function checkForAttachments() { global $formObj, $mysqli, $blnCheckForumAttachments, $prevFolder; $returnVal = false; if ($blnCheckForumAttachments) { $attachmentObj = new Download($mysqli); $downloadCatObj = new DownloadCategory($mysqli); $downloadCatObj->selectBySpecialKey("forumattachments"); $forumAttachmentCatID = $downloadCatObj->get_info("downloadcategory_id"); $arrDownloadID = array(); $arrDLColumns = array("downloadcategory_id", "member_id", "dateuploaded", "filename", "mimetype", "filesize", "splitfile1", "splitfile2"); for ($i = 1; $i <= $_POST['numofattachments']; $i++) { $tempPostName = "forumattachment_" . $i; if ($_FILES[$tempPostName]['name'] != "" && $attachmentObj->uploadFile($_FILES[$tempPostName], $prevFolder . "downloads/files/forumattachment/", $forumAttachmentCatID)) { $splitFiles = $attachmentObj->getSplitNames(); $fileSize = $attachmentObj->getFileSize(); $mimeType = $attachmentObj->getMIMEType(); $arrDLValues = array($forumAttachmentCatID, $memberInfo['member_id'], time(), $_FILES[$tempPostName]['name'], $mimeType, $fileSize, "downloads/files/forumattachment/" . $splitFiles[0], "downloads/files/forumattachment/" . $splitFiles[1]); if ($attachmentObj->addNew($arrDLColumns, $arrDLValues)) { $arrDownloadID[] = $attachmentObj->get_info("download_id"); } } elseif ($_FILES[$tempPostName]['name'] != "") { $countErrors++; $dispError .= " <b>·</b> Unable to upload attachment #" . $i . ": " . $_FILES[$tempPostName]['name'] . ".<br>"; } } $returnVal = $arrDownloadID; } return $returnVal; }
} // Check Section if (!in_array($_POST['section'], $arrDownloadCat)) { $countErrors++; $dispError .= " <b>·</b> You selected an invalid download section.<br>"; } $blnUploaded = false; // Check Upload if (trim($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']) == "") { $countErrors++; $dispError .= " <b>·</b> You must select a file to upload.<br>"; } elseif ($countErrors == 0 && $downloadObj->uploadFile($_FILES['uploadfile'], $prevFolder . "downloads/files/", $_POST['section'])) { $blnUploaded = true; $arrDLColumns = array("downloadcategory_id", "member_id", "dateuploaded", "filename", "mimetype", "filesize", "splitfile1", "splitfile2", "name", "description"); $splitFiles = $downloadObj->getSplitNames(); $fileSize = $downloadObj->getFileSize(); $mimeType = $downloadObj->getMIMEType(); $arrDLValues = array($_POST['section'], $memberInfo['member_id'], time(), $_FILES['uploadfile']['name'], $mimeType, $fileSize, "downloads/files/" . $splitFiles[0], "downloads/files/" . $splitFiles[1], $_POST['title'], $_POST['description']); if ($downloadObj->addNew($arrDLColumns, $arrDLValues)) { echo "\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<div style='display: none' id='successBox'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<p align='center'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSuccessfully Added Download!\n\t\t\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t\t\tpopupDialog('Add Download', '" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members', 'successBox');\n\t\t\t\t</script>\n\n\t\t\t"; } else { $countErrors++; $dispError .= " <b>·</b> Unable to save information to the database. Please contact the website administrator.<br>"; } } if (!$blnUploaded) { $countErrors++; $dispError .= " <b>·</b> Unable to upload file. Make sure the file is not too big and has a valid extension.<br>"; } if ($countErrors > 0) { $_POST = filterArray($_POST);