '';
         $obj->objPermalink = $obj->permalink;
     if ($this->utype == 'teamblog' || $this->utype == 'team') {
         $team = EB::table('Teamblog');
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->title = $team->title;
         $obj->objAvatar = $team->getAvatar();
         $obj->objPermalink = $team->getPermalink();
     if ($this->utype == 'entry') {
         // Get the post object
         $post = EB::post($this->uid);
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->title = $post->title;
         $obj->objPermalink = $post->getPermalink();
         $obj->objAvatar = $post->getAuthor()->getAvatar();
     return $obj;
  * Sends notifications out
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	
 public function notify($reject = false)
     $notification = EB::notification();
     // Load up the team blog
     $team = EB::table('TeamBlog');
     // Send email notifications to the requester
     $requester = JFactory::getUser($this->user_id);
     $data = array('teamName' => $team->title, 'teamDescription' => $team->getDescription(), 'teamAvatar' => $team->getAvatar(), 'teamLink' => EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=teamblog&layout=listings&id=' . $this->team_id, false, true));
     $template = $reject ? 'team.rejected' : 'team.approved';
     // Load site language file
     $subject = $reject ? JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_TEAMBLOGS_REQUEST_REJECTED', $team->title) : JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_TEAMBLOGS_REQUEST_APPROVED', $team->title);
     $obj = new stdClass();
     $obj->unsubscribe = false;
     $obj->email = $requester->email;
     $emails = array($obj);
     $notification->send($emails, $subject, $template, $data);
Exemple #10
  * Retrieves the external permalink for this blog post
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function getExternalPermalink()
     static $link = array();
     if (!isset($link[$this->id])) {
         // If blog post is being posted from the back end and SH404 is installed, we should just use the raw urls.
         $sh404 = EBR::isSh404Enabled();
         $link[$this->id] = EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $this->id, true, true);
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         // If this is being submitted from the back end we do not want to use the sef links because the URL will be invalid
         if ($app->isAdmin() && $sh404) {
             $link[$this->id] = rtrim(JURI::root(), '/') . $link[$this->id];
     return $link[$this->id];
Exemple #11
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function insetCommentActivity($comment, EasyBlogPost $post)
     if (!$this->exists()) {
         return false;
     // We do not want to add activities if new comment activity is disabled.
     if (!$this->config->get('integrations_jomsocial_comment_new_activity')) {
         return false;
     $command = 'easyblog.comment.add';
     // Get the post title
     $title = $this->getPostTitle($post);
     // Get the permalink
     $permalink = EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $comment->post_id, false, true) . '#comment-' . $comment->id;
     // Get the content
     $content = '';
     if ($this->config->get('integrations_jomsocial_submit_content')) {
         $content = $comment->comment;
         $content = EB::comment()->parseBBCode($content);
         $content = nl2br($content);
         $content = strip_tags($content);
         $content = JString::substr($content, 0, $this->config->get('integrations_jomsocial_comments_length'));
     $obj = new stdClass();
     $obj->title = JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_JS_ACTIVITY_COMMENT_ADDED', $permalink, $title);
     if (!$comment->created_by) {
         $obj->title = JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_JS_ACTIVITY_GUEST_COMMENT_ADDED', $permalink, $title);
     $obj->content = $content;
     $obj->cmd = $command;
     $obj->actor = $comment->created_by;
     $obj->target = 0;
     $obj->app = 'easyblog';
     $obj->cid = $comment->id;
     if ($this->config->get('integrations_jomsocial_activity_likes')) {
         $obj->like_id = $comment->id;
         $obj->like_type = 'com_easyblog.comments';
     if ($this->config->get('integrations_jomsocial_activity_comments')) {
         $obj->comment_id = $comment->id;
         $obj->comment_type = 'com_easyblog.comments';
     // add JomSocial activities
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'activities');
Exemple #12
  * Retrieves the url of the post
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	
 public function getUrl()
     $url = EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $this->post->id, false, true);
     return $url;
Exemple #13
  * Retrieves the external permalink for this author
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function getExternalPermalink()
     $link = EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=blogger&layout=listings&id=' . $this->id, false, true, true);
     return $link;
  * Retrieves the object of the subscription item
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	
 public function getObject()
     if ($this->utype == 'category') {
         $obj = EB::table('Category');
     if ($this->utype == 'blogger') {
         $obj = EB::user($this->uid);
     if ($this->utype == 'site') {
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->title = EB::config()->get('main_title');
         $obj->permalink = EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog', false, true);
     if ($this->utype == 'entry') {
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->title = 'Entry';
         $obj->permalink = '';
     return $obj;
Exemple #15
  * Revokes the user's oauth access
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	
 public function revoke()
     // Require the user to be logged in
     // The default url
     $url = EBR::_('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=dashboard&layout=profile', false);
     // Get any redirection url
     $redirect = $this->input->get('redirect', '', 'default');
     // Get the oauth client
     $type = $this->input->get('client', '', 'cmd');
     // If redirect url is provided, we know for sure where to redirect the user to
     if ($redirect) {
         $url = base64_decode($redirect);
     // Load up the oauth object
     $table = EB::table('OAuth');
     $table->loadByUser($this->my->id, $type);
     // Load up the oauth client and set the access
     $client = EB::oauth()->getClient($type);
     // Get the callback url
     $callback = EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&task=oauth.grant&client=' . $type, false, true);
     // Get the consumer and secret key
     $key = $this->config->get('integrations_' . $type . '_api_key');
     $secret = $this->config->get('integrations_' . $type . '_secret_key');
     // Try to revoke the app
     $state = $client->revoke();
     // After revoking the access, delete the oauth record
     $this->info->set(JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_APPLICATION_REVOKED_SUCCESSFULLY'), 'success');
     return $this->app->redirect($url, false);