Exemple #1
 public function upgrade($upgrade_plugin = '')
     //  1. Find the plugin we're going to update.
     //  2. Check it out
     //  3. Update the lockfile
     foreach ($this->plugins_manifest as $dir => $plugin) {
         // Upgrade the plugin if:
         //  - It is the plugin they asked for
         //  - They didn't specify a plugin, and this plugin is in the manifest.
         if ($dir == $upgrade_plugin || $upgrade_plugin == '' && isset($this->plugins_manifest->{$dir})) {
             $git = new \Dxw\Whippet\Git\Git("{$this->plugin_dir}/{$dir}");
             // Find the specified revision.
             echo "[Checking {$dir}] ";
             // Check it out
             if (!$git->checkout($git->remote_revision_commit($plugin->revision))) {
             if (!$git->submodule_update()) {
             // If we were upgrading a specific plugin, bail now
             if ($upgrade_plugin != '') {
Exemple #2
 public function create(&$force)
     // Does this commit have a release directory already? If so, do nothing
     if (!$force && file_exists($this->release_dir)) {
         return false;
     // there's no point in forcing a non-existant release
     if ($force && !file_exists($this->release_dir)) {
         $force = false;
     // Got whippet.{json,lock} or plugins.lock?
     if (is_file($this->project_dir . '/whippet.json') && is_file($this->project_dir . '/whippet.lock')) {
         $factory = new \Dxw\Whippet\Factory();
         $installer = new \Dxw\Whippet\Dependencies\Installer($factory, new \Dxw\Whippet\ProjectDirectory($this->project_dir));
     } elseif ($this->plugins_lock_file && file_exists($this->plugins_lock_file)) {
         $installer = new Plugin();
     } else {
         echo "Couldn't find plugins.lock in the project directory. (Did you run whippet plugins install?)\n";
     // If we're here, we must deploy
     //    1. Clone WP
     //    2. Delete wp-content etc
     //    3. Make sure wp-content is up to date
     //    4. Copy our wp-content, omitting gitfoo
     //    5. ?? Theme/plugin build steps ?? (Makefile-esque thing?)
     //    6. Symlink required files from shared dir
     // Assuming we're not forcing, create a new directory for this release, or use only an empty existing dir
     if (!$force) {
         $this->check_and_create_dir($this->release_dir, true);
     } else {
         $this->release_dir = dirname($this->release_dir) . '/forced_release_tmp_' . sha1(microtime());
     // Clone WP and remove things we don't want
     $wp = new \Dxw\Whippet\Git\Git($this->release_dir);
     foreach (['wp-content', '.git', 'readme.html', 'wp-config-sample.php'] as $delete) {
         if (is_dir("{$this->release_dir}/{$delete}")) {
         } else {
     // Make sure wp-content is up to date
     $result = $installer->install(true);
     if ($result->isErr()) {
         echo sprintf("ERROR: %s\n", $result->getErr());
     // Copy over wp-content
     $this->recurse_copy("{$this->project_dir}/wp-content", "{$this->release_dir}/wp-content");
     if (file_exists("{$this->release_dir}/wp-content/uploads")) {
     // Remove unwanted git/test foo
     $plugins = scandir("{$this->release_dir}/wp-content/plugins");
     foreach ($plugins as $dir) {
         $path = "{$this->release_dir}/wp-content/plugins/{$dir}";
         if ($dir === '.' || $dir === '..' || !is_dir($path)) {
         // Remove git files from all plugins
         foreach (['.git', '.gitmodules', '.gitignore'] as $delete) {
         // Remove test files from whippet plugins
         if ($this->is_whippet_plugin($path)) {
             foreach (['tests', 'Makefile', '.drone.yml'] as $delete) {
     // Copy public assets
     if (is_dir("{$this->project_dir}/public")) {
         $this->recurse_copy("{$this->project_dir}/public", "{$this->release_dir}");
     // TODO: theme and plugin build steps
     // Symlinkery
     symlink(realpath("{$this->release_dir}/../../shared/wp-config.php"), "{$this->release_dir}/wp-config.php");
     symlink(realpath("{$this->release_dir}/../../shared/uploads"), "{$this->release_dir}/wp-content/uploads");
     // FIN