} //setDynDescription try { $obj = new Dynaform(); $obj->setDynDescription('x'); } catch (Exception $e) { //#13 $t->isa_ok($e, 'Exception', 'setDynDescription() return error when DYN_UID is not defined'); //#14 $t->is($e->getMessage(), "Error in setDynDescription, the DYN_UID can't be blank", 'setDynDescription() return Error in getAppTitle, the APP_UID cant be blank'); } //getDynDescription try { $obj = new Dynaform(); $res = $obj->getDynDescription(); } catch (Exception $e) { //#15 $t->isa_ok($e, 'Exception', 'getDynDescription() return error when DYN_UID is not defined'); //#16 $t->is($e->getMessage(), "Error in getDynDescription, the DYN_UID can't be blank", 'getDynDescription() return Error in getDynDescription, the DYN_UID cant be blank'); } //setAppDescription try { $obj = new Dynaform(); $obj->setDynDescription('x'); } catch (Exception $e) { //#17 $t->isa_ok($e, 'Exception', 'setAppDescription() return error when DYN_UID is not defined'); //#18 $t->is($e->getMessage(), "Error in setDynDescription, the DYN_UID can't be blank", 'setAppDescription() return Error in getAppDescription, the APP_UID cant be blank'); }