public function actionAjaxProdExp()
     $from = $_POST['from'];
     $to = $_POST['to'];
     $product_id = $_POST['prod'];
     $dishPorce = array();
     $dishName = array();
     $stuffPorce = array();
     $stuffName = array();
     $dishOrders = array();
     $stuffOrders = array();
     $model = Dishes::model()->with('dishStruct')->findAll('dishStruct.prod_id = :prod', array(':prod' => $product_id));
     foreach ($model as $value) {
         foreach ($value->getRelated('dishStruct') as $val) {
             $dishPorce[$value->dish_id] = $val->amount / $value->count;
             $dishName[$value->dish_id] = $value->name;
     $model5 = Dishes::model()->with('halfstuff.Struct.stuffStruct')->findAll('stuffStruct.prod_id = :prod AND stuffStruct.types = :types', array(':prod' => $product_id, ':types' => 1));
     foreach ($model5 as $value) {
         foreach ($value->getRelated('halfstuff') as $val) {
             foreach ($val->getRelated('Struct')->getRelated('stuffStruct') as $vals) {
                 $dishPorce[$value->dish_id] = $dishPorce[$value->dish_id] + $vals->amount / $val->getRelated('Struct')->count * $val->amount / $value->count;
                 $dishName[$value->dish_id] = $value->name;
     $model3 = Halfstaff::model()->with('stuffStruct')->findAll('stuffStruct.prod_id = :prod AND stuffStruct.types = :types', array(':prod' => $product_id, ':types' => 1));
     foreach ($model3 as $value) {
         foreach ($value->getRelated('stuffStruct') as $val) {
             $stuffPorce[$value->halfstuff_id] = $val->amount / $value->count;
             $stuffName[$value->halfstuff_id] = $value->name;
     $model2 = Expense::model()->with('order')->findAll('date(order_date) BETWEEN :from AND :to AND type = :types', array(':from' => $from, ':to' => $to, ':types' => 1));
     foreach ($model2 as $value) {
         foreach ($value->getRelated('order') as $val) {
             $dishOrders[$val->just_id] = $dishOrders[$val->just_id] + $val->count;
     $model4 = Expense::model()->with('order')->findAll('date(order_date) BETWEEN :from AND :to AND type = :types', array(':from' => $from, ':to' => $to, ':types' => 2));
     foreach ($model4 as $value) {
         foreach ($value->getRelated('order') as $val) {
             $stuffOrders[$val->just_id] = $stuffOrders[$val->just_id] + $val->count;
     $prodCount = array();
     $prodSumm = array();
     $model6 = Faktura::model()->with('realize')->findAll('date(realize_date) BETWEEN :from AND :to', array(':from' => $from, ':to' => $to));
     foreach ($model6 as $value) {
         foreach ($value->getRelated('realize') as $val) {
             $prodCount[$val->prod_id] = $prodCount[$val->prod_id] + $val->count;
             $prodSumm[$val->prod_id] = $prodSumm[$val->prod_id] + $val->count * $val->price;
     $this->renderPartial('ajaxProdExp', array('dishPorce' => $dishPorce, 'dishName' => $dishName, 'stuffPorce' => $stuffPorce, 'stuffName' => $stuffName, 'dishOrder' => $dishOrders, 'stuffOrder' => $stuffOrders, 'realizeCount' => $prodCount[$product_id]));
 public function actionProdRelList($id)
     $model = Dishes::model()->with('products')->findAll('products.product_id = :prodId', array(':prodId' => $id));
     $model2 = Halfstaff::model()->with('products')->findAll('products.product_id = :prodId', array(':prodId' => $id));
     $this->renderPartial('prodRelList', array('model' => $model, 'model2' => $model2));
 public function actionDepForm()
     $depId = $_POST['depId'];
     $model = new Products();
     $products = $model->getProdName($depId);
     $models = new Halfstaff();
     $products = $products + $models->getStuffProdName($depId);
     $model2 = Dishes::model()->with('stuff.products')->findAll('t.department_id = :depId', array(':depId' => $depId));
     if (!empty($model2)) {
         foreach ($model2 as $value) {
             foreach ($value->getRelated('stuff') as $values) {
                 foreach ($values->getRelated('products') as $val) {
                     $products[$val->product_id] = $val->name;
     $stuffs = $models->getStuffName($depId);
     $curProdModel = DepStorage::model()->with('product.measure')->findAll('t.department_id = :depId AND t.type = :type', array('depId' => $depId, ':type' => 1));
     $curStuffModel = DepStorage::model()->with('stuff.halfstuffType')->findAll('t.department_id = :depId AND t.type = :type', array('depId' => $depId, ':type' => 2));
     $this->renderPartial('depForm', array('curProdModel' => $curProdModel, 'curStuffModel' => $curStuffModel, 'products' => $products, 'stuffs' => $stuffs));
Exemple #4
 public function getStuff($id)
     $result = array();
     $result2 = array();
     $model = Dishes::model()->with('halfstuff')->findByPk($id);
     foreach ($model->getRelated('halfstuff') as $val) {
         $result[$val->halfstuff_id] = $result[$val->halfstuff_id] + $val->amount;
         //$result = $stuff->sumArray($result,$result2);
     return $result;
Exemple #5
 public function getStuffProdName($depId)
     $models = Dishes::model()->with('stuff')->findAll('t.department_id = :depId', array(':depId' => $depId));
     $stuff = '';
     if (!empty($models)) {
         foreach ($models as $values) {
             foreach ($values->getRelated('stuff') as $value) {
                 $stuff .= $this->getProdId($value->halfstuff_id);
     $model = Halfstaff::model()->findAll('t.department_id = :depId', array(':depId' => $depId));
     foreach ($model as $value) {
         $stuff .= $this->getProdId($value->halfstuff_id);
     $temp = explode(':', $stuff);
     $result = array();
     foreach ($temp as $val) {
         $model = Products::model()->findByPk($val);
         if (!empty($model)) {
             $result[$model->product_id] = $model->name;
     return $result;
Exemple #6
$form = $this->beginWidget('bootstrap.widgets.TbActiveForm', array('id' => 'inexpense-form', 'enableAjaxValidation' => false));

echo $form->errorSummary($model);

echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'department_id', CHtml::listData(Department::model()->findAll(), 'department_id', 'name'), array('empty' => '--Выберите отдел--', 'class' => 'span3'));
 &nbsp;  &nbsp;
echo CHtml::dropDownList('stuff', '', CHtml::listData(Dishes::model()->findAll(), 'dish_id', 'name'), array('empty' => '--Выберите блюда--', 'class' => 'span3'));

<script src="<?php 
echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl;
/js/jquery.table2excel.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="data">
    <table id="structList" class="table table-striped table-hover ">
            <th style="text-align:center;">Название продукта</th>
            <th style="text-align:center;">Количество</th>
            <th style="text-align:center;">Удалить</th>
 public function actionListDish()
     $depId = $_POST['depId'];
     $dishList = Dishes::model()->findAll('t.department_id = :depId', array(':depId' => $depId));
     $this->renderPartial('listDish', array('model' => $dishList));
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded
  * @return Dishes the loaded model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = Dishes::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
  * Updates a particular model.
  * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be updated
 public function actionUpdate($id)
     $model = $this->loadModel($id);
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     if (isset($_POST['dish']) or isset($_POST['stuff']) or isset($_POST['product'])) {
         $transaction = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
         try {
             $messageType = 'warning';
             $message = "There are some errors ";
             foreach ($_POST as $keys => $value) {
                 $message = "<strong>";
                 if ($keys == 'dish') {
                     foreach ($value['id'] as $key => $val) {
                         $newModel = new Menu();
                         $newModel->just_id = $val;
                         $newModel->type = 1;
                         $newModel->type_id = $value['type'][$key];
                         if ($newModel->save()) {
                             $messageType = 'success';
                         Dishes::model()->updateByPk($val, array('price' => $value['price'][$key]));
                         $message .= "Блюда";
                 /*if($keys == 'stuff'){
                       foreach($value['id'] as $key => $val){
                           echo $value['price'][$key]."<br />";
                           $newModel = new Menu;
                           $newModel->just_id = $val;
                           $newModel->type = 2;
                     $messageType = 'success';
                     $message .= ", Полуфабрикаты";
                 if ($keys == 'product') {
                     foreach ($value['id'] as $key => $val) {
                         $newModel = new Menu();
                         $newModel->just_id = $val;
                         $newModel->type = 3;
                         $newModel->type_id = $value['type'][$key];
                         if ($newModel->save()) {
                             $messageType = 'success';
                         Products::model()->updateByPk($val, array('price' => $value['price'][$key]));
                         $message .= ", Продукты ";
             $message .= "Успешно добавлены</strong>";
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash($messageType, $message);
             			$messageType = 'success';
             			$message = "<strong>Well done!</strong> You successfully create data ";
             			$model2 = Menu::model()->findByPk($model->menu_id);						
             			if(!empty($uploadFile)) {
             				$extUploadFile = substr($uploadFile, strrpos($uploadFile, '.')+1);
             				if(!empty($uploadFile)) {
             						$message .= 'and file uploded';
             						$messageType = 'warning';
             						$message .= 'but file not uploded';
             			Yii::app()->user->setFlash($messageType, $message);
             		}				*/
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', "{$e->getMessage()}");
     $this->render('update', array('model' => $model));
Exemple #10
 public function addDish($id, $depId)
     //Корневые продукты блюда выбранного отдела
     $dishProducts = Dishes::model()->with('products')->findByPk($id, 't.department_id = :depId', array(':depId' => $depId));
     if (!empty($dishProducts)) {
         foreach ($dishProducts->getRelated('products') as $val) {
             $this->addProd($val->product_id, $depId);
     //Корневые полуфабрикаты блюда выбранного отдела
     $DishStuff = Dishes::model()->with('stuff')->findByPk($id, 't.department_id = :depId', array(':depId' => $depId));
     if (!empty($DishStuff)) {
         foreach ($DishStuff->getRelated('stuff') as $val) {
             $this->addStuff($val->halfstuff_id, $depId);