function update()
     $disciplina = new Disciplina();
     $curso = new Curso();
     if (isset($_POST['tutor']) && $_POST['tutor']) {
         $tutor = new Tutor();
         $tutor->addTutorDisciplina($tutor->getId(), $disciplina->getId());
     header("location: ../view/index.php");
  * Método que retorna os conteúdos do livro informado com o seu andamento
  * @param Livro $livro O livro alvo da busca
  * @param Disciplina $disciplina A disciplina referente ao conteúdo
  * @throws Exception
 public function deLivroComAcompanhamento(Livro $livro, Disciplina $disciplina)
     $select = new Select();
     return $this->tg->selectObj($select->distinct("sequencial_topico")->columns("*, apostilas.acompanhamento.status " . "as topico_status, " . "data_aula as topico_data_aula ")->join("apostilas.capitulo", array("pk_capitulo" => "fk_capitulo"))->join("public.materia_vin", array("pk_materia_vin" => "fk_materia_vin"))->join("public.materia", array("pk_materia" => "fk_materia"))->join("public.materia_mae", array("pk_materia_mae" => "fk_materia_mae"))->join("public.area", array("pk_area" => "fk_area"))->join("apostilas.acompanhamento", array("fk_conteudo" => "pk_conteudo"))->where("fk_livro={$livro->getId()} " . "and pk_materia={$disciplina->getId()} " . "and (status=" . Topico::STATUS_EM_ANDAMENTO . " " . "or status=" . Topico::STATUS_CONCLUIDO . ") " . "and id=(select max(id) from apostilas.acompanhamento " . "where fk_conteudo=pk_conteudo and status!=" . Topico::STATUS_REVISADO . ") " . "and extract(year from data_aula)={$this->anoLetivo}")->order("sequencial_topico"));
  * Adds an object to the instance pool.
  * Propel keeps cached copies of objects in an instance pool when they are retrieved
  * from the database.  In some cases -- especially when you override doSelect*()
  * methods in your stub classes -- you may need to explicitly add objects
  * to the cache in order to ensure that the same objects are always returned by doSelect*()
  * and retrieveByPK*() calls.
  * @param      Disciplina $value A Disciplina object.
  * @param      string $key (optional) key to use for instance map (for performance boost if key was already calculated externally).
 public static function addInstanceToPool(Disciplina $obj, $key = null)
     if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) {
         if ($key === null) {
             $key = (string) $obj->getId();
         // if key === null
         self::$instances[$key] = $obj;
  * Declares an association between this object and a Disciplina object.
  * @param      Disciplina $v
  * @return     Gradeunit The current object (for fluent API support)
  * @throws     PropelException
 public function setDisciplina(Disciplina $v = null)
     if ($v === null) {
     } else {
     $this->aDisciplina = $v;
     // Add binding for other direction of this n:n relationship.
     // If this object has already been added to the Disciplina object, it will not be re-added.
     if ($v !== null) {
     return $this;