/** * Return data on a course view (this will be some form of HTML) * * @param object $course Current course * @param object $offering Name of the component * @param boolean $describe Return plugin description only? * @return object */ public function onCourse($course, $offering, $describe = false) { if (!$offering->access('manage', 'section')) { return; } $response = with(new \Hubzero\Base\Object())->set('name', $this->_name)->set('title', Lang::txt('PLG_COURSES_' . strtoupper($this->_name)))->set('description', Lang::txt('PLG_COURSES_' . strtoupper($this->_name) . '_BLURB'))->set('default_access', $this->params->get('plugin_access', 'managers'))->set('display_menu_tab', true)->set('icon', 'f083'); if ($describe) { return $response; } $nonadmin = Request::getState('com_courses.offering' . $offering->get('id') . '.nonadmin', 0); if (!($active = Request::getVar('active')) && !$nonadmin) { Request::setVar('active', $active = $this->_name); } if ($response->get('name') == $active) { // Set the page title Document::setTitle(Document::getTitle() . ': ' . Lang::txt('PLG_COURSES_' . strtoupper($this->_name))); Pathway::append(Lang::txt('PLG_COURSES_' . strtoupper($this->_name)), $offering->link() . '&active=' . $this->_name); $view = with($this->view('default', 'overview'))->set('option', Request::getVar('option', 'com_courses'))->set('course', $course)->set('offering', $offering)->set('params', $this->params); foreach ($this->getErrors() as $error) { $view->setError($error); } $response->set('html', $view->loadTemplate()); } // Return the output return $response; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->view->setLayout('login_layout'); Document::setCss(array('login-admin')); Document::setTitle('Đăng nhập'); }
function exeAlbum() { if (Session::get('user') != null) { Document::setTitle('Album ảnh'); Document::setJs(array('image', 'jquery.form')); $data = array(); $display = 15; $totalPage = ceil($this->model->total("`username` = '" . Session::get('user')['username'] . "'") / $display); if ((int) Request::get('page') > 0) { $page = Request::get('page'); if ($totalPage < $page) { $page = $totalPage; } } else { $page = 1; } $pageLink = new Paging($page, $totalPage); $data['pagination'] = $pageLink->pagination('?'); $data['images'] = $this->model->selectUser(Session::get('user')['username'], ($page - 1) * $display, $display); $data['url'] = BASE_URL . '/'; $data['action'] = BASE_URL . '/image/add'; $this->view->render('album', $data); } else { Until::redirectTo(); } }
public function exeDefault() { Document::setTitle('Quản lý ảnh'); Document::setJs(array('jquery-1.8.3.min', 'image-admin')); $data = array(); $keySearch = Request::get('keySearch'); $data['keySearch'] = $keySearch; $condition = ''; if ($keySearch == null) { $link = '?'; } else { $link = '?keySearch=' . $keySearch . '&'; $condition = 'LOWER(`username`)="' . strtolower($keySearch) . '"'; } $display = 20; $totalPage = ceil($this->model->total($condition) / $display); if ((int) Request::get('page') > 0) { $page = Request::get('page'); if ($totalPage < $page) { $page = $totalPage; } } else { $page = 1; } $pageLink = new Paging($page, $totalPage); $data['title'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/image'; $data['pagination'] = $pageLink->pagination($link); $data['images'] = $this->model->selectAll(($page - 1) * $display, $display, $condition); $data['ajax'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/image/load'; $data['imageLoad'] = BASE_URL . '/public/css/images/loading.gif'; $data['url'] = BASE_URL . '/'; $this->view->render('index', $data); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); Document::setTitle('Giới thiệu'); Document::setCss(array('style')); $this->view->setLayout('main_layout'); }
function exeArticle() { $id = (int) Request::get('article'); if ($id > 0) { $data = $this->model->selectOne($id); if (empty($data)) { $data['error'] = true; } else { $data['error'] = false; Document::setTitle($data['title']); $comments = $this->exeGetComment((int) Request::get('article'), 0, 20); $data['comments'] = $comments['data']; $data['viewComment'] = $comments['view']; Document::setTitle($data['title']); if (Session::get('user') != null) { $data['submit'] = '<input name="submitComment" type="button" class="input_submit" login="******" value="Bình luận"/>'; } else { $data['submit'] = '<input name="submitComment" type="button" class="input_submit" value="Đăng nhập để bình luận"/>'; } } } else { $data['error'] = true; } if ($data['error'] == true) { Document::setTitle('Lỗi'); } $this->view->render('article', $data); }
function exeEdit() { $id = (int) Request::get('id'); if ($id > 0) { if (Session::get('province') != null) { $data = Session::get('province'); $data['error'] = '<p class="error">Bạn vui lòng nhập đầy đủ thông tin</p>'; Session::unsetSession('province'); } else { $data = $this->model->selectOne($id); $data['error'] = ''; } if (empty($data)) { Until::redirectTo('province'); } else { Document::setTitle('Sửa - ' . $data['province']); Document::setJs(array('jquery-1.8.3.min', 'ask-delete', 'jconfirmaction.jquery')); $data['total'] = $this->model->total(); $data['member'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/user'; $data['province_title'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/province'; $data['actionEdit'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/province/update'; $data['delete'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/province/delete?id='; $data['imageDelete'] = BASE_URL . '/public/css/images/trash.png'; $this->view->render('edit', $data); } } else { Until::redirectTo('province'); } }
/** * Image Manager Popup * * @param string $listFolder The image directory to display * @since 1.5 */ function getFolderList($base = null) { // Get some paths from the request if (empty($base)) { $base = COM_MEDIA_BASE; } //corrections for windows paths $base = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $base); $com_media_base_uni = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', COM_MEDIA_BASE); // Get the list of folders $folders = Filesystem::directories($base, '.', true, true); Document::setTitle(Lang::txt('COM_MEDIA_INSERT_IMAGE')); // Build the array of select options for the folder list $options[] = Html::select('option', "", "/"); foreach ($folders as $folder) { $folder = str_replace($com_media_base_uni, "", str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $folder)); $value = substr($folder, 1); $text = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "/", $folder); $options[] = Html::select('option', $value, $text); } // Sort the folder list array if (is_array($options)) { sort($options); } // Get asset and author id (use integer filter) $asset = Request::getInt('asset', 0); $author = Request::get('author', 0); // Create the drop-down folder select list $list = Html::select('genericlist', $options, 'folderlist', 'class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="ImageManager.setFolder(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value, ' . $asset . ', ' . $author . ')" ', 'value', 'text', $base); return $list; }
function exeEdit() { Document::setTitle('Sửa giới thiệu'); Document::setJs(array('ckeditor/ckeditor', 'replace-content')); $data = $this->model->selectIntro(); $data['action'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/intro/update'; $this->view->render('edit', $data); }
function exeDefault() { Document::setJs(array('jquery-1.8.3.min', 'ask-delete', 'jconfirmaction.jquery')); Document::setTitle('Quản lý quyền'); $data['acl'] = $this->model->selectAll(); $data['addLink'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/acl/add'; $data['editLink'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/acl/edit?id='; $data['deleteLink'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/acl/delete?id='; $data['imageEdit'] = BASE_URL . '/public/css/images/white_edit.png'; $data['imageDelete'] = BASE_URL . '/public/css/images/trash.png'; $this->view->render('index', $data); }
function exeDetail() { Document::setJs(array('jquery-1.8.3.min', 'ask-delete', 'jconfirmaction.jquery')); $data = $this->model->selectOne((int) Request::get('id')); if (empty($data)) { Until::redirectTo('/feedback'); } $data['imageDelete'] = BASE_URL . '/public/css/images/trash.png'; Document::setTitle('Liên hệ - ' . $data['fullname']); $this->model->read(); $data['delete'] = $data['delete'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/feedback/delete?id='; $this->view->render('detail', $data); }
function exeDefault() { $id = (int) Session::get('user')['id']; if ($id > 0) { Document::setTitle('Bạn bè'); Document::setJs(array('relationship')); $data = array(); $data['id'] = $id; $data['detail'] = BASE_URL . '/user/detail?user='******'invitation'] = $this->model->listInvitation($id); $data['friends'] = $this->model->listFriends($id); $this->view->render('index', $data); } }
function exeEdit() { Document::setTitle('Sửa dịch vụ'); $data = $this->model->selectOne((int) Request::get('id')); $data['error'] = ''; if (Session::get('service_error') != null) { $data['error'] = Session::get('service_error'); Session::unsetSession('service_error'); } $data['service'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/services'; $data['update'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/services/update'; $data['services'] = $this->model->selectAll(); $data['total'] = $this->model->total(); $this->view->render('edit', $data); }
function exeDefault() { Document::setJs(array('jquery-1.8.3.min', 'ask-delete', 'jconfirmaction.jquery', 'role', 'type_user')); Document::setTitle('Quản lý thành viên'); $data = array(); $keySearch = Request::get('keySearch'); $find = Request::get('find'); $searchName = ''; $searchEmail = ''; if ($find == 'name') { $searchName = 'selected="selected"'; } elseif ($find == 'email') { $searchEmail = 'selected="selected"'; } $data['title'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/user'; $data['searchName'] = $searchName; $data['searchEmail'] = $searchEmail; $data['keySearch'] = $keySearch; $condition = ''; if ($keySearch == null) { $link = '?'; } else { $link = '?keySearch=' . $keySearch . '&'; if ($searchEmail != '') { $condition = "LOWER(`email`) like '%" . strtolower($keySearch) . "%'"; } else { $condition = "LOWER(`username`) like '%" . strtolower($keySearch) . "%'"; } if ($find == 'email') { $link .= 'find=' . $find . '&'; } } $display = 20; $totalPage = ceil($this->model->total($condition) / $display); if ((int) Request::get('page') > 0) { $page = Request::get('page'); if ($totalPage < $page) { $page = $totalPage; } } else { $page = 1; } $pageLink = new Paging($page, $totalPage); $data['pagination'] = $pageLink->pagination($link); $data['user'] = $this->model->selectAll(($page - 1) * $display, $display, $condition); $data['action'] = ''; $this->view->render('index', $data); }
/** * display */ public function displayTask() { Pathway::append(Lang::txt('COM_GEOSEARCH_TITLE'), 'index.php?option=' . $this->_option); Document::setTitle(Lang::txt('COM_GEOSEARCH_TITLE')); $filters = array(); $filters['limit'] = 1000; //Request::getInt('limit', 1000, 'request'); $filters['start'] = 0; //Request::getInt('limitstart', 0, 'request'); $resources = Request::getVar('resource', '', 'request'); $tags = trim(Request::getString('tags', '', 'request')); $distance = Request::getInt('distance', '', 'request'); $location = Request::getVar('location', '', 'request'); $unit = Request::getVar('dist_units', '', 'request'); $this->view->display(); }
function exeDefault() { Document::setTitle('Trang chủ'); $intro = $this->loadIntro(); $data = array(); $data['intro'] = $intro->selectIntro(); $data['detailIntro'] = BASE_URL . '/intro'; $article = $this->loadArticle(); $data['article'] = $article->selectAll(0, 10); $data['detailArticle'] = BASE_URL . '/article/article?article='; $user = $this->loadUser(); $data['user'] = $user->selectAllDetail(0, 15); $data['detailUser'] = BASE_URL . '/user/detail?user='******'detailUserAll'] = BASE_URL . '/user'; $this->view->render('index', $data); }
function exeDetail() { $id = (int) Request::get('service'); $data = array(); $data['service'] = $this->model->selectOne($id); if (empty($data['service'])) { Until::redirectTo('services'); } if ($id > 0) { Document::setTitle($data['service']['feature']); $art = $this->loadArticle(); $data['article'] = $art->selectAll(0, 20, '`service_id`="' . $data['service']['id'] . '"'); $data['detail'] = BASE_URL . '/article/Article?article='; $this->view->render('detail', $data); } else { Until::redirectTo('services'); } }
function exeDefault() { Document::setTitle('Liên hệ'); Document::setJs(array('feedback')); $data = array(); $data['action'] = BASE_URL . '/feedback/insert'; $data['captcha'] = BASE_URL . '/function/create_captcha.php'; if (Session::get('feedback') == null) { $data['error'] = $data['success'] = $data['content'] = $data['email'] = $data['fullname'] = ''; } else { $data['error'] = Session::get('feedback')['error']; $data['success'] = Session::get('feedback')['success']; $data['content'] = Session::get('feedback')['content']; $data['email'] = Session::get('feedback')['email']; $data['fullname'] = Session::get('feedback')['fullname']; Session::unsetSession('feedback'); } $this->view->render('index', $data); }
/** * Return data on a course view (this will be some form of HTML) * * @param object $course Current course * @param object $offering Name of the component * @param boolean $describe Return plugin description only? * @return object */ public function onCourse($course, $offering, $describe = false) { $response = with(new \Hubzero\Base\Object())->set('name', $this->_name)->set('title', Lang::txt('PLG_COURSES_' . strtoupper($this->_name)))->set('description', Lang::txt('PLG_COURSES_' . strtoupper($this->_name) . '_BLURB'))->set('default_access', $this->params->get('plugin_access', 'members'))->set('display_menu_tab', true)->set('icon', 'f095'); if ($describe) { return $response; } if (!($active = Request::getVar('active'))) { Request::setVar('active', $active = $this->_name); } // Get a student count $response->set('meta_count', $offering->announcements(array('count' => true))); // Check if our area is in the array of areas we want to return results for if ($response->get('name') == $active) { // Set some variables so other functions have access $this->option = Request::getCmd('option', 'com_courses'); $this->course = $course; $this->offering = $offering; // Set the page title Document::setTitle(Document::getTitle() . ': ' . Lang::txt('PLG_COURSES_ANNOUNCEMENTS')); Pathway::append(Lang::txt('PLG_COURSES_' . strtoupper($this->_name)), $this->offering->link() . '&active=' . $this->_name); require_once Component::path('com_courses') . DS . 'models' . DS . 'announcement.php'; $action = Request::getWord('action', ''); switch (strtolower($action)) { case 'save': $response->set('html', $this->_save()); break; case 'new': $response->set('html', $this->_edit()); break; case 'edit': $response->set('html', $this->_edit()); break; case 'delete': $response->set('html', $this->_delete()); break; default: $response->set('html', $this->_list()); break; } } // Return the output return $response; }
function exeDetail() { $data = array(); $id = (int) Request::get('support'); if ($id > 0) { $data = $this->model->selectOne($id); if (empty($data)) { $data['error'] = true; } else { Document::setTitle($data['question']); $data['error'] = false; } } else { $data['error'] = true; } if ($data['error'] == true) { Document::setTitle('Lỗi'); } $this->view->render('detail', $data); }
function exeDefault() { Document::setTitle('Hoá đơn'); Document::setJs(array('jquery-1.8.3.min', 'ask-delete', 'jconfirmaction.jquery')); $data = array(); $keySearch = Request::get('keySearch'); $data['keySearch'] = $keySearch; $condition = ''; if ($keySearch == null) { $link = '?'; } else { $link = '?keySearch=' . $keySearch . '&'; $condition = 'LOWER(`username`)="' . strtolower($keySearch) . '"'; } $display = 20; $totalPage = ceil($this->model->total($condition) / $display); if ((int) Request::get('page') > 0) { $page = Request::get('page'); if ($totalPage < $page) { $page = $totalPage; } } else { $page = 1; } $pageLink = new Paging($page, $totalPage); $data['pagination'] = $pageLink->pagination($link); $data['title'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/bill'; $recharge = $this->LoadRecharge(); $data['recharge'] = $recharge->selectAll(); $data['actionDelete'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/bill/delete'; $data['delete'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/bill/delete?id='; $data['detail'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/bill/detail?id='; $data['imageDelete'] = BASE_URL . '/public/css/images/trash.png'; $data['detailRecharge'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/recharge'; $data['bill'] = $this->model->selectAll(($page - 1) * $display, $display, $condition); $this->view->render('index', $data); }
/** * Display the view */ public function display($tpl = null) { if ($this->getLayout() == 'pagebreak') { // TODO: This is really dogy - should change this one day. $eName = Request::getVar('e_name'); $eName = preg_replace('#[^A-Z0-9\\-\\_\\[\\]]#i', '', $eName); Document::setTitle(Lang::txt('COM_CONTENT_PAGEBREAK_DOC_TITLE')); $this->assignRef('eName', $eName); parent::display($tpl); return; } // Initialiase variables. $this->form = $this->get('Form'); $this->item = $this->get('Item'); $this->state = $this->get('State'); $this->canDo = ContentHelper::getActions($this->state->get('filter.category_id')); // Check for errors. if (count($errors = $this->get('Errors'))) { App::abort(500, implode("\n", $errors)); return false; } $this->addToolbar(); parent::display($tpl); }
<div class="grid"> <div class="col span12 omega"> <input type="text" value="ss" /> <span class="hint">(Command/Ctrl + C to Copy)</span> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a id="full-screen" class="tooltips control" href="javascript:void(0);" title="View Video Fullscreen">Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div><!-- /#control-box --> <div id="video-subtitles"></div> </div><!-- /#video-container --> <div id="transcript-container"> <div id="transcript-toolbar"> <div id="transcript-select"></div> <input type="text" id="transcript-search" placeholder="Search Transcript..." /> <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="font-bigger"></a> <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="font-smaller"></a> </div> <div id="transcripts"></div> </div> <div class="bottom-controls"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-secondardy icon-popout embed-popout">Pop Out</a> </div> <?php Document::setTitle($this->resource->title);
/** * Set the page title * * @return void */ protected function _buildTitle() { $this->_title = Lang::txt(strtoupper($this->_option)); if ($this->_task && in_array($this->_task, array('story', 'poll', 'sendstory', 'suggestions'))) { $this->_title .= ': ' . Lang::txt(strtoupper($this->_option) . '_' . strtoupper($this->_task)); } \Document::setTitle($this->_title); }
/** * Build the title for this component * * @return void */ protected function _buildTitle() { if (!$this->_title) { $this->_title = Lang::txt(strtoupper($this->_option)) . ': ' . Lang::txt(strtoupper($this->_option . '_' . $this->_controller)); } Document::setTitle($this->_title); }
* * HUBzero is a registered trademark of Purdue University. * * @package hubzero-cms * @copyright Copyright 2005-2015 HUBzero Foundation, LLC. * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT */ // No direct access defined('_HZEXEC_') or die; if (Pathway::count() <= 0) { Pathway::append(Lang::txt('COM_BLOG'), 'index.php?option=' . $this->option); } Pathway::append($this->row->published('Y'), 'index.php?option=' . $this->option . '&year=' . $this->row->published('Y')); Pathway::append($this->row->published('m'), 'index.php?option=' . $this->option . '&year=' . $this->row->published('Y') . '&month=' . sprintf("%02d", $this->row->published('m'))); Pathway::append(stripslashes($this->row->get('title')), $this->row->link()); Document::setTitle(Lang::txt('COM_BLOG') . ': ' . stripslashes($this->row->get('title'))); $this->css()->js(); $first = $this->archive->entries(array('state' => $this->filters['state'], 'authorized' => $this->filters['authorized']))->order('publish_up', 'asc')->limit(1)->row(); ?> <header id="content-header"> <h2><?php echo Lang::txt('COM_BLOG'); ?> </h2> <div id="content-header-extra"> <p> <a class="icon-archive archive btn" href="<?php echo Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->option . '&task=archive'); ?> ">
/** * Sets the title and pathway based on the current task * * @return void */ private function setTitle() { \Document::setTitle(Lang::txt('COM_MEMBERS_CREDENTIALS_' . ucfirst($this->_task))); \Pathway::append(Lang::txt('COM_MEMBERS_CREDENTIALS_' . ucfirst($this->_task)), 'index.php?option=' . $this->_option . '&task=' . $this->_task); }
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * */ // No direct access defined('_HZEXEC_') or die; $html = ''; $this->css()->js()->css('jquery.fancybox.css', 'system'); $counts = $this->model->get('counts'); $new = isset($counts['new']) && $counts['new'] > 0 ? $counts['new'] : 0; // Add new activity count to page title $title = $new && $this->active == 'feed' ? $this->title . ' (' . $new . ')' : $this->title; Document::setTitle($title); // Get project params $params = $this->model->params; // Get layout from project params or component $layout = $params->get('layout', $this->config->get('layout', 'standard')); $theme = $params->get('theme', $this->config->get('theme', 'light')); if ($layout == 'extended') { // Include extended CSS $this->css('extended.css'); // Include theme CSS $this->css('theme' . $theme . '.css'); } else { $this->css('standard.css'); } // Get notifications $notification = Event::trigger('projects.onProjectNotification', array($this->model, $this->active));
/** * Serve wiki page (usually via public link) * * @param int $projectid * @return void */ public function serve($type = '', $projectid = 0, $query = '') { $this->_area = $this->onProjectAreas(); if ($type != $this->_area['name']) { return false; } $data = json_decode($query); if (!isset($data->pageid) || !$projectid) { return false; } $this->loadLanguage(); $database = App::get('db'); $this->_option = 'com_projects'; // Instantiate a project $this->model = new \Components\Projects\Models\Project($projectid); if (!$this->model->exists()) { return false; } $groupname = $this->model->config()->get('group_prefix', 'pr-') . $this->model->get('alias'); $scope = 'projects' . DS . $this->model->get('alias') . DS . 'notes'; // Include note model include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_projects' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'note.php'; // Get our model $this->note = new \Components\Projects\Models\Note($scope, $groupname, $projectid); // Fix pathway (com_wiki screws it up) $this->fixupPathway(); // Load requested page $page = $this->note->page($data->pageid); if (!$page->get('id')) { return false; } // Write title & build pathway Document::setTitle(Lang::txt(strtoupper($this->_option)) . ': ' . stripslashes($this->model->get('title')) . ' - ' . stripslashes($page->get('title'))); // Instantiate a new view $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'notes', 'name' => 'pubview')); $view->option = $this->_option; $view->model = $this->model; $view->page = $page; $view->revision = $page->revision('current'); $view->masterscope = 'projects' . DS . $this->model->get('alias') . DS . 'notes'; // Output HTML if ($this->getError()) { $view->setError($this->getError()); } $view->display(); return true; }
* HUBzero is a registered trademark of Purdue University. * * @package hubzero-cms * @author Shawn Rice <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright 2005-2015 HUBzero Foundation, LLC. * @copyright Copyright 2005-2014 Open Source Matters, Inc. * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GPLv2 */ $canDo = \Components\Installer\Admin\Helpers\Installer::getActions(); Toolbar::title(Lang::txt('COM_INSTALLER_HEADER_' . $this->getName()), 'install.png'); if ($canDo->get('core.admin')) { Toolbar::preferences('com_installer'); Toolbar::divider(); } Toolbar::help('warnings'); Document::setTitle(Lang::txt('COM_INSTALLER_TITLE_' . $this->getName())); ?> <div id="installer-warnings"> <form action="<?php echo Route::url('index.php?option=com_installer&controller=warnings'); ?> " method="post" name="adminForm" id="item-form"> <?php if (!count($this->messages)) { echo '<p class="nowarning">' . Lang::txt('COM_INSTALLER_MSG_WARNINGS_NONE') . '</p>'; } else { echo Html::sliders('start', 'warning-sliders', array('useCookie' => 1)); foreach ($this->messages as $message) { echo Html::sliders('panel', $message['message'], str_replace(' ', '', $message['message'])); echo '<div style="padding: 5px;">' . $message['description'] . '</div>'; }